Mini-Howto: Building LTP from Git ================================= ****************************************************************************** The following document briefly describes the single steps to build LTP from the Git repository located at GitHub. The instructions here were tested on a Ubuntu/precise Linux system (feel free to adapt to your distribution). Changelog: * Initial version: Sedat Dilek * Embedded comments from Cyril Hrubis ****************************************************************************** # Export language settings export LANG=C export LC_ALL=C # Set some useful variables (adapt if you dislike) WORKING_DIR="$HOME/src/ltp" PREFIX="/opt/ltp" GIT_URL="" MAKE_JOBS=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) BUILD_LOG_FILE="build-log.txt" INSTALL_LOG_FILE="install-log.txt" # PREREQS on Ubuntu (package-list is incomplete and may vary for other distros) sudo apt-get install build-essential sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev m4 sudo apt-get install git sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) sudo apt-get install libaio-dev libattr1-dev libcap-dev # Working directory mkdir -p $WORKING_DIR cd $WORKING_DIR # Get the LTP source git clone $GIT_URL ltp-git # Configure LTP cd ltp-git/ make autotools ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX # Start building LTP make -j$MAKE_JOBS 2>&1 | tee ../$BUILD_LOG_FILE # Install LTP (requires superuser privileges) sudo make install 2>&1 | tee ../$INSTALL_LOG_FILE