// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package com.android.tools.r8.graph; import static com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexEncodedMethod.CompilationState.PROCESSED_INLINING_CANDIDATE_PACKAGE_PRIVATE; import static com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexEncodedMethod.CompilationState.PROCESSED_INLINING_CANDIDATE_PRIVATE; import static com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexEncodedMethod.CompilationState.PROCESSED_INLINING_CANDIDATE_PUBLIC; import static com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexEncodedMethod.CompilationState.PROCESSED_NOT_INLINING_CANDIDATE; import com.android.tools.r8.code.Const; import com.android.tools.r8.code.ConstString; import com.android.tools.r8.code.ConstStringJumbo; import com.android.tools.r8.code.Instruction; import com.android.tools.r8.code.InvokeDirect; import com.android.tools.r8.code.InvokeStatic; import com.android.tools.r8.code.InvokeSuper; import com.android.tools.r8.code.NewInstance; import com.android.tools.r8.code.Throw; import com.android.tools.r8.dex.Constants; import com.android.tools.r8.dex.IndexedItemCollection; import com.android.tools.r8.dex.MixedSectionCollection; import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.IRCode; import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.Invoke; import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.MoveType; import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.ValueNumberGenerator; import com.android.tools.r8.ir.conversion.DexBuilder; import com.android.tools.r8.ir.optimize.Inliner.Constraint; import com.android.tools.r8.ir.regalloc.RegisterAllocator; import com.android.tools.r8.ir.synthetic.ForwardMethodSourceCode; import com.android.tools.r8.ir.synthetic.SynthesizedCode; import com.android.tools.r8.logging.Log; import com.android.tools.r8.naming.ClassNameMapper; import com.android.tools.r8.naming.MemberNaming.MethodSignature; import com.android.tools.r8.naming.MemberNaming.Signature; import com.android.tools.r8.shaking.Enqueuer.AppInfoWithLiveness; import com.android.tools.r8.utils.InternalOptions; public class DexEncodedMethod extends KeyedDexItem { public enum CompilationState { NOT_PROCESSED, PROCESSED_NOT_INLINING_CANDIDATE, // Code only contains instructions that access public entities. PROCESSED_INLINING_CANDIDATE_PUBLIC, // Code only contains instructions that access public and package private entities. PROCESSED_INLINING_CANDIDATE_PACKAGE_PRIVATE, // Code also contains instructions that access public entities. PROCESSED_INLINING_CANDIDATE_PRIVATE, } public static final DexEncodedMethod[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new DexEncodedMethod[]{}; public static final DexEncodedMethod SENTINEL = new DexEncodedMethod(null, null, null, null, null); public final DexMethod method; public final DexAccessFlags accessFlags; public DexAnnotationSet annotations; public DexAnnotationSetRefList parameterAnnotations; private Code code; private CompilationState compilationState = CompilationState.NOT_PROCESSED; private OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo = DefaultOptimizationInfo.DEFAULT; public DexEncodedMethod(DexMethod method, DexAccessFlags accessFlags, DexAnnotationSet annotations, DexAnnotationSetRefList parameterAnnotations, Code code) { this.method = method; this.accessFlags = accessFlags; this.annotations = annotations; this.parameterAnnotations = parameterAnnotations; this.code = code; assert code == null || !accessFlags.isAbstract(); } public boolean isProcessed() { return compilationState != CompilationState.NOT_PROCESSED; } public boolean cannotInline() { return compilationState == CompilationState.NOT_PROCESSED || compilationState == CompilationState.PROCESSED_NOT_INLINING_CANDIDATE; } public boolean isInliningCandidate(DexEncodedMethod container, boolean alwaysInline) { if (container.accessFlags.isStatic() && container.accessFlags.isConstructor()) { // This will probably never happen but never inline a class initializer. return false; } if (alwaysInline) { // Only inline constructor iff holder classes are equal. if (!accessFlags.isStatic() && accessFlags.isConstructor()) { return container.method.getHolder() == method.getHolder(); } return true; } switch (compilationState) { case PROCESSED_INLINING_CANDIDATE_PUBLIC: return true; case PROCESSED_INLINING_CANDIDATE_PACKAGE_PRIVATE: return