.\" .\" $Id: tst_res.3,v 1.2 2008/06/10 05:52:02 subrata_modak Exp $ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. .\" .\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it .\" under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as .\" published by the Free Software Foundation. .\" .\" This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but .\" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of .\" MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. .\" .\" Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is .\" free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement .\" or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or .\" otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if .\" any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with .\" other software, or any other product whatsoever. .\" .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along .\" with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., .\" 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. .\" .\" Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, .\" Mountain View, CA 94043, or: .\" .\" http://www.sgi.com .\" .\" For further information regarding this notice, see: .\" .\" http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/NoticeExplan/ .\" .TH TST_RES 3 01/21/2011 "Linux Test Project" .SH NAME tst_resm \- Print result message .sp tst_resm_hexd \- Print result message, including specified buffer in hexadecimal format .sp tst_brkm \- Print result message and break remaining test cases .sp tst_flush \- Print any messages pending because of CONDENSE mode, and flush output stream .sp tst_exit \- Exit test with a meaningful exit value .sp tst_environ \- Keep results coming to original stdout .SH SYNOPSIS \fB#include "test.h"\fR .P .P \fBvoid tst_resm(int \fIttype\fB, char *\fItmesg, [arg ...]\fR) .P \fBvoid tst_resm_hexd(int \fIttype\fB, const void *\fIbuf\fB, size_t \fIsize\fB, char *\fItmesg, [arg ...]\fR) .P \fBvoid tst_brkm(int \fIttype\fB, void (*\fIfunc\fB)(), char *\fItmesg, [arg ...]\fR) .P \fBvoid tst_flush() .P \fBvoid tst_exit() .P \fBint tst_environ() .P \fBextern int tst_count; .br extern int tst_range; .br \fR .SH DESCRIPTION .SS Introduction This library of functions are used by UNICOS tests to report results to standard output in a consistent manner. It is assumed that tests using this library have a distinct number of test cases, and that each test case is distinct and uniquely identified by the test case number. It is also assumed that test case results are printed in consecutive order, starting with 1. The library maintains a set of global variables (\fBTCID\fR, \fBTST_TOTAL\fR, \fBtst_count\fR), which are used by the various functions to format the results and to keep track of the current result reporting state (i.e. how many total test cases there are, and how many have been reported so far) for the calling test. .P The \fBTCID\fR and \fBTST_TOTAL\fR global variables are externed in the library, and MUST be defined/initialized by tests using the library. \fBTCID\fR must be set to the \fBT\fRest \fBC\fRase \fBID\fRentifier, and \fBTST_TOTAL\fR must be set to the total number of test cases that will be reported. .P The other global variables are available as externs to tests linked with tst_res.o. \fBtst_count\fR is the running count of the number of test results that have been reported so far. The library initializes it to 0, and it should not be modified by the test. The details are described below under the appropriate functions. .SS Arguments .RS 5 .TP 10 .I ttype test result type; one of \fBTPASS, TFAIL, TBROK, TCONF, TWARN\fR, or \fBTINFO\fR (explained below). .TP 10 .I fname pointer to a character string holding the name of a file whose contents will be printed on a new line following \fItmesg\fR. If this pointer is NULL, it is ignored. .TP 10 .I tmesg, [arg ...] pointer to a character string containing a message explaining the test result. This character string can contain percent-sign conversion specifications as in \fBprintf\fR(3C) with corresponding \fIarg\fR arguments following the \fItmesg\fR argument. .br \fBNOTE:\fR These routines use static space internally to hold the expanded message. The maximum size allowed for an expanded message is 2048 bytes. .TP 10 .I func pointer to a function which performs either the cleanup necessary prior to exiting the test or some function executed at the end of each iteration of a loop. .TP 10 .I buf pointer to a buffer whose contents will be printed in hexadecimal format. .TP 10 .I size size of the buffer. .RE .SS Result Types The possible test result types defined in \fBtest.h\fR are as follows: .RS 5 .TP 10 .B TPASS The test case produced expected results. .TP 10 .B TFAIL The test case produced unexpected results. .TP 10 .B TBROK A resource needed to execute the test case was not available (e.g. a temporary file could not be opened). .TP 10 .B TCONF The test case was not appropriate for the current hardware or software configuration (e.g. MLS was not enabled). .TP 10 .B TWARN The testing procedure caused undesirable side effects that did not affect test results (e.g. a temporary file could not be removed after all test results were recorded). .TP 10 .B TINFO An informative message about the execution of the test that does not correspond to a test case result and does not indicate a problem. .RE .SS Function Descriptions \fBtst_resm()\fR and \fBtst_resm_hexd()\fR are the basic result reporting functions. They report 1 or more test case results of the specified \fIttype\fR. All result types are valid for these functions. The \fBtst_range\fR global variable indicates the number of results that will be reported for each call to one of these functions. It is initialized by the library to 1, but may be set to a value > 1 by the test. Each call to one of these functions will result in \fBtst_range\fR test case results being reported, each with an identical message (\fItmesg\fR). \fBtst_range\fR is always reset to 1 by the library before returning to the caller. .P \fBtst_brk()\fR and \fBtst_brkm()\fR are used to report results for all test cases remaining in the test, and then call a cleanup function. The only result types that are valid for these functions are: \fBTFAIL, TBROK, and TCONF\fR. When called with a \fIttype\fR of \fBTFAIL\fR or \fBTBROK\fR, one result of the specified \fIttype\fR will be printed, followed by results of type \fBTBROK\fR for the remaining test cases. When called with a \fIttype\fR of \fBTCONF\fR, the specified \fIttype\fR will be printed for all remaining test cases. If \fIfunc\fR is not NULL, \fBtst_brk()\fR and \fBtst_brkm()\fR will call \fIfunc\fR after all results have been printed. If the call to \fIfunc\fR returns, \fBtst_brk()\fR and \fBtst_brkm()\fR will then call \fBtst_exit()\fR. If \fIfunc\fR is NULL, \fBtst_brk()\fR and \fBtst_brkm()\fR return to the caller after all results have been printed. If \fBtst_brk()\fR is called with a \fIfname\fR argument, the contents of the file will only be printed for the first reported result. \fBtst_brk()\fR takes the \fIfname\fR argument whereas \fBtst_brkm()\fR does not. .P \fBtst_flush()\fR is used to print any results pending because of \fBCONDENSE\fR or \fBNOPASS\fR modes (described below), and flushes the output stream. .P \fBtst_exit()\fR is used to allow tests to exit with a meaningful exit value. A bit is set in the exit value for each of the non passing test case result types (TFAIL, TBROK, and TWARN) encountered by the library. Thus any bit which is set in the exit value indicates that the corresponding result flag was used at least once in the test run. .P The current bit fields for the result types are as follows: .RS 5 .TP 10 TPASS 0000 /* .... .... */ .TP 10 TFAIL 0001 /* .... ...1 */ .TP 10 TBROK 0002 /* .... ..1. */ .TP 10 TWARN 0004 /* .... .1.. */ .TP 10 TINFO 0020 /* ...1 .... */ .TP 10 TCONF 0040 /* ..1. .... */ .RE .P NOTE: \fBTPASS and TINFO\fR do not have an effect on the test program exit status. .P \fBtst_environ()\fR is used to ensure that results reported by this library will go to the original stdout, even if the test changes the original stdout to another file, or closes it. A test may want to do this in order to redirect output that normally goes to stdout (e.g. printf() output) to a file. \fBtst_environ()\fR returns 0 upon successful completion, and -1 if it encountered any problems. .SS Output Modes Four output display modes are supported by the \fBtst_resm()\fR family of functions to enhance output readability. The active mode is controlled via the environment variable \fBTOUTPUT\fR, which must be set prior to the start of the test in order to have any effect (see \fBksh\fR(1) for information on environment variables). The supported modes are as follows: .RS 5 .TP 15 .B VERBOSE A test result output line is generated for each test result. This is the default mode. .TP 15 .B CONDENSE Consecutive, identical PASS, FAIL, BROK, CONF, and RETR test results are condensed into one output line. The test case number field contains the range of results involved. WARN and INFO output lines are not condensed, but printed as usual. .TP 15 .B NOPASS All PASS, CONF, INFO, and RETR output lines are discarded (i.e. not printed), and consecutive, identical FAIL and BROK output lines are condensed as in \fBCONDENSE\fR mode. WARN output lines are printed as usual. .TP 15 .B DISCARD All output lines are discarded. .RE .SH EXAMPLES .nf #include "test.h" char *TCID = "tsttcs01"; /* set test case identifier */ int TST_TOTAL = 15; /* set total number of test results */ main() { . . /* a successful test result */ tst_resm(TPASS, "\fIwhat was tested\fR"); . . /* break all remaining test results */ tst_brkm(TBROK, cleanup, "\fIwhat didn't work\fR"); /* or */ tst_brk(TBROK, file, cleanup, "\fIwhat didn't work\fR"); . . /* exit after all test results have been passed to tst_res */ tst_exit(); } .fi .P Sample output: .RS 5 .nf tsttcs01 1 PASS : Able to create MAXUP processes tsttcs01 2 FAIL : Too many processes (MAXUP+1) created tsttcs01 3 BROK : tabinfo(PROCTAB, &tbs) failed; errno = 13: Permission denied .fi .SH "SEE ALSO" tst_setup(1), printf(3C), ksh(1). .SH DIAGNOSTICS .P A WARN result message will be printed if any of the following occur: .RS 5 .P If an invalid test type is specified. .P If \fBtst_count\fR is negative. .P If one of the \fBtst_brk[m]()\fR routines is called with a test type other than \fBTFAIL, TBROK, TCONF\fR. .P If there are any problems opening/reading/writing the contents of \fIfname\fR. .RE .SH LIMITATIONS If \fIfname\fR is NULL and \fItmesg\fR is NULL or empty, the result message will be empty. This allows a test to not print a message for a result, but it is not advised. .SH NOTES In multithreaded environment, output of \fBtst_resm_hexd()\fR may be interleaved with messages produced by other threads. .SH BUGS .P The programmer is free to alter the value of \fBtst_count\fR causing possible test result order problems.