#DESCRIPTION:Part one for ltpstress.sh mm01 mmap001 -m 10000 # 40 Mb mmap() test. # Creates a 10000 page mmap, touches all of the map, sync's it, and # munmap()s it. mm02 mmap001 # simple mmap() test. #mm03 mmap001 -i 0 -I 1 -m 100 # repetitive mmapping test. # Creates a one page map repetitively for one minute. mtest01 mtest01 -p80 mtest01w mtest01 -p80 -w #test for race conditions mtest05 mmstress mtest06 mmap1 -x 0.05 mem02 mem02 # Test for mmap() page corruption. This test is meant for # 1 hour and more. Please change -h(hour), -m(minute) & # -s(seconds) settings, if default not desired mmap-corruption01 mmap-corruption01 -h1 -m1 -s1 page01 page01 page02 page02 data_space data_space stack_space stack_space shmt02 shmt02 shmt03 shmt03 shmt04 shmt04 shmt05 shmt05 shmt06 shmt06 shmt07 shmt07 shmt08 shmt08 shmt09 shmt09 shmt10 shmt10 cpuset01 cpuset01 -I 3600 fsx-linux export TCbin=$LTPROOT/testcases/bin;fsxtest02 10000 #fsx-ext2 fsxtest $SCRATCHDEV ext2 10000 #fsx-ext3 fsxtest $SCRATCHDEV ext3 10000 #fsx-jfs fsxtest $SCRATCHDEV jfs 10000 #fsx-xfs fsxtest $SCRATCHDEV xfs 10000 #fsx-reiserfs fsxtest $SCRATCHDEV reiserfs 10000 ## Complete a default run. dio01 diotest1 dio02 diotest2 dio03 diotest3 dio04 diotest4 dio05 diotest5 dio06 diotest6 ## Run the tests with larger buffersize dio07 diotest1 -b 65536 dio08 diotest2 -b 65536 dio09 diotest3 -b 65536 dio10 diotest4 -b 65536 dio11 diotest5 -b 65536 dio12 diotest6 -b 65536 ### Run the tests with larger iterations dio13 diotest1 -b 65536 -n 2000 dio14 diotest2 -b 65536 -i 1000 dio15 diotest3 -b 65536 -i 1000 dio16 diotest5 -b 65536 -i 1000 dio17 diotest6 -b 65536 -i 1000 ## Run the tests with larger offset - 1MB dio18 diotest2 -b 65536 -i 1000 -o 1024000 dio19 diotest3 -b 65536 -i 1000 -o 1024000 dio20 diotest5 -b 65536 -i 1000 -o 1024000 dio21 diotest6 -b 65536 -i 1000 -o 1024000 ## Run the tests with larger offset - 100 MB dio22 diotest2 -b 65536 -i 1000 -o 104857600 dio23 diotest3 -b 65536 -i 1000 -o 104857600 dio24 diotest5 -b 65536 -i 1000 -o 104857600 dio25 diotest6 -b 65536 -i 1000 -o 104857600 ### Run tests with larger vector array dio26 diotest6 -b 8192 -v 100 dio27 diotest6 -b 8192 -o 1024000 -i 1000 -v 100 dio28 diotest6 -b 8192 -o 1024000 -i 1000 -v 200 ### Run the tests with more children #dio29 diotest3 -b 65536 -n 100 -i 1000 -o 1024000 #dio30 diotest6 -b 65536 -n 100 -i 1000 -o 1024000 # # RAW DEVICE TEST SECTION # DEV1 and DEV2 should be exported prior to execution or # replaced with the actual device ids, i.e. # dio33 diotest1 -i /dev/sda2 -o /dev/sda3 # ### Run the tests with raw device #dio33 diotest1 -i $DEV1 -o $DEV2 #dio34 diotest2 -f $DEV1 #dio36 diotest3 -f $DEV1 #dio37 diotest5 -f $DEV1 #dio38 diotest6 -f $DEV1 # ### Run the tests with raw device and larger iterations #dio39 diotest1 -b 65536 -n 2000 -i $DEV1 -o $DEV2 #dio40 diotest2 -b 65536 -i 1000 -f $DEV1 #dio41 diotest3 -b 65536 -i 1000 -f $DEV1 #dio42 diotest5 -b 65536 -i 1000 -f $DEV1 #dio43 diotest6 -b 65536 -i 1000 -f $DEV1 # ## Run the tests with raw device and larger offset - 100 MB #dio44 diotest2 -b 65536 -i 1000 -o 104857600 -f $DEV1 #dio45 diotest3 -b 65536 -i 1000 -o 104857600 -f $DEV1 #dio46 diotest5 -b 65536 -i 1000 -o 104857600 -f $DEV1 #dio47 diotest6 -b 65536 -i 1000 -o 104857600 -f $DEV1 gf01 growfiles -W gf01 -b -e 1 -u -i 0 -L 20 -w -C 1 -l -I r -T 10 glseek20 glseek20.2 gf02 growfiles -W gf02 -b -e 1 -L 10 -i 100 -I p -S 2 -u -f gf03_ gf03 growfiles -W gf03 -b -e 1 -g 1 -i 1 -S 150 -u -f gf05_ gf04 growfiles -W gf04 -b -e 1 -g 4090 -i 500 -t 39000 -u -f gf06_ gf05 growfiles -W gf05 -b -e 1 -g 5000 -i 500 -t 49900 -T10 -c9 -I p -u -f gf07_ gf06 growfiles -W gf06 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-5000 -R 0--1 -i 0 -L 30 -C 1 g_rand10 g_rand10.2 gf07 growfiles -W gf07 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-5000 -R 0--2 -i 0 -L 30 -C 1 -I p g_rand13 g_rand13.2 gf08 growfiles -W gf08 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-5000 -R 0--2 -i 0 -L 30 -C 1 g_rand11 g_rand11.2 gf09 growfiles -W gf09 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-5000 -R 0--1 -i 0 -L 30 -C 1 -I p g_rand12 g_rand12.2 gf10 growfiles -W gf10 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-5000 -i 0 -L 30 -C 1 -I l g_lio14 g_lio14.2 gf11 growfiles -W gf11 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-5000 -i 0 -L 30 -C 1 -I L g_lio15 g_lio15.2 gf12 mkfifo gffifo17; growfiles -W gf12 -b -e 1 -u -i 0 -L 30 gffifo17 gf13 mkfifo gffifo18; growfiles -W gf13 -b -e 1 -u -i 0 -L 30 -I r -r 1-4096 gffifo18 gf14 growfiles -W gf14 -b -e 1 -u -i 0 -L 20 -w -l -C 1 -T 10 glseek19 glseek19.2 gf15 growfiles -W gf15 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-49600 -I r -u -i 0 -L 120 Lgfile1 gf16 growfiles -W gf16 -b -e 1 -i 0 -L 120 -u -g 4090 -T 100 -t 408990 -l -C 10 -c 1000 -S 10 -f Lgf02_ gf17 growfiles -W gf17 -b -e 1 -i 0 -L 120 -u -g 5000 -T 100 -t 499990 -l -C 10 -c 1000 -S 10 -f Lgf03_ gf18 growfiles -W gf18 -b -e 1 -i 0 -L 120 -w -u -r 10-5000 -I r -l -S 2 -f Lgf04_ gf19 growfiles -W gf19 -b -e 1 -g 5000 -i 500 -t 49900 -T10 -c9 -I p -o O_RDWR,O_CREAT,O_TRUNC -u -f gf08i_ gf20 growfiles -W gf20 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -r 1-256000:512 -R 512-256000 -T 4 gfbigio-$$ gf21 growfiles -W gf21 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -g 20480 -T 10 -t 20480 gf-bld-$$ gf22 growfiles -W gf22 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -g 20480 -T 10 -t 20480 gf-bldf-$$ gf23 growfiles -W gf23 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -r 512-64000:1024 -R 1-384000 -T 4 gf-inf-$$ gf24 growfiles -W gf24 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -g 20480 gf-jbld-$$ gf25 growfiles -W gf25 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -r 