#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. ''' Usage: callstats.py [-h] ... Optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Commands: run run chrome with --runtime-call-stats and generate logs stats process logs and print statistics json process logs from several versions and generate JSON help help information For each command, you can try ./runtime-call-stats.py help command. ''' import argparse import json import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import operator import numpy import scipy import scipy.stats from math import sqrt # Run benchmarks. def print_command(cmd_args): def fix_for_printing(arg): m = re.match(r'^--([^=]+)=(.*)$', arg) if m and (' ' in m.group(2) or m.group(2).startswith('-')): arg = "--{}='{}'".format(m.group(1), m.group(2)) elif ' ' in arg: arg = "'{}'".format(arg) return arg print " ".join(map(fix_for_printing, cmd_args)) def start_replay_server(args, sites, discard_output=True): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='callstats-inject-', suffix='.js', mode='wt', delete=False) as f: injection = f.name generate_injection(f, sites, args.refresh) http_port = 4080 + args.port_offset https_port = 4443 + args.port_offset cmd_args = [ args.replay_bin, "--port=%s" % http_port, "--ssl_port=%s" % https_port, "--no-dns_forwarding", "--use_closest_match", "--no-diff_unknown_requests", "--inject_scripts=deterministic.js,{}".format(injection), args.replay_wpr, ] print "=" * 80 print_command(cmd_args) if discard_output: with open(os.devnull, 'w') as null: server = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, stdout=null, stderr=null) else: server = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args) print "RUNNING REPLAY SERVER: %s with PID=%s" % (args.replay_bin, server.pid) print "=" * 80 return {'process': server, 'injection': injection} def stop_replay_server(server): print("SHUTTING DOWN REPLAY SERVER %s" % server['process'].pid) server['process'].terminate() os.remove(server['injection']) def generate_injection(f, sites, refreshes=0): print >> f, """\ (function() { var s = window.sessionStorage.getItem("refreshCounter"); var refreshTotal = """, refreshes, """; var refreshCounter = s ? parseInt(s) : refreshTotal; var refreshId = refreshTotal - refreshCounter; if (refreshCounter > 0) { window.sessionStorage.setItem("refreshCounter", refreshCounter-1); } function match(url, item) { if ('regexp' in item) { return url.match(item.regexp) !== null }; var url_wanted = item.url; /* Allow automatic redirections from http to https. */ if (url_wanted.startsWith("http://") && url.startsWith("https://")) { url_wanted = "https://" + url_wanted.substr(7); } return url.startsWith(url_wanted); }; function onLoad(url) { for (var item of sites) { if (!match(url, item)) continue; var timeout = 'timeline' in item ? 2000 * item.timeline : 'timeout' in item ? 1000 * (item.timeout - 3) : 10000; console.log("Setting time out of " + timeout + " for: " + url); window.setTimeout(function() { console.log("Time is out for: " + url); var msg = "STATS: (" + refreshId + ") " + url; %GetAndResetRuntimeCallStats(1, msg); if (refreshCounter > 0) { console.log( "Refresh counter is " + refreshCounter + ", refreshing: " + url); window.location.reload(); } }, timeout); return; } console.log("Ignoring: " + url); }; var sites = """, json.dumps(sites), """; onLoad(window.location.href); })();""" def get_chrome_flags(js_flags, user_data_dir, arg_delimiter=""): return [ "--no-default-browser-check", "--no-sandbox", "--disable-translate", "--enable-benchmarking", "--enable-stats-table", "--js-flags={}{}{}".format(arg_delimiter, js_flags, arg_delimiter), "--no-first-run", "--user-data-dir={}{}{}".format(arg_delimiter, user_data_dir, arg_delimiter), ] def get_chrome_replay_flags(args, arg_delimiter=""): http_port = 4080 + args.port_offset https_port = 4443 + args.port_offset return [ "--host-resolver-rules=%sMAP *:80 localhost:%s, " \ "MAP *:443 localhost:%s, " \ "EXCLUDE localhost%s" % ( arg_delimiter, http_port, https_port, arg_delimiter), "--ignore-certificate-errors", "--disable-seccomp-sandbox", "--disable-web-security", "--reduce-security-for-testing", "--allow-insecure-localhost", ] def run_site(site, domain, args, timeout=None): print "="*80 print "RUNNING DOMAIN %s" % domain print "="*80 result_template = "{domain}#{count}.txt" if args.repeat else "{domain}.txt" count = 0 if timeout is None: timeout = args.timeout if args.replay_wpr: timeout *= 1 + args.refresh timeout += 1 