// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "Direct3DSurface9.hpp" #include "Direct3DDevice9.hpp" #include "Direct3DBaseTexture9.hpp" #include "Capabilities.hpp" #include "Resource.hpp" #include "Debug.hpp" #include #include extern bool quadLayoutEnabled; namespace D3D9 { sw::Resource *getParentResource(Unknown *container) { Direct3DBaseTexture9 *baseTexture = dynamic_cast(container); if(baseTexture) { return baseTexture->getResource(); } return 0; } int sampleCount(D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE multiSample, unsigned int quality) { if(multiSample == D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONMASKABLE) { switch(quality) { case 0: return 2; case 1: return 4; case 2: return 8; case 3: return 16; } } else if(multiSample == D3DMULTISAMPLE_2_SAMPLES) { return 2; } else if(multiSample == D3DMULTISAMPLE_4_SAMPLES) { return 4; } else if(multiSample == D3DMULTISAMPLE_8_SAMPLES) { return 8; } else if(multiSample == D3DMULTISAMPLE_16_SAMPLES) { return 16; } return 1; } bool isLockable(D3DPOOL pool, unsigned long usage, bool lockableOverride) { return (pool != D3DPOOL_DEFAULT) || (usage & D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC) || lockableOverride; } Direct3DSurface9::Direct3DSurface9(Direct3DDevice9 *device, Unknown *container, int width, int height, D3DFORMAT format, D3DPOOL pool, D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE multiSample, unsigned int quality, bool lockableOverride, unsigned long usage) : Direct3DResource9(device, D3DRTYPE_SURFACE, pool, memoryUsage(width, height, format)), Surface(getParentResource(container), width, height, sampleCount(multiSample, quality), translateFormat(format), isLockable(pool, usage, lockableOverride), (usage & D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET) || (usage & D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL)), container(container), width(width), height(height), format(format), pool(pool), multiSample(multiSample), quality(quality), lockable(isLockable(pool, usage, lockableOverride)), usage(usage) { parentTexture = dynamic_cast(container); } Direct3DSurface9::~Direct3DSurface9() { } void *Direct3DSurface9::lockInternal(int x, int y, int z, sw::Lock lock, sw::Accessor client) { return Surface::lockInternal(x, y, z, lock, client); } void Direct3DSurface9::unlockInternal() { Surface::unlockInternal(); } long Direct3DSurface9::QueryInterface(const IID &iid, void **object) { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE(""); if(iid == IID_IDirect3DSurface9 || iid == IID_IDirect3DResource9 || iid == IID_IUnknown) { AddRef(); *object = this; return S_OK; } *object = 0; return NOINTERFACE(iid); } unsigned long Direct3DSurface9::AddRef() { TRACE(""); if(parentTexture) { return parentTexture->AddRef(); } return Direct3DResource9::AddRef(); } unsigned long Direct3DSurface9::Release() { TRACE(""); if(parentTexture) { return parentTexture->Release(); } return Direct3DResource9::Release(); } long Direct3DSurface9::FreePrivateData(const GUID &guid) { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE(""); return Direct3DResource9::FreePrivateData(guid); } long Direct3DSurface9::GetPrivateData(const GUID &guid, void *data, unsigned long *size) { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE(""); return Direct3DResource9::GetPrivateData(guid, data, size); } void Direct3DSurface9::PreLoad() { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE(""); Direct3DResource9::PreLoad(); } long Direct3DSurface9::SetPrivateData(const GUID &guid, const void *data, unsigned long size, unsigned long flags) { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE(""); return Direct3DResource9::SetPrivateData(guid, data, size, flags); } long Direct3DSurface9::GetDevice(IDirect3DDevice9 **device) { CriticalSection cs(this->device); TRACE(""); return Direct3DResource9::GetDevice(device); } unsigned long Direct3DSurface9::SetPriority(unsigned long newPriority) { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE(""); return Direct3DResource9::SetPriority(newPriority); } unsigned long Direct3DSurface9::GetPriority() { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE(""); return Direct3DResource9::GetPriority(); } D3DRESOURCETYPE Direct3DSurface9::GetType() { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE(""); return Direct3DResource9::GetType(); } long Direct3DSurface9::GetDC(HDC *deviceContext) { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE(""); if(!deviceContext) { return INVALIDCALL(); } UNIMPLEMENTED(); return D3D_OK; } long Direct3DSurface9::ReleaseDC(HDC deviceContext) { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE(""); UNIMPLEMENTED(); return D3D_OK; } long Direct3DSurface9::LockRect(D3DLOCKED_RECT *lockedRect, const