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1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
2 // for linear algebra.
3 //
4 // Mehdi Goli    Codeplay Software Ltd.
5 // Ralph Potter  Codeplay Software Ltd.
6 // Luke Iwanski  Codeplay Software Ltd.
7 // Contact: <eigen@codeplay.com>
8 //
9 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
10 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
11 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
13 /*****************************************************************
14  * TensorSyclExprConstructor.h
15  *
16  * \brief:
17  *  This file re-create an expression on the SYCL device in order
18  *  to use the original tensor evaluator.
19  *
20 *****************************************************************/
25 namespace Eigen {
26 namespace TensorSycl {
27 namespace internal {
28 /// this class is used by EvalToOp in order to create an lhs expression which is
29 /// a pointer from an accessor on device-only buffer
30 template <typename PtrType, size_t N, typename... Params>
31 struct EvalToLHSConstructor {
32   PtrType expr;
EvalToLHSConstructorEvalToLHSConstructor33   EvalToLHSConstructor(const utility::tuple::Tuple<Params...> &t): expr((&(*(utility::tuple::get<N>(t).get_pointer())))) {}
34 };
36 /// \struct ExprConstructor is used to reconstruct the expression on the device and
37 /// recreate the expression with MakeGlobalPointer containing the device address
38 /// space for the TensorMap pointers used in eval function.
39 /// It receives the original expression type, the functor of the node, the tuple
40 /// of accessors, and the device expression type to re-instantiate the
41 /// expression tree for the device
42 template <typename OrigExpr, typename IndexExpr, typename... Params>
43 struct ExprConstructor;
45 /// specialisation of the \ref ExprConstructor struct when the node type is
46 /// TensorMap
47 #define TENSORMAP(CVQual)\
48 template <typename Scalar_, int Options_, int Options2_, int Options3_, int NumIndices_, typename IndexType_,\
49 template <class> class MakePointer_, size_t N, typename... Params>\
50 struct ExprConstructor< CVQual TensorMap<Tensor<Scalar_, NumIndices_, Options_, IndexType_>, Options2_, MakeGlobalPointer>,\
51 CVQual PlaceHolder<CVQual TensorMap<Tensor<Scalar_, NumIndices_, Options_, IndexType_>, Options3_, MakePointer_>, N>, Params...>{\
52   typedef  CVQual TensorMap<Tensor<Scalar_, NumIndices_, Options_, IndexType_>, Options2_, MakeGlobalPointer>  Type;\
53   Type expr;\
54   template <typename FuncDetector>\
55   ExprConstructor(FuncDetector &fd, const utility::tuple::Tuple<Params...> &t)\
56   : expr(Type((&(*(utility::tuple::get<N>(t).get_pointer()))), fd.dimensions())) {}\
57 };
59 TENSORMAP(const)
61 #undef TENSORMAP
63 #define UNARYCATEGORY(CVQual)\
64 template <template<class, class> class UnaryCategory, typename OP, typename OrigRHSExpr, typename RHSExpr, typename... Params>\
65 struct ExprConstructor<CVQual UnaryCategory<OP, OrigRHSExpr>, CVQual UnaryCategory<OP, RHSExpr>, Params...> {\
66   typedef  ExprConstructor<OrigRHSExpr, RHSExpr, Params...> my_type;\
67   my_type rhsExpr;\
68   typedef CVQual UnaryCategory<OP, typename my_type::Type> Type;\
69   Type expr;\
70   template <typename FuncDetector>\
71   ExprConstructor(FuncDetector &funcD, const utility::tuple::Tuple<Params...> &t)\
72   : rhsExpr(funcD.rhsExpr, t), expr(rhsExpr.expr, funcD.func) {}\
73 };
79 /// specialisation of the \ref ExprConstructor struct when the node type is
80 /// TensorBinaryOp
81 #define BINARYCATEGORY(CVQual)\
