#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Generate test cases for use for the RSA verify benchmark. # Load common constants and variables. . "$(dirname "$0")/common.sh" TEST_FILE=${TESTCASE_DIR}/test_file TEST_FILE_SIZE=1000000 # Generate public key signatures on an input file for various combinations # of message digest algorithms and RSA key sizes. function generate_test_signatures { echo "Generating test signatures..." algorithmcounter=0 for keylen in ${key_lengths[@]} do for hashalgo in ${hash_algos[@]} do openssl dgst -${hashalgo} -binary ${TEST_FILE} > \ ${TEST_FILE}.${hashalgo}.digest ${BIN_DIR}/signature_digest_utility $algorithmcounter \ ${TEST_FILE} | openssl rsautl \ -sign -pkcs -inkey ${TESTKEY_DIR}/key_rsa${keylen}.pem \ > ${TEST_FILE}.rsa${keylen}_${hashalgo}.sig let algorithmcounter=algorithmcounter+1 done done } # Generate a file with random bytes for signature tests. function generate_test_file { echo "Generating test file..." dd if=/dev/urandom of=${TEST_FILE} bs=${TEST_FILE_SIZE} count=1 } mkdir -p ${TESTCASE_DIR} check_test_keys generate_test_file generate_test_signatures