// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/regexp/regexp-parser.h" #include "src/char-predicates-inl.h" #include "src/factory.h" #include "src/isolate.h" #include "src/objects-inl.h" #include "src/ostreams.h" #include "src/regexp/jsregexp.h" #include "src/utils.h" #ifdef V8_I18N_SUPPORT #include "unicode/uniset.h" #endif // V8_I18N_SUPPORT namespace v8 { namespace internal { RegExpParser::RegExpParser(FlatStringReader* in, Handle* error, JSRegExp::Flags flags, Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone) : isolate_(isolate), zone_(zone), error_(error), captures_(NULL), named_captures_(NULL), named_back_references_(NULL), in_(in), current_(kEndMarker), ignore_case_(flags & JSRegExp::kIgnoreCase), multiline_(flags & JSRegExp::kMultiline), unicode_(flags & JSRegExp::kUnicode), next_pos_(0), captures_started_(0), capture_count_(0), has_more_(true), simple_(false), contains_anchor_(false), is_scanned_for_captures_(false), failed_(false) { Advance(); } template inline uc32 RegExpParser::ReadNext() { int position = next_pos_; uc32 c0 = in()->Get(position); position++; // Read the whole surrogate pair in case of unicode flag, if possible. if (unicode() && position < in()->length() && unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(static_cast(c0))) { uc16 c1 = in()->Get(position); if (unibrow::Utf16::IsTrailSurrogate(c1)) { c0 = unibrow::Utf16::CombineSurrogatePair(static_cast(c0), c1); position++; } } if (update_position) next_pos_ = position; return c0; } uc32 RegExpParser::Next() { if (has_next()) { return ReadNext(); } else { return kEndMarker; } } void RegExpParser::Advance() { if (has_next()) { StackLimitCheck check(isolate()); if (check.HasOverflowed()) { if (FLAG_abort_on_stack_overflow) FATAL("Aborting on stack overflow"); ReportError(CStrVector( MessageTemplate::TemplateString(MessageTemplate::kStackOverflow))); } else if (zone()->excess_allocation()) { ReportError(CStrVector("Regular expression too large")); } else { current_ = ReadNext(); } } else { current_ = kEndMarker; // Advance so that position() points to 1-after-the-last-character. This is // important so that Reset() to this position works correctly. next_pos_ = in()->length() + 1; has_more_ = false; } } void RegExpParser::Reset(int pos) { next_pos_ = pos; has_more_ = (pos < in()->length()); Advance(); } void RegExpParser::Advance(int dist) { next_pos_ += dist - 1; Advance(); } bool RegExpParser::simple() { return simple_; } bool RegExpParser::IsSyntaxCharacterOrSlash(uc32 c) { switch (c) { case '^': case '$': case '\\': case '.': case '*': case '+': case '?': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': case '|': case '/': return true; default: break; } return false; } RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ReportError(Vector message) { if (failed_) return NULL; // Do not overwrite any existing error. failed_ = true; *error_ = isolate()->factory()->NewStringFromAscii(message).ToHandleChecked(); // Zip to the end to make sure the no more input is read. current_ = kEndMarker; next_pos_ = in()->length(); return NULL; } #define CHECK_FAILED /**/); \ if (failed_) return NULL; \ ((void)0 // Pattern :: // Disjunction RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParsePattern() { RegExpTree* result = ParseDisjunction(CHECK_FAILED); PatchNamedBackReferences(CHECK_FAILED); DCHECK(!has_more()); // If the result of parsing is a literal string atom, and it has the // same length as the input, then the atom is identical to the input. if (result->IsAtom() && result->AsAtom()->length() == in()->length()) { simple_ = true; } return result; } // Disjunction :: // Alternative // Alternative | Disjunction // Alternative :: // [empty] // Term Alternative // Term :: // Assertion // Atom // Atom Quantifier RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseDisjunction() { // Used to store current state while parsing subexpressions. RegExpParserState initial_state(NULL, INITIAL, RegExpLookaround::LOOKAHEAD, 0, nullptr, ignore_case(), unicode(), zone()); RegExpParserState* state = &initial_state; // Cache the builder in a local variable for quick access. RegExpBuilder* builder = initial_state.builder(); while (true) { switch (current()) { case kEndMarker: if (state->IsSubexpression()) { // Inside a parenthesized group when hitting end of input. return ReportError(CStrVector("Unterminated group")); } DCHECK_EQ(INITIAL, state->group_type()); // Parsing completed successfully. return builder->ToRegExp(); case ')': { if (!state->IsSubexpression()) { return ReportError(CStrVector("Unmatched ')'")); } DCHECK_NE(INITIAL, state->group_type()); Advance(); // End disjunction parsing and convert builder content to new single // regexp atom. RegExpTree* body = builder->ToRegExp(); int end_capture_index = captures_started(); int capture_index = state->capture_index(); SubexpressionType group_type = state->group_type(); // Build result of subexpression. if (group_type == CAPTURE) { if (state->IsNamedCapture()) { CreateNamedCaptureAtIndex(state->capture_name(), capture_index CHECK_FAILED); } RegExpCapture* capture = GetCapture(capture_index); capture->set_body(body); body = capture; } else if (group_type == GROUPING) { body = new (zone()) RegExpGroup(body); } else { DCHECK(group_type == POSITIVE_LOOKAROUND || group_type == NEGATIVE_LOOKAROUND); bool is_positive = (group_type == POSITIVE_LOOKAROUND); body = new (zone()) RegExpLookaround( body, is_positive, end_capture_index - capture_index, capture_index, state->lookaround_type()); } // Restore previous state. state = state->previous_state(); builder = state->builder(); builder->AddAtom(body); // For compatability with JSC and ES3, we allow quantifiers after // lookaheads, and break in all cases. break; } case '|': { Advance(); builder->NewAlternative(); continue; } case '*': case '+': case '?': return ReportError(CStrVector("Nothing to repeat")); case '^': { Advance(); if (multiline()) { builder->AddAssertion( new (zone()) RegExpAssertion(RegExpAssertion::START_OF_LINE)); } else { builder->AddAssertion( new (zone()) RegExpAssertion(RegExpAssertion::START_OF_INPUT)); set_contains_anchor(); } continue; } case '$': { Advance(); RegExpAssertion::AssertionType assertion_type = multiline() ? RegExpAssertion::END_OF_LINE : RegExpAssertion::END_OF_INPUT; builder->AddAssertion(new (zone()) RegExpAssertion(assertion_type)); continue; } case '.': { Advance(); // everything except \x0a, \x0d, \u2028 and \u2029 ZoneList* ranges = new (zone()) ZoneList(2, zone()); CharacterRange::AddClassEscape('.', ranges, zone()); RegExpCharacterClass* cc = new (zone()) RegExpCharacterClass(ranges, false); builder->AddCharacterClass(cc); break; } case '(': { SubexpressionType subexpr_type = CAPTURE; RegExpLookaround::Type lookaround_type = state->lookaround_type(); bool is_named_capture = false; Advance(); if (current() == '?') { switch (Next()) { case ':': subexpr_type = GROUPING; Advance(2); break; case '=': lookaround_type = RegExpLookaround::LOOKAHEAD; subexpr_type = POSITIVE_LOOKAROUND; Advance(2); break; case '!': lookaround_type = RegExpLookaround::LOOKAHEAD; subexpr_type = NEGATIVE_LOOKAROUND; Advance(2); break; case '<': Advance(); if (FLAG_harmony_regexp_lookbehind) { if (Next() == '=') { subexpr_type = POSITIVE_LOOKAROUND; lookaround_type = RegExpLookaround::LOOKBEHIND; Advance(2); break; } else if (Next() == '!') { subexpr_type = NEGATIVE_LOOKAROUND; lookaround_type = RegExpLookaround::LOOKBEHIND; Advance(2); break; } } if (FLAG_harmony_regexp_named_captures && unicode()) { is_named_capture = true; Advance(); break; } // Fall through. default: return ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid group")); } } const ZoneVector* capture_name = nullptr; if (subexpr_type == CAPTURE) { if (captures_started_ >= kMaxCaptures) { return ReportError(CStrVector("Too many captures")); } captures_started_++; if (is_named_capture) { capture_name = ParseCaptureGroupName(CHECK_FAILED); } } // Store current state and begin new disjunction parsing. state = new (zone()) RegExpParserState( state, subexpr_type, lookaround_type, captures_started_, capture_name, ignore_case(), unicode(), zone()); builder = state->builder(); continue; } case '[': { RegExpTree* cc = ParseCharacterClass(CHECK_FAILED); builder->AddCharacterClass(cc->AsCharacterClass()); break; } // Atom :: // \ AtomEscape case '\\': switch (Next()) { case kEndMarker: return ReportError(CStrVector("\\ at end of pattern")); case 'b': Advance(2); builder->AddAssertion( new (zone()) RegExpAssertion(RegExpAssertion::BOUNDARY)); continue; case 'B': Advance(2); builder->AddAssertion( new (zone()) RegExpAssertion(RegExpAssertion::NON_BOUNDARY)); continue; // AtomEscape :: // CharacterClassEscape // // CharacterClassEscape :: one of // d D s S w W case 'd': case 'D': case 's': case 'S': case 'w': case 'W': { uc32 c = Next(); Advance(2); ZoneList* ranges = new (zone()) ZoneList(2, zone()); CharacterRange::AddClassEscape(c, ranges, zone()); RegExpCharacterClass* cc = new (zone()) RegExpCharacterClass(ranges, false); builder->AddCharacterClass(cc); break; } case 'p': case 'P': { uc32 p = Next(); Advance(2); if (unicode()) { if (FLAG_harmony_regexp_property) { ZoneList* ranges = new (zone()) ZoneList(2, zone()); if (!ParsePropertyClass(ranges, p == 'P')) { return ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid property name")); } RegExpCharacterClass* cc = new (zone()) RegExpCharacterClass(ranges, false); builder->AddCharacterClass(cc); } else { // With /u, no identity escapes except for syntax characters // are allowed. Otherwise, all identity escapes are allowed. return ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid escape")); } } else { builder->AddCharacter(p); } break; } case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { int index = 0; bool is_backref = ParseBackReferenceIndex(&index CHECK_FAILED); if (is_backref) { if (state->IsInsideCaptureGroup(index)) { // The back reference is inside the capture group it refers to. // Nothing can possibly have been captured yet, so we use empty // instead. This ensures that, when checking a back reference, // the capture registers of the referenced capture are either // both set or both cleared. builder->AddEmpty(); } else { RegExpCapture* capture = GetCapture(index); RegExpTree* atom = new (zone()) RegExpBackReference(capture); builder->AddAtom(atom); } break; } // With /u, no identity escapes except for syntax characters // are allowed. Otherwise, all identity escapes are allowed. if (unicode()) { return ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid escape")); } uc32 first_digit = Next(); if (first_digit == '8' || first_digit == '9') { builder->AddCharacter(first_digit); Advance(2); break; } } // Fall through. case '0': { Advance(); if (unicode() && Next() >= '0' && Next() <= '9') { // With /u, decimal escape with leading 0 are not parsed as octal. return ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid decimal escape")); } uc32 octal = ParseOctalLiteral(); builder->AddCharacter(octal); break; } // ControlEscape :: one of // f n r t v case 'f': Advance(2); builder->AddCharacter('\f'); break; case 'n': Advance(2); builder->AddCharacter('\n'); break; case 'r': Advance(2); builder->AddCharacter('\r'); break; case 't': Advance(2); builder->AddCharacter('\t'); break; case 'v': Advance(2); builder->AddCharacter('\v'); break; case 'c': { Advance(); uc32 controlLetter = Next(); // Special case if it is an ASCII letter. // Convert lower case letters to uppercase. uc32 letter = controlLetter & ~('a' ^ 'A'); if (letter < 'A' || 'Z' < letter) { // controlLetter is not in range 'A'-'Z' or 'a'-'z'. // This is outside the specification. We match JSC in // reading the backslash as a literal character instead // of as starting an escape. if (unicode()) { // With /u, invalid escapes are not treated as identity escapes. return ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid unicode escape")); } builder->AddCharacter('\\'); } else { Advance(2); builder->AddCharacter(controlLetter & 0x1f); } break; } case 'x': { Advance(2); uc32 value; if (ParseHexEscape(2, &value)) { builder->AddCharacter(value); } else if (!unicode()) { builder->AddCharacter('x'); } else { // With /u, invalid escapes are not treated as identity escapes. return ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid escape")); } break; } case 'u': { Advance(2); uc32 value; if (ParseUnicodeEscape(&value)) { builder->AddEscapedUnicodeCharacter(value); } else if (!unicode()) { builder->AddCharacter('u'); } else { // With /u, invalid escapes are not treated as identity escapes. return ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid unicode escape")); } break; } case 'k': if (FLAG_harmony_regexp_named_captures && unicode()) { Advance(2); ParseNamedBackReference(builder, state CHECK_FAILED); break; } // Fall through. default: Advance(); // With /u, no identity escapes except for syntax characters // are allowed. Otherwise, all identity escapes are allowed. if (!unicode() || IsSyntaxCharacterOrSlash(current())) { builder->AddCharacter(current()); Advance(); } else { return ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid escape")); } break; } break; case '{': { int dummy; bool parsed = ParseIntervalQuantifier(&dummy, &dummy CHECK_FAILED); if (parsed) return ReportError(CStrVector("Nothing to repeat")); // Fall through. } case '}': case ']': if (unicode()) { return ReportError(CStrVector("Lone quantifier brackets")); } // Fall through. default: builder->AddUnicodeCharacter(current()); Advance(); break; } // end switch(current()) int min; int max; switch (current()) { // QuantifierPrefix :: // * // + // ? // { case '*': min = 0; max = RegExpTree::kInfinity; Advance(); break; case '+': min = 1; max = RegExpTree::kInfinity; Advance(); break; case '?': min = 0; max = 1; Advance(); break; case '{': if (ParseIntervalQuantifier(&min, &max)) { if (max < min) { return ReportError( CStrVector("numbers out of order in {} quantifier")); } break; } else if (unicode()) { // With /u, incomplete quantifiers are not allowed. return ReportError(CStrVector("Incomplete quantifier")); } continue; default: continue; } RegExpQuantifier::QuantifierType quantifier_type = RegExpQuantifier::GREEDY; if (current() == '?') { quantifier_type = RegExpQuantifier::NON_GREEDY; Advance(); } else if (FLAG_regexp_possessive_quantifier && current() == '+') { // FLAG_regexp_possessive_quantifier is a debug-only flag. quantifier_type = RegExpQuantifier::POSSESSIVE; Advance(); } if (!builder->AddQuantifierToAtom(min, max, quantifier_type)) { return ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid quantifier")); } } } #ifdef DEBUG // Currently only used in an DCHECK. static bool IsSpecialClassEscape(uc32 c) { switch (c) { case 'd': case 'D': case 's': case 'S': case 'w': case 'W': return true; default: return false; } } #endif // In order to know whether an escape is a backreference or not we have to scan // the entire regexp and find the number of capturing parentheses. However we // don't want to scan the regexp twice unless it is necessary. This mini-parser // is called when needed. It can see the difference between capturing and // noncapturing parentheses and can skip character classes and backslash-escaped // characters. void RegExpParser::ScanForCaptures() { // Start with captures started previous to current position int capture_count = captures_started(); // Add count of captures after this position. int n; while ((n = current()) != kEndMarker) { Advance(); switch (n) { case '\\': Advance(); break; case '[': { int c; while ((c = current()) != kEndMarker) { Advance(); if (c == '\\') { Advance(); } else { if (c == ']') break; } } break; } case '(': if (current() != '?') capture_count++; break; } } capture_count_ = capture_count; is_scanned_for_captures_ = true; } bool RegExpParser::ParseBackReferenceIndex(int* index_out) { DCHECK_EQ('\\', current()); DCHECK('1' <= Next() && Next() <= '9'); // Try to parse a decimal literal that is no greater than the total number // of left capturing parentheses in the input. int start = position(); int value = Next() - '0'; Advance(2); while (true) { uc32 c = current(); if (IsDecimalDigit(c)) { value = 10 * value + (c - '0'); if (value > kMaxCaptures) { Reset(start); return false; } Advance(); } else { break; } } if (value > captures_started()) { if (!is_scanned_for_captures_) { int saved_position = position(); ScanForCaptures(); Reset(saved_position); } if (value > capture_count_) { Reset(start); return false; } } *index_out = value; return true; } static void push_code_unit(ZoneVector* v, uint32_t code_unit) { if (code_unit <= unibrow::Utf16::kMaxNonSurrogateCharCode) { v->push_back(code_unit); } else { v->push_back(unibrow::Utf16::LeadSurrogate(code_unit)); v->push_back(unibrow::Utf16::TrailSurrogate(code_unit)); } } const ZoneVector* RegExpParser::ParseCaptureGroupName() { DCHECK(FLAG_harmony_regexp_named_captures); DCHECK(unicode()); ZoneVector* name = new (zone()->New(sizeof(ZoneVector))) ZoneVector(zone()); bool at_start = true; while (true) { uc32 c = current(); Advance(); // Convert