container.method.getHolder().isSamePackage(method.getHolder()); // TODO(bak): Expand check for package private access: case PROCESSED_INLINING_CANDIDATE_PRIVATE: return container.method.getHolder() == method.getHolder(); default: return false; } } public boolean isPublicInlining() { return compilationState == PROCESSED_INLINING_CANDIDATE_PUBLIC; } public boolean markProcessed(Constraint state) { CompilationState prevCompilationState = compilationState; switch (state) { case ALWAYS: compilationState = PROCESSED_INLINING_CANDIDATE_PUBLIC; break; case PACKAGE: compilationState = PROCESSED_INLINING_CANDIDATE_PACKAGE_PRIVATE; break; case PRIVATE: compilationState = PROCESSED_INLINING_CANDIDATE_PRIVATE; break; case NEVER: compilationState = PROCESSED_NOT_INLINING_CANDIDATE; break; } return prevCompilationState != compilationState; } public void markNotProcessed() { compilationState = CompilationState.NOT_PROCESSED; } public IRCode buildIR(InternalOptions options) { return code == null ? null : code.buildIR(this, options); } public IRCode buildIR(ValueNumberGenerator valueNumberGenerator, InternalOptions options) { return code == null ? null : code.asDexCode().buildIR(this, valueNumberGenerator, options); } public void setCode( IRCode ir, RegisterAllocator registerAllocator, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) { final DexBuilder builder = new DexBuilder(ir, registerAllocator, dexItemFactory); code = builder.build(method.proto.parameters.values.length); } // Replaces the dex code in the method by setting code to result of compiling the IR. public void setCode(IRCode ir, RegisterAllocator registerAllocator, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory, DexString firstJumboString) { final DexBuilder builder = new DexBuilder(ir, registerAllocator, dexItemFactory, firstJumboString); code = builder.build(method.proto.parameters.values.length); } public String toString() { return "Encoded method " + method; } @Override public void collectIndexedItems(IndexedItemCollection indexedItems) { method.collectIndexedItems(indexedItems); if (code != null) { code.collectIndexedItems(indexedItems); } annotations.collectIndexedItems(indexedItems); parameterAnnotations.collectIndexedItems(indexedItems); } @Override void collectMixedSectionItems(MixedSectionCollection mixedItems) { if (code != null) { code.collectMixedSectionItems(mixedItems); } annotations.collectMixedSectionItems(mixedItems); parameterAnnotations.collectMixedSectionItems(mixedItems); } public Code getCode() { return code; } public void removeCode() { code = null; } public String qualifiedName() { return method.qualifiedName(); } public String descriptor() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("("); for (DexType type : method.proto.parameters.values) { builder.append(type.descriptor.toString()); } builder.append(")"); builder.append(method.proto.returnType.descriptor.toString()); return builder.toString(); } public String toSmaliString(ClassNameMapper naming) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(".method "); builder.append(accessFlags.toSmaliString()); builder.append(" "); builder.append(method.name.toSmaliString()); builder.append(method.proto.toSmaliString()); builder.append("\n"); if (code != null) { DexCode dexCode = code.asDexCode(); builder.append(" .registers "); builder.append(dexCode.registerSize); builder.append("\n\n"); builder.append(dexCode.toSmaliString(naming)); } builder.append(".end method\n"); return builder.toString(); } @Override public String toSourceString() { return method.toSourceString(); } public DexEncodedMethod toAbstractMethod() { accessFlags.setAbstract(); this.code = null; return this; } /** * Generates a {@link DexCode} object for the given instructions. *

* As the code object is produced outside of the normal compilation cycle, it has to use * {@link ConstStringJumbo} to reference string constants. Hence, code produced form these * templates might incur a size overhead. */ private DexCode generateCodeFromTemplate( int numberOfRegisters, int outRegisters, Instruction... instructions) { int offset = 0; for (Instruction instruction : instructions) { assert !(instruction instanceof ConstString); instruction.setOffset(offset); offset += instruction.getSize(); } int requiredArgRegisters = accessFlags.isStatic() ? 