retries_since_good_run = 0 while count == 0 or args.repeat is not None and count < args.repeat: count += 1 result = result_template.format(domain=domain, count=count) retries = 0 while args.retries is None or retries < args.retries: retries += 1 try: if args.user_data_dir: user_data_dir = args.user_data_dir else: user_data_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="chr_") js_flags = "--runtime-call-stats --noconcurrent-recompilation" if args.replay_wpr: js_flags += " --allow-natives-syntax" if args.js_flags: js_flags += " " + args.js_flags chrome_flags = get_chrome_flags(js_flags, user_data_dir) if args.replay_wpr: chrome_flags += get_chrome_replay_flags(args) else: chrome_flags += [ "--single-process", ] if args.chrome_flags: chrome_flags += args.chrome_flags.split() cmd_args = [ "timeout", str(timeout), args.with_chrome ] + chrome_flags + [ site ] print "- " * 40 print_command(cmd_args) print "- " * 40 with open(result, "wt") as f: with open(args.log_stderr or os.devnull, 'at') as err: status = subprocess.call(cmd_args, stdout=f, stderr=err) # 124 means timeout killed chrome, 0 means the user was bored first! # If none of these two happened, then chrome apparently crashed, so # it must be called again. if status != 124 and status != 0: print("CHROME CRASHED, REPEATING RUN"); continue # If the stats file is empty, chrome must be called again. if os.path.isfile(result) and os.path.getsize(result) > 0: if args.print_url: with open(result, "at") as f: print >> f print >> f, "URL: {}".format(site) retries_since_good_run = 0 break if retries_since_good_run < 6: timeout += 2 ** retries_since_good_run retries_since_good_run += 1 print("EMPTY RESULT, REPEATING RUN ({})".format( retries_since_good_run)); finally: if not args.user_data_dir: shutil.rmtree(user_data_dir) def read_sites_file(args): try: sites = [] try: with open(args.sites_file, "rt") as f: for item in json.load(f): if 'timeout' not in item: # This is more-or-less arbitrary. item['timeout'] = int(1.5 * item['timeline'] + 7) if item['timeout'] > args.timeout: item['timeout'] = args.timeout sites.append(item) except ValueError: with open(args.sites_file, "rt") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue sites.append({'url': line, 'timeout': args.timeout}) return sites except IOError as e: args.error("Cannot read from {}. {}.".format(args.sites_file, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) def read_sites(args): # Determine the websites to benchmark. if args.sites_file: return read_sites_file(args) return [{'url': site, 'timeout': args.timeout} for site in args.sites] def do_run(args): sites = read_sites(args) replay_server = start_replay_server(args, sites) if args.replay_wpr else None # Disambiguate domains, if needed. L = [] domains = {} for item in sites: site = item['url'] domain = None if args.domain: domain = args.domain elif 'domain' in item: domain = item['domain'] else: m = re.match(r'^(https?://)?([^/]+)(/.*)?$', site) if not m: args.error("Invalid URL {}.".format(site)) continue domain = m.group(2) entry = [site, domain, None, item['timeout']] if domain not in domains: domains[domain] = entry else: if not isinstance(domains[domain], int): domains[domain][2] = 1 domains[domain] = 1 domains[domain] += 1 entry[2] = domains[domain] L.append(entry) try: # Run them. for site, domain, count, timeout in L: if count is not None: domain = "{}%{}".format(domain, count) print(site, domain, timeout) run_site(site, domain, args, timeout) finally: if replay_server: stop_replay_server(replay_server) def do_run_replay_server(args): sites = read_sites(args) print("- " * 40) print("Available URLs:") for site in sites: print(" "+site['url']) print("- " * 40) print("Launch chromium with the following commands for debugging:") flags = get_chrome_flags("--runtime-call-stats --allow-natives-syntax", "/var/tmp/`date +%s`", '"') flags += get_chrome_replay_flags(args, "'") print(" $CHROMIUM_DIR/out/Release/chrome " + (" ".join(flags)) + " ") print("- " * 40) replay_server = start_replay_server(args, sites, discard_output=False) try: replay_server['process'].wait() finally: stop_replay_server(replay_server) # Calculate statistics. def statistics(data): N = len(data) average = numpy.average(data) median = numpy.median(data) low = numpy.min(data) high= numpy.max(data) if N > 1: # evaluate sample variance by setting delta degrees of freedom (ddof) to # 1. The degree used in calculations is N - ddof stddev = numpy.std(data, ddof=1) # Get the endpoints