unicode escapes. if (c == '\\' && current() == 'u') { Advance(); if (!ParseUnicodeEscape(&c)) { ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid Unicode escape sequence")); return nullptr; } } if (at_start) { if (!IdentifierStart::Is(c)) { ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid capture group name")); return nullptr; } push_code_unit(name, c); at_start = false; } else { if (c == '>') { break; } else if (IdentifierPart::Is(c)) { push_code_unit(name, c); } else { ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid capture group name")); return nullptr; } } } return name; } bool RegExpParser::CreateNamedCaptureAtIndex(const ZoneVector* name, int index) { DCHECK(FLAG_harmony_regexp_named_captures); DCHECK(unicode()); DCHECK(0 < index && index <= captures_started_); DCHECK_NOT_NULL(name); if (named_captures_ == nullptr) { named_captures_ = new (zone()) ZoneList(1, zone()); } else { // Check for duplicates and bail if we find any. for (const auto& named_capture : *named_captures_) { if (*named_capture->name() == *name) { ReportError(CStrVector("Duplicate capture group name")); return false; } } } RegExpCapture* capture = GetCapture(index); DCHECK(capture->name() == nullptr); capture->set_name(name); named_captures_->Add(capture, zone()); return true; } bool RegExpParser::ParseNamedBackReference(RegExpBuilder* builder, RegExpParserState* state) { // The parser is assumed to be on the '<' in \k. if (current() != '<') { ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid named reference")); return false; } Advance(); const ZoneVector* name = ParseCaptureGroupName(); if (name == nullptr) { return false; } if (state->IsInsideCaptureGroup(name)) { builder->AddEmpty(); } else { RegExpBackReference* atom = new (zone()) RegExpBackReference(); atom->set_name(name); builder->AddAtom(atom); if (named_back_references_ == nullptr) { named_back_references_ = new (zone()) ZoneList(1, zone()); } named_back_references_->Add(atom, zone()); } return true; } void RegExpParser::PatchNamedBackReferences() { if (named_back_references_ == nullptr) return; if (named_captures_ == nullptr) { ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid named capture referenced")); return; } // Look up and patch the actual capture for each named back reference. // TODO(jgruber): O(n^2), optimize if necessary. for (int i = 0; i < named_back_references_->length(); i++) { RegExpBackReference* ref = named_back_references_->at(i); int index = -1; for (const auto& capture : *named_captures_) { if (*capture->name() == *ref->name()) { index = capture->index(); break; } } if (index == -1) { ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid named capture referenced")); return; } ref->set_capture(GetCapture(index)); } } RegExpCapture* RegExpParser::GetCapture(int index) { // The index for the capture groups are one-based. Its index in the list is // zero-based. int know_captures = is_scanned_for_captures_ ? capture_count_ : captures_started_; DCHECK(index <= know_captures); if (captures_ == NULL) { captures_ = new (zone()) ZoneList(know_captures, zone()); } while (captures_->length() < know_captures) { captures_->Add(new (zone()) RegExpCapture(captures_->length() + 1), zone()); } return captures_->at(index - 1); } Handle RegExpParser::CreateCaptureNameMap() { if (named_captures_ == nullptr || named_captures_->is_empty()) return Handle(); Factory* factory = isolate()->factory(); int len = named_captures_->length() * 2; Handle array = factory->NewFixedArray(len); for (int i = 0; i < named_captures_->length(); i++) { RegExpCapture* capture = named_captures_->at(i); MaybeHandle name = factory->NewStringFromTwoByte(capture->name()); array->set(i * 2, *name.ToHandleChecked()); array->set(i * 2 + 1, Smi::FromInt(capture->index())); } return array; } bool RegExpParser::RegExpParserState::IsInsideCaptureGroup(int index) { for (RegExpParserState* s = this; s != NULL; s = s->previous_state()) { if (s->group_type() != CAPTURE) continue; // Return true if we found the matching capture index. if (index == s->capture_index()) return true; // Abort if index is larger than what has been parsed up till this state. if (index > s->capture_index()) return false; } return false; } bool RegExpParser::RegExpParserState::IsInsideCaptureGroup( const ZoneVector* name) { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(name); for (RegExpParserState* s = this; s != NULL; s = s->previous_state()) { if (s->capture_name() == nullptr) continue; if (*s->capture_name() == *name) return true; } return false; } // QuantifierPrefix :: // { DecimalDigits } // { DecimalDigits , } // { DecimalDigits , DecimalDigits } // // Returns true if parsing succeeds, and set the min_out and max_out // values. Values are truncated to RegExpTree::kInfinity if they overflow. bool RegExpParser::ParseIntervalQuantifier(int* min_out, int* max_out) { DCHECK_EQ(current(), '{'); int start = position(); Advance(); int min = 0; if (!IsDecimalDigit(current())) { Reset(start); return false; } while (IsDecimalDigit(current())) { int next = current() - '0'; if (min > (RegExpTree::kInfinity - next) / 10) { // Overflow. Skip past remaining decimal digits and return -1. do { Advance(); } while (IsDecimalDigit(current())); min = RegExpTree::kInfinity; break; } min = 10 * min + next; Advance(); } int max = 0; if (current() == '}') { max = min; Advance(); } else if (current() == ',') { Advance(); if (current() == '}') { max = RegExpTree::kInfinity; Advance(); } else { while (IsDecimalDigit(current())) { int next = current() - '0'; if (max > (RegExpTree::kInfinity - next) / 10) { do { Advance(); } while (IsDecimalDigit(current())); max = RegExpTree::kInfinity; break; } max = 10 * max + next; Advance(); } if (current() != '}') { Reset(start); return false; } Advance(); } } else { Reset(start); return false; } *min_out = min; *max_out = max; return true; } uc32 RegExpParser::ParseOctalLiteral() { DCHECK(('0' <= current() && current() <= '7') || current() == kEndMarker); // For compatibility with some other browsers (not all), we parse // up to three octal digits with a value below 256. uc32 value = current() - '0'; Advance(); if ('0' <= current() && current() <= '7') { value = value * 8 + current() - '0'; Advance(); if (value < 32 && '0' <= current() && current() <= '7') { value = value * 8 + current() - '0'; Advance(); } } return value; } bool RegExpParser::ParseHexEscape(int length, uc32* value) { int start = position(); uc32 val = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { uc32 c = current(); int d = HexValue(c); if (d < 0) { Reset(start); return false; } val = val * 16 + d; Advance(); } *value = val; return true; } // This parses RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence as described in ECMA262. bool RegExpParser::ParseUnicodeEscape(uc32* value) { // Accept both \uxxxx and \u{xxxxxx} (if harmony unicode escapes are // allowed). In the latter case, the number of hex digits between { } is // arbitrary. \ and u have already been read. if (current() == '{' && unicode()) { int start = position(); Advance(); if (ParseUnlimitedLengthHexNumber(0x10ffff, value)) { if (current() == '}') { Advance(); return true; } } Reset(start); return false; } // \u but no {, or \u{...} escapes not allowed. bool result = ParseHexEscape(4, value); if (result && unicode() && unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(*value) && current() == '\\') { // Attempt to read trail surrogate. int start = position(); if (Next() == 'u') { Advance(2); uc32 trail; if (ParseHexEscape(4, &trail) && unibrow::Utf16::IsTrailSurrogate(trail)) { *value = unibrow::Utf16::CombineSurrogatePair(static_cast(*value), static_cast(trail)); return true; } } Reset(start); } return result; } #ifdef V8_I18N_SUPPORT namespace { bool IsExactPropertyAlias(const char* property_name, UProperty property) { const char* short_name = u_getPropertyName(property, U_SHORT_PROPERTY_NAME); if (short_name != NULL && strcmp(property_name, short_name) == 0) return true; for (int i = 0;; i++) { const char* long_name = u_getPropertyName( property, static_cast(U_LONG_PROPERTY_NAME + i)); if (long_name == NULL) break; if (strcmp(property_name, long_name) == 0) return true; } return false; } bool IsExactPropertyValueAlias(const char* property_value_name, UProperty property, int32_t property_value) { const char* short_name = u_getPropertyValueName(property, property_value, U_SHORT_PROPERTY_NAME); if (short_name != NULL && strcmp(property_value_name, short_name) == 0) { return true; } for (int i = 0;; i++) { const char* long_name = u_getPropertyValueName( property, property_value, static_cast(U_LONG_PROPERTY_NAME + i)); if (long_name == NULL) break; if (strcmp(property_value_name, long_name) == 0) return true; } return false; } bool LookupPropertyValueName(UProperty property, const char* property_value_name, bool negate, ZoneList* result, Zone* zone) { UProperty property_for_lookup = property; if (property_for_lookup == UCHAR_SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS) { // For the property Script_Extensions, we have to do the property value // name lookup as if the property is Script. property_for_lookup = UCHAR_SCRIPT; } int32_t property_value = u_getPropertyValueEnum(property_for_lookup, property_value_name); if (property_value == UCHAR_INVALID_CODE) return false; // We require the property name to match exactly to one of the property value // aliases. However, u_getPropertyValueEnum uses loose matching. if (!IsExactPropertyValueAlias(property_value_name, property_for_lookup, property_value)) { return false; } UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; icu::UnicodeSet set; set.applyIntPropertyValue(property, property_value, ec); bool success = ec == U_ZERO_ERROR && !set.isEmpty(); if (success) { set.removeAllStrings(); if (negate) set.complement(); for (int i = 0; i < set.getRangeCount(); i++) { result->Add( CharacterRange::Range(set.getRangeStart(i), set.getRangeEnd(i)), zone); } } return success; } template inline bool NameEquals(const char* name, const char (&literal)[N]) { return strncmp(name, literal, N + 1) == 0; } bool LookupSpecialPropertyValueName(const char* name, ZoneList* result, bool negate, Zone* zone) { if (NameEquals(name, "Any")) { if (!negate) result->Add(CharacterRange::Everything(), zone); } else if (NameEquals(name, "ASCII")) { result->Add(negate ? CharacterRange::Range(0x80, String::kMaxCodePoint) : CharacterRange::Range(0x0, 0x7f), zone); } else if (NameEquals(name, "Assigned")) { return LookupPropertyValueName(UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY, "Unassigned", !negate, result, zone); } else { return false; } return true; } } // anonymous namespace bool RegExpParser::ParsePropertyClass(ZoneList* result, bool negate) { // Parse the property class as follows: // - In \p{name}, 'name' is interpreted // - either as a general category property value name. // - or as a binary property name. // - In \p{name=value}, 'name' is interpreted as an enumerated property name, // and 'value' is interpreted as one of the available property value names. // - Aliases in PropertyAlias.txt and PropertyValueAlias.txt can be used. // - Loose matching is not applied. List first_part; List second_part; if (current() == '{') { // Parse \p{[PropertyName=]PropertyNameValue} for (Advance(); current() != '}' && current() != '='; Advance()) { if (!has_next()) return