RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-test.elf-x86-64 0x400559" > %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-test.elf-x86-64.debuglink 0x400559" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-test.elf-x86-64 0x400436" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-test.elf-x86-64 0x400528" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-test.elf-x86-64 0x400586" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-test2.elf-x86-64 0x4004e8" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-test2.elf-x86-64 0x4004f4" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-test4.elf-x86-64 0x62c" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-inl-test.elf-x86-64 0x8dc" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-inl-test.elf-x86-64 0xa05" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-inl-test.elf-x86-64 0x987" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-inl-test.high_pc.elf-x86-64 0x568" >> %t.input RUN: echo "\"%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-test3.elf-x86-64 space\" 0x640" >> %t.input RUN: echo "\"%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-test3.elf-x86-64 space\" 0x633" >> %t.input RUN: echo "\"%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-test3.elf-x86-64 space\" 0x62d" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/macho-universal 0x1f84" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/macho-universal:i386 0x1f67" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/macho-universal:x86_64 0x100000f05" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/llvm-symbolizer-dwo-test 0x400514" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/fission-ranges.elf-x86_64 0x720" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/arange-overlap.elf-x86_64 0x714" >> %t.input RUN: cp %p/Inputs/split-dwarf-test.dwo %T RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/split-dwarf-test 0x4005d4" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/split-dwarf-test 0x4005c4" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/cross-cu-inlining.x86_64-macho.o 0x17" >> %t.input RUN: llvm-symbolizer --functions=linkage --inlining --demangle=false \ RUN: --default-arch=i386 < %t.input | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=SPLIT --check-prefix=DWO %s Ensure we get the same results in the absence of gmlt-like data in the executable but the presence of a .dwo file RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/split-dwarf-test-nogmlt 0x4005d4" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/split-dwarf-test-nogmlt 0x4005c4" >> %t.input RUN: llvm-symbolizer --functions=linkage --inlining --demangle=false \ RUN: --default-arch=i386 < %t.input | FileCheck --check-prefix=SPLIT --check-prefix=DWO %s Ensure we get gmlt like results in the absence of a .dwo file but the presence of gmlt-like data in the executable RUN: rm %T/split-dwarf-test.dwo RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/split-dwarf-test 0x4005d4" >> %t.input RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/split-dwarf-test 0x4005c4" >> %t.input RUN: llvm-symbolizer --functions=linkage --inlining --demangle=false \ RUN: --default-arch=i386 < %t.input | FileCheck --check-prefix=SPLIT --check-prefix=NODWO %s CHECK: main CHECK-NEXT: /tmp/dbginfo{{[/\\]}} CHECK: main CHECK-NEXT: /tmp/dbginfo{{[/\\]}} CHECK: _start CHECK: _Z1fii CHECK-NEXT: /tmp/dbginfo{{[/\\]}} CHECK: DummyClass CHECK-NEXT: /tmp/dbginfo{{[/\\]}} CHECK: a CHECK-NEXT: /tmp/dbginfo{{[/\\]}} CHECK: main CHECK-NEXT: /tmp/dbginfo{{[/\\]}} CHECK: _Z1cv CHECK-NEXT: /tmp/dbginfo{{[/\\]}} CHECK: inlined_h CHECK-NEXT: dwarfdump-inl-test.h:2 CHECK-NEXT: inlined_g CHECK-NEXT: dwarfdump-inl-test.h:7 CHECK-NEXT: inlined_f CHECK-NEXT: CHECK-NEXT: main CHECK-NEXT: CHECK: inlined_g CHECK-NEXT: dwarfdump-inl-test.h:7 CHECK-NEXT: inlined_f CHECK-NEXT: CHECK-NEXT: main CHECK-NEXT: CHECK: inlined_f CHECK-NEXT: CHECK-NEXT: main CHECK-NEXT: CHECK: inlined_h CHECK-NEXT: dwarfdump-inl-test.h:3 CHECK-NEXT: inlined_g CHECK-NEXT: dwarfdump-inl-test.h:7 CHECK-NEXT: inlined_f CHECK-NEXT: CHECK-NEXT: main CHECK-NEXT: CHECK: C CHECK-NEXT: /tmp/dbginfo{{[/\\]}} CHECK: _Z3do1v CHECK-NEXT: /tmp/include{{[/\\]}}dwarfdump-test3-decl.h:7 CHECK: _Z3do2v CHECK-NEXT: /tmp/dbginfo{{[/\\]}}include{{[/\\]}}dwarfdump-test3-decl2.h:1 CHECK: main CHECK: _Z3inci CHECK: _Z3inci CHECK: main CHECK-NEXT: CHECK: main CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}} CHECK: _ZN1S3bazEv CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}} DWO: _Z2f2v NODWO: {{^f2$}} SPLIT-NEXT: {{.*}} SPLIT-NEXT: main SPLIT-NEXT: {{.*}} SPLIT: _Z2f1v SPLIT-NEXT: {{.*}} ; func has been inlined into main by LTO. Check that the symbolizer is able ; to resolve the cross-cu reference and retrieve func's name CHECK: func CHECK-NEXT: /tmp{{[/\\]}}cross-cu-inlining.c:16:3 CHECK-NEXT: main CHECK-NEXT: /tmp{{[/\\]}}cross-cu-inlining.c:11:0 RUN: echo "unexisting-file 0x1234" > %t.input2 RUN: llvm-symbolizer < %t.input2 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=MISSING-FILE MISSING-FILE: LLVMSymbolizer: error reading file: {{[Nn]}}o such file or directory RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/macho-universal 0x1f84" > %t.input3 RUN: llvm-symbolizer < %t.input3 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=UNKNOWN-ARCH UNKNOWN-ARCH-NOT: main UNKNOWN-ARCH: ?? UNKNOWN-ARCH-NOT: main RUN: echo "0x400559" > %t.input4 RUN: echo "0x400436" >> %t.input4 RUN: llvm-symbolizer --obj %p/Inputs/dwarfdump-test.elf-x86-64 < %t.input4 \ RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=BINARY BINARY: main BINARY-NEXT: /tmp/dbginfo{{[/\\]}} BINARY: _start RUN: echo "0x400720" > %t.input5 RUN: echo "0x4004a0" >> %t.input5 RUN: echo "0x4006f0" >> %t.input5 RUN: llvm-symbolizer --obj %p/Inputs/llvm-symbolizer-test.elf-x86-64 < %t.input5 \ RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=BINARY_C BINARY_C: main BINARY_C-NEXT: /tmp/dbginfo{{[/\\]}}llvm-symbolizer-test.c:10 BINARY_C: _start BINARY_C: {{g$}} RUN: echo "0x1f1" > %t.input6 RUN: llvm-symbolizer --obj %p/Inputs/shared-object-stripped.elf-i386 < %t.input6 \ RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=STRIPPED STRIPPED: global_func RUN: echo "%p/Inputs/dwarfdump-test4.elf-x86-64 0x62c" > %t.input7 RUN: llvm-symbolizer --functions=short --demangle=false < %t.input7 \ RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SHORT_FUNCTION_NAME SHORT_FUNCTION_NAME-NOT: _Z1cv