#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # # This script can change key (usually developer keys) and kernel config # of kernels on an disk image (usually for SSD but also works for USB). SCRIPT_BASE="$(dirname "$0")" . "$SCRIPT_BASE/common_minimal.sh" load_shflags || exit 1 # Constants used by DEFINE_* VBOOT_BASE='/usr/share/vboot' DEFAULT_KEYS_FOLDER="$VBOOT_BASE/devkeys" DEFAULT_BACKUP_FOLDER='/mnt/stateful_partition/backups' DEFAULT_PARTITIONS='2 4' # TODO(hungte) The default image selection is no longer a SSD, so the script # works more like "make_dev_image". We may change the file name in future. ROOTDEV="$(rootdev -s 2>/dev/null)" ROOTDEV_PARTITION="$(echo $ROOTDEV | sed -n 's/.*\([0-9][0-9]*\)$/\1/p')" ROOTDEV_DISK="$(rootdev -s -d 2>/dev/null)" ROOTDEV_KERNEL="$((ROOTDEV_PARTITION - 1))" # DEFINE_string name default_value description flag DEFINE_string image "$ROOTDEV_DISK" "Path to device or image file" "i" DEFINE_string keys "$DEFAULT_KEYS_FOLDER" "Path to folder of dev keys" "k" DEFINE_boolean remove_rootfs_verification \ $FLAGS_FALSE "Modify kernel boot config to disable rootfs verification" "" DEFINE_string backup_dir \ "$DEFAULT_BACKUP_FOLDER" "Path of directory to store kernel backups" "" DEFINE_string save_config "" \ "Base filename to store kernel configs to, instead of resigning." "" DEFINE_string set_config "" \ "Base filename to load kernel configs from" "" DEFINE_string partitions "" \ "List of partitions to examine (default: $DEFAULT_PARTITIONS)" "" DEFINE_boolean recovery_key "$FLAGS_FALSE" \ "Use recovery key to sign image (to boot from USB" "" DEFINE_boolean force "$FLAGS_FALSE" "Skip sanity checks and make the change" "f" # Parse command line FLAGS "$@" || exit 1 ORIGINAL_PARAMS="$@" eval set -- "$FLAGS_ARGV" ORIGINAL_PARTITIONS="$FLAGS_partitions" : ${FLAGS_partitions:=$DEFAULT_PARTITIONS} # Globals # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set -e # a log file to keep the output results of executed command EXEC_LOG="$(make_temp_file)" # Functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Removes rootfs verification from kernel boot parameter remove_rootfs_verification() { local new_root="PARTUUID=%U/PARTNROFF=1" echo "$*" | sed ' s| root=/dev/dm-[0-9] | root='"$new_root"' | s| dm_verity.dev_wait=1 | dm_verity.dev_wait=0 | s| payload=PARTUUID=%U/PARTNROFF=1 | payload=ROOT_DEV | s| hashtree=PARTUUID=%U/PARTNROFF=1 | hashtree=HASH_DEV | s| ro | rw |' } remove_legacy_boot_rootfs_verification() { # See src/scripts/create_legacy_bootloader_templates local image="$1" local mount_point="$(make_temp_dir)" local config_file debug_msg "Removing rootfs verification for legacy boot configuration." mount_image_partition "$image" 12 "$mount_point" || return $FLAGS_FALSE config_file="$mount_point/efi/boot/grub.cfg" [ ! -f "$config_file" ] || sudo sed -i 's/^ *set default=2 *$/set default=0/g' "$config_file" config_file="$mount_point/syslinux/default.cfg" [ ! -f "$config_file" ] || sudo sed -i 's/-vusb/-usb/g; s/-vhd/-hd/g' "$config_file" sudo umount "$mount_point" } # Wrapped version of dd mydd() { # oflag=sync is safer, but since we need bs=512, syncing every block would be # very slow. dd "$@" >"$EXEC_LOG" 2>&1 || err_die "Failed in [dd $@], Message: $(cat "$EXEC_LOG")" } # Prints a more friendly name from kernel index number cros_kernel_name() { case $1 in 2) echo "Kernel A" ;; 4) echo "Kernel B" ;; 6) echo "Kernel C" ;; *) echo "Partition $1" esac } find_valid_kernel_partitions() { local part_id local valid_partitions="" for part_id in $*; do local