#!/bin/sh if [ -z "${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}" ]; then echo 'ANDROID_HOST_OUT not set. Have you run lunch?' exit 1 elif [ -z "${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}" ]; then echo 'ANDROID_BUILD_TOP not set. Have you run lunch?' exit 1 elif [ ! -f "$ANDROID_HOST_OUT/lib64/libselinux.so" ]; then echo "Cannot find $ANDROID_HOST_OUT/lib64/libselinux.so" echo "Need to build project" exit 1 fi unamestr=`uname` if [ "$unamestr" = "Linux" -o "$unamestr" = "linux" ]; then export LD_PRELOAD=$ANDROID_HOST_OUT/lib64/libselinux.so export PYTHONPATH=$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/prebuilts/python/linux-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/site-packages python $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/selinux/python/audit2allow/audit2allow "$@" else echo "audit2allow is only supported on linux" exit 1 fi