RECT *rect, unsigned long flags) { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE("D3DLOCKED_RECT *lockedRect = 0x%0.8p, const RECT *rect = 0x%0.8p, unsigned long flags = %d", lockedRect, rect, flags); if(!lockedRect) { return INVALIDCALL(); } lockedRect->Pitch = 0; lockedRect->pBits = 0; if(!lockable) { return INVALIDCALL(); } lockedRect->Pitch = getExternalPitchB(); sw::Lock lock = sw::LOCK_READWRITE; if(flags & D3DLOCK_DISCARD) { lock = sw::LOCK_DISCARD; } if(flags & D3DLOCK_READONLY) { lock = sw::LOCK_READONLY; } if(rect) { lockedRect->pBits = lockExternal(rect->left, rect->top, 0, lock, sw::PUBLIC); } else { lockedRect->pBits = lockExternal(0, 0, 0, lock, sw::PUBLIC); } return D3D_OK; } long Direct3DSurface9::UnlockRect() { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE(""); unlockExternal(); return D3D_OK; } long Direct3DSurface9::GetContainer(const IID &iid, void **container) { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE(""); if(!container) { return INVALIDCALL(); } long result = this->container->QueryInterface(iid, container); if(result == S_OK) { return D3D_OK; } return INVALIDCALL(); } long Direct3DSurface9::GetDesc(D3DSURFACE_DESC *description) { CriticalSection cs(device); TRACE(""); if(!description) { return INVALIDCALL(); } description->Format = format; description->Pool = pool; description->Type = D3DRTYPE_SURFACE; description->Height = height; description->Width = width; description->MultiSampleType = multiSample; description->MultiSampleQuality = quality; description->Usage = usage; return D3D_OK; } sw::Format Direct3DSurface9::translateFormat(D3DFORMAT format) { switch(format) { #if S3TC_SUPPORT case D3DFMT_NULL: return sw::FORMAT_NULL; case D3DFMT_DXT1: return sw::FORMAT_DXT1; case D3DFMT_DXT2: return sw::FORMAT_DXT3; case D3DFMT_DXT3: return sw::FORMAT_DXT3; case D3DFMT_DXT4: return sw::FORMAT_DXT5; case D3DFMT_DXT5: return sw::FORMAT_DXT5; case D3DFMT_ATI1: return sw::FORMAT_ATI1; case D3DFMT_ATI2: return sw::FORMAT_ATI2; #endif case D3DFMT_R3G3B2: return sw::FORMAT_R3G3B2; case D3DFMT_A8R3G3B2: return sw::FORMAT_A8R3G3B2; case D3DFMT_X4R4G4B4: return sw::FORMAT_X4R4G4B4; case D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4: return sw::FORMAT_A4R4G4B4; case D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8: return sw::FORMAT_A8R8G8B8; case D3DFMT_A8B8G8R8: return sw::FORMAT_A8B8G8R8; case D3DFMT_G16R16: return sw::FORMAT_G16R16; case D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10: return sw::FORMAT_A2R10G10B10; case D3DFMT_A2B10G10R10: return sw::FORMAT_A2B10G10R10; case D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16: return sw::FORMAT_A16B16G16R16; case D3DFMT_P8: return sw::FORMAT_P8; case D3DFMT_A8P8: return sw::FORMAT_A8P8; case D3DFMT_A8: return sw::FORMAT_A8; case D3DFMT_R5G6B5: return sw::FORMAT_R5G6B5; case D3DFMT_X1R5G5B5: return sw::FORMAT_X1R5G5B5; case D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5: return sw::FORMAT_A1R5G5B5; case D3DFMT_R8G8B8: return sw::FORMAT_R8G8B8; case D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8: return sw::FORMAT_X8R8G8B8; case D3DFMT_X8B8G8R8: return sw::FORMAT_X8B8G8R8; case D3DFMT_V8U8: return sw::FORMAT_V8U8; case D3DFMT_L6V5U5: return sw::FORMAT_L6V5U5; case D3DFMT_Q8W8V8U8: return sw::FORMAT_Q8W8V8U8; case D3DFMT_X8L8V8U8: return sw::FORMAT_X8L8V8U8; case D3DFMT_A2W10V10U10: return sw::FORMAT_A2W10V10U10; case D3DFMT_V16U16: return sw::FORMAT_V16U16; case D3DFMT_Q16W16V16U16: return sw::FORMAT_Q16W16V16U16; case D3DFMT_L8: return sw::FORMAT_L8; case D3DFMT_A4L4: return sw::FORMAT_A4L4; case D3DFMT_L16: return sw::FORMAT_L16; case D3DFMT_A8L8: return sw::FORMAT_A8L8; case D3DFMT_R16F: return sw::FORMAT_R16F; case D3DFMT_G16R16F: return sw::FORMAT_G16R16F; case D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F: return sw::FORMAT_A16B16G16R16F; case D3DFMT_R32F: return sw::FORMAT_R32F; case D3DFMT_G32R32F: return sw::FORMAT_G32R32F; case D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F: return sw::FORMAT_A32B32G32R32F; case D3DFMT_D16: return sw::FORMAT_D16; case D3DFMT_D32: return sw::FORMAT_D32; case D3DFMT_D24X8: return sw::FORMAT_D24X8; case D3DFMT_D24S8: return sw::FORMAT_D24S8; case D3DFMT_D24FS8: return sw::FORMAT_D24FS8; case D3DFMT_D32F_LOCKABLE: return sw::FORMAT_D32F_LOCKABLE; case D3DFMT_DF24: return sw::FORMAT_DF24S8; case D3DFMT_DF16: return sw::FORMAT_DF16S8; case D3DFMT_INTZ: return sw::FORMAT_INTZ; default: ASSERT(false); } return sw::FORMAT_NULL; } int Direct3DSurface9::bytes(D3DFORMAT format) { return Surface::bytes(translateFormat(format)); } unsigned int Direct3DSurface9::memoryUsage(int width, int height, D3DFORMAT format) { return Surface::size(width, height, 1, translateFormat(format)); } }