name="$(cros_kernel_name $part_id)" local kernel_part="$(make_partition_dev "$FLAGS_image" "$part_id")" if [ -z "$(dump_kernel_config "$kernel_part" 2>"$EXEC_LOG")" ]; then echo "INFO: $name: no kernel boot information, ignored." >&2 else [ -z "$valid_partitions" ] && valid_partitions="$part_id" || valid_partitions="$valid_partitions $part_id" continue fi done debug_msg "find_valid_kernel_partitions: [$*] -> [$valid_partitions]" echo "$valid_partitions" } # Resigns a kernel on SSD or image. resign_ssd_kernel() { # bs=512 is the fixed block size for dd and cgpt local bs=512 local ssd_device="$1" # reasonable size for current kernel partition local min_kernel_size=16000 local max_kernel_size=65536 local resigned_kernels=0 for kernel_index in $FLAGS_partitions; do local old_blob="$(make_temp_file)" local new_blob="$(make_temp_file)" local name="$(cros_kernel_name $kernel_index)" local rootfs_index="$(($kernel_index + 1))" debug_msg "Probing $name information" local offset size offset="$(partoffset "$ssd_device" "$kernel_index")" || err_die "Failed to get partition $kernel_index offset from $ssd_device" size="$(partsize "$ssd_device" "$kernel_index")" || err_die "Failed to get partition $kernel_index size from $ssd_device" if [ ! $size -gt $min_kernel_size ]; then echo "INFO: $name seems too small ($size), ignored." continue fi if [ ! $size -le $max_kernel_size ]; then echo "INFO: $name seems too large ($size), ignored." continue fi debug_msg "Reading $name from partition $kernel_index" mydd if="$ssd_device" of="$old_blob" bs=$bs skip=$offset count=$size debug_msg "Checking if $name is valid" local kernel_config if ! kernel_config="$(dump_kernel_config "$old_blob" 2>"$EXEC_LOG")"; then debug_msg "dump_kernel_config error message: $(cat "$EXEC_LOG")" echo "INFO: $name: no kernel boot information, ignored." continue fi if [ -n "${FLAGS_save_config}" ]; then # Save current kernel config local old_config_file old_config_file="${FLAGS_save_config}.$kernel_index" echo "Saving $name config to $old_config_file" echo "$kernel_config" > "$old_config_file" # Just save; don't resign continue fi if [ -n "${FLAGS_set_config}" ]; then # Set new kernel config from file local new_config_file new_config_file="${FLAGS_set_config}.$kernel_index" kernel_config="$(cat "$new_config_file")" || err_die "Failed to read new kernel config from $new_config_file" debug_msg "New kernel config: $kernel_config)" echo "$name: Replaced config from $new_config_file" fi if [ ${FLAGS_remove_rootfs_verification} = $FLAGS_FALSE ]; then debug_msg "Bypassing rootfs verification check" else debug_msg "Changing boot parameter to remove rootfs verification" kernel_config="$(remove_rootfs_verification "$kernel_config")" debug_msg "New kernel config: $kernel_config" echo "$name: Disabled rootfs verification." remove_legacy_boot_rootfs_verification "$ssd_device" fi local new_kernel_config_file="$(make_temp_file)" echo -n "$kernel_config" >"$new_kernel_config_file" debug_msg "Re-signing $name from $old_blob to $new_blob" debug_msg "Using key: $KERNEL_DATAKEY" vbutil_kernel \ --repack "$new_blob" \ --keyblock "$KERNEL_KEYBLOCK" \ --config "$new_kernel_config_file" \ --signprivate "$KERNEL_DATAKEY" \ --oldblob "$old_blob" >"$EXEC_LOG" 2>&1 || err_die "Failed to resign $name. Message: $(cat "$EXEC_LOG")" debug_msg "Creating new kernel image (vboot+code+config)" local new_kern="$(make_temp_file)" cp "$old_blob" "$new_kern" mydd if="$new_blob" of="$new_kern" conv=notrunc if is_debug_mode; then debug_msg "for debug purposes, check *.dbgbin" cp "$old_blob" old_blob.dbgbin cp "$new_blob" new_blob.dbgbin cp "$new_kern" new_kern.dbgbin fi debug_msg "Verifying new kernel and keys" vbutil_kernel \ --verify "$new_kern" \ --signpubkey "$KERNEL_PUBKEY" --verbose >"$EXEC_LOG" 2>&1 || err_die "Failed to verify new $name. Message: $(cat "$EXEC_LOG")" debug_msg "Backup old kernel blob" local backup_date_time="$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')" local backup_name="$(echo "$name" | sed 's/ /_/g; s/^K/k/')" local backup_file_name="${backup_name}_${backup_date_time}.bin" local backup_file_path="$FLAGS_backup_dir/$backup_file_name" if mkdir -p "$FLAGS_backup_dir" && cp -f "$old_blob" "$backup_file_path"; then echo "Backup of $name is stored in: $backup_file_path" else echo "WARNING: Cannot create file in $FLAGS_backup_dir... Ignore backups." fi debug_msg "Writing $name to partition $kernel_index" mydd \ if="$new_kern" \ of="$ssd_device" \ seek=$offset \ bs=$bs \ count=$size \ conv=notrunc resigned_kernels=$(($resigned_kernels + 1)) debug_msg "Make the root file system writable if needed." # TODO(hungte) for safety concern, a more robust way would be to: # (1) change kernel config to ro # (2) check if we can enable rw mount # (3) change kernel config to rw if [ ${FLAGS_remove_rootfs_verification} = $FLAGS_TRUE ]; then local root_offset_sector=$(partoffset "$ssd_device" $rootfs_index) local root_offset_bytes=$((root_offset_sector * 512)) if ! is_ext2 "$ssd_device" "$root_offset_bytes"; then debug_msg "Non-ext2 partition: $ssd_device$rootfs_index, skip." elif ! rw_mount_disabled "$ssd_device" "$root_offset_bytes"; then debug_msg "Root file system is writable. No need to modify." else # disable the RO ext2 hack debug_msg "Disabling rootfs ext2 RO bit hack" enable_rw_mount "$ssd_device" "$root_offset_bytes" >"$EXEC_LOG" 2>&1 || err_die "Failed turning off rootfs RO bit. OS may be corrupted. " \ "Message: $(cat "$EXEC_LOG")" fi fi # Sometimes doing "dump_kernel_config" or other I/O now (or after return to # shell) will get the data before modification. Not a problem now, but for # safety, let's try to sync more. sync; sync; sync echo "$name: Re-signed with developer keys successfully." done # If we saved the kernel config, exit now so we don't print an error if [ -n "${FLAGS_save_config}" ]; then echo "(Kernels have not been resigned.)" exit 0 fi return $resigned_kernels } sanity_check_live_partitions() { debug_msg "Partition sanity check" if [ "$FLAGS_partitions" = "$ROOTDEV_KERNEL" ]; then debug_msg "only for current active partition - safe." return fi if [ "$ORIGINAL_PARTITIONS" != "" ]; then debug_msg "user has assigned partitions - provide more info." echo "INFO: Making change to $FLAGS_partitions on $FLAGS_image." return fi echo " ERROR: YOU ARE TRYING TO MODIFY THE LIVE SYSTEM IMAGE $FLAGS_image. The system may become unusable after that change, especially when you have some auto updates in progress. To make it safer, we suggest you to only change the partition you have booted with. To do that, re-execute this command as: sudo ./make_dev_ssd.sh $ORIGINAL_PARAMS --partitions $ROOTDEV_KERNEL If you are sure to modify other partition, please invoke the command again and explicitly assign only one target partition for each time (--partitions N ) " return $FLAGS_FALSE } sanity_check_live_firmware() { debug_msg "Firmware compatibility sanity check" if [ "$(crossystem mainfw_type)" = "developer" ]; then debug_msg "developer type firmware in active." return fi debug_msg "Loading firmware to check root key..." local bios_image="$(make_temp_file)" local