// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "DirectiveHandler.h" #include #include "debug.h" #include "Diagnostics.h" static TBehavior getBehavior(const std::string& str) { static const std::string kRequire("require"); static const std::string kEnable("enable"); static const std::string kDisable("disable"); static const std::string kWarn("warn"); if (str == kRequire) return EBhRequire; else if (str == kEnable) return EBhEnable; else if (str == kDisable) return EBhDisable; else if (str == kWarn) return EBhWarn; return EBhUndefined; } TDirectiveHandler::TDirectiveHandler(TExtensionBehavior& extBehavior, TDiagnostics& diagnostics, int& shaderVersion) : mExtensionBehavior(extBehavior), mDiagnostics(diagnostics), mShaderVersion(shaderVersion) { } TDirectiveHandler::~TDirectiveHandler() { } void TDirectiveHandler::handleError(const pp::SourceLocation& loc, const std::string& msg) { mDiagnostics.writeInfo(pp::Diagnostics::PP_ERROR, loc, msg, "", ""); } void TDirectiveHandler::handlePragma(const pp::SourceLocation& loc, const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { static const std::string kSTDGL("STDGL"); static const std::string kOptimize("optimize"); static const std::string kDebug("debug"); static const std::string kOn("on"); static const std::string kOff("off"); bool invalidValue = false; if (name == kSTDGL) { // The STDGL pragma is used to reserve pragmas for use by future // revisions of GLSL. Ignore it. return; } else if (name == kOptimize) { if (value == kOn) mPragma.optimize = true; else if (value == kOff) mPragma.optimize = false; else invalidValue = true; } else if (name == kDebug) { if (value == kOn) mPragma.debug = true; else if (value == kOff) mPragma.debug = false; else invalidValue = true; } else { mDiagnostics.report(pp::Diagnostics::UNRECOGNIZED_PRAGMA, loc, name); return; } if (invalidValue) mDiagnostics.writeInfo(pp::Diagnostics::PP_ERROR, loc, "invalid pragma value", value, "'on' or 'off' expected"); } void TDirectiveHandler::handleExtension(const pp::SourceLocation& loc, const std::string& name, const std::string& behavior) { static const std::string kExtAll("all"); TBehavior behaviorVal = getBehavior(behavior); if (behaviorVal == EBhUndefined) { mDiagnostics.writeInfo(pp::Diagnostics::PP_ERROR, loc, "behavior", name, "invalid"); return; } if (name == kExtAll) { if (behaviorVal == EBhRequire) { mDiagnostics.writeInfo(pp::Diagnostics::PP_ERROR, loc, "extension", name, "cannot have 'require' behavior"); } else if (behaviorVal == EBhEnable) { mDiagnostics.writeInfo(pp::Diagnostics::PP_ERROR, loc, "extension", name, "cannot have 'enable' behavior"); } else { for (TExtensionBehavior::iterator iter = mExtensionBehavior.begin(); iter != mExtensionBehavior.end(); ++iter) iter->second = behaviorVal; } return; } TExtensionBehavior::iterator iter = mExtensionBehavior.find(name); if (iter != mExtensionBehavior.end()) { iter->second = behaviorVal; return; } pp::Diagnostics::Severity severity = pp::Diagnostics::PP_ERROR; switch (behaviorVal) { case EBhRequire: severity = pp::Diagnostics::PP_ERROR; break; case EBhEnable: case EBhWarn: case EBhDisable: severity = pp::Diagnostics::PP_WARNING; break; default: UNREACHABLE(behaviorVal); break; } mDiagnostics.writeInfo(severity, loc, "extension", name, "is not supported"); } void TDirectiveHandler::handleVersion(const pp::SourceLocation& loc, int version) { if (version == 100 || version == 300) { mShaderVersion = version; } else { std::stringstream stream; stream << version; std::string str = stream.str(); mDiagnostics.writeInfo(pp::Diagnostics::PP_ERROR, loc, "version number", str, "not supported"); } }