/* * Copyright 2012, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.jf.dexlib2.util; import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.instruction.Instruction; import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.instruction.OneRegisterInstruction; import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.instruction.WideLiteralInstruction; import org.jf.dexlib2.Opcodes; import java.util.List; public class SyntheticAccessorFSM { %% machine SyntheticAccessorFSM; %% write data; // math type constants public static final int ADD = SyntheticAccessorResolver.ADD_ASSIGNMENT; public static final int SUB = SyntheticAccessorResolver.SUB_ASSIGNMENT; public static final int MUL = SyntheticAccessorResolver.MUL_ASSIGNMENT; public static final int DIV = SyntheticAccessorResolver.DIV_ASSIGNMENT; public static final int REM = SyntheticAccessorResolver.REM_ASSIGNMENT; public static final int AND = SyntheticAccessorResolver.AND_ASSIGNMENT; public static final int OR = SyntheticAccessorResolver.OR_ASSIGNMENT; public static final int XOR = SyntheticAccessorResolver.XOR_ASSIGNMENT; public static final int SHL = SyntheticAccessorResolver.SHL_ASSIGNMENT; public static final int SHR = SyntheticAccessorResolver.SHR_ASSIGNMENT; public static final int USHR = SyntheticAccessorResolver.USHR_ASSIGNMENT; public static final int INT = 0; public static final int LONG = 1; public static final int FLOAT = 2; public static final int DOUBLE = 3; public static final int POSITIVE_ONE = 1; public static final int NEGATIVE_ONE = -1; public static final int OTHER = 0; @Nonnull private final Opcodes opcodes; public SyntheticAccessorFSM(@Nonnull Opcodes opcodes) { this.opcodes = opcodes; } public int test(List instructions) { int accessorType = -1; int cs, p = 0; int pe = instructions.size(); // one of the math type constants representing the type of math operation being performed int mathOp = -1; // for increments an decrements, the type of value the math operation is on int mathType = -1; // for increments and decrements, the value of the constant that is used long constantValue = 0; // The source register for the put instruction int putRegister = -1; // The return register; int returnRegister = -1; %%{ import "Opcodes.rl"; alphtype short; getkey opcodes.getOpcodeValue(instructions.get(p).getOpcode()); get = (0x52 .. 0x58) | (0x60 .. 0x66); # all igets/sgets # all iputs/sputs put = ((0x59 .. 0x5f) | (0x67 .. 0x6d)) @ { putRegister = ((OneRegisterInstruction)instructions.get(p)).getRegisterA(); }; invoke = (0x6e .. 0x72) | (0x74 .. 0x78); # all invokes # all numeric const instructions const_literal = (0x12 .. 0x19) @ { constantValue = ((WideLiteralInstruction)instructions.get(p)).getWideLiteral(); }; add_const = (add_int_lit8 | add_int_lit16) @ { mathType = INT; mathOp = ADD; constantValue = ((WideLiteralInstruction)instructions.get(p)).getWideLiteral(); }; arbitrary_add = (((add_int | add_int_2addr) @ { mathType = INT; }) | ((add_long | add_long_2addr) @ { mathType = LONG; }) | ((add_float | add_float_2addr) @ { mathType = FLOAT; }) | ((add_double | add_double_2addr) @ {mathType = DOUBLE; })) @ { mathOp = ADD; }; arbitrary_sub = (((sub_int | sub_int_2addr) @ { mathType = INT; }) | ((sub_long | sub_long_2addr) @ { mathType = LONG; }) | ((sub_float | sub_float_2addr) @ { mathType = FLOAT; }) | ((sub_double | sub_double_2addr) @ {mathType = DOUBLE; })) @ { mathOp = SUB; }; arbitrary_mul = (mul_int | mul_int_2addr | mul_long | mul_long_2addr | mul_float | mul_float_2addr | mul_double | mul_double_2addr) @ { mathOp = MUL; }; arbitrary_div = (div_int | div_int_2addr | div_long | div_long_2addr | div_float | div_float_2addr | div_double | div_double_2addr) @ { mathOp = DIV; }; arbitrary_rem = (rem_int | rem_int_2addr | rem_long | rem_long_2addr | rem_float | rem_float_2addr | rem_double | rem_double_2addr) @ { mathOp = REM; }; arbitrary_and = (and_int | and_int_2addr | and_long | and_long_2addr) @ { mathOp = AND; }; arbitrary_or = (or_int | or_int_2addr | or_long | or_long_2addr) @ { mathOp = OR; }; arbitrary_xor = (xor_int | xor_int_2addr | xor_long | xor_long_2addr) @ { mathOp = XOR; }; arbitrary_shl = (shl_int | shl_int_2addr | shl_long | shl_long_2addr) @ { mathOp = SHL; }; arbitrary_shr = (shr_int | shr_int_2addr | shr_long | shr_long_2addr) @ { mathOp = SHR; }; arbitrary_ushr = (ushr_int | ushr_int_2addr | ushr_long | ushr_long_2addr) @ { mathOp = USHR; }; type_conversion = 0x81 .. 0x8f; # all type-conversion opcodes return_something = (return | return_wide | return_object) @ { returnRegister = ((OneRegisterInstruction)instructions.get(p)).getRegisterA(); }; any_move_result = move_result | move_result_wide | move_result_object; get_accessor = get return_something @ { accessorType = SyntheticAccessorResolver.GETTER; fbreak; }; put_accessor = put return_something @ { accessorType = SyntheticAccessorResolver.SETTER; fbreak; }; invoke_accessor = invoke (return_void | (any_move_result return_something)) @ { accessorType = SyntheticAccessorResolver.METHOD; fbreak; }; increment_accessor = get add_const type_conversion? put return_something @ { accessorType = getIncrementType(mathOp, mathType, constantValue, putRegister, returnRegister); }; alt_increment_accessor = get const_literal (arbitrary_add | arbitrary_sub) put return_something @ { accessorType = getIncrementType(mathOp, mathType, constantValue, putRegister, returnRegister); }; math_assignment_accessor = get type_conversion? (arbitrary_add | arbitrary_sub | arbitrary_mul | arbitrary_div | arbitrary_rem | arbitrary_and | arbitrary_or | arbitrary_xor | arbitrary_shl | arbitrary_shr | arbitrary_ushr) type_conversion{0,2} put return_something @ { accessorType = mathOp; fbreak; }; main := get_accessor | put_accessor | invoke_accessor | increment_accessor | alt_increment_accessor | math_assignment_accessor; write init; write exec; }%% return accessorType; } private static int getIncrementType(int mathOp, int mathType, long constantValue, int putRegister, int returnRegister) { boolean isPrefix = putRegister == returnRegister; boolean negativeConstant = false; switch (mathType) { case INT: case LONG: { if (constantValue == 1) { negativeConstant = false; } else if (constantValue == -1) { negativeConstant = true; } else { return -1; } break; } case FLOAT: { float val = Float.intBitsToFloat((int)constantValue); if (val == 1) { negativeConstant = false; } else if (val == -1) { negativeConstant = true; } else { return -1; } break; } case DOUBLE: { double val = Double.longBitsToDouble(constantValue); if (val == 1) { negativeConstant = false; } else if (val == -1) { negativeConstant = true; } else { return -1; } break; } } boolean isAdd = ((mathOp == ADD) && !negativeConstant) || ((mathOp == SUB) && negativeConstant); if (isPrefix) { if (isAdd) { return SyntheticAccessorResolver.PREFIX_INCREMENT; } else { return SyntheticAccessorResolver.PREFIX_DECREMENT; } } else { if (isAdd) { return SyntheticAccessorResolver.POSTFIX_INCREMENT; } else { return SyntheticAccessorResolver.POSTFIX_DECREMENT; } } } }