/* * Copyright 2013 Vadim Girlin * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Vadim Girlin */ #define GCM_DEBUG 0 #if GCM_DEBUG #define GCM_DUMP(a) do { a } while(0); #else #define GCM_DUMP(a) #endif #include #include "sb_bc.h" #include "sb_shader.h" #include "sb_pass.h" #include "eg_sq.h" // V_SQ_CF_INDEX_NONE namespace r600_sb { int gcm::run() { GCM_DUMP( sblog << "==== GCM ==== \n"; sh.dump_ir(); ); collect_instructions(sh.root, true); init_def_count(uses, pending); for (node_iterator N, I = pending.begin(), E = pending.end(); I != E; I = N) { N = I; ++N; node *o = *I; GCM_DUMP( sblog << "pending : "; dump::dump_op(o); sblog << "\n"; ); if (td_is_ready(o)) { GCM_DUMP( sblog << " ready: "; dump::dump_op(o); sblog << "\n"; ); pending.remove_node(o); ready.push_back(o); } else { } } sched_early(sh.root); if (!pending.empty()) { sblog << "##### gcm_sched_early_pass: unscheduled ops:\n"; dump::dump_op(pending.front()); } assert(pending.empty()); GCM_DUMP( sh.dump_ir(); ); GCM_DUMP( sblog << "\n\n ############## gcm late\n\n"; ); collect_instructions(sh.root, false); init_use_count(uses, pending); sched_late(sh.root); if (!pending.empty()) { sblog << "##### gcm_sched_late_pass: unscheduled ops:\n"; dump::dump_op(pending.front()); } assert(ucs_level == 0); assert(pending.empty()); return 0; } void gcm::collect_instructions(container_node *c, bool early_pass) { if (c->is_bb()) { if (early_pass) { for (node_iterator I = c->begin(), E = c->end(); I != E; ++I) { node *n = *I; if (n->flags & NF_DONT_MOVE) { op_info &o = op_map[n]; o.top_bb = o.bottom_bb = static_cast(c); } } } pending.append_from(c); return; } for (node_iterator I = c->begin(), E = c->end(); I != E; ++I) { if (I->is_container()) { collect_instructions(static_cast(*I), early_pass); } } } void gcm::sched_early(container_node *n) { region_node *r = (n->type == NT_REGION) ? static_cast(n) : NULL; if (r && r->loop_phi) { sched_early(r->loop_phi); } for (node_iterator I = n->begin(), E = n->end(); I != E; ++I) { if (I->type == NT_OP) { node *op = *I; if (op->subtype == NST_PHI) { td_release_uses(op->dst); } } else if (I->is_container()) { if (I->subtype == NST_BB) { bb_node* bb = static_cast(*I); td_sched_bb(bb); } else { sched_early(static_cast(*I)); } } } if (r && r->phi) { sched_early(r->phi); } } void gcm::td_schedule(bb_node *bb, node *n) { GCM_DUMP( sblog << "scheduling : "; dump::dump_op(n); sblog << "\n"; ); td_release_uses(n->dst); bb->push_back(n); op_map[n].top_bb = bb; } void gcm::td_sched_bb(bb_node* bb) { GCM_DUMP( sblog << "td scheduling BB_" << bb->id << "\n"; ); while (!ready.empty()) { for (sq_iterator N, I = ready.begin(), E = ready.end(); I != E; I = N) { N = I; ++N; td_schedule(bb, *I); ready.erase(I); } } } bool gcm::td_is_ready(node* n) { return uses[n] == 0; } void gcm::td_release_val(value *v) { GCM_DUMP( sblog << "td checking uses: "; dump::dump_val(v); sblog << "\n"; ); for (uselist::iterator I = v->uses.begin(), E = v->uses.end(); I != E; ++I) { use_info *u = *I; if (u->op->parent != &pending) { continue; } GCM_DUMP( sblog << "td used in "; dump::dump_op(u->op); sblog << "\n"; ); assert(uses[u->op] > 0); if (--uses[u->op] == 0) { GCM_DUMP( sblog << "td released : "; dump::dump_op(u->op); sblog << "\n"; ); pending.remove_node(u->op); ready.push_back(u->op); } } } void gcm::td_release_uses(vvec& v) { for (vvec::iterator I = v.begin(), E = v.end(); I != E; ++I) { value *v = *I; if (!v) continue; if (v->is_rel()) td_release_uses(v->mdef); else td_release_val(v); } } void