of the range that contains 95% of the distribution t_bounds = scipy.stats.t.interval(0.95, N-1) #assert abs(t_bounds[0] + t_bounds[1]) < 1e-6 # sum mean to the confidence interval ci = { 'abs': t_bounds[1] * stddev / sqrt(N), 'low': average + t_bounds[0] * stddev / sqrt(N), 'high': average + t_bounds[1] * stddev / sqrt(N) } else: stddev = 0 ci = { 'abs': 0, 'low': average, 'high': average } if abs(stddev) > 0.0001 and abs(average) > 0.0001: ci['perc'] = t_bounds[1] * stddev / sqrt(N) / average * 100 else: ci['perc'] = 0 return { 'samples': N, 'average': average, 'median': median, 'stddev': stddev, 'min': low, 'max': high, 'ci': ci } def read_stats(path, domain, args): groups = []; if args.aggregate: groups = [ ('Group-IC', re.compile(".*IC_.*")), ('Group-Optimize', re.compile("StackGuard|.*Optimize.*|.*Deoptimize.*|Recompile.*")), ('Group-CompileBackground', re.compile("(.*CompileBackground.*)")), ('Group-Compile', re.compile("(^Compile.*)|(.*_Compile.*)")), ('Group-ParseBackground', re.compile(".*ParseBackground.*")), ('Group-Parse', re.compile(".*Parse.*")), ('Group-Callback', re.compile(".*Callback.*")), ('Group-API', re.compile(".*API.*")), ('Group-GC', re.compile("GC|AllocateInTargetSpace")), ('Group-JavaScript', re.compile("JS_Execution")), ('Group-Runtime', re.compile(".*"))] with open(path, "rt") as f: # Process the whole file and sum repeating entries. entries = { 'Sum': {'time': 0, 'count': 0} } for group_name, regexp in groups: entries[group_name] = { 'time': 0, 'count': 0 } for line in f: line = line.strip() # Discard headers and footers. if not line: continue if line.startswith("Runtime Function"): continue if line.startswith("===="): continue if line.startswith("----"): continue if line.startswith("URL:"): continue if line.startswith("STATS:"): continue # We have a regular line. fields = line.split() key = fields[0] time = float(fields[1].replace("ms", "")) count = int(fields[3]) if key not in entries: entries[key] = { 'time': 0, 'count': 0 } entries[key]['time'] += time entries[key]['count'] += count # We calculate the sum, if it's not the "total" line. if key != "Total": entries['Sum']['time'] += time entries['Sum']['count'] += count for group_name, regexp in groups: if not regexp.match(key): continue entries[group_name]['time'] += time entries[group_name]['count'] += count break # Calculate the V8-Total (all groups except Callback) group_data = { 'time': 0, 'count': 0 } for group_name, regexp in groups: if group_name == 'Group-Callback': continue group_data['time'] += entries[group_name]['time'] group_data['count'] += entries[group_name]['count'] entries['Group-Total-V8'] = group_data # Calculate the Parse-Total group group_data = { 'time': 0, 'count': 0 } for group_name, regexp in groups: if not group_name.startswith('Group-Parse'): continue group_data['time'] += entries[group_name]['time'] group_data['count'] += entries[group_name]['count'] entries['Group-Parse-Total'] = group_data # Calculate the Compile-Total group group_data = { 'time': 0, 'count': 0 } for group_name, regexp in groups: if not group_name.startswith('Group-Compile'): continue group_data['time'] += entries[group_name]['time'] group_data['count'] += entries[group_name]['count'] entries['Group-Compile-Total'] = group_data # Append the sums as single entries to domain. for key in entries: if key not in domain: domain[key] = { 'time_list': [], 'count_list': [] } domain[key]['time_list'].append(entries[key]['time']) domain[key]['count_list'].append(entries[key]['count']) def print_stats(S, args): # Sort by ascending/descending time average, then by ascending/descending # count average, then by ascending name. def sort_asc_func(item): return (item[1]['time_stat']['average'], item[1]['count_stat']['average'], item[0]) def sort_desc_func(item): return (-item[1]['time_stat']['average'], -item[1]['count_stat']['average'], item[0]) # Sorting order is in the commend-line arguments. sort_func = sort_asc_func if args.sort == "asc" else sort_desc_func # Possibly limit how many elements to print. L = [item for item in sorted(S.items(), key=sort_func) if item[0] not in ["Total", "Sum"]] N = len(L) if args.limit == 0: low, high = 0, N elif args.sort == "desc": low, high = 0, args.limit else: low, high = N-args.limit, N # How to print entries. def print_entry(key, value): def stats(s, units=""): conf = "{:0.1f}({:0.2f}%)".format(s['ci']['abs'], s['ci']['perc']) return "{:8.1f}{} +/- {:15s}".format(s['average'], units, conf) print "{:>50s} {} {}".format( key, stats(value['time_stat'], units="ms"), stats(value['count_stat']) ) # Print and calculate partial sums, if necessary. for i in range(low, high): print_entry(*L[i]) if args.totals and args.limit != 0 and not args.aggregate: if i == low: partial = { 'time_list': [0] * len(L[i][1]['time_list']), 'count_list': [0] * len(L[i][1]['count_list']) } assert len(partial['time_list']) == len(L[i][1]['time_list']) assert len(partial['count_list']) == len(L[i][1]['count_list']) for j, v in enumerate(L[i][1]['time_list']): partial['time_list'][j] += v for j, v in enumerate(L[i][1]['count_list']): partial['count_list'][j] += v # Print totals, if necessary. if args.totals: print '-' * 80 if args.limit != 0 and not args.aggregate: partial['time_stat'] = statistics(partial['time_list']) partial['count_stat'] = statistics(partial['count_list']) print_entry("Partial", partial) print_entry("Sum", S["Sum"]) print_entry("Total", S["Total"]) def do_stats(args): domains = {} for path in args.logfiles: filename = os.path.basename(path) m = re.match(r'^([^#]+)(#.*)?$', filename) domain = m.group(1) if domain not in domains: domains[domain] = {} read_stats(path, domains[domain], args) if args.aggregate: create_total_page_stats(domains, args) for i, domain in enumerate(sorted(domains)): if len(domains) > 1: if i > 0: print print "{}:".format(domain) print '=' * 80 domain_stats = domains[domain] for key in domain_stats: domain_stats[key]['time_stat'] = \ statistics(domain_stats[key]['time_list']) domain_stats[key]['count_stat'] = \ statistics(domain_stats[key]['count_list']) print_stats(domain_stats, args) # Create a Total page with all entries summed up. def create_total_page_stats(domains, args): total = {} def sum_up(parent, key, other): sums = parent[key] for i, item in enumerate(other[key]): if i >= len(sums): sums.extend([0] * (i - len(sums) + 1)) if item is not None: sums[i] += item # Sum up all the entries/metrics from all domains for domain, entries in domains.items(): for key, domain_stats in entries.items(): if key not in total: total[key] = {} total[key]['time_list'] = list(domain_stats['time_list']) total[key]['count_list'] = list(domain_stats['count_list']) else: sum_up(total[key], 'time_list', domain_stats) sum_up(total[key], 'count_list', domain_stats) # Add a new "Total" page containing the summed up metrics. domains['Total'] = total # Generate JSON file. def do_json(args): versions = {} for path in args.logdirs: if os.path.isdir(path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): version = os.path.basename(root) if version not in versions: versions[version] = {} for filename in files: if filename.endswith(".txt"): m = re.match(r'^([^#]+)(#.*)?\.txt$', filename) domain = m.group(1) if domain not in versions[version]: versions[version][domain] = {} read_stats(os.path.join(root, filename), versions[version][domain], args) for version, domains in versions.items(): if args.aggregate: create_total_page_stats(domains, args) for domain, entries in domains.items(): stats = [] for name, value in entries.items(): # We don't want the calculated sum in the JSON file. if name == "Sum": continue entry = [name] for x in ['time_list', 'count_list']: s = statistics(entries[name][x]) entry.append(round(s['average'], 1)) entry.append(round(s['ci']['abs'], 1)) entry.append(round(s['ci']['perc'], 2)) stats.append(entry) domains[domain] = stats print json.dumps(versions, separators=(',', ':')) # Help. def do_help(parser, subparsers, args): if args.help_cmd: if args.help_cmd in subparsers: subparsers[args.help_cmd].print_help() else: args.error("Unknown command '{}'".format(args.help_cmd)) else: parser.print_help() # Main program, parse command line and execute. def coexist(*l): given = sum(1 for x in l if x) return given == 0 or given == len(l) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparser_adder = parser.add_subparsers(title="commands", dest="command", metavar="") subparsers = {} # Command: run. subparsers["run"] = subparser_adder.add_parser( "run", help="Replay websites and collect runtime stats data.") subparsers["run"].set_defaults( func=do_run, error=subparsers["run"].error) subparsers["run"].add_argument( "--chrome-flags", type=str, default="", help="specify additional chrome flags") subparsers["run"].add_argument( "--js-flags", type=str, default="", help="specify additional V8 flags") subparsers["run"].add_argument( "-u", "--user-data-dir", type=str, metavar="", help="specify user data dir (default is