#!/bin/bash -u # This is an example execution script. # This script changes with the problem you are trying to fix. # This particular script was used to triage a problem where a glibc # compiled with a new compiler would expose a problem in piglit. # Note it returns 0 only when the installation of the image succeeded # (ie: the machine booted after installation) source common/common.sh #export BISECT_STAGE=TRIAGE echo "BISECT_STAGE=${BISECT_STAGE}" echo "State of sets" wc -l ${bisect_dir}/*_SET board=x86-alex DUT= echo "Cleaning up" { sudo emerge -C cross-i686-pc-linux-gnu/glibc || exit 125; } &>> /tmp/glibc_triage.log echo "Building" { sudo -E emerge cross-i686-pc-linux-gnu/glibc || exit 125; } &>> /tmp/glibc_triage.log echo "Building image" { /home/llozano/trunk/src/scripts/build_image --board=${board} test || exit 125; } &>> /tmp/glibc_triage.log echo "Installing image" cros flash ${DUT} latest &> /tmp/tmp_cros_flash_result.log cat /tmp/tmp_cros_flash_result.log >> /tmp/cros_flash_result.log grep "Cros Flash completed successfully" /tmp/tmp_cros_flash_result.log || exit 125 echo "Trying piglit" echo "export DISPLAY=:0.0; echo \$DISPLAY; /usr/local/piglit/lib/piglit/bin/glx-close-display -auto" > /tmp/repro.sh SSH_OPTS="-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oServerAliveInterval=10 -i /var/cache/chromeos-cache/distfiles/target/./chrome-src/src/third_party/chromite/ssh_keys/testing_rsa" scp ${SSH_OPTS} /tmp/repro.sh root@${DUT}:/tmp # notice the bash -l here. Otherwise the DISPLAY cannot be set ( ssh ${SSH_OPTS} root@${DUT} -- /bin/bash -l /tmp/repro.sh ) > /tmp/result grep pass /tmp/result || { echo "PIGLIT FAILED"; exit 1; } echo "PIGLIT PASSED" exit 0