// ICoder.h #ifndef __ICODER_H #define __ICODER_H #include "IStream.h" #define CODER_INTERFACE(i, x) DECL_INTERFACE(i, 4, x) CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressProgressInfo, 0x04) { STDMETHOD(SetRatioInfo)(const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 *outSize) PURE; /* (inSize) can be NULL, if unknown (outSize) can be NULL, if unknown returns: S_OK E_ABORT : Break by user another error codes */ }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressCoder, 0x05) { STDMETHOD(Code)(ISequentialInStream *inStream, ISequentialOutStream *outStream, const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 *outSize, ICompressProgressInfo *progress) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressCoder2, 0x18) { STDMETHOD(Code)(ISequentialInStream * const *inStreams, const UInt64 * const *inSizes, UInt32 numInStreams, ISequentialOutStream * const *outStreams, const UInt64 * const *outSizes, UInt32 numOutStreams, ICompressProgressInfo *progress) PURE; }; /* ICompressCoder::Code ICompressCoder2::Code returns: S_OK : OK S_FALSE : data error (for decoders) E_OUTOFMEMORY : memory allocation error another error code : some error. For example, it can be error code received from inStream or outStream function. Parameters: (inStream != NULL) (outStream != NULL) if (inSize != NULL) { Encoders in 7-Zip ignore (inSize). Decoder can use (*inSize) to check that stream was decoded correctly. Some decoder in 7-Zip check it, if (full_decoding mode was set via ICompressSetFinishMode) } If it's required to limit the reading from input stream (inStream), it can be done with ISequentialInStream implementation. if (outSize != NULL) { Encoders in 7-Zip ignore (outSize). Decoder unpacks no more than (*outSize) bytes. } (progress == NULL) is allowed. Decoding with Code() function ----------------------------- You can request some interfaces before decoding - ICompressSetDecoderProperties2 - ICompressSetFinishMode If you need to decode full stream: { 1) try to set full_decoding mode with ICompressSetFinishMode::SetFinishMode(1); 2) call the Code() function with specified (inSize) and (outSize), if these sizes are known. } If you need to decode only part of stream: { 1) try to set partial_decoding mode with ICompressSetFinishMode::SetFinishMode(0); 2) Call the Code() function with specified (inSize = NULL) and specified (outSize). } Encoding with Code() function ----------------------------- You can request some interfaces : - ICompressSetCoderProperties - use it before encoding to set properties - ICompressWriteCoderProperties - use it before or after encoding to request encoded properties. ICompressCoder2 is used when (numInStreams != 1 || numOutStreams != 1) The rules are similar to ICompressCoder rules */ namespace NCoderPropID { enum EEnum { kDefaultProp = 0, kDictionarySize, kUsedMemorySize, kOrder, kBlockSize, kPosStateBits, kLitContextBits, kLitPosBits, kNumFastBytes, kMatchFinder, kMatchFinderCycles, kNumPasses, kAlgorithm, kNumThreads, kEndMarker, kLevel, kReduceSize // estimated size of data that will be compressed. Encoder can use this value to reduce dictionary size. }; } CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetCoderProperties, 0x20) { STDMETHOD(SetCoderProperties)(const PROPID *propIDs, const PROPVARIANT *props, UInt32 numProps) PURE; }; /* CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetCoderProperties, 0x21) { STDMETHOD(SetDecoderProperties)(ISequentialInStream *inStream) PURE; }; */ CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetDecoderProperties2, 0x22) { /* returns: S_OK E_NOTIMP : unsupported properties E_INVALIDARG : incorrect (or unsupported) properties E_OUTOFMEMORY : memory allocation error */ STDMETHOD(SetDecoderProperties2)(const Byte *data, UInt32 size) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressWriteCoderProperties, 0x23) { STDMETHOD(WriteCoderProperties)(ISequentialOutStream *outStream) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressGetInStreamProcessedSize, 0x24) { STDMETHOD(GetInStreamProcessedSize)(UInt64 *value) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetCoderMt, 0x25) { STDMETHOD(SetNumberOfThreads)(UInt32 numThreads) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetFinishMode, 0x26) { STDMETHOD(SetFinishMode)(UInt32 finishMode) PURE; /* finishMode: 0 : partial decoding is allowed. It's default mode for ICompressCoder::Code(), if (outSize) is defined. 