// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef D3D8_Direct3DStateBlock8_hpp #define D3D8_Direct3DStateBlock8_hpp #include "Unknown.hpp" #include #include namespace D3D8 { class Direct3DDevice8; class Direct3DBaseTexture8; class Direct3DVertexBuffer8; class Direct3DIndexBuffer8; class Direct3DStateBlock8 : public Unknown { public: Direct3DStateBlock8(Direct3DDevice8 *device, D3DSTATEBLOCKTYPE type); ~Direct3DStateBlock8() override; // IUnknown methods long __stdcall QueryInterface(const IID &iid, void **object) override; unsigned long __stdcall AddRef() override; unsigned long __stdcall Release() override; long __stdcall Apply(); long __stdcall Capture(); long __stdcall GetDevice(IDirect3DDevice8 **device); // Internal methods void lightEnable(unsigned long index, int enable); void setClipPlane(unsigned long index, const float *plane); void setCurrentTexturePalette(unsigned int paletteNumber); void setFVF(unsigned long FVF); void setIndices(Direct3DIndexBuffer8 *indexData, unsigned int baseVertexIndex); void setLight(unsigned long index, const D3DLIGHT8 *light); void setMaterial(const D3DMATERIAL8 *material); void setPixelShader(unsigned long shaderHandle); void setPixelShaderConstant(unsigned int startRegister, const void *constantData, unsigned int count); void setRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATETYPE state, unsigned long value); void setScissorRect(const RECT *rect); void setStreamSource(unsigned int stream, Direct3DVertexBuffer8 *data, unsigned int stride); void setTexture(unsigned long stage, Direct3DBaseTexture8 *texture); void setTextureStageState(unsigned long stage, D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE type, unsigned long value); void setTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE state, const D3DMATRIX *matrix); void setViewport(const D3DVIEWPORT8 *viewport); void setVertexShader(unsigned long shaderHandle); void setVertexShaderConstant(unsigned int startRegister, const void *constantData, unsigned int count); private: // Individual states void captureRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATETYPE state); void captureTextureStageState(unsigned long stage, D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE type); void captureTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE state); // Pixel states void capturePixelRenderStates(); void capturePixelTextureStates(); void capturePixelShaderStates(); // Vertex states void captureVertexRenderStates(); void captureVertexTextureStates(); void captureLightStates(); void captureVertexShaderStates(); // All (remaining) states void captureTextures(); void captureVertexTextures(); void captureDisplacementTextures(); void captureTexturePalette(); void captureVertexStreams(); void captureIndexBuffer(); void captureViewport(); void captureTransforms(); void captureTextureTransforms(); void captureClippingPlanes(); void captureMaterial(); // Creation parameters Direct3DDevice8 *const device; const D3DSTATEBLOCKTYPE type; // State data bool vertexShaderCaptured; unsigned long vertexShaderHandle; bool pixelShaderCaptured; unsigned long pixelShaderHandle; bool indexBufferCaptured; Direct3DIndexBuffer8 *indexBuffer; unsigned int baseVertexIndex; bool renderStateCaptured[D3DRS_NORMALORDER + 1]; unsigned long renderState[D3DRS_NORMALORDER + 1]; bool textureStageStateCaptured[8][D3DTSS_RESULTARG + 1]; unsigned long textureStageState[8][D3DTSS_RESULTARG + 1]; bool streamSourceCaptured[16]; struct StreamSource { Direct3DVertexBuffer8 *vertexBuffer; unsigned int stride; }; StreamSource streamSource[16]; bool textureCaptured[8]; Direct3DBaseTexture8 *texture[8]; bool transformCaptured[512]; D3DMATRIX transform[512]; bool viewportCaptured; D3DVIEWPORT8 viewport; bool clipPlaneCaptured[6]; float clipPlane[6][4]; bool materialCaptured; D3DMATERIAL8 material; bool lightCaptured[8]; // FIXME: Unlimited index D3DLIGHT8 light[8]; bool lightEnableCaptured[8]; // FIXME: Unlimited index int lightEnableState[8]; float pixelShaderConstant[8][4]; float vertexShaderConstant[256][4]; bool scissorRectCaptured; RECT scissorRect; bool paletteNumberCaptured; unsigned int paletteNumber; void clear(); }; } #endif // D3D8_Direct3DStateBlock8_hpp