// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/runtime/runtime-utils.h" #include "src/arguments.h" #include "src/compiler.h" #include "src/debug/debug-coverage.h" #include "src/debug/debug-evaluate.h" #include "src/debug/debug-frames.h" #include "src/debug/debug-scopes.h" #include "src/debug/debug.h" #include "src/debug/liveedit.h" #include "src/frames-inl.h" #include "src/globals.h" #include "src/interpreter/bytecodes.h" #include "src/interpreter/interpreter.h" #include "src/isolate-inl.h" #include "src/runtime/runtime.h" #include "src/wasm/wasm-module.h" #include "src/wasm/wasm-objects.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_DebugBreak) { SealHandleScope shs(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length()); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(Object, value, 0); HandleScope scope(isolate); ReturnValueScope result_scope(isolate->debug()); isolate->debug()->set_return_value(*value); // Get the top-most JavaScript frame. JavaScriptFrameIterator it(isolate); isolate->debug()->Break(it.frame()); return isolate->debug()->return_value(); } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_DebugBreakOnBytecode) { SealHandleScope shs(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length()); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(Object, value, 0); HandleScope scope(isolate); ReturnValueScope result_scope(isolate->debug()); isolate->debug()->set_return_value(*value); // Get the top-most JavaScript frame. JavaScriptFrameIterator it(isolate); isolate->debug()->Break(it.frame()); // Return the handler from the original bytecode array. DCHECK(it.frame()->is_interpreted()); InterpretedFrame* interpreted_frame = reinterpret_cast(it.frame()); SharedFunctionInfo* shared = interpreted_frame->function()->shared(); BytecodeArray* bytecode_array = shared->bytecode_array(); int bytecode_offset = interpreted_frame->GetBytecodeOffset(); interpreter::Bytecode bytecode = interpreter::Bytecodes::FromByte(bytecode_array->get(bytecode_offset)); return isolate->interpreter()->GetBytecodeHandler( bytecode, interpreter::OperandScale::kSingle); } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_HandleDebuggerStatement) { SealHandleScope shs(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(0, args.length()); if (isolate->debug()->break_points_active()) { isolate->debug()->HandleDebugBreak(); } return isolate->heap()->undefined_value(); } // Adds a JavaScript function as a debug event listener. // args[0]: debug event listener function to set or null or undefined for // clearing the event listener function // args[1]: object supplied during callback RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_SetDebugEventListener) { SealHandleScope shs(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(2, args.length()); CHECK(args[0]->IsJSFunction() || args[0]->IsNullOrUndefined(isolate)); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(Object, callback, 0); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(Object, data, 1); if (callback->IsJSFunction()) { JavaScriptDebugDelegate* delegate = new JavaScriptDebugDelegate( isolate, Handle::cast(callback), data); isolate->debug()->SetDebugDelegate(delegate, true); } else { isolate->debug()->SetDebugDelegate(nullptr, false); } return isolate->heap()->undefined_value(); } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_ScheduleBreak) { SealHandleScope shs(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(0, args.length()); isolate->stack_guard()->RequestDebugBreak(); return isolate->heap()->undefined_value(); } static Handle DebugGetProperty(LookupIterator* it, bool* has_caught = NULL) { for (; it->IsFound(); it->Next()) { switch (it->state()) { case LookupIterator::NOT_FOUND: case LookupIterator::TRANSITION: UNREACHABLE(); case LookupIterator::ACCESS_CHECK: // Ignore access checks. break; case LookupIterator::INTEGER_INDEXED_EXOTIC: case LookupIterator::INTERCEPTOR: case LookupIterator::JSPROXY: return it->isolate()->factory()->undefined_value(); case LookupIterator::ACCESSOR: { Handle accessors = it->GetAccessors(); if (!accessors->IsAccessorInfo()) { return it->isolate()->factory()->undefined_value(); } MaybeHandle maybe_result = JSObject::GetPropertyWithAccessor(it); Handle result; if (!maybe_result.ToHandle(&result)) { result = handle(it->isolate()->pending_exception(), it->isolate()); it->isolate()->clear_pending_exception(); if (has_caught != NULL) *has_caught = true; } return result; } case LookupIterator::DATA: return it->GetDataValue(); } } return it->isolate()->factory()->undefined_value(); } template static MaybeHandle GetIteratorInternalProperties( Isolate* isolate, Handle object) { Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); Handle iterator = Handle::cast(object); CHECK(iterator->kind()->IsSmi()); const char* kind = NULL; switch (Smi::cast(iterator->kind())->value()) { case IteratorType::kKindKeys: kind = "keys"; break; case IteratorType::kKindValues: kind = "values"; break; case IteratorType::kKindEntries: kind = "entries"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } Handle result = factory->NewFixedArray(2 * 3); Handle has_more = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[IteratorHasMore]]"); result->set(0, *has_more); result->set(1, isolate->heap()->ToBoolean(iterator->HasMore())); Handle index = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[IteratorIndex]]"); result->set(2, *index); result->set(3, iterator->index()); Handle iterator_kind = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[IteratorKind]]"); result->set(4, *iterator_kind); Handle kind_str = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(kind); result->set(5, *kind_str); return factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(result); } MaybeHandle Runtime::GetInternalProperties(Isolate* isolate, Handle object) { Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); if (object->IsJSBoundFunction()) { Handle function = Handle::cast(object); Handle result = factory->NewFixedArray(2 * 3); Handle target = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[TargetFunction]]"); result->set(0, *target); result->set(1, function->bound_target_function()); Handle bound_this = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[BoundThis]]"); result->set(2, *bound_this); result->set(3, function->bound_this()); Handle bound_args = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[BoundArgs]]"); result->set(4, *bound_args); Handle bound_arguments = factory->CopyFixedArray(handle(function->bound_arguments(), isolate)); Handle arguments_array = factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(bound_arguments); result->set(5, *arguments_array); return factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(result); } else if (object->IsJSMapIterator()) { Handle iterator = Handle::cast(object); return GetIteratorInternalProperties(isolate, iterator); } else if (object->IsJSSetIterator()) { Handle iterator = Handle::cast(object); return GetIteratorInternalProperties(isolate, iterator); } else if (object->IsJSGeneratorObject()) { Handle generator = Handle::cast(object); const char* status = "suspended"; if (generator->is_closed()) { status = "closed"; } else if (generator->is_executing()) { status = "running"; } else { DCHECK(generator->is_suspended()); } Handle result = factory->NewFixedArray(2 * 3); Handle generator_status = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[GeneratorStatus]]"); result->set(0, *generator_status); Handle status_str = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(status); result->set(1, *status_str); Handle function = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[GeneratorFunction]]"); result->set(2, *function); result->set(3, generator->function()); Handle receiver = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[GeneratorReceiver]]"); result->set(4, *receiver); result->set(5, generator->receiver()); return factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(result); } else if (object->IsJSPromise()) { Handle promise = Handle::cast(object); const char* status = JSPromise::Status(promise->status()); Handle result = factory->NewFixedArray(2 * 2); Handle promise_status = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[PromiseStatus]]"); result->set(0, *promise_status); Handle status_str = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(status); result->set(1, *status_str); Handle value_obj(promise->result(), isolate); Handle promise_value = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[PromiseValue]]"); result->set(2, *promise_value); result->set(3, *value_obj); return factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(result); } else if (object->IsJSProxy()) { Handle js_proxy = Handle::cast(object); Handle result = factory->NewFixedArray(3 * 2); Handle handler_str = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[Handler]]"); result->set(0, *handler_str); result->set(1, js_proxy->handler()); Handle target_str = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[Target]]"); result->set(2, *target_str); result->set(3, js_proxy->target()); Handle is_revoked_str = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[IsRevoked]]"); result->set(4, *is_revoked_str); result->set(5, isolate->heap()->ToBoolean(js_proxy->IsRevoked())); return factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(result); } else if (object->IsJSValue()) { Handle js_value = Handle::cast(object); Handle result = factory->NewFixedArray(2); Handle primitive_value = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked("[[PrimitiveValue]]"); result->set(0, *primitive_value); result->set(1, js_value->value()); return factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(result); } return factory->NewJSArray(0); } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_DebugGetInternalProperties) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length()); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(Object, obj, 0); RETURN_RESULT_OR_FAILURE(isolate, Runtime::GetInternalProperties(isolate, obj)); } // Get debugger related details for an object property, in the following format: // 0: Property value // 1: Property details // 2: Property value is exception // 3: Getter function if defined // 4: Setter function if defined // Items 2-4 are only filled if the property has either a getter or a setter. RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_DebugGetPropertyDetails) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(2, args.length()); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSObject, obj, 0); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(Object, name_obj, 1); // Convert the {name_obj} to a Name. Handle name; ASSIGN_RETURN_FAILURE_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, name, Object::ToName(isolate, name_obj)); // Make sure to set the current context to the context before the debugger was // entered (if the debugger is entered). The reason for switching context here // is that for some property lookups (accessors and interceptors) callbacks // into the embedding application can occour, and the embedding application // could have the assumption that its own native context is the current // context and not some internal debugger context. SaveContext save(isolate); if (isolate->debug()->in_debug_scope()) { isolate->set_context(*isolate->debug()->debugger_entry()->GetContext()); } // Check if the name is trivially convertible to an index and get the element // if so. uint32_t index; // TODO(verwaest): Make sure DebugGetProperty can handle arrays, and remove // this special case. if (name->AsArrayIndex(&index)) { Handle details = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(2); Handle element_or_char; ASSIGN_RETURN_FAILURE_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, element_or_char, JSReceiver::GetElement(isolate, obj, index)); details->set(0, *element_or_char); details->set(1, PropertyDetails::Empty().AsSmi()); return *isolate->factory()->NewJSArrayWithElements(details); } LookupIterator it(obj, name, LookupIterator::OWN); bool has_caught = false; Handle value = DebugGetProperty(&it, &has_caught); if (!it.IsFound()) return isolate->heap()->undefined_value(); Handle maybe_pair; if (it.state() == LookupIterator::ACCESSOR) { maybe_pair = it.GetAccessors(); } // If the callback object is a fixed array then it contains JavaScript // getter and/or setter. bool has_js_accessors = !maybe_pair.is_null() && maybe_pair->IsAccessorPair(); Handle details = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(has_js_accessors ? 6 : 3); details->set(0, *value); // TODO(verwaest): Get rid of this random way of handling interceptors. PropertyDetails d = it.state() == LookupIterator::INTERCEPTOR ? PropertyDetails::Empty() : it.property_details(); details->set(1, d.AsSmi()); details->set( 2, isolate->heap()->ToBoolean(it.state() == LookupIterator::INTERCEPTOR)); if (has_js_accessors) { Handle accessors = Handle::cast(maybe_pair); details->set(3, isolate->heap()->ToBoolean(has_caught)); Handle getter = AccessorPair::GetComponent(accessors, ACCESSOR_GETTER); Handle setter = AccessorPair::GetComponent(accessors, ACCESSOR_SETTER); details->set(4, *getter); details->set(5, *setter); } return *isolate->factory()->NewJSArrayWithElements(details); } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_DebugGetProperty) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(2, args.length()); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(Object, obj, 0); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(Name, name, 1); LookupIterator it(obj, name); return *DebugGetProperty(&it); } // Return the property kind calculated from the property details. // args[0]: smi with property details. RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_DebugPropertyKindFromDetails) { SealHandleScope shs(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length()); CONVERT_PROPERTY_DETAILS_CHECKED(details, 0); return Smi::FromInt(static_cast(details.kind())); } // Return the property attribute calculated from the property details. // args[0]: smi with property details. RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_DebugPropertyAttributesFromDetails) { SealHandleScope