/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* ---- includes ----------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "b_BasicEm/String.h" /* #include */ /* ---- related objects --------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---- typedefs ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---- constants ---------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* */ /* ---- \ghd{ external functions } ----------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char* bbs_strcpy( char* dstA, const char* srcA ) { const char* srcL = srcA; char* dstL = dstA; while( ( *dstL++ = *srcL++ ) != 0 ); return dstA; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char* bbs_strncpy( char* dstA, const char* srcA, uint32 sizeA ) { uint32 iL; for( iL = 0; iL < sizeA; iL++ ) { if( ( dstA[ iL ] = srcA[ iL ] ) == 0 ) break; } if( iL == sizeA && sizeA > 0 ) dstA[ iL - 1 ] = 0; return dstA; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char* bbs_strcat( char* dstA, const char* srcA ) { const char* srcL = srcA; char* dstL = dstA; while( *dstL != 0 ) dstL++; while( ( *dstL++ = *srcL++ ) != 0 ); return dstA; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char* bbs_strncat( char* dstA, const char* srcA, uint32 sizeA ) { uint32 iL; for( iL = 0; iL < sizeA; iL++ ) { if( dstA[ iL ] == 0 ) break; } for( ; iL < sizeA; iL++ ) { if( ( dstA[ iL ] = srcA[ iL ] ) == 0 ) break; } if( iL == sizeA && sizeA > 0 ) dstA[ iL - 1 ] = 0; return dstA; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint32 bbs_strlen( const char* strA ) { uint32 iL = 0; while( strA[ iL++ ] != 0 ); return iL - 1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ flag bbs_strequal( const char* str1A, const char* str2A ) { const char* str1L = str1A; const char* str2L = str2A; if( str1L == NULL && str2L == NULL ) return TRUE; if( str1L == NULL || str2L == NULL ) return FALSE; while( ( *str1L != 0 ) && ( *str2L != 0 ) ) { if( *str1L != *str2L ) break; str1L++; str2L++; } return *str1L == *str2L; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ flag bbs_strmatch( const char* str1A, const char* str2A ) { const char* str1L = str1A; const char* str2L = str2A; if( str1L == NULL || str2L == NULL ) return TRUE; while( ( *str1L != 0 ) && ( *str2L != 0 ) ) { if( *str1L != *str2L ) break; str1L++; str2L++; } if( *str1L == 0 || *str2L == 0 ) return TRUE; return *str1L == *str2L; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint32 bbs_snprintf( char* bufA, uint32 bufSizeA, const char* formatA, ... ) { uint32 sizeL; va_list argsL; va_start( argsL, formatA ); sizeL = bbs_vsnprintf( bufA, bufSizeA, formatA, argsL ); va_end( argsL ); return sizeL; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* converts number to string without 0 termination - returns number of characters written */ uint32 bbs_cString( int32 valA, char* dstA, uint32 bufSizeA ) { uint32 valL = ( valA < 0 ) ? -valA : valA; uint32 iL = 0; uint32 digitsL = 0; if( valA < 0 ) { if( iL < bufSizeA ) dstA[ iL++ ] = '-'; } /* count #digits */ if( valL == 0 ) { iL++; } else { while( valL > 0 ) { iL++; valL /= 10; } } digitsL = ( iL > bufSizeA ) ? bufSizeA : iL; valL = ( valA < 0 ) ? -valA : valA; if( valL == 0 ) { if( iL < bufSizeA ) dstA[ --iL ] = '0'; } else { while( valL > 0 ) { if( iL < bufSizeA ) dstA[ --iL ] = '0' + ( valL % 10 ); valL /= 10; } } return digitsL; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint32 bbs_vsnprintf( char* bufA, uint32 bufSizeA, const char* formatA, va_list argsA ) { const char* fpL = formatA; uint32 iL = 0; while( *fpL != 0 ) { if( *fpL == '%' ) { if( *( fpL + 1 ) == 'i' || *( fpL + 1 ) == 'd' ) { int valL = va_arg( argsA, int ); if( iL < bufSizeA ) { iL += bbs_cString( valL, bufA + iL, bufSizeA - iL ); } fpL += 2; } else if( *( fpL + 1 ) == 's' ) { const char* stringL = va_arg( argsA, char* ); if( iL < bufSizeA ) { bufA[ iL ] = 0; bbs_strncat( bufA + iL, stringL, bufSizeA - iL ); iL += bbs_strlen( stringL ); } fpL += 2; } else if( *( fpL + 1 ) == '%' ) { if( iL < bufSizeA ) bufA[ iL++ ] = '%'; fpL++; } else { if( iL < bufSizeA ) bufA[ iL++ ] = *fpL; fpL++; } } else { if( iL < bufSizeA ) bufA[ iL++ ] = *fpL; fpL++; } } if( iL < bufSizeA ) { bufA[ iL ] = 0; } else if( bufSizeA > 0 ) { bufA[ bufSizeA - 1 ] = 0; } return iL; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int32 bbs_atoi( const char* strA ) { int32 valL = 0; int16 signL = 1; uint16 iL = 0, lenL = bbs_strlen( strA ); while( iL < lenL && strA[ iL ] == ' ' ) iL++; if( strA[ iL ] == '-' ) { signL = -1; iL++; } while( iL < lenL && strA[ iL ] == ' ' ) iL++; while( iL < lenL && strA[ iL ] >= '0' && strA[ iL ] <= '9' ) { valL = valL * 10 + ( strA[ iL ] - '0' ); iL++; } return valL * signL; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */