#!/bin/sh # This script will start the socket server and then run the # sockets clients to execute the tests. If the kernel isn't # setup for multiCast server, then the other tests will continue without multiCast. # 03/28/03 mridge@us.ibm.com new tests cd `dirname $0` export LTPROOT=${PWD} export TMPBASE="/tmp" usage() { cat <<-END >&2 usage: ${0##*/} [ -h hostname2 ] [ -d testdata ] defaults: hostname1=$hostname1 testdata=$testdata ltproot=$LTPROOT tmpdir=$TMPBASE example: ${0##*/} -h myhostname -d "my test data to be sent" END exit } while getopts :h:d: arg do case $arg in h) hostname1=$OPTARG;; d) testdata=$OPTARG;; \?) echo "************** Help Info: ********************" usage;; esac done if [ ! -n "$hostname1" ]; then echo "Missing the hostname! A hostname must be passed for the test." usage; exit fi if [ ! -n "$testdata" ]; then echo "Missing test data! You must pass data for the test." usage; exit fi echo "Starting UDP, TCP and Multicast tests..." echo "Starting ltpServer..." ./ltpServer $hostname1 & sleep 5 echo "Starting ltpClient..." ./ltpClient $hostname1 $hostname1 $testdata sleep 1 killall -9 ltpServer killall -9 ltpClient