shs(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length()); CONVERT_PROPERTY_DETAILS_CHECKED(details, 0); return Smi::FromInt(static_cast(details.attributes())); } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_CheckExecutionState) { SealHandleScope shs(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length()); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, break_id, Int32, args[0]); CHECK(isolate->debug()->CheckExecutionState(break_id)); return isolate->heap()->true_value(); } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_GetFrameCount) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length()); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, break_id, Int32, args[0]); CHECK(isolate->debug()->CheckExecutionState(break_id)); // Count all frames which are relevant to debugging stack trace. int n = 0; StackFrame::Id id = isolate->debug()->break_frame_id(); if (id == StackFrame::NO_ID) { // If there is no JavaScript stack frame count is 0. return Smi::kZero; } List frames(FLAG_max_inlining_levels + 1); for (StackTraceFrameIterator it(isolate, id); !it.done(); it.Advance()) { frames.Clear(); it.frame()->Summarize(&frames); for (int i = frames.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Omit functions from native and extension scripts. if (frames[i].is_subject_to_debugging()) n++; } } return Smi::FromInt(n); } static const int kFrameDetailsFrameIdIndex = 0; static const int kFrameDetailsReceiverIndex = 1; static const int kFrameDetailsFunctionIndex = 2; static const int kFrameDetailsScriptIndex = 3; static const int kFrameDetailsArgumentCountIndex = 4; static const int kFrameDetailsLocalCountIndex = 5; static const int kFrameDetailsSourcePositionIndex = 6; static const int kFrameDetailsConstructCallIndex = 7; static const int kFrameDetailsAtReturnIndex = 8; static const int kFrameDetailsFlagsIndex = 9; static const int kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex = 10; // Return an array with frame details // args[0]: number: break id // args[1]: number: frame index // // The array returned contains the following information: // 0: Frame id // 1: Receiver // 2: Function // 3: Script // 4: Argument count // 5: Local count // 6: Source position // 7: Constructor call // 8: Is at return // 9: Flags // Arguments name, value // Locals name, value // Return value if any RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_GetFrameDetails) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(2, args.length()); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, break_id, Int32, args[0]); CHECK(isolate->debug()->CheckExecutionState(break_id)); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, index, Int32, args[1]); Heap* heap = isolate->heap(); // Find the relevant frame with the requested index. StackFrame::Id id = isolate->debug()->break_frame_id(); if (id == StackFrame::NO_ID) { // If there are no JavaScript stack frames return undefined. return heap->undefined_value(); } StackTraceFrameIterator it(isolate, id); // Inlined frame index in optimized frame, starting from outer function. int inlined_frame_index = DebugFrameHelper::FindIndexedNonNativeFrame(&it, index); if (inlined_frame_index == -1) return heap->undefined_value(); FrameInspector frame_inspector(it.frame(), inlined_frame_index, isolate); // Traverse the saved contexts chain to find the active context for the // selected frame. SaveContext* save = DebugFrameHelper::FindSavedContextForFrame(isolate, it.frame()); // Get the frame id. Handle frame_id(DebugFrameHelper::WrapFrameId(it.frame()->id()), isolate); if (frame_inspector.summary().IsWasm()) { // Create the details array (no dynamic information for wasm). Handle details = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex); // Add the frame id. details->set(kFrameDetailsFrameIdIndex, *frame_id); // Add the function name. Handle func_name = frame_inspector.summary().FunctionName(); details->set(kFrameDetailsFunctionIndex, *func_name); // Add the script wrapper Handle script_wrapper = Script::GetWrapper(frame_inspector.GetScript()); details->set(kFrameDetailsScriptIndex, *script_wrapper); // Add the arguments count. details->set(kFrameDetailsArgumentCountIndex, Smi::kZero); // Add the locals count details->set(kFrameDetailsLocalCountIndex, Smi::kZero); // Add the source position. int position = frame_inspector.summary().SourcePosition(); details->set(kFrameDetailsSourcePositionIndex, Smi::FromInt(position)); // Add the constructor information. details->set(kFrameDetailsConstructCallIndex, heap->ToBoolean(false)); // Add the at return information. details->set(kFrameDetailsAtReturnIndex, heap->ToBoolean(false)); // Add flags to indicate information on whether this frame is // bit 0: invoked in the debugger context. // bit 1: optimized frame. // bit 