gcm::sched_late(container_node *n) { bool stack_pushed = false; if (n->is_depart()) { depart_node *d = static_cast(n); push_uc_stack(); stack_pushed = true; bu_release_phi_defs(d->target->phi, d->dep_id); } else if (n->is_repeat()) { repeat_node *r = static_cast(n); assert(r->target->loop_phi); push_uc_stack(); stack_pushed = true; bu_release_phi_defs(r->target->loop_phi, r->rep_id); } for (node_riterator I = n->rbegin(), E = n->rend(); I != E; ++I) { if (I->is_container()) { if (I->subtype == NST_BB) { bb_node* bb = static_cast(*I); bu_sched_bb(bb); } else { sched_late(static_cast(*I)); } } } if (n->type == NT_IF) { if_node *f = static_cast(n); if (f->cond) pending_defs.push_back(f->cond); } else if (n->type == NT_REGION) { region_node *r = static_cast(n); if (r->loop_phi) bu_release_phi_defs(r->loop_phi, 0); } if (stack_pushed) pop_uc_stack(); } void gcm::bu_sched_bb(bb_node* bb) { GCM_DUMP( sblog << "bu scheduling BB_" << bb->id << "\n"; ); bu_bb = bb; if (!pending_nodes.empty()) { GCM_DUMP( sblog << "pending nodes:\n"; ); // TODO consider sorting the exports by array_base, // possibly it can improve performance for (node_list::iterator I = pending_nodes.begin(), E = pending_nodes.end(); I != E; ++I) { bu_release_op(*I); } pending_nodes.clear(); GCM_DUMP( sblog << "pending nodes processed...\n"; ); } if (!pending_defs.empty()) { for (vvec::iterator I = pending_defs.begin(), E = pending_defs.end(); I != E; ++I) { bu_release_val(*I); } pending_defs.clear(); } for (sched_queue::iterator N, I = ready_above.begin(), E = ready_above.end(); I != E; I = N) { N = I; ++N; node *n = *I; if (op_map[n].bottom_bb == bb) { add_ready(*I); ready_above.erase(I); } } unsigned cnt_ready[SQ_NUM]; container_node *clause = NULL; unsigned last_inst_type = ~0; unsigned last_count = 0; bool s = true; while (s) { node *n; s = false; unsigned ready_mask = 0; for (unsigned sq = SQ_CF; sq < SQ_NUM; ++sq) { if (!bu_ready[sq].empty() || !bu_ready_next[sq].empty()) ready_mask |= (1 << sq); } if (!ready_mask) { for (unsigned sq = SQ_CF; sq < SQ_NUM; ++sq) { if (!bu_ready_early[sq].empty()) { node *n = bu_ready_early[sq].front(); bu_ready_early[sq].pop_front(); bu_ready[sq].push_back(n); break; } } } for (unsigned sq = SQ_CF; sq < SQ_NUM; ++sq) { if (sq == SQ_CF && pending_exec_mask_update) { pending_exec_mask_update = false; sq = SQ_ALU; --sq; continue; } if (!bu_ready_next[sq].empty()) bu_ready[sq].splice(bu_ready[sq].end(), bu_ready_next[sq]); cnt_ready[sq] = bu_ready[sq].size(); if ((sq == SQ_TEX || sq == SQ_VTX) && live_count <= rp_threshold && cnt_ready[sq] < ctx.max_fetch/2 && !bu_ready_next[SQ_ALU].empty()) { sq = SQ_ALU; --sq; continue; } while (!bu_ready[sq].empty()) { if (last_inst_type != sq) { clause = NULL; last_count = 0; last_inst_type = sq; } // simple heuristic to limit register pressure, if (sq == SQ_ALU && live_count > rp_threshold && (!bu_ready[SQ_TEX].empty() || !bu_ready[SQ_VTX].empty() || !bu_ready_next[SQ_TEX].empty() || !bu_ready_next[SQ_VTX].empty())) { GCM_DUMP( sblog << "switching to fetch (regpressure)\n"; ); break; } n = bu_ready[sq].front(); // real count (e.g. SAMPLE_G will be expanded to 3 instructions, // 2 SET_GRAD_ + 1 SAMPLE_G unsigned ncnt = 1; if (n->is_fetch_inst() && n->src.size() == 12) { ncnt = 3; } bool sampler_indexing = false; if (n->is_fetch_inst() && static_cast(n)->bc.sampler_index_mode != V_SQ_CF_INDEX_NONE) { sampler_indexing = true; // Give sampler indexed ops get their own clause ncnt = sh.get_ctx().is_cayman() ? 