/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "Camera2ClientBase" #define ATRACE_TAG ATRACE_TAG_CAMERA //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/Camera2ClientBase.h" #include "api2/CameraDeviceClient.h" #include "device3/Camera3Device.h" namespace android { using namespace camera2; static int getCallingPid() { return IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid(); } // Interface used by CameraService template Camera2ClientBase::Camera2ClientBase( const sp& cameraService, const sp& remoteCallback, const String16& clientPackageName, const String8& cameraId, int cameraFacing, int clientPid, uid_t clientUid, int servicePid): TClientBase(cameraService, remoteCallback, clientPackageName, cameraId, cameraFacing, clientPid, clientUid, servicePid), mSharedCameraCallbacks(remoteCallback), mDeviceVersion(cameraService->getDeviceVersion(TClientBase::mCameraIdStr)), mDeviceActive(false) { ALOGI("Camera %s: Opened. Client: %s (PID %d, UID %d)", cameraId.string(), String8(clientPackageName).string(), clientPid, clientUid); mInitialClientPid = clientPid; mDevice = new Camera3Device(cameraId); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mDevice == 0, "Device should never be NULL here."); } template status_t Camera2ClientBase::checkPid(const char* checkLocation) const { int callingPid = getCallingPid(); if (callingPid == TClientBase::mClientPid) return NO_ERROR; ALOGE("%s: attempt to use a locked camera from a different process" " (old pid %d, new pid %d)", checkLocation, TClientBase::mClientPid, callingPid); return PERMISSION_DENIED; } template status_t Camera2ClientBase::initialize(sp manager) { return initializeImpl(manager); } template template status_t Camera2ClientBase::initializeImpl(TProviderPtr providerPtr) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s: Initializing client for camera %s", __FUNCTION__, TClientBase::mCameraIdStr.string()); status_t res; // Verify ops permissions res = TClientBase::startCameraOps(); if (res != OK) { return res; } if (mDevice == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: No device connected", __FUNCTION__, TClientBase::mCameraIdStr.string()); return NO_INIT; } res = mDevice->initialize(providerPtr); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: unable to initialize device: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, TClientBase::mCameraIdStr.string(), strerror(-res), res); return res; } wp weakThis(this); res = mDevice->setNotifyCallback(weakThis); return OK; } template Camera2ClientBase::~Camera2ClientBase() { ATRACE_CALL(); TClientBase::mDestructionStarted = true; disconnect(); ALOGI("Closed Camera %s. Client was: %s (PID %d, UID %u)", TClientBase::mCameraIdStr.string(), String8(TClientBase::mClientPackageName).string(), mInitialClientPid, TClientBase::mClientUid); } template status_t Camera2ClientBase::dumpClient(int fd, const Vector& args) { String8 result; result.appendFormat("Camera2ClientBase[%s] (%p) PID: %d, dump:\n", TClientBase::mCameraIdStr.string(), (TClientBase::getRemoteCallback() != NULL ? IInterface::asBinder(TClientBase::getRemoteCallback()).get() : NULL), TClientBase::mClientPid); result.append(" State: "); write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); // TODO: print dynamic/request section from most recent requests return dumpDevice(fd, args); } template status_t Camera2ClientBase::dumpDevice( int fd, const Vector& args) { String8 result; result = " Device dump:\n"; write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); if (!mDevice.get()) { result = " *** Device is detached\n"; write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); return NO_ERROR; } status_t res = mDevice->dump(fd, args); if (res != OK) { result = String8::format(" Error dumping device: %s (%d)", strerror(-res), res); write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); } return NO_ERROR; } // ICameraClient2BaseUser interface template binder::Status Camera2ClientBase::disconnect() { ATRACE_CALL(); Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); binder::Status res = binder::Status::ok(); // Allow both client and the media server to disconnect at all times int callingPid = getCallingPid(); if (callingPid != TClientBase::mClientPid && callingPid != TClientBase::mServicePid) return res; ALOGV("Camera %s: Shutting down", TClientBase::mCameraIdStr.string()); detachDevice(); CameraService::BasicClient::disconnect(); ALOGV("Camera %s: Shut down complete complete", TClientBase::mCameraIdStr.string()); return res; } template void Camera2ClientBase::detachDevice() { if (mDevice == 0) return; mDevice->disconnect(); mDevice.clear(); ALOGV("Camera %s: Detach complete", TClientBase::mCameraIdStr.string()); } template status_t Camera2ClientBase::connect( const sp& client) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s: E", __FUNCTION__); Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (TClientBase::mClientPid != 0 && getCallingPid() != TClientBase::mClientPid) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: Connection attempt from pid %d; " "current locked to pid %d", __FUNCTION__, TClientBase::mCameraIdStr.string(), getCallingPid(), TClientBase::mClientPid); return BAD_VALUE; } TClientBase::mClientPid = getCallingPid(); TClientBase::mRemoteCallback = client; mSharedCameraCallbacks = client; return OK; } /** Device-related methods */ template void Camera2ClientBase::notifyError( int32_t errorCode, const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras) { ALOGE("Error condition %d reported by HAL, requestId %" PRId32, errorCode, resultExtras.requestId); } template void Camera2ClientBase::notifyIdle() { if (mDeviceActive) { getCameraService()->updateProxyDeviceState( hardware::ICameraServiceProxy::CAMERA_STATE_IDLE, TClientBase::mCameraIdStr, TClientBase::mCameraFacing, TClientBase::mClientPackageName); } mDeviceActive = false; ALOGV("Camera device is now idle"); } template void Camera2ClientBase::notifyShutter(const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras, nsecs_t timestamp) { (void)resultExtras; (void)timestamp; if (!mDeviceActive) { getCameraService()->updateProxyDeviceState( hardware::ICameraServiceProxy::CAMERA_STATE_ACTIVE, TClientBase::mCameraIdStr, TClientBase::mCameraFacing, TClientBase::mClientPackageName); } mDeviceActive = true; ALOGV("%s: Shutter notification for request id %" PRId32 " at time %" PRId64, __FUNCTION__, resultExtras.requestId, timestamp); } template void Camera2ClientBase::notifyAutoFocus(uint8_t newState, int triggerId) { (void)newState; (void)triggerId; ALOGV("%s: Autofocus state now %d, last trigger %d", __FUNCTION__, newState, triggerId); } template void Camera2ClientBase::notifyAutoExposure(uint8_t newState, int triggerId) { (void)newState; (void)triggerId; ALOGV("%s: Autoexposure state now %d, last trigger %d", __FUNCTION__, newState, triggerId); } template void Camera2ClientBase::notifyAutoWhitebalance(uint8_t newState, int triggerId) { (void)newState; (void)triggerId; ALOGV("%s: Auto-whitebalance state now %d, last trigger %d", __FUNCTION__, newState, triggerId); } template void Camera2ClientBase::notifyPrepared(int streamId) { (void)streamId; ALOGV("%s: Stream %d now prepared", __FUNCTION__, streamId); } template void Camera2ClientBase::notifyRequestQueueEmpty() { ALOGV("%s: Request queue now empty", __FUNCTION__); } template void Camera2ClientBase::notifyRepeatingRequestError(long lastFrameNumber) { (void)lastFrameNumber; ALOGV("%s: Repeating request was stopped. Last frame number is %ld", __FUNCTION__, lastFrameNumber); } template int Camera2ClientBase::getCameraId() const { return std::stoi(TClientBase::mCameraIdStr.string()); } template int Camera2ClientBase::getCameraDeviceVersion() const { return mDeviceVersion; } template const sp& Camera2ClientBase::getCameraDevice() { return mDevice; } template const sp& Camera2ClientBase::getCameraService() { return TClientBase::sCameraService; } template Camera2ClientBase::SharedCameraCallbacks::Lock::Lock( SharedCameraCallbacks &client) : mRemoteCallback(client.mRemoteCallback), mSharedClient(client) { mSharedClient.mRemoteCallbackLock.lock(); } template Camera2ClientBase::SharedCameraCallbacks::Lock::~Lock() { mSharedClient.mRemoteCallbackLock.unlock(); } template Camera2ClientBase::SharedCameraCallbacks::SharedCameraCallbacks( const sp&client) : mRemoteCallback(client) { } template typename Camera2ClientBase::SharedCameraCallbacks& Camera2ClientBase::SharedCameraCallbacks::operator=( const sp&client) { Mutex::Autolock l(mRemoteCallbackLock); mRemoteCallback = client; return *this; } template void Camera2ClientBase::SharedCameraCallbacks::clear() { Mutex::Autolock l(mRemoteCallbackLock); mRemoteCallback.clear(); } template class Camera2ClientBase; template class Camera2ClientBase; } // namespace android