1 : full decoding. The stream must be finished at the end of decoding. */ }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressGetSubStreamSize, 0x30) { STDMETHOD(GetSubStreamSize)(UInt64 subStream, UInt64 *value) PURE; /* returns: S_OK : (*value) contains the size or estimated size (can be incorrect size) S_FALSE : size is undefined E_NOTIMP : the feature is not implemented Let's (read_size) is size of data that was already read by ISequentialInStream::Read(). The caller should call GetSubStreamSize() after each Read() and check sizes: if (start_of_subStream + *value < read_size) { // (*value) is correct, and it's allowed to call GetSubStreamSize() for next subStream: start_of_subStream += *value; subStream++; } */ }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetInStream, 0x31) { STDMETHOD(SetInStream)(ISequentialInStream *inStream) PURE; STDMETHOD(ReleaseInStream)() PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetOutStream, 0x32) { STDMETHOD(SetOutStream)(ISequentialOutStream *outStream) PURE; STDMETHOD(ReleaseOutStream)() PURE; }; /* CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetInStreamSize, 0x33) { STDMETHOD(SetInStreamSize)(const UInt64 *inSize) PURE; }; */ CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetOutStreamSize, 0x34) { STDMETHOD(SetOutStreamSize)(const UInt64 *outSize) PURE; /* That function initializes decoder structures. Call this function only for stream version of decoder. if (outSize == NULL), then output size is unknown if (outSize != NULL), then the decoder must stop decoding after (*outSize) bytes. */ }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetBufSize, 0x35) { STDMETHOD(SetInBufSize)(UInt32 streamIndex, UInt32 size) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetOutBufSize)(UInt32 streamIndex, UInt32 size) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressInitEncoder, 0x36) { STDMETHOD(InitEncoder)() PURE; /* That function initializes encoder structures. Call this function only for stream version of encoder. */ }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetInStream2, 0x37) { STDMETHOD(SetInStream2)(UInt32 streamIndex, ISequentialInStream *inStream) PURE; STDMETHOD(ReleaseInStream2)(UInt32 streamIndex) PURE; }; /* CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetOutStream2, 0x38) { STDMETHOD(SetOutStream2)(UInt32 streamIndex, ISequentialOutStream *outStream) PURE; STDMETHOD(ReleaseOutStream2)(UInt32 streamIndex) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressSetInStreamSize2, 0x39) { STDMETHOD(SetInStreamSize2)(UInt32 streamIndex, const UInt64 *inSize) PURE; }; */ /* ICompressFilter Filter() converts as most as possible bytes returns: (outSize): if (outSize <= size) : Filter have converted outSize bytes if (outSize > size) : Filter have not converted anything. and it needs at least outSize bytes to convert one block (it's for crypto block algorithms). */ #define INTERFACE_ICompressFilter(x) \ STDMETHOD(Init)() x; \ STDMETHOD_(UInt32, Filter)(Byte *data, UInt32 size) x; \ CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressFilter, 0x40) { INTERFACE_ICompressFilter(PURE); }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICompressCodecsInfo, 0x60) { STDMETHOD(GetNumMethods)(UInt32 *numMethods) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetProperty)(UInt32 index, PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value) PURE; STDMETHOD(CreateDecoder)(UInt32 index, const GUID *iid, void **coder) PURE; STDMETHOD(CreateEncoder)(UInt32 index, const GUID *iid, void **coder) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ISetCompressCodecsInfo, 0x61) { STDMETHOD(SetCompressCodecsInfo)(ICompressCodecsInfo *compressCodecsInfo) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICryptoProperties, 0x80) { STDMETHOD(SetKey)(const Byte *data, UInt32 size) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetInitVector)(const Byte *data, UInt32 size) PURE; }; /* CODER_INTERFACE(ICryptoResetSalt, 0x88) { STDMETHOD(ResetSalt)() PURE; }; */ CODER_INTERFACE(ICryptoResetInitVector, 0x8C) { STDMETHOD(ResetInitVector)() PURE; /* Call ResetInitVector() only for encoding. Call ResetInitVector() before encoding and before WriteCoderProperties(). Crypto encoder can create random IV in that function. */ }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICryptoSetPassword, 0x90) { STDMETHOD(CryptoSetPassword)(const Byte *data, UInt32 size) PURE; }; CODER_INTERFACE(ICryptoSetCRC, 0xA0) { STDMETHOD(CryptoSetCRC)(UInt32 crc) PURE; }; namespace NMethodPropID { enum EEnum { kID, kName, kDecoder, kEncoder, kPackStreams, kUnpackStreams, kDescription, kDecoderIsAssigned, kEncoderIsAssigned, kDigestSize }; } #define INTERFACE_IHasher(x) \ STDMETHOD_(void, Init)() throw() x; \ STDMETHOD_(void, Update)(const void *data, UInt32 size) throw() x; \ STDMETHOD_(void, Final)(Byte *digest) throw() x; \ STDMETHOD_(UInt32, GetDigestSize)() throw() x; \ CODER_INTERFACE(IHasher, 0xC0) { INTERFACE_IHasher(PURE) }; CODER_INTERFACE(IHashers, 0xC1) { STDMETHOD_(UInt32, GetNumHashers)() PURE; STDMETHOD(GetHasherProp)(UInt32 index, PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value) PURE; STDMETHOD(CreateHasher)(UInt32 index, IHasher **hasher) PURE; }; extern "C" { typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Func_GetNumberOfMethods)(UInt32 *numMethods); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Func_GetMethodProperty)(UInt32 index, PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Func_CreateDecoder)(UInt32 index, const GUID *iid, void **outObject); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Func_CreateEncoder)(UInt32 index, const GUID *iid, void **outObject); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Func_GetHashers)(IHashers **hashers); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Func_SetCodecs)(ICompressCodecsInfo *compressCodecsInfo); } #endif