0 : 1; for (DexType type : method.proto.parameters.values) { requiredArgRegisters += MoveType.fromDexType(type).requiredRegisters(); } // Passing null as highestSortingString is save, as ConstString instructions are not allowed. return new DexCode(Math.max(numberOfRegisters, requiredArgRegisters), requiredArgRegisters, outRegisters, instructions, new DexCode.Try[0], new DexCode.TryHandler[0], null, null); } public DexEncodedMethod toEmptyThrowingMethod() { Instruction insn[] = {new Const(0, 0), new Throw(0)}; DexCode code = generateCodeFromTemplate(1, 0, insn); assert !accessFlags.isAbstract(); Builder builder = builder(this); builder.setCode(code); return builder.build(); } public DexEncodedMethod toMethodThatLogsError(DexItemFactory itemFactory) { Signature signature = MethodSignature.fromDexMethod(method); // TODO(herhut): Construct this out of parts to enable reuse, maybe even using descriptors. DexString message = itemFactory.createString( "Shaking error: Missing method in " + method.holder.toSourceString() + ": " + signature); DexString tag = itemFactory.createString("TOIGHTNESS"); DexType[] args = {itemFactory.stringType, itemFactory.stringType}; DexProto proto = itemFactory.createProto(itemFactory.intType, args); DexMethod logMethod = itemFactory .createMethod(itemFactory.createType("Landroid/util/Log;"), proto, itemFactory.createString("e")); DexType exceptionType = itemFactory.createType("Ljava/lang/RuntimeException;"); DexMethod exceptionInitMethod = itemFactory .createMethod(exceptionType, itemFactory.createProto(itemFactory.voidType, itemFactory.stringType), itemFactory.constructorMethodName); DexCode code; if (accessFlags.isConstructor() && !accessFlags.isStatic()) { // The Java VM Spec requires that a constructor calls an initializer from the super class // or another constructor from the current class. For simplicity we do the latter by just // calling outself. This is ok, as the constructor always throws before the recursive call. code = generateCodeFromTemplate(3, 2, new ConstStringJumbo(0, tag), new ConstStringJumbo(1, message), new InvokeStatic(2, logMethod, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), new NewInstance(0, exceptionType), new InvokeDirect(2, exceptionInitMethod, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), new Throw(0), new InvokeDirect(1, method, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0)); } else { // These methods might not get registered for jumbo string processing, therefore we always // use the jumbo string encoding for the const string instruction. code = generateCodeFromTemplate(2, 2, new ConstStringJumbo(0, tag), new ConstStringJumbo(1, message), new InvokeStatic(2, logMethod, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), new NewInstance(0, exceptionType), new InvokeDirect(2, exceptionInitMethod, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), new Throw(0)); } Builder builder = builder(this); builder.setCode(code); return builder.build(); } public DexEncodedMethod toTypeSubstitutedMethod(DexMethod method) { if (this.method == method) { return this; } Builder builder = builder(this); builder.setMethod(method); return builder.build(); } public DexEncodedMethod toRenamedMethod(DexString name, DexItemFactory factory) { if (method.name == name) { return this; } DexMethod newMethod = factory.createMethod(method.holder, method.proto, name); Builder builder = builder(this); builder.setMethod(newMethod); return builder.build(); } public DexEncodedMethod toForwardingMethod(DexClass holder, DexItemFactory itemFactory) { assert accessFlags.isPublic(); DexMethod newMethod = itemFactory.createMethod(holder.type, method.proto, method.name); Invoke.Type type = accessFlags.isStatic() ? Invoke.Type.STATIC : Invoke.Type.SUPER; Builder builder = builder(this); builder.setMethod(newMethod); if (accessFlags.isAbstract()) { // If the forwarding target is abstract, we can just create an abstract method. While it // will not actually forward, it will create the same exception when hit at runtime. builder.accessFlags.setAbstract(); } else { // Create code that forwards the call to the target. builder.setCode(new SynthesizedCode( new ForwardMethodSourceCode( accessFlags.isStatic() ? null : holder.type, method.proto, accessFlags.isStatic() ? null : method.holder, method, type), registry -> { if (accessFlags.isStatic()) { registry.registerInvokeStatic(method); } else { registry.registerInvokeSuper(method); } })); } builder.accessFlags.setSynthetic(); accessFlags.unsetFinal(); return builder.build(); } public String codeToString() { return code == null ? "" : code.toString(this, null); } @Override public DexMethod getKey() { return method; } public boolean hasAnnotation() { return !annotations.isEmpty() || !parameterAnnotations.isEmpty(); } public void registerReachableDefinitions(UseRegistry registry) { if (code != null) { if (Log.ENABLED) { Log.verbose((Class) getClass(), "Registering definitions reachable from `%s`.", method); } code.registerReachableDefinitions(registry); } } public static class OptimizationInfo { private int returnedArgument = -1; private boolean neverReturnsNull = false; private boolean returnsConstant = false; private long returnedConstant = 0; private boolean forceInline = false; private OptimizationInfo() { // Intentionally left empty. } private OptimizationInfo(OptimizationInfo template) { returnedArgument = template.returnedArgument; neverReturnsNull = template.neverReturnsNull; returnsConstant = template.returnsConstant; returnedConstant = template.returnedConstant; forceInline = template.forceInline; } public boolean returnsArgument() { return returnedArgument != -1; } public int getReturnedArgument() { assert returnsArgument(); return returnedArgument; } public boolean neverReturnsNull() { return neverReturnsNull; } public boolean returnsConstant() { return returnsConstant; } public long getReturnedConstant() { assert returnsConstant(); return returnedConstant; } public boolean forceInline() { return forceInline; } private void markReturnsArgument(int argument) { assert argument >= 0; assert returnedArgument == -1 || returnedArgument == argument; returnedArgument = argument; } private void markNeverReturnsNull() { neverReturnsNull = true; } private void markReturnsConstant(long value) { assert !returnsConstant || returnedConstant == value; returnsConstant = true; returnedConstant = value; } private void markForceInline() { forceInline = true; } public OptimizationInfo copy() { return new OptimizationInfo(this); } } private static class DefaultOptimizationInfo extends OptimizationInfo { static final OptimizationInfo DEFAULT = new DefaultOptimizationInfo(); private DefaultOptimizationInfo() { } @Override public OptimizationInfo copy() { return this; } } synchronized private OptimizationInfo ensureMutableOI() { if (optimizationInfo == DefaultOptimizationInfo.DEFAULT) { optimizationInfo = new OptimizationInfo(); } return optimizationInfo; } synchronized public void markReturnsArgument(int argument) { ensureMutableOI().markReturnsArgument(argument); } synchronized public void markNeverReturnsNull() { ensureMutableOI().markNeverReturnsNull(); } synchronized public void markReturnsConstant(long value) { ensureMutableOI().markReturnsConstant(value); } synchronized public void markForceInline() { ensureMutableOI().markForceInline(); } public OptimizationInfo getOptimizationInfo() { return optimizationInfo; } private static Builder builder(DexEncodedMethod from) { return new Builder(from); } private static class Builder { private DexMethod method; private DexAccessFlags accessFlags; private DexAnnotationSet annotations; private DexAnnotationSetRefList parameterAnnotations; private Code code; private CompilationState compilationState = CompilationState.NOT_PROCESSED; private OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo = DefaultOptimizationInfo.DEFAULT; private Builder(DexEncodedMethod from) { // Copy all the mutable state of a DexEncodedMethod here. method = from.method; accessFlags = new DexAccessFlags(from.accessFlags.get()); annotations = from.annotations; parameterAnnotations = from.parameterAnnotations; code = from.code; compilationState = from.compilationState; optimizationInfo = from.optimizationInfo.copy(); } public void setMethod(DexMethod method) { this.method = method; } public void setAccessFlags(DexAccessFlags accessFlags) { this.accessFlags = accessFlags; } public void setAnnotations(DexAnnotationSet annotations) { this.annotations = annotations; } public void setParameterAnnotations(DexAnnotationSetRefList parameterAnnotations) { this.parameterAnnotations = parameterAnnotations; } public void setCode(Code code) { this.code = code; } public DexEncodedMethod build() { assert method != null; assert accessFlags != null; assert annotations != null; assert parameterAnnotations != null; DexEncodedMethod result = new DexEncodedMethod(method, accessFlags, annotations, parameterAnnotations, code); result.compilationState = compilationState; result.optimizationInfo = optimizationInfo; return result; } } }