false; first_part.Add(static_cast(current())); } if (current() == '=') { for (Advance(); current() != '}'; Advance()) { if (!has_next()) return false; second_part.Add(static_cast(current())); } second_part.Add(0); // null-terminate string. } } else { return false; } Advance(); first_part.Add(0); // null-terminate string. if (second_part.is_empty()) { // First attempt to interpret as general category property value name. const char* name = first_part.ToConstVector().start(); if (LookupPropertyValueName(UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK, name, negate, result, zone())) { return true; } // Interpret "Any", "ASCII", and "Assigned". if (LookupSpecialPropertyValueName(name, result, negate, zone())) { return true; } // Then attempt to interpret as binary property name with value name 'Y'. UProperty property = u_getPropertyEnum(name); if (property < UCHAR_BINARY_START) return false; if (property >= UCHAR_BINARY_LIMIT) return false; if (!IsExactPropertyAlias(name, property)) return false; return LookupPropertyValueName(property, negate ? "N" : "Y", false, result, zone()); } else { // Both property name and value name are specified. Attempt to interpret // the property name as enumerated property. const char* property_name = first_part.ToConstVector().start(); const char* value_name = second_part.ToConstVector().start(); UProperty property = u_getPropertyEnum(property_name); if (!IsExactPropertyAlias(property_name, property)) return false; if (property == UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY) { // We want to allow aggregate value names such as "Letter". property = UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK; } else if (property != UCHAR_SCRIPT && property != UCHAR_SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS) { return false; } return LookupPropertyValueName(property, value_name, negate, result, zone()); } } #else // V8_I18N_SUPPORT bool RegExpParser::ParsePropertyClass(ZoneList* result, bool negate) { return false; } #endif // V8_I18N_SUPPORT bool RegExpParser::ParseUnlimitedLengthHexNumber(int max_value, uc32* value) { uc32 x = 0; int d = HexValue(current()); if (d < 0) { return false; } while (d >= 0) { x = x * 16 + d; if (x > max_value) { return false; } Advance(); d = HexValue(current()); } *value = x; return true; } uc32 RegExpParser::ParseClassCharacterEscape() { DCHECK(current() == '\\'); DCHECK(has_next() && !IsSpecialClassEscape(Next())); Advance(); switch (current()) { case 'b': Advance(); return '\b'; // ControlEscape :: one of // f n r t v case 'f': Advance(); return '\f'; case 'n': Advance(); return '\n'; case 'r': Advance(); return '\r'; case 't': Advance(); return '\t'; case 'v': Advance(); return '\v'; case 'c': { uc32 controlLetter = Next(); uc32 letter = controlLetter & ~('A' ^ 'a'); // For compatibility with JSC, inside a character class. We also accept // digits and underscore as control characters, unless with /u. if (letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z') { Advance(2); // Control letters mapped to ASCII control characters in the range // 0x00-0x1f. return controlLetter & 0x1f; } if (unicode()) { // With /u, invalid escapes are not treated as identity escapes. ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid class escape")); return 0; } if ((controlLetter >= '0' && controlLetter <= '9') || controlLetter == '_') { Advance(2); return controlLetter & 0x1f; } // We match JSC in reading the backslash as a literal // character instead of as starting an escape. return '\\'; } case '0': // With /u, \0 is interpreted as NUL if not followed by another digit. if (unicode() && !(Next() >= '0' && Next() <= '9')) { Advance(); return 0; } // Fall through. case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': // For compatibility, we interpret a decimal escape that isn't // a back reference (and therefore either \0 or not valid according // to the specification) as a 1..3 digit octal character code. if (unicode()) { // With /u, decimal escape is not interpreted as octal character code. ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid class escape")); return 0; } return ParseOctalLiteral(); case 'x': { Advance(); uc32 value; if (ParseHexEscape(2, &value)) return value; if (unicode()) { // With /u, invalid escapes are not treated as identity escapes. ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid escape")); return 0; } // If \x is not followed by a two-digit hexadecimal, treat it // as an identity escape. return 'x'; } case 'u': { Advance(); uc32 value; if (ParseUnicodeEscape(&value)) return value; if (unicode()) { // With /u, invalid escapes are not treated as identity escapes. ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid unicode escape")); return 0; } // If \u is not followed by a two-digit hexadecimal, treat it // as an identity escape. return 'u'; } default: { uc32 result = current(); // With /u, no identity escapes except for syntax characters and '-' are // allowed. Otherwise, all identity escapes are allowed. if (!unicode() || IsSyntaxCharacterOrSlash(result) || result == '-') { Advance(); return result; } ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid escape")); return 0; } } return 0; } CharacterRange RegExpParser::ParseClassAtom(uc16* char_class) { DCHECK_EQ(0, *char_class); uc32 first = current(); if (first == '\\') { switch (Next()) { case 'w': case 'W': case 'd': case 'D': case 's': case 'S': { *char_class = Next(); Advance(2); return CharacterRange::Singleton(0); // Return dummy value. } case kEndMarker: return ReportError(CStrVector("\\ at end of pattern")); default: first = ParseClassCharacterEscape(CHECK_FAILED); } } else { Advance(); } return CharacterRange::Singleton(first); } static