rootkey_file="$(make_temp_file)" echo "INFO: checking system firmware..." sudo flashrom -p host -i GBB -r "$bios_image" >/dev/null 2>&1 gbb_utility -g --rootkey="$rootkey_file" "$bios_image" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! -s "$rootkey_file" ]; then debug_msg "failed to read root key from system firmware..." else # The magic 130 is counted by "od dev-rootkey" for the lines until the body # of key is reached. Trailing bytes (0x00 or 0xFF - both may appear, and # that's why we need to skip them) are started at line 131. # TODO(hungte) compare with rootkey in $VBOOT_BASE directly. local rootkey_hash="$(od "$rootkey_file" | head -130 | md5sum | sed 's/ .*$//' )" if [ "$rootkey_hash" = "a13642246ef93daaf75bd791446fec9b" ]; then debug_msg "detected DEV root key in firmware." return else debug_msg "non-devkey hash: $rootkey_hash" fi fi echo " ERROR: YOU ARE NOT USING DEVELOPER FIRMWARE, AND RUNNING THIS COMMAND MAY THROW YOUR CHROMEOS DEVICE INTO UN-BOOTABLE STATE. You need to either install developer firmware, or change system root key. - To install developer firmware: type command sudo chromeos-firmwareupdate --mode=todev - To change system rootkey: disable firmware write protection (a hardware switch) and then type command: sudo ./make_dev_firmware.sh If you are sure that you want to make such image without developer firmware or you've already changed system root keys, please run this command again with --force paramemeter: sudo ./make_dev_ssd.sh --force $ORIGINAL_PARAMS " return $FLAGS_FALSE } # Main # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- main() { local num_signed=0 local num_given=$(echo "$FLAGS_partitions" | wc -w) # Check parameters if [ "$FLAGS_recovery_key" = "$FLAGS_TRUE" ]; then KERNEL_KEYBLOCK="$FLAGS_keys/recovery_kernel.keyblock" KERNEL_DATAKEY="$FLAGS_keys/recovery_kernel_data_key.vbprivk" KERNEL_PUBKEY="$FLAGS_keys/recovery_key.vbpubk" else KERNEL_KEYBLOCK="$FLAGS_keys/kernel.keyblock" KERNEL_DATAKEY="$FLAGS_keys/kernel_data_key.vbprivk" KERNEL_PUBKEY="$FLAGS_keys/kernel_subkey.vbpubk" fi debug_msg "Prerequisite check" ensure_files_exist \ "$KERNEL_KEYBLOCK" \ "$KERNEL_DATAKEY" \ "$KERNEL_PUBKEY" \ "$FLAGS_image" || exit 1 # checks for running on a live system image. if [ "$FLAGS_image" = "$ROOTDEV_DISK" ]; then debug_msg "check valid kernel partitions for live system" local valid_partitions="$(find_valid_kernel_partitions $FLAGS_partitions)" [ -n "$valid_partitions" ] || err_die "No valid kernel partitions on $FLAGS_image ($FLAGS_partitions)." FLAGS_partitions="$valid_partitions" # Sanity checks if [ "$FLAGS_force" = "$FLAGS_TRUE" ]; then echo " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! INFO: ALL SANITY CHECKS WERE BYPASSED. YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " >&2 local i for i in $(seq 5 -1 1); do echo -n "\rStart in $i second(s) (^C to abort)... " >&2 sleep 1 done echo "" elif ! sanity_check_live_firmware || ! sanity_check_live_partitions; then err_die "IMAGE $FLAGS_image IS NOT MODIFIED." fi fi resign_ssd_kernel "$FLAGS_image" || num_signed=$? debug_msg "Complete." if [ $num_signed -gt 0 -a $num_signed -le $num_given ]; then # signed something at least echo "Successfully re-signed $num_signed of $num_given kernel(s)" \ " on device $FLAGS_image". else err_die "Failed re-signing kernels." fi } # People using this to process images may forget to add "-i", # so adding parameter check is safer. if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then flags_help err_die "Unknown parameters: $@" fi main