/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "AST.h" #include "Coordinator.h" #include "Interface.h" #include "Method.h" #include "Scope.h" #include #include namespace android { void AST::emitJavaReaderWriter( Formatter &out, const std::string &parcelObj, const TypedVar *arg, bool isReader, bool addPrefixToName) const { if (isReader) { out << arg->type().getJavaType() << " " << (addPrefixToName ? "_hidl_out_" : "") << arg->name() << " = "; } arg->type().emitJavaReaderWriter(out, parcelObj, (addPrefixToName ? "_hidl_out_" : "") + arg->name(), isReader); } status_t AST::generateJavaTypes( const std::string &outputPath, const std::string &limitToType) const { // Splits types.hal up into one java file per declared type. for (const auto& type : mRootScope.getSubTypes()) { std::string typeName = type->localName(); if (type->isTypeDef()) { continue; } if (!limitToType.empty() && typeName != limitToType) { continue; } std::string path = outputPath; path.append(mCoordinator->convertPackageRootToPath(mPackage)); path.append(mCoordinator->getPackagePath(mPackage, true /* relative */, true /* sanitized */)); path.append(typeName); path.append(".java"); CHECK(Coordinator::MakeParentHierarchy(path)) << path; FILE *file = fopen(path.c_str(), "w"); if (file == NULL) { return -errno; } Formatter out(file); std::vector packageComponents; getPackageAndVersionComponents( &packageComponents, true /* cpp_compatible */); out << "package " << mPackage.javaPackage() << ";\n\n"; out << "\n"; status_t err = type->emitJavaTypeDeclarations(out, true /* atTopLevel */); if (err != OK) { return err; } } return OK; } status_t AST::generateJava( const std::string &outputPath, const std::string &limitToType) const { if (!isJavaCompatible()) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: This interface is not Java compatible. The Java backend" " does NOT support union types nor native handles. " "In addition, vectors of arrays are limited to at most " "one-dimensional arrays and vectors of {vectors,interfaces} are" " not supported.\n"); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (!AST::isInterface()) { return generateJavaTypes(outputPath, limitToType); } const Interface* iface = mRootScope.getInterface(); std::string ifaceName = iface->localName(); const std::string baseName = iface->getBaseName(); std::string path = outputPath; path.append(mCoordinator->convertPackageRootToPath(mPackage)); path.append(mCoordinator->getPackagePath(mPackage, true /* relative */, true /* sanitized */)); path.append(ifaceName); path.append(".java"); CHECK(Coordinator::MakeParentHierarchy(path)); FILE *file = fopen(path.c_str(), "w"); if (file == NULL) { return -errno; } Formatter out(file); std::vector packageComponents; getPackageAndVersionComponents( &packageComponents, true /* cpp_compatible */); out << "package " << mPackage.javaPackage() << ";\n\n"; out.setNamespace(mPackage.javaPackage() + "."); const Interface *superType = iface->superType(); out << "public interface " << ifaceName << " extends "; if (superType != NULL) { out << superType->fullJavaName(); } else { out << "android.os.IHwInterface"; } out << " {\n"; out.indent(); out << "public static final String kInterfaceName = \"" << mPackage.string() << "::" << ifaceName << "\";\n\n"; out << "/* package private */ static " << ifaceName << " asInterface(android.os.IHwBinder binder) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "if (binder == null) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "return null;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; out << "android.os.IHwInterface iface =\n"; out.indent(); out.indent(); out << "binder.queryLocalInterface(kInterfaceName);\n\n"; out.unindent(); out.unindent(); out << "if ((iface != null) && (iface instanceof " << ifaceName << ")) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "return (" << ifaceName << ")iface;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; out << ifaceName << " proxy = new " << ifaceName << ".Proxy(binder);\n\n"; out << "try {\n"; out.indent(); out << "for (String descriptor : proxy.interfaceChain()) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "if (descriptor.equals(kInterfaceName)) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "return proxy;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "} catch (android.os.RemoteException e) {\n"; out.indent(); out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; out << "return null;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; out << "public static " << ifaceName << " castFrom(android.os.IHwInterface iface) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "return (iface == null) ? null : " << ifaceName << ".asInterface(iface.asBinder());\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; out << "@Override\npublic android.os.IHwBinder asBinder();\n\n"; out << "public static " << ifaceName << " getService(String serviceName) throws android.os.RemoteException {\n"; out.indent(); out << "return " << ifaceName << ".asInterface(android.os.HwBinder.getService(\"" << iface->fqName().string() << "\",serviceName));\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; out << "public static " << ifaceName << " getService() throws android.os.RemoteException {\n"; out.indent(); out << "return " << ifaceName << ".asInterface(android.os.HwBinder.getService(\"" << iface->fqName().string() << "\",\"default\"));\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; status_t err = emitJavaTypeDeclarations(out); if (err != OK) { return err; } for (const auto &method : iface->methods()) { if (method->isHiddenFromJava()) { continue; } const bool returnsValue = !method->results().empty(); const bool needsCallback = method->results().size() > 1; if (needsCallback) { out << "\n@java.lang.FunctionalInterface\npublic interface " << method->name() << "Callback {\n"; out.indent(); out << "public void onValues("; method->emitJavaResultSignature(out); out << ");\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; } if (returnsValue && !needsCallback) { out << method->results()[0]->type().getJavaType(); } else { out << "void"; } out << " " << method->name() << "("; method->emitJavaArgSignature(out); if (needsCallback) { if (!method->args().empty()) { out << ", "; } out << method->name() << "Callback _hidl_cb"; } out << ")\n"; out.indent(); out << "throws android.os.RemoteException;\n"; out.unindent(); } out << "\npublic static final class Proxy implements " << ifaceName << " {\n"; out.indent(); out << "private android.os.IHwBinder mRemote;\n\n"; out << "public Proxy(android.os.IHwBinder remote) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "mRemote = java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(remote);\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; out << "@Override\npublic android.os.IHwBinder asBinder() {\n"; out.indent(); out << "return mRemote;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; out << "@Override\npublic String toString() "; out.block([&] { out.sTry([&] { out << "return this.interfaceDescriptor() + \"@Proxy\";\n"; }).sCatch("android.os.RemoteException ex", [&] { out << "/* ignored; handled below. */\n"; }).endl(); out << "return \"[class or subclass of \" + " << ifaceName << ".kInterfaceName + \"]@Proxy\";\n"; }).endl().endl(); const Interface *prevInterface = nullptr; for (const auto &tuple : iface->allMethodsFromRoot()) { const Method *method = tuple.method(); if (method->isHiddenFromJava()) { continue; } const Interface *superInterface = tuple.interface(); if (prevInterface != superInterface) { out << "// Methods from " << superInterface->fullName() << " follow.\n"; prevInterface = superInterface; } const bool returnsValue = !method->results().empty(); const bool needsCallback = method->results().size() > 1; out << "@Override\npublic "; if (returnsValue && !needsCallback) { out << method->results()[0]->type().getJavaType(); } else { out << "void"; } out << " " << method->name() << "("; method->emitJavaArgSignature(out); if (needsCallback) { if (!method->args().empty()) { out << ", "; } out << method->name() << "Callback _hidl_cb"; } out << ")\n"; out.indent(); out.indent(); out << "throws android.os.RemoteException {\n"; out.unindent(); if (method->isHidlReserved() && method->overridesJavaImpl(IMPL_PROXY)) { method->javaImpl(IMPL_PROXY, out); out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; continue; } out << "android.os.HwParcel _hidl_request = new android.os.HwParcel();\n"; out << "_hidl_request.writeInterfaceToken(" << superInterface->fullJavaName() << ".kInterfaceName);\n"; for (const auto &arg : method->args()) { emitJavaReaderWriter( out, "_hidl_request", arg, false /* isReader */, false /* addPrefixToName */); } out << "\nandroid.os.HwParcel _hidl_reply = new android.os.HwParcel();\n"; out.sTry([&] { out << "mRemote.transact(" << method->getSerialId() << " /* " << method->name() << " */, _hidl_request, _hidl_reply, "; if (method->isOneway()) { out << "android.os.IHwBinder.FLAG_ONEWAY"; } else { out << "0 /* flags */"; } out << ");\n"; if (!method->isOneway()) { out << "_hidl_reply.verifySuccess();\n"; } else { CHECK(!returnsValue); } out << "_hidl_request.releaseTemporaryStorage();\n"; if (returnsValue) { out << "\n"; for (const auto &arg : method->results()) { emitJavaReaderWriter( out, "_hidl_reply", arg, true /* isReader */, true /* addPrefixToName */); } if (needsCallback) { out << "_hidl_cb.onValues("; bool firstField = true; for (const auto &arg : method->results()) { if (!firstField) { out << ", "; } out << "_hidl_out_" << arg->name(); firstField = false; } out << ");\n"; } else { const std::string returnName = method->results()[0]->name(); out << "return _hidl_out_" << returnName << ";\n"; } } }).sFinally([&] { out << "_hidl_reply.release();\n"; }).endl(); out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; } out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// out << "\npublic static abstract class Stub extends android.os.HwBinder " << "implements " << ifaceName << " {\n"; out.indent(); out << "@Override\npublic android.os.IHwBinder asBinder() {\n"; out.indent(); out << "return this;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; for (Method *method : iface->hidlReservedMethods()) { if (method->isHiddenFromJava()) { continue; } // b/32383557 this is a hack. We need to change this if we have more reserved methods. CHECK_LE(method->results().size(), 1u); std::string resultType = method->results().size() == 0 ? "void" : method->results()[0]->type().getJavaType(); out << "@Override\npublic final " << resultType << " " << method->name() << "("; method->emitJavaArgSignature(out); out << ") {\n"; out.indent(); method->javaImpl(IMPL_INTERFACE, out); out.unindent(); out << "\n}\n\n"; } out << "@Override\n" << "public android.os.IHwInterface queryLocalInterface(String descriptor) {\n"; out.indent(); // XXX what about potential superClasses? out << "if (kInterfaceName.equals(descriptor)) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "return this;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out << "return null;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; out << "public void registerAsService(String serviceName) throws android.os.RemoteException {\n"; out.indent(); out << "registerService(serviceName);\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; out << "@Override\npublic String toString() "; out.block([&] { out << "return this.interfaceDescriptor() + \"@Stub\";\n"; }).endl().endl(); out << "@Override\n" << "public void onTransact(" << "int _hidl_code, " << "android.os.HwParcel _hidl_request, " << "final android.os.HwParcel _hidl_reply, " << "int _hidl_flags)\n"; out.indent(); out.indent(); out << "throws android.os.RemoteException {\n"; out.unindent(); out << "switch (_hidl_code) {\n"; out.indent(); for (const auto &tuple : iface->allMethodsFromRoot()) { const Method *method = tuple.method(); const Interface *superInterface = tuple.interface(); const bool returnsValue = !method->results().empty(); const bool needsCallback = method->results().size() > 1; out << "case " << method->getSerialId() << " /* " << method->name() << " */:\n{\n"; out.indent(); if (method->isHidlReserved() && method->overridesJavaImpl(IMPL_STUB)) { method->javaImpl(IMPL_STUB, out); out.unindent(); out << "break;\n"; out << "}\n\n"; continue; } out << "_hidl_request.enforceInterface(" << superInterface->fullJavaName() << ".kInterfaceName);\n\n"; if (method->isHiddenFromJava()) { // This is a method hidden from the Java side of things, it must not // return any value and will simply signal success. CHECK(!returnsValue); out << "_hidl_reply.writeStatus(android.os.HwParcel.STATUS_SUCCESS);\n"; out << "_hidl_reply.send();\n"; out << "break;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; continue; } for (const auto &arg : method->args()) { emitJavaReaderWriter( out, "_hidl_request", arg, true /* isReader */, false /* addPrefixToName */); } if (!needsCallback && returnsValue) { const TypedVar *returnArg = method->results()[0]; out << returnArg->type().getJavaType() << " _hidl_out_" << returnArg->name() << " = "; } out << method->name() << "("; bool firstField = true; for (const auto &arg : method->args()) { if (!firstField) { out << ", "; } out << arg->name(); firstField = false; } if (needsCallback) { if (!firstField) { out << ", "; } out << "new " << method->name() << "Callback() {\n"; out.indent(); out << "@Override\n" << "public void onValues("; method->emitJavaResultSignature(out); out << ") {\n"; out.indent(); out << "_hidl_reply.writeStatus(android.os.HwParcel.STATUS_SUCCESS);\n"; for (const auto &arg : method->results()) { emitJavaReaderWriter( out, "_hidl_reply", arg, false /* isReader */, false /* addPrefixToName */); // no need to add _hidl_out because out vars are are scoped } out << "_hidl_reply.send();\n" << "}}"; out.unindent(); out.unindent(); } out << ");\n"; if (!needsCallback && !method->isOneway()) { out << "_hidl_reply.writeStatus(android.os.HwParcel.STATUS_SUCCESS);\n"; if (returnsValue) { const TypedVar *returnArg = method->results()[0]; emitJavaReaderWriter( out, "_hidl_reply", returnArg, false /* isReader */, true /* addPrefixToName */); } out << "_hidl_reply.send();\n"; } out << "break;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n\n"; } out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; return OK; } status_t AST::emitJavaTypeDeclarations(Formatter &out) const { return mRootScope.emitJavaTypeDeclarations(out, false /* atTopLevel */); } } // namespace android