Invalid read of size 1 at 0x........: vex_strlen (hackedbz2.c:1006) by 0x........: add_to_myprintf_buf (hackedbz2.c:1284) by 0x........: vex_printf (hackedbz2.c:1155) by 0x........: BZ2_compressBlock (hackedbz2.c:4039) by 0x........: handle_compress (hackedbz2.c:4761) by 0x........: BZ2_bzCompress (hackedbz2.c:4831) by 0x........: BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress (hackedbz2.c:5638) by 0x........: main (hackedbz2.c:6484) Address 0x........ expected vs actual: Expected: global array "myprintf_buf" of size 70 in object with soname "NONE" Actual: unknown Actual: is 0 after Expected ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)