const uc16 kNoCharClass = 0; // Adds range or pre-defined character class to character ranges. // If char_class is not kInvalidClass, it's interpreted as a class // escape (i.e., 's' means whitespace, from '\s'). static inline void AddRangeOrEscape(ZoneList* ranges, uc16 char_class, CharacterRange range, Zone* zone) { if (char_class != kNoCharClass) { CharacterRange::AddClassEscape(char_class, ranges, zone); } else { ranges->Add(range, zone); } } bool RegExpParser::ParseClassProperty(ZoneList* ranges) { if (!FLAG_harmony_regexp_property) return false; if (!unicode()) return false; if (current() != '\\') return false; uc32 next = Next(); bool parse_success = false; if (next == 'p') { Advance(2); parse_success = ParsePropertyClass(ranges, false); } else if (next == 'P') { Advance(2); parse_success = ParsePropertyClass(ranges, true); } else { return false; } if (!parse_success) ReportError(CStrVector("Invalid property name in character class")); return parse_success; } RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseCharacterClass() { static const char* kUnterminated = "Unterminated character class"; static const char* kRangeInvalid = "Invalid character class"; static const char* kRangeOutOfOrder = "Range out of order in character class"; DCHECK_EQ(current(), '['); Advance(); bool is_negated = false; if (current() == '^') { is_negated = true; Advance(); } ZoneList* ranges = new (zone()) ZoneList(2, zone()); while (has_more() && current() != ']') { bool parsed_property = ParseClassProperty(ranges CHECK_FAILED); if (parsed_property) continue; uc16 char_class = kNoCharClass; CharacterRange first = ParseClassAtom(&char_class CHECK_FAILED); if (current() == '-') { Advance(); if (current() == kEndMarker) { // If we reach the end we break out of the loop and let the // following code report an error. break; } else if (current() == ']') { AddRangeOrEscape(ranges, char_class, first, zone()); ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton('-'), zone()); break; } uc16 char_class_2 = kNoCharClass; CharacterRange next = ParseClassAtom(&char_class_2 CHECK_FAILED); if (char_class != kNoCharClass || char_class_2 != kNoCharClass) { // Either end is an escaped character class. Treat the '-' verbatim. if (unicode()) { // ES2015 step 1. return ReportError(CStrVector(kRangeInvalid)); } AddRangeOrEscape(ranges, char_class, first, zone()); ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton('-'), zone()); AddRangeOrEscape(ranges, char_class_2, next, zone()); continue; } // ES2015 step 6. if (first.from() > next.to()) { return ReportError(CStrVector(kRangeOutOfOrder)); } ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Range(first.from(), next.to()), zone()); } else { AddRangeOrEscape(ranges, char_class, first, zone()); } } if (!has_more()) { return ReportError(CStrVector(kUnterminated)); } Advance(); if (ranges->length() == 0) { ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Everything(), zone()); is_negated = !is_negated; } return new (zone()) RegExpCharacterClass(ranges, is_negated); } #undef CHECK_FAILED bool RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone, FlatStringReader* input, JSRegExp::Flags flags, RegExpCompileData* result) { DCHECK(result != NULL); RegExpParser parser(input, &result->error, flags, isolate, zone); RegExpTree* tree = parser.ParsePattern(); if (parser.failed()) { DCHECK(tree == NULL); DCHECK(!result->error.is_null()); } else { DCHECK(tree != NULL); DCHECK(result->error.is_null()); if (FLAG_trace_regexp_parser) { OFStream os(stdout); tree->Print(os, zone); os << "\n"; } result->tree = tree; int capture_count = parser.captures_started(); result->simple = tree->IsAtom() && parser.simple() && capture_count == 0; result->contains_anchor = parser.contains_anchor(); result->capture_name_map = parser.CreateCaptureNameMap(); result->capture_count = capture_count; } return !parser.failed(); } RegExpBuilder::RegExpBuilder(Zone* zone, bool ignore_case, bool unicode) : zone_(zone), pending_empty_(false), ignore_case_(ignore_case), unicode_(unicode), characters_(NULL), pending_surrogate_(kNoPendingSurrogate), terms_(), alternatives_() #ifdef DEBUG , last_added_(ADD_NONE) #endif { } void RegExpBuilder::AddLeadSurrogate(uc16 lead_surrogate) { DCHECK(unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(lead_surrogate)); FlushPendingSurrogate(); // Hold onto the lead surrogate, waiting for a trail surrogate to follow. pending_surrogate_ = lead_surrogate; } void RegExpBuilder::AddTrailSurrogate(uc16 trail_surrogate) { DCHECK(unibrow::Utf16::IsTrailSurrogate(trail_surrogate)); if (pending_surrogate_ != kNoPendingSurrogate) { uc16 lead_surrogate = pending_surrogate_; pending_surrogate_ = kNoPendingSurrogate; DCHECK(unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(lead_surrogate)); uc32 combined = unibrow::Utf16::CombineSurrogatePair(lead_surrogate, trail_surrogate); if (NeedsDesugaringForIgnoreCase(combined)) { AddCharacterClassForDesugaring(combined); } else { ZoneList surrogate_pair(2, zone()); surrogate_pair.Add(lead_surrogate, zone()); surrogate_pair.Add(trail_surrogate, zone()); RegExpAtom* atom = new (zone()) RegExpAtom(surrogate_pair.ToConstVector()); AddAtom(atom); } } else { pending_surrogate_ = trail_surrogate; FlushPendingSurrogate(); } } void RegExpBuilder::FlushPendingSurrogate() { if (pending_surrogate_ != kNoPendingSurrogate) { DCHECK(unicode()); uc32 c = pending_surrogate_; pending_surrogate_ = kNoPendingSurrogate; AddCharacterClassForDesugaring(c); } } void RegExpBuilder::FlushCharacters() { FlushPendingSurrogate(); pending_empty_ = false; if (characters_ != NULL) { RegExpTree* atom = new (zone()) RegExpAtom(characters_->ToConstVector()); characters_ = NULL; text_.Add(atom, zone()); LAST(ADD_ATOM); } } void RegExpBuilder::FlushText() { FlushCharacters(); int num_text = text_.length(); if (num_text == 0) { return; } else if (num_text == 1) { terms_.Add(text_.last(), zone()); } else { RegExpText* text = new (zone()) RegExpText(zone()); for (int i = 0; i < num_text; i++) text_.Get(i)->AppendToText(text, zone()); terms_.Add(text, zone()); } text_.Clear(); } void RegExpBuilder::AddCharacter(uc16 c) { FlushPendingSurrogate(); pending_empty_ = false; if (NeedsDesugaringForIgnoreCase(c)) { AddCharacterClassForDesugaring(c); } else { if (characters_ == NULL) { characters_ = new (zone()) ZoneList(4, zone()); } characters_->Add(c, zone()); LAST(ADD_CHAR); } } void RegExpBuilder::AddUnicodeCharacter(uc32 c) { if (c > static_cast(unibrow::Utf16::kMaxNonSurrogateCharCode)) { DCHECK(unicode()); AddLeadSurrogate(unibrow::Utf16::LeadSurrogate(c)); AddTrailSurrogate(unibrow::Utf16::TrailSurrogate(c)); } else if (unicode() && unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(c)) { AddLeadSurrogate(c); } else if (unicode() && unibrow::Utf16::IsTrailSurrogate(c)) { AddTrailSurrogate(c); } else { AddCharacter(static_cast(c)); } } void RegExpBuilder::AddEscapedUnicodeCharacter(uc32 character) { // A lead or trail surrogate parsed via escape sequence will not // pair up with any preceding lead or following trail surrogate. FlushPendingSurrogate(); AddUnicodeCharacter(character); FlushPendingSurrogate(); } void RegExpBuilder::AddEmpty() { pending_empty_ = true; } void RegExpBuilder::AddCharacterClass(RegExpCharacterClass* cc) { if (NeedsDesugaringForUnicode(cc)) { // With /u, character class needs to be desugared, so it // must be a standalone term instead of being part of a RegExpText. AddTerm(cc); } else { AddAtom(cc); } } void RegExpBuilder::AddCharacterClassForDesugaring(uc32 c) { AddTerm(new (zone()) RegExpCharacterClass( CharacterRange::List(zone(), CharacterRange::Singleton(c)), false)); } void RegExpBuilder::AddAtom(RegExpTree* term) { if (term->IsEmpty()) { AddEmpty(); return; } if (term->IsTextElement()) { FlushCharacters(); text_.Add(term, zone()); } else { FlushText(); terms_.Add(term, zone()); } LAST(ADD_ATOM); } void RegExpBuilder::AddTerm(RegExpTree* term) { FlushText(); terms_.Add(term, zone()); LAST(ADD_ATOM); } void RegExpBuilder::AddAssertion(RegExpTree* assert) { FlushText(); terms_.Add(assert, zone()); LAST(ADD_ASSERT); } void RegExpBuilder::NewAlternative() { FlushTerms(); } void RegExpBuilder::FlushTerms() { FlushText(); int num_terms = terms_.length(); RegExpTree* alternative; if (num_terms == 0) { alternative = new (zone()) RegExpEmpty(); } else if (num_terms == 1) { alternative = terms_.last(); } else { alternative = new (zone()) RegExpAlternative(terms_.GetList(zone())); } alternatives_.Add(alternative, zone()); terms_.Clear(); LAST(ADD_NONE); } bool RegExpBuilder::NeedsDesugaringForUnicode(RegExpCharacterClass* cc) { if (!unicode()) return false; // TODO(yangguo): we could be smarter than this. Case-insensitivity does not // necessarily mean that we need to desugar. It's probably nicer to have a // separate pass to figure out unicode desugarings. if (ignore_case()) return true; ZoneList* ranges = cc->ranges(zone()); CharacterRange::Canonicalize(ranges); for (int i = ranges->length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { uc32 from = ranges->at(i).from(); uc32 to = ranges->at(i).to(); // Check for non-BMP characters. if (to >= kNonBmpStart) return true; // Check for lone surrogates. if (from <= kTrailSurrogateEnd && to >= kLeadSurrogateStart) return true; } return false; } bool RegExpBuilder::NeedsDesugaringForIgnoreCase(uc32 c) { #ifdef V8_I18N_SUPPORT if (unicode() && ignore_case()) { icu::UnicodeSet set(c, c); set.closeOver(USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE); set.removeAllStrings(); return set.size() > 1; } // In the case where ICU is not included, we act as if the unicode flag is // not set, and do not desugar. #endif // V8_I18N_SUPPORT return false; } RegExpTree* RegExpBuilder::ToRegExp() { FlushTerms(); int num_alternatives = alternatives_.length(); if (num_alternatives == 0) return new (zone()) RegExpEmpty(); if (num_alternatives == 1) return alternatives_.last(); return new (zone()) RegExpDisjunction(alternatives_.GetList(zone())); } bool RegExpBuilder::AddQuantifierToAtom( int min, int max, RegExpQuantifier::QuantifierType quantifier_type) { FlushPendingSurrogate(); if (pending_empty_) { pending_empty_ = false; return true; } RegExpTree* atom; if (characters_ != NULL) { DCHECK(last_added_ == ADD_CHAR); // Last atom was character. Vector char_vector = characters_->ToConstVector(); int num_chars = char_vector.length(); if (num_chars > 1) { Vector prefix = char_vector.SubVector(0, num_chars - 1); text_.Add(new (zone()) RegExpAtom(prefix), zone()); char_vector = char_vector.SubVector(num_chars - 1, num_chars); } characters_ = NULL; atom = new (zone()) RegExpAtom(char_vector); FlushText(); } else if (text_.length() > 0) { DCHECK(last_added_ == ADD_ATOM); atom = text_.RemoveLast(); FlushText(); } else if (terms_.length() > 0) { DCHECK(last_added_ == ADD_ATOM); atom = terms_.RemoveLast(); // With /u, lookarounds are not quantifiable. if (unicode() && atom->IsLookaround()) return false; if (atom->max_match() == 0) { // Guaranteed to only match an empty string. LAST(ADD_TERM); if (min == 0) { return true; } terms_.Add(atom, zone()); return true; } } else { // Only call immediately after adding an atom or character! UNREACHABLE(); return false; } terms_.Add(new (zone()) RegExpQuantifier(min, max, quantifier_type, atom), zone()); LAST(ADD_TERM); return true; } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8