2 : 3; // MOVA + SET_CF_IDX0/1 } if ((sq == SQ_TEX || sq == SQ_VTX) && ((last_count >= ctx.max_fetch/2 && check_alu_ready_count(24)) || last_count + ncnt > ctx.max_fetch)) break; else if (sq == SQ_CF && last_count > 4 && check_alu_ready_count(24)) break; bu_ready[sq].pop_front(); if (sq != SQ_CF) { if (!clause || sampler_indexing) { clause = sh.create_clause(sq == SQ_ALU ? NST_ALU_CLAUSE : sq == SQ_TEX ? NST_TEX_CLAUSE : NST_VTX_CLAUSE); bb->push_front(clause); } } else { clause = bb; } bu_schedule(clause, n); s = true; last_count += ncnt; } } } bu_bb = NULL; GCM_DUMP( sblog << "bu finished scheduling BB_" << bb->id << "\n"; ); } void gcm::bu_release_defs(vvec& v, bool src) { for (vvec::reverse_iterator I = v.rbegin(), E = v.rend(); I != E; ++I) { value *v = *I; if (!v || v->is_readonly()) continue; if (v->is_rel()) { if (!v->rel->is_readonly()) bu_release_val(v->rel); bu_release_defs(v->muse, true); } else if (src) bu_release_val(v); else { if (live.remove_val(v)) { --live_count; } } } } void gcm::push_uc_stack() { GCM_DUMP( sblog << "pushing use count stack prev_level " << ucs_level << " new level " << (ucs_level + 1) << "\n"; ); ++ucs_level; if (ucs_level == nuc_stk.size()) { nuc_stk.resize(ucs_level + 1); } else { nuc_stk[ucs_level].clear(); } } bool gcm::bu_is_ready(node* n) { nuc_map &cm = nuc_stk[ucs_level]; nuc_map::iterator F = cm.find(n); unsigned uc = (F == cm.end() ? 0 : F->second); return uc == uses[n]; } void gcm::bu_schedule(container_node* c, node* n) { GCM_DUMP( sblog << "bu scheduling : "; dump::dump_op(n); sblog << "\n"; ); assert(op_map[n].bottom_bb == bu_bb); bu_release_defs(n->src, true); bu_release_defs(n->dst, false); c->push_front(n); } void gcm::dump_uc_stack() { sblog << "##### uc_stk start ####\n"; for (unsigned l = 0; l <= ucs_level; ++l) { nuc_map &m = nuc_stk[l]; sblog << "nuc_stk[" << l << "] : @" << &m << "\n"; for (nuc_map::iterator I = m.begin(), E = m.end(); I != E; ++I) { sblog << " uc " << I->second << " for "; dump::dump_op(I->first); sblog << "\n"; } } sblog << "##### uc_stk end ####\n"; } void gcm::pop_uc_stack() { nuc_map &pm = nuc_stk[ucs_level]; --ucs_level; nuc_map &cm = nuc_stk[ucs_level]; GCM_DUMP( sblog << "merging use stack from level " << (ucs_level+1) << " to " << ucs_level << "\n"; ); for (nuc_map::iterator N, I = pm.begin(), E = pm.end(); I != E; ++I) { node *n = I->first; GCM_DUMP( sblog << " " << cm[n] << " += " << I->second << " for "; dump::dump_op(n); sblog << "\n"; ); unsigned uc = cm[n] += I->second; if (n->parent == &pending && uc == uses[n]) { cm.erase(n); pending_nodes.push_back(n); GCM_DUMP( sblog << "pushed pending_node due to stack pop "; dump::dump_op(n); sblog << "\n"; ); } } } void gcm::bu_find_best_bb(node *n, op_info &oi) { GCM_DUMP( sblog << " find best bb : "; dump::dump_op(n); sblog << "\n"; ); if (oi.bottom_bb) return; // don't hoist generated copies if (n->flags & NF_DONT_HOIST) { oi.bottom_bb = bu_bb; return; } bb_node* best_bb = bu_bb; bb_node* top_bb = oi.top_bb; assert(oi.top_bb && !oi.bottom_bb); node *c = best_bb; // FIXME top_bb may be located inside the loop so we'll never enter it // in the loop below, and the instruction will be incorrectly placed at the // beginning of the shader. // For now just check if top_bb's loop_level is higher than of // current bb and abort the search for better bb in such case, // but this problem may require more complete (and more expensive) fix if (top_bb->loop_level <= best_bb->loop_level) { while (c && c != top_bb) { if (c->prev) { c = c->prev; } else { c = c->parent; if (!c) break; continue; } if (c->subtype == NST_BB) { bb_node *bb = static_cast(c); if (bb->loop_level < best_bb->loop_level) best_bb = bb; } } } oi.bottom_bb = best_bb; } void gcm::add_ready(node *n) { sched_queue_id sq = sh.get_queue_id(n); if (n->flags & NF_SCHEDULE_EARLY) bu_ready_early[sq].push_back(n); else if (sq == SQ_ALU && n->is_copy_mov()) bu_ready[sq].push_front(n); else if (n->is_alu_inst()) { alu_node *a = static_cast(n); if (a->bc.op_ptr->flags & AF_PRED && a->dst[2]) { // PRED_SET instruction that updates exec mask pending_exec_mask_update = true; } bu_ready_next[sq].push_back(n); } else bu_ready_next[sq].push_back(n); } void gcm::bu_release_op(node * n) { op_info &oi = op_map[n]; GCM_DUMP( sblog << " bu release op "; dump::dump_op(n); ); nuc_stk[ucs_level].erase(n); pending.remove_node(n); bu_find_best_bb(n, oi); if (oi.bottom_bb == bu_bb) { GCM_DUMP( sblog << " ready\n";); add_ready(n); } else { GCM_DUMP( sblog << " ready_above\n";); ready_above.push_back(n); } } void gcm::bu_release_phi_defs(container_node* p, unsigned op) { for (node_riterator I = p->rbegin(), E = p->rend(); I != E; ++I) { node *o = *I; value *v = o->src[op]; if (v && !v->is_readonly()) pending_defs.push_back(o->src[op]); } } unsigned gcm::get_uc_vec(vvec &vv) { unsigned c = 0; for (vvec::iterator I = vv.begin(), E = vv.end(); I != E; ++I) { value *v = *I; if (!v) continue; if (v->is_rel()) c += get_uc_vec(v->mdef); else c += v->use_count(); } return c; } void gcm::init_use_count(nuc_map& m, container_node &s) { m.clear(); for (node_iterator I = s.begin(), E = s.end(); I != E; ++I) { node *n = *I; unsigned uc = get_uc_vec(n->dst); GCM_DUMP( sblog << "uc " << uc << " "; dump::dump_op(n); sblog << "\n"; ); if (!uc) { pending_nodes.push_back(n); GCM_DUMP( sblog << "pushed pending_node in init "; dump::dump_op(n); sblog << "\n"; ); } else m[n] = uc; } } void gcm::bu_release_val(value* v) { node *n = v->any_def(); if (n && n->parent == &pending) { nuc_map &m = nuc_stk[ucs_level]; unsigned uc = ++m[n]; unsigned uc2 = uses[n]; if (live.add_val(v)) { ++live_count; GCM_DUMP ( sblog << "live_count: " << live_count << "\n"; ); } GCM_DUMP( sblog << "release val "; dump::dump_val(v); sblog << " for node "; dump::dump_op(n); sblog << " new uc=" << uc << ", total " << uc2 << "\n"; ); if (uc == uc2) bu_release_op(n); } } void gcm::init_def_count(nuc_map& m, container_node& s) { m.clear(); for (node_iterator I = s.begin(), E = s.end(); I != E; ++I) { node *n = *I; unsigned dc = get_dc_vec(n->src, true) + get_dc_vec(n->dst, false); m[n] = dc; GCM_DUMP( sblog << "dc " << dc << " "; dump::dump_op(n); sblog << "\n"; ); } } unsigned gcm::get_dc_vec(vvec& vv, bool src) { unsigned c = 0; for (vvec::iterator I = vv.begin(), E = vv.end(); I != E; ++I) { value *v = *I; if (!v || v->is_readonly()) continue; if (v->is_rel()) { c += v->rel->def != NULL; c += get_dc_vec(v->muse, true); } else if (src) { c += v->def != NULL; c += v->adef != NULL; } } return c; } unsigned gcm::real_alu_count(sched_queue& q, unsigned max) { sq_iterator I(q.begin()), E(q.end()); unsigned c = 0; while (I != E && c < max) { node *n = *I; if (n->is_alu_inst()) { if (!n->is_copy_mov() || !n->src[0]->is_any_gpr()) ++c; } else if (n->is_alu_packed()) { c += static_cast(n)->count(); } ++I; } return c; } bool gcm::check_alu_ready_count(unsigned threshold) { unsigned r = real_alu_count(bu_ready[SQ_ALU], threshold); if (r >= threshold) return true; r += real_alu_count(bu_ready_next[SQ_ALU], threshold - r); return r >= threshold; } } // namespace r600_sb