#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # # Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or # other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import PyPfw import logging from decimal import Decimal from math import log10 class PfwLogger(PyPfw.ILogger): def __init__(self): super(PfwLogger, self).__init__() self.__logger = logging.root.getChild("parameter-framework") def info(self, message): self.__logger.info(message) def warning(self, message): self.__logger.warning(message) class FixedPointTester(): """ Made for testing a particular Qn.m number As a convention, we use: * n is the fractional part * m is the integral part This class computes several specific numbers for a given Qn.m number. For each of those numbers, we run 4 checks: * Bound check * Sanity check * Consistency check * Bijectivity check Which are documented below. """ def __init__(self, pfwClient, size, integral, fractional): self._pfwClient = pfwClient self._paramPath = '/Test/test/%d/q%d.%d' % (size, integral, fractional) # quantum is the step we have between two numbers # encoded in Qn.m format self._quantum = 2 ** -fractional # The maximum value we can encode for a given Qn.m. # Since we also need to encode the 0, we have one quantum missing on # the positive maximum self._upperAllowedBound = (2 ** integral) - self._quantum # The minimum value that we can encode for a given Qn.m. # This one does not need a quantum substraction since we already did # that on the maximum self._lowerAllowedBound = -(2 ** integral) self._shouldWork = [ Decimal(0), Decimal(self._lowerAllowedBound), Decimal(self._upperAllowedBound) ] # bigValue is to be sure a value far out of range is refused bigValue = (2 * self._quantum) # little is to be sure a value just out of range is refused littleValue = 10 ** -(int(fractional * log10(2))) self._shouldBreak = [ Decimal(self._lowerAllowedBound) - Decimal(bigValue), Decimal(self._upperAllowedBound) + Decimal(bigValue), Decimal(self._lowerAllowedBound) - Decimal(littleValue), Decimal(self._upperAllowedBound) + Decimal(littleValue) ] self._chainingTests = [ ('Bound', self.checkBounds), ('Sanity', self.checkSanity), ('Consistency', self.checkConsistency), ('Bijectivity', self.checkBijectivity)] def run(self): """ Runs the test suite for a given Qn.m number """ runSuccess = True for value in self._shouldWork: value = value.normalize() print('Testing %s for %s' % (value, self._paramPath)) for testName, testFunc in self._chainingTests: value, success = testFunc(value) if not success: runSuccess = False print("%s ERROR for %s" % (testName, self._paramPath)) break for value in self._shouldBreak: value = value.normalize() print('Testing invalid value %s for %s' % (value, self._paramPath)) value, success = self.checkBounds(value) if success: runSuccess = False print("ERROR: This test should have failed but it has not") return runSuccess def checkBounds(self, valueToSet): """ Checks if we are able to set valueToSet via the parameter-framework valueToSet -- the value we are trying to set returns: the value we are trying to set returns: True if we are able to set, False otherwise """ (success, errorMsg) = self._pfwClient.set(self._paramPath, str(valueToSet)) return valueToSet, success def checkSanity(self, valuePreviouslySet): """ Checks if the value we get is still approximately the same as we attempted to set. The value can have a slight round error which is tolerated. valuePreviouslySet -- the value we had previously set returns: the value the parameter-framework returns us after the get returns: True if we are able to set, False otherwise """ firstGet = self._pfwClient.get(self._paramPath) try: returnValue = Decimal(firstGet) except ValueError: print("ERROR: Can't convert %s to a decimal" % firstGet) return firstGet, False upperAllowedValue = Decimal(valuePreviouslySet) + (Decimal(self._quantum) / Decimal(2)) lowerAllowedValue = Decimal(valuePreviouslySet) - (Decimal(self._quantum) / Decimal(2)) if not (lowerAllowedValue <= returnValue <= upperAllowedValue): print('%s <= %s <= %s is not true' % (lowerAllowedValue, returnValue, upperAllowedValue)) return firstGet, False return firstGet, True def checkConsistency(self, valuePreviouslyGotten): """ Checks if we are able to set the value that the parameter framework just returned to us. valuePreviouslyGotten -- the value we are trying to set valueToSet -- the value we are trying to set returns: True if we are able to set, False otherwise """ (success, errorMsg) = pfw.set(self._paramPath, valuePreviouslyGotten) return valuePreviouslyGotten, success def checkBijectivity(self, valuePreviouslySet): """ Checks that the second get value is strictly equivalent to the consistency set. This ensures that the parameter-framework behaves as expected. valuePreviouslySet -- the value we had previously set returns: value the parameter-framework returns us after the second get returns: True if we are able to set, False otherwise """ secondGet = pfw.get(self._paramPath) if secondGet != valuePreviouslySet: return secondGet, False return secondGet, True class PfwClient(): def __init__(self, configPath): self._instance = PyPfw.ParameterFramework(configPath) self._logger = PfwLogger() self._instance.setLogger(self._logger) # Disable the remote interface because we don't need it and it might # get in the way (e.g. the port is already in use) self._instance.setForceNoRemoteInterface(True) self._instance.start() self._instance.setTuningMode(True) def set(self, parameter, value): print('set %s <--- %s' % (parameter, value)) (success, _, errorMsg) = self._instance.accessParameterValue(parameter, str(value), True) return success, errorMsg def get(self, parameter): (success, value, errorMsg) = self._instance.accessParameterValue(parameter, "", False) if not success: raise Exception("A getParameter failed, which is unexpected. The" "parameter-framework answered:\n%s" % errorMsg) print('get %s ---> %s' % (parameter, value)) return value if __name__ == '__main__': # It is necessary to add a ./ in front of the path, otherwise the parameter-framework # does not recognize the string as a path. pfw = PfwClient('./ParameterFrameworkConfiguration.xml') success = True for size in [8, 16, 32]: for integral in range(0, size): for fractional in range (0, size - integral): tester = FixedPointTester(pfw, size, integral, fractional) success = tester.run() and success exit(0 if success else 1)