1024000-2048000:2048 -R 4095-2048000 -T 1 gf-large-gs-$$ gf26 growfiles -W gf26 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -r 128-32768:128 -R 512-64000 -T 4 gfsmallio-$$ gf27 growfiles -W gf27 -b -D 0 -w -g 8b -C 1 -b -i 1000 -u gfsparse-1-$$ gf28 growfiles -W gf28 -b -D 0 -w -g 16b -C 1 -b -i 1000 -u gfsparse-2-$$ gf29 growfiles -W gf29 -b -D 0 -r 1-4096 -R 0-33554432 -i 0 -L 60 -C 1 -u gfsparse-3-$$ gf30 growfiles -W gf30 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -o O_RDWR,O_CREAT,O_SYNC -g 20480 -T 10 -t 20480 gf-sync-$$ rwtest01 export LTPROOT; rwtest -N rwtest01 -c -q -i 60s -f sync 10%25000:rw-sync-$$ rwtest02 export LTPROOT; rwtest -N rwtest02 -c -q -i 60s -f buffered 10%25000:rw-buffered-$$ rwtest03 export LTPROOT; rwtest -N rwtest03 -c -q -i 60s -n 2 -f buffered -s mmread,mmwrite -m random -Dv 10%25000:mm-buff-$$ rwtest04 export LTPROOT; rwtest -N rwtest04 -c -q -i 60s -n 2 -f sync -s mmread,mmwrite -m random -Dv 10%25000:mm-sync-$$ rwtest05 export LTPROOT; rwtest -N rwtest05 -c -q -i 50 -T 64b 500b:/tmp/rwtest01%f #must be run as root #iogen01 iogen -i 120s -s read,write 500b:doio.f1.$$ 1000b:doio.f2.$$ | doio -akv -n 2 iogen01 export LTPROOT; rwtest -N iogen01 -i 120s -s read,write -Da -Dv -n 2 500b:doio.f1.$$ 1000b:doio.f2.$$ fs_inod01 fs_inod $TMPDIR 10 10 1 linker01 linktest.sh 1000 1000 openfile01 openfile -f10 -t10 inode01 inode01 inode02 inode02 stream01 stream01 stream02 stream02 stream03 stream03 stream04 stream04 stream05 stream05 ftest01 ftest01 ftest02 ftest02 ftest03 ftest03 ftest04 ftest04 ftest05 ftest05 ftest06 ftest06 ftest07 ftest07 ftest08 ftest08 nfs01 export VERSION=2 SOCKET_TYPE=udp; nfs01 nfs01 export VERSION=2 SOCKET_TYPE=tcp; nfs01 nfs01 export VERSION=3 SOCKET_TYPE=udp; nfs01 nfs01 export VERSION=3 SOCKET_TYPE=tcp; nfs01 nfs02 export VERSION=2 SOCKET_TYPE=udp; nfs02 nfs02 export VERSION=2 SOCKET_TYPE=tcp; nfs02 nfs02 export VERSION=3 SOCKET_TYPE=udp; nfs02 nfs02 export VERSION=3 SOCKET_TYPE=tcp; nfs02 nfs03 export VERSION=2 SOCKET_TYPE=udp; nfs03 nfs03 export VERSION=2 SOCKET_TYPE=tcp; nfs03 nfs03 export VERSION=3 SOCKET_TYPE=udp; nfs03 nfs03 export VERSION=3 SOCKET_TYPE=tcp; nfs03 nfs04 export VERSION=2 SOCKET_TYPE=udp; nfs04 nfs04 export VERSION=2 SOCKET_TYPE=tcp; nfs04 nfs04 export VERSION=3 SOCKET_TYPE=udp; nfs04 nfs04 export VERSION=3 SOCKET_TYPE=tcp; nfs04 nfs05 export VERSION=2 SOCKET_TYPE=udp; nfs05 nfs05 export VERSION=2 SOCKET_TYPE=tcp; nfs05 nfs05 export VERSION=3 SOCKET_TYPE=udp; nfs05 nfs05 export VERSION=3 SOCKET_TYPE=tcp; nfs05 nfsx-linux export VERSION=2 SOCKET_TYPE=udp; export TCbin=$LTPROOT/testcases/bin; fsx.sh nfsx-linux export VERSION=2 SOCKET_TYPE=tcp; export TCbin=$LTPROOT/testcases/bin; fsx.sh nfsx-linux export VERSION=3 SOCKET_TYPE=udp; export TCbin=$LTPROOT/testcases/bin; fsx.sh nfsx-linux export VERSION=3 SOCKET_TYPE=tcp; export TCbin=$LTPROOT/testcases/bin; fsx.sh