2: inlined in optimized frame int flags = 0; if (*save->context() == *isolate->debug()->debug_context()) { flags |= 1 << 0; } details->set(kFrameDetailsFlagsIndex, Smi::FromInt(flags)); return *isolate->factory()->NewJSArrayWithElements(details); } // Find source position in unoptimized code. int position = frame_inspector.GetSourcePosition(); // Handle JavaScript frames. bool is_optimized = it.frame()->is_optimized(); // Check for constructor frame. bool constructor = frame_inspector.IsConstructor(); // Get scope info and read from it for local variable information. Handle function = Handle::cast(frame_inspector.GetFunction()); CHECK(function->shared()->IsSubjectToDebugging()); Handle shared(function->shared()); Handle scope_info(shared->scope_info()); DCHECK(*scope_info != ScopeInfo::Empty(isolate)); // Get the locals names and values into a temporary array. Handle maybe_context = frame_inspector.GetContext(); const int local_count_with_synthetic = maybe_context->IsContext() ? scope_info->LocalCount() : scope_info->StackLocalCount(); int local_count = local_count_with_synthetic; for (int slot = 0; slot < local_count_with_synthetic; ++slot) { // Hide compiler-introduced temporary variables, whether on the stack or on // the context. if (ScopeInfo::VariableIsSynthetic(scope_info->LocalName(slot))) { local_count--; } } List> locals; // Fill in the values of the locals. int i = 0; for (; i < scope_info->StackLocalCount(); ++i) { // Use the value from the stack. if (ScopeInfo::VariableIsSynthetic(scope_info->LocalName(i))) continue; locals.Add(Handle(scope_info->LocalName(i), isolate)); Handle value = frame_inspector.GetExpression(scope_info->StackLocalIndex(i)); // TODO(yangguo): We convert optimized out values to {undefined} when they // are passed to the debugger. Eventually we should handle them somehow. if (value->IsOptimizedOut(isolate)) { value = isolate->factory()->undefined_value(); } locals.Add(value); } if (locals.length() < local_count * 2) { // Get the context containing declarations. DCHECK(maybe_context->IsContext()); Handle context(Context::cast(*maybe_context)->closure_context()); for (; i < scope_info->LocalCount(); ++i) { Handle name(scope_info->LocalName(i)); if (ScopeInfo::VariableIsSynthetic(*name)) continue; VariableMode mode; InitializationFlag init_flag; MaybeAssignedFlag maybe_assigned_flag; locals.Add(name); int context_slot_index = ScopeInfo::ContextSlotIndex( scope_info, name, &mode, &init_flag, &maybe_assigned_flag); Object* value = context->get(context_slot_index); locals.Add(Handle(value, isolate)); } } // Check whether this frame is positioned at return. If not top // frame or if the frame is optimized it cannot be at a return. bool at_return = false; if (!is_optimized && index == 0) { at_return = isolate->debug()->IsBreakAtReturn(it.javascript_frame()); } // If positioned just before return find the value to be returned and add it // to the frame information. Handle return_value = isolate->factory()->undefined_value(); if (at_return) { return_value = handle(isolate->debug()->return_value(), isolate); } // Now advance to the arguments adapter frame (if any). It contains all // the provided parameters whereas the function frame always have the number // of arguments matching the functions parameters. The rest of the // information (except for what is collected above) is the same. if ((inlined_frame_index == 0) && it.javascript_frame()->has_adapted_arguments()) { it.AdvanceToArgumentsFrame(); frame_inspector.SetArgumentsFrame(it.frame()); } // Find the number of arguments to fill. At least fill the number of // parameters for the function and fill more if more parameters are provided. int argument_count = scope_info->ParameterCount(); if (argument_count < frame_inspector.GetParametersCount()) { argument_count = frame_inspector.GetParametersCount(); } // Calculate the size of the result. int details_size = kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex + 2 * (argument_count + local_count) + (at_return ? 1 : 0); Handle details = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(details_size); // Add the frame id. details->set(kFrameDetailsFrameIdIndex, *frame_id); // Add the function (same as in function frame). details->set(kFrameDetailsFunctionIndex, *(frame_inspector.GetFunction())); // Add the script wrapper Handle script_wrapper = Script::GetWrapper(frame_inspector.GetScript()); details->set(kFrameDetailsScriptIndex, *script_wrapper); // Add the arguments count. details->set(kFrameDetailsArgumentCountIndex, Smi::FromInt(argument_count)); // Add the locals count details->set(kFrameDetailsLocalCountIndex, Smi::FromInt(local_count)); // Add the source position. if (position != kNoSourcePosition) { details->set(kFrameDetailsSourcePositionIndex, Smi::FromInt(position)); } else { details->set(kFrameDetailsSourcePositionIndex, heap->undefined_value()); } // Add the constructor information. details->set(kFrameDetailsConstructCallIndex, heap->ToBoolean(constructor)); // Add the at return information. details->set(kFrameDetailsAtReturnIndex, heap->ToBoolean(at_return)); // Add flags to indicate information on whether this frame is // bit 0: invoked in the debugger context. // bit 1: optimized frame. // bit 2: inlined in optimized frame int flags = 0; if (*save->context() == *isolate->debug()->debug_context()) { flags |= 1 << 0; } if (is_optimized) { flags |= 1 << 1; flags |= inlined_frame_index << 2; } details->set(kFrameDetailsFlagsIndex, Smi::FromInt(flags)); // Fill the dynamic part. int details_index = kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex; // Add arguments name and value. for (int i = 0; i < argument_count; i++) { // Name of the argument. if (i < scope_info->ParameterCount()) { details->set(details_index++, scope_info->ParameterName(i)); } else { details->set(details_index++, heap->undefined_value()); } // Parameter value. if (i < frame_inspector.GetParametersCount()) { // Get the value from the stack. details->set(details_index++, *(frame_inspector.GetParameter(i))); } else { details->set(details_index++, heap->undefined_value()); } } // Add locals name and value from the temporary copy from the function frame. for (const auto& local : locals) details->set(details_index++, *local); // Add the value being returned. if (at_return) { details->set(details_index++, *return_value); } // Add the receiver (same as in function frame). Handle receiver = frame_inspector.summary().receiver(); DCHECK(function->shared()->IsUserJavaScript()); // Optimized frames only restore the receiver as best-effort (see // OptimizedFrame::Summarize). DCHECK_IMPLIES(!is_optimized && is_sloppy(shared->language_mode()), receiver->IsJSReceiver()); details->set(kFrameDetailsReceiverIndex, *receiver); DCHECK_EQ(details_size, details_index); return *isolate->factory()->NewJSArrayWithElements(details); } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_GetScopeCount) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(2, args.length()); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, break_id, Int32, args[0]); CHECK(isolate->debug()->CheckExecutionState(break_id)); CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED(wrapped_id, 1); // Get the frame where the debugging is performed. StackFrame::Id id = DebugFrameHelper::UnwrapFrameId(wrapped_id); StackTraceFrameIterator it(isolate, id); StandardFrame* frame = it.frame(); if (it.frame()->is_wasm()) return 0; FrameInspector frame_inspector(frame, 0, isolate); // Count the visible scopes. int n = 0; for (ScopeIterator it(isolate, &frame_inspector); !it.Done(); it.Next()) { n++; } return Smi::FromInt(n); } // Return an array with scope details // args[0]: number: break id // args[1]: number: frame index // args[2]: number: inlined frame index // args[3]: number: scope index // // The array returned contains the following information: // 0: Scope type // 1: Scope object RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_GetScopeDetails) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(4, args.length()); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, break_id, Int32, args[0]); CHECK(isolate->debug()->CheckExecutionState(break_id)); CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED(wrapped_id, 1); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, inlined_jsframe_index, Int32, args[2]); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, index, Int32, args[3]); // Get the frame where the debugging is performed. StackFrame::Id id = DebugFrameHelper::UnwrapFrameId(wrapped_id); StackTraceFrameIterator frame_it(isolate, id); // Wasm has no scopes, this must be javascript. JavaScriptFrame* frame = JavaScriptFrame::cast(frame_it.frame()); FrameInspector frame_inspector(frame, inlined_jsframe_index, isolate); // Find the requested scope. int n = 0; ScopeIterator it(isolate, &frame_inspector); for (; !it.Done() && n < index; it.Next()) { n++; } if (it.Done()) { return isolate->heap()->undefined_value(); } RETURN_RESULT_OR_FAILURE(isolate, it.MaterializeScopeDetails()); } // Return an array of scope details // args[0]: number: break id // args[1]: number: frame index // args[2]: number: inlined frame index // args[3]: boolean: ignore nested scopes // // The array returned contains arrays with the following information: // 0: Scope type // 1: Scope object RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_GetAllScopesDetails) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK(args.length() == 3 || args.length() == 4); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, break_id, Int32, args[0]); CHECK(isolate->debug()->CheckExecutionState(break_id)); CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED(wrapped_id, 1); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, inlined_jsframe_index, Int32, args[2]); ScopeIterator::Option option = ScopeIterator::DEFAULT; if (args.length() == 4) { CONVERT_BOOLEAN_ARG_CHECKED(flag, 3); if (flag) option = ScopeIterator::IGNORE_NESTED_SCOPES; } // Get the frame where the debugging is performed. StackFrame::Id id = DebugFrameHelper::UnwrapFrameId(wrapped_id); StackTraceFrameIterator frame_it(isolate, id); StandardFrame* frame = frame_it.frame(); FrameInspector frame_inspector(frame, inlined_jsframe_index, isolate); List > result(4); ScopeIterator it(isolate, &frame_inspector, option); for (; !it.Done(); it.Next()) { Handle details; ASSIGN_RETURN_FAILURE_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, details, it.MaterializeScopeDetails()); result.Add(details); } Handle array = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(result.length()); for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); ++i) { array->set(i, *result[i]); } return *isolate->factory()->NewJSArrayWithElements(array); } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_GetFunctionScopeCount) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length()); // Check arguments. CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSReceiver, function, 0); // Count the visible scopes. int n = 0; if (function->IsJSFunction()) { for (ScopeIterator it(isolate, Handle::cast(function)); !it.Done(); it.Next()) { n++; } } return Smi::FromInt(n); } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_GetFunctionScopeDetails) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(2, args.length()); // Check arguments. CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSFunction, fun, 0); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, index, Int32, args[1]); // Find the requested scope. int n = 0; ScopeIterator it(isolate, fun); for (; !it.Done() && n < index; it.Next()) { n++; } if (it.Done()) { return isolate->heap()->undefined_value(); } RETURN_RESULT_OR_FAILURE(isolate, it.MaterializeScopeDetails()); } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_GetGeneratorScopeCount) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length()); if (!args[0]->IsJSGeneratorObject()) return Smi::kZero; // Check arguments. CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSGeneratorObject, gen, 0); // Count the visible scopes. int n = 0; for (ScopeIterator it(isolate, gen); !it.Done(); it.Next()) { n++; } return Smi::FromInt(n); } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_GetGeneratorScopeDetails) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(2, args.length()); if (!args[0]->IsJSGeneratorObject()) { return isolate->heap()->undefined_value(); } // Check arguments. CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSGeneratorObject, gen, 0); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, index, Int32, args[1]); // Find the requested scope. int n = 0; ScopeIterator it(isolate, gen); for (; !it.Done() && n < index; it.Next()) { n++; } if (it.Done()) { return isolate->heap()->undefined_value(); } RETURN_RESULT_OR_FAILURE(isolate, it.MaterializeScopeDetails()); } static bool SetScopeVariableValue(ScopeIterator* it, int index, Handle variable_name, Handle new_value) { for (int n = 0; !it->Done() && n < index; it->Next()) { n++; } if (it->Done()) { return false; } return it->SetVariableValue(variable_name, new_value); } // Change variable value in closure or local scope // args[0]: number or JsFunction: break id or function // args[1]: number: frame index (when arg[0] is break id) // args[2]: number: inlined frame index (when arg[0] is break id) // args[3]: number: scope index // args[4]: string: variable name // args[5]: object: new value // // Return true if success and false otherwise RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_SetScopeVariableValue) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(6, args.length()); // Check arguments. CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, index, Int32, args[3]); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(String, variable_name, 4); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(Object, new_value, 5); bool res; if (args[0]->IsNumber()) { CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, break_id, Int32, args[0]); CHECK(isolate->debug()->CheckExecutionState(break_id)); CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED(wrapped_id, 1); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int, inlined_jsframe_index, Int32, args[2]); // Get the frame where the debugging is performed. StackFrame::Id id = DebugFrameHelper::UnwrapFrameId(wrapped_id); StackTraceFrameIterator frame_it(isolate, id); // Wasm has no scopes, this must be javascript. JavaScriptFrame* frame = JavaScriptFrame::cast(frame_it.frame()); FrameInspector frame_inspector(frame, inlined_jsframe_index, isolate); ScopeIterator it(isolate, &frame_inspector); res = SetScopeVariableValue(&it, index, variable_name, new_value); } else if (args[0]->IsJSFunction()) { CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSFunction, fun, 0); ScopeIterator it(isolate, fun); res = SetScopeVariableValue(&it, index, variable_name, new_value); } else { CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSGeneratorObject, gen, 0); ScopeIterator it(isolate, gen); res = SetScopeVariableValue(&it, index, variable_name, new_value); } return isolate->heap()->ToBoolean(res); } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_DebugPrintScopes) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(0, args.length()); #ifdef DEBUG // Print the scopes for the top frame. StackFrameLocator locator(isolate); JavaScriptFrame* frame = locator.FindJavaScriptFrame(0); FrameInspector frame_inspector(frame, 0, isolate); for (ScopeIterator it(isolate, &frame_inspector); !it.Done(); it.Next()) { it.DebugPrint(); } #endif return isolate->heap()->undefined_value(); } // Sets the disable break state // args[0]: disable break state RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_SetBreakPointsActive) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length()); CONVERT_BOOLEAN_ARG_CHECKED(active, 0); isolate->debug()->set_break_points_active(active); return isolate->heap()->undefined_value(); } static bool IsPositionAlignmentCodeCorrect(int alignment) { return alignment == STATEMENT_ALIGNED || alignment == BREAK_POSITION_ALIGNED; } RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_GetBreakLocations) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(2, args.length()); CHECK(isolate->debug()->is_active()); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSFunction, fun, 0); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int32_t, statement_aligned_code, Int32, args[1]); if (!IsPositionAlignmentCodeCorrect(statement_aligned_code)) { return isolate->ThrowIllegalOperation(); } BreakPositionAlignment alignment = static_cast(statement_aligned_code); Handle shared(fun->shared()); // Find the number of break points Handle break_locations = Debug::GetSourceBreakLocations(shared, alignment); if (break_locations->IsUndefined(isolate)) { return isolate->heap()->undefined_value(); } // Return array as JS array return *isolate->factory()->NewJSArrayWithElements( Handle::cast(break_locations)); } // Set a break point in a function. // args[0]: function // args[1]: number: break source position (within the function source) // args[2]: number: break point object RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_SetFunctionBreakPoint) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(3, args.length()); CHECK(isolate->debug()->is_active()); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSFunction, function, 0); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int32_t, source_position, Int32, args[1]); CHECK(source_position >= function->shared()->start_position() && source_position <= function->shared()->end_position()); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(Object, break_point_object_arg, 2); // Set break point. CHECK(isolate->debug()->SetBreakPoint(function, break_point_object_arg, &source_position)); return Smi::FromInt(source_position); } // Changes the state of a break point in a script and returns source position // where break point was set. NOTE: Regarding performance see the NOTE for // GetScriptFromScriptData. // args[0]: script to set break point in // args[1]: number: break source position (within the script source) // args[2]: number, breakpoint position alignment // args[3]: number: break point object RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_SetScriptBreakPoint) { HandleScope scope(isolate); DCHECK_EQ(4, args.length()); CHECK(isolate->debug()->is_active()); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSValue, wrapper, 0); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int32_t, source_position, Int32, args[1]); CHECK(source_position >= 0); CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED(int32_t, statement_aligned_code, Int32, args[2]); CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(Object, break_point_object_arg, 3); if (!IsPositionAlignmentCodeCorrect(statement_aligned_code)) { return isolate->ThrowIllegalOperation(); } BreakPositionAlignment alignment = static_cast(statement_aligned_code); // Get the script from the script wrapper. CHECK(wrapper->value()->IsScript()); Handle