temporary)") subparsers["run"].add_argument( "-c", "--with-chrome", type=str, metavar="", default="/usr/bin/google-chrome", help="specify chrome executable to use") subparsers["run"].add_argument( "-r", "--retries", type=int, metavar="", help="specify retries if website is down (default: forever)") subparsers["run"].add_argument( "--no-url", dest="print_url", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not include url in statistics file") subparsers["run"].add_argument( "--domain", type=str, default="", help="specify the output file domain name") subparsers["run"].add_argument( "-n", "--repeat", type=int, metavar="", help="specify iterations for each website (default: once)") def add_replay_args(subparser): subparser.add_argument( "-k", "--refresh", type=int, metavar="", default=0, help="specify refreshes for each iteration (default: 0)") subparser.add_argument( "--replay-wpr", type=str, metavar="", help="use the specified web page replay (.wpr) archive") subparser.add_argument( "--replay-bin", type=str, metavar="", help="specify the replay.py script typically located in " \ "$CHROMIUM/src/third_party/webpagereplay/replay.py") subparser.add_argument( "-f", "--sites-file", type=str, metavar="", help="specify file containing benchmark websites") subparser.add_argument( "-t", "--timeout", type=int, metavar="", default=60, help="specify seconds before chrome is killed") subparser.add_argument( "-p", "--port-offset", type=int, metavar="", default=0, help="specify the offset for the replay server's default ports") subparser.add_argument( "-l", "--log-stderr", type=str, metavar="", help="specify where chrome's stderr should go (default: /dev/null)") subparser.add_argument( "sites", type=str, metavar="", nargs="*", help="specify benchmark website") add_replay_args(subparsers["run"]) # Command: replay-server subparsers["replay"] = subparser_adder.add_parser( "replay", help="Run the replay server for debugging purposes") subparsers["replay"].set_defaults( func=do_run_replay_server, error=subparsers["replay"].error) add_replay_args(subparsers["replay"]) # Command: stats. subparsers["stats"] = subparser_adder.add_parser( "stats", help="Analize the results file create by the 'run' command.") subparsers["stats"].set_defaults( func=do_stats, error=subparsers["stats"].error) subparsers["stats"].add_argument( "-l", "--limit", type=int, metavar="", default=0, help="limit how many items to print (default: none)") subparsers["stats"].add_argument( "-s", "--sort", choices=["asc", "desc"], default="asc", help="specify sorting order (default: ascending)") subparsers["stats"].add_argument( "-n", "--no-total", dest="totals", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not print totals") subparsers["stats"].add_argument( "logfiles", type=str, metavar="", nargs="*", help="specify log files to parse") subparsers["stats"].add_argument( "--aggregate", dest="aggregate", action="store_true", default=False, help="Create aggregated entries. Adds Group-* entries at the toplevel. " \ "Additionally creates a Total page with all entries.") # Command: json. subparsers["json"] = subparser_adder.add_parser( "json", help="Collect results file created by the 'run' command into" \ "a single json file.") subparsers["json"].set_defaults( func=do_json, error=subparsers["json"].error) subparsers["json"].add_argument( "logdirs", type=str, metavar="", nargs="*", help="specify directories with log files to parse") subparsers["json"].add_argument( "--aggregate", dest="aggregate", action="store_true", default=False, help="Create aggregated entries. Adds Group-* entries at the toplevel. " \ "Additionally creates a Total page with all entries.") # Command: help. subparsers["help"] = subparser_adder.add_parser( "help", help="help information") subparsers["help"].set_defaults( func=lambda args: do_help(parser, subparsers, args), error=subparsers["help"].error) subparsers["help"].add_argument( "help_cmd", type=str, metavar="", nargs="?", help="command for which to display help") # Execute the command. args = parser.parse_args() setattr(args, 'script_path', os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) if args.command == "run" and coexist(args.sites_file, args.sites): args.error("use either option --sites-file or site URLs") sys.exit(1) elif args.command == "run" and not coexist(args.replay_wpr, args.replay_bin): args.error("options --replay-wpr and --replay-bin must be used together") sys.exit(1) else: args.func(args) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())