/* * Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. * * The origin of this file is * https://github.com/tianocore/edk2.git:MdePkg/Include/IndustryStandard/Tpm20.h * published under BSD license. It can not be copied as is, as it collides * with some of the definitions of this package. */ #ifndef __TPM2_TPM_TYPES_H #define __TPM2_TPM_TYPES_H #include "Capabilities.h" #include "Implementation.h" typedef UINT32 TPM_SPEC; #include "tpm_types.h" /* * The below enum is just a pile of all return codes defined in functions in * part 4 of the spec. * * TODO: map these properly into Format-One error reporting. */ enum { RC_ActivateCredential_credentialBlob = 0, RC_ActivateCredential_keyHandle = 0, RC_ActivateCredential_secret = 0, RC_CertifyCreation_creationTicket = 0, RC_CertifyCreation_inScheme = 0, RC_CertifyCreation_signHandle = 0, RC_Certify_inScheme = 0, RC_Certify_signHandle = 0, RC_ClockSet_newTime = 0, RC_Commit_P1 = 0, RC_Commit_s2 = 0, RC_Commit_signHandle = 0, RC_Commit_y2 = 0, RC_ContextLoad_context = 0, RC_CreatePrimary_inPublic = 0, RC_CreatePrimary_inSensitive = 0, RC_Create_inPublic = 0, RC_Create_inSensitive = 0, RC_Create_parentHandle = 0, RC_Duplicate_encryptionKeyIn = 0, RC_Duplicate_newParentHandle = 0, RC_Duplicate_objectHandle = 0, RC_Duplicate_symmetricAlg = 0, RC_ECC_Parameters_curveID = 0, RC_ECDH_KeyGen_keyHandle = 0, RC_ECDH_ZGen_keyHandle = 0, RC_ECDH_ZGen_inPoint = 0, RC_EncryptDecrypt_inData = 0, RC_EncryptDecrypt_ivIn = 0, RC_EncryptDecrypt_keyHandle = 0, RC_EncryptDecrypt_mode = 0, RC_EventSequenceComplete_sequenceHandle = 0, RC_EvictControl_objectHandle = 0, RC_EvictControl_persistentHandle = 0, RC_GetCapability_property = 0, RC_GetCommandAuditDigest_signHandle = 0, RC_GetCommandAuditDigest_inScheme = 0, RC_GetSessionAuditDigest_inScheme = 0, RC_GetSessionAuditDigest_sessionHandle = 0, RC_GetSessionAuditDigest_signHandle = 0, RC_GetTime_inScheme = 0, RC_GetTime_signHandle = 0, RC_HMAC_handle = 0, RC_HMAC_hashAlg = 0, RC_HMAC_Start_handle = 0, RC_HMAC_Start_hashAlg = 0, RC_HierarchyChangeAuth_newAuth = 0, RC_Import_duplicate = 0, RC_Import_encryptionKey = 0, RC_Import_inSymSeed = 0, RC_Import_objectPublic = 0, RC_Import_parentHandle = 0, RC_IncrementalSelfTest_toTest = 0, RC_Load_inPrivate = 0, RC_Load_inPublic = 0, RC_Load_parentHandle = 0, RC_LoadExternal_hierarchy = 0, RC_LoadExternal_inPublic = 0, RC_MakeCredential_credential = 0, RC_MakeCredential_handle = 0, RC_NV_Certify_signHandle = 0, RC_NV_Certify_inScheme = 0, RC_NV_ChangeAuth_newAuth = 0, RC_NV_DefineSpace_auth = 0, RC_NV_DefineSpace_authHandle = 0, RC_NV_DefineSpace_publicInfo = 0, RC_NV_Extend_nvIndex = 0, RC_NV_Increment_nvIndex = 0, RC_NV_ReadLock_nvIndex = 0, RC_NV_SetBits_nvIndex = 0, RC_NV_UndefineSpace_nvIndex = 0, RC_NV_UndefineSpaceSpecial_nvIndex = 0, RC_NV_WriteLock_nvIndex = 0, RC_ObjectChangeAuth_newAuth = 0, RC_ObjectChangeAuth_objectHandle = 0, RC_ObjectChangeAuth_parentHandle = 0, RC_PCR_SetAuthPolicy_authPolicy = 0, RC_PCR_SetAuthPolicy_pcrNum = 0, RC_PolicyAuthorize_approvedPolicy = 0, RC_PolicyAuthorize_checkTicket = 0, RC_PolicyAuthorize_keySign = 0, RC_PolicyCommandCode_code = 0, RC_PolicyCpHash_cpHashA = 0, RC_PolicyLocality_locality = 0, RC_PolicyNV_operandB = 0, RC_PolicyNameHash_nameHash = 0, RC_PolicyNvWritten_writtenSet = 0, RC_PolicyOR_pHashList = 0, RC_PolicyPCR_pcrDigest = 0, RC_PolicySecret_cpHashA = 0, RC_PolicySecret_expiration = 0, RC_PolicySecret_nonceTPM = 0, RC_PolicySigned_auth = 0, RC_PolicySigned_cpHashA = 0, RC_PolicySigned_expiration = 0, RC_PolicySigned_nonceTPM = 0, RC_PolicyTicket_cpHashA = 0, RC_PolicyTicket_policySession = 0, RC_PolicyTicket_ticket = 0, RC_PolicyTicket_timeout = 0, RC_Quote_inScheme = 0, RC_Quote_signHandle = 0, RC_RSA_Decrypt_inScheme = 0, RC_RSA_Decrypt_keyHandle = 0, RC_RSA_Decrypt_label = 0, RC_RSA_Encrypt_inScheme = 0, RC_RSA_Encrypt_keyHandle = 0, RC_RSA_Encrypt_label = 0, RC_Rewrap_inDuplicate = 0, RC_Rewrap_inSymSeed = 0, RC_Rewrap_newParent = 0, RC_Rewrap_oldParent = 0, RC_SequenceComplete_sequenceHandle = 0, RC_SequenceUpdate_sequenceHandle = 0, RC_SetCommandCodeAuditStatus_auditAlg = 0, RC_SetPrimaryPolicy_authPolicy = 0, RC_Shutdown_shutdownType = 0, RC_Sign_digest = 0, RC_Sign_inScheme = 0, RC_Sign_keyHandle = 0, RC_Sign_validation = 0, RC_StartAuthSession_bind = 0, RC_StartAuthSession_encryptedSalt = 0, RC_StartAuthSession_nonceCaller = 0, RC_StartAuthSession_symmetric = 0, RC_StartAuthSession_tpmKey = 0, RC_Startup_startupType = 0, RC_Unseal_itemHandle = 0, RC_VerifySignature_keyHandle = 0, RC_VerifySignature_signature = 0, RC_ZGen_2Phase_counter = 0, RC_ZGen_2Phase_inQeB = 0, RC_ZGen_2Phase_inQsB = 0, RC_ZGen_2Phase_inScheme = 0, RC_ZGen_2Phase_keyA = 0, }; #endif // __TPM2_TPM_TYPES_H