82 template <template<class, class, class> class BinaryCategory, typename OP, typename OrigLHSExpr, typename OrigRHSExpr, typename LHSExpr,\
83 typename RHSExpr, typename... Params>\
84 struct ExprConstructor<CVQual BinaryCategory<OP, OrigLHSExpr, OrigRHSExpr>,  CVQual BinaryCategory<OP, LHSExpr, RHSExpr>, Params...> {\
85   typedef  ExprConstructor<OrigLHSExpr, LHSExpr, Params...> my_left_type;\
86   typedef  ExprConstructor<OrigRHSExpr, RHSExpr, Params...> my_right_type;\
87   typedef  CVQual BinaryCategory<OP, typename my_left_type::Type, typename my_right_type::Type> Type;\
88   my_left_type lhsExpr;\
89   my_right_type rhsExpr;\
90   Type expr;\
91   template <typename FuncDetector>\
92   ExprConstructor(FuncDetector &funcD, const utility::tuple::Tuple<Params...> &t)\
93   : lhsExpr(funcD.lhsExpr, t),rhsExpr(funcD.rhsExpr, t), expr(lhsExpr.expr, rhsExpr.expr, funcD.func) {}\
94 };
100 /// specialisation of the \ref ExprConstructor struct when the node type is
101 /// TensorCwiseTernaryOp
102 #define TERNARYCATEGORY(CVQual)\
103 template <template <class, class, class, class> class TernaryCategory, typename OP, typename OrigArg1Expr, typename OrigArg2Expr,typename OrigArg3Expr,\
104 typename Arg1Expr, typename Arg2Expr, typename Arg3Expr, typename... Params>\
105 struct ExprConstructor<CVQual TernaryCategory<OP, OrigArg1Expr, OrigArg2Expr, OrigArg3Expr>, CVQual TernaryCategory<OP, Arg1Expr, Arg2Expr, Arg3Expr>, Params...> {\
106   typedef ExprConstructor<OrigArg1Expr, Arg1Expr, Params...> my_arg1_type;\
107   typedef ExprConstructor<OrigArg2Expr, Arg2Expr, Params...> my_arg2_type;\
108   typedef ExprConstructor<OrigArg3Expr, Arg3Expr, Params...> my_arg3_type;\
109   typedef  CVQual TernaryCategory<OP, typename my_arg1_type::Type, typename my_arg2_type::Type, typename my_arg3_type::Type> Type;\
110   my_arg1_type arg1Expr;\
111   my_arg2_type arg2Expr;\
112   my_arg3_type arg3Expr;\
113   Type expr;\
114   template <typename FuncDetector>\
115   ExprConstructor(FuncDetector &funcD,const utility::tuple::Tuple<Params...> &t)\
116   : arg1Expr(funcD.arg1Expr, t), arg2Expr(funcD.arg2Expr, t), arg3Expr(funcD.arg3Expr, t), expr(arg1Expr.expr, arg2Expr.expr, arg3Expr.expr, funcD.func) {}\
117 };
123 /// specialisation of the \ref ExprConstructor struct when the node type is
124 /// TensorCwiseSelectOp
125 #define SELECTOP(CVQual)\
126 template <typename OrigIfExpr, typename OrigThenExpr, typename OrigElseExpr, typename IfExpr, typename ThenExpr, typename ElseExpr, typename... Params>\
127 struct ExprConstructor< CVQual TensorSelectOp<OrigIfExpr, OrigThenExpr, OrigElseExpr>, CVQual TensorSelectOp<IfExpr, ThenExpr, ElseExpr>, Params...> {\
128   typedef  ExprConstructor<OrigIfExpr, IfExpr, Params...> my_if_type;\
129   typedef  ExprConstructor<OrigThenExpr, ThenExpr, Params...> my_then_type;\
130   typedef  ExprConstructor<OrigElseExpr, ElseExpr, Params...> my_else_type;\
131   typedef CVQual TensorSelectOp<typename my_if_type::Type, typename my_then_type::Type, typename my_else_type::Type> Type;\
132   my_if_type ifExpr;\
133   my_then_type thenExpr;\
134   my_else_type elseExpr;\
135   Type expr;\
136   template <typename FuncDetector>\
137   ExprConstructor(FuncDetector &funcD, const utility::tuple::Tuple<Params...> &t)\
138   : ifExpr(funcD.ifExpr, t), thenExpr(funcD.thenExpr, t), elseExpr(funcD.elseExpr, t), expr(ifExpr.expr, thenExpr.expr, elseExpr.expr) {}\
139 };
141 SELECTOP(const)
143 #undef SELECTOP
145 /// specialisation of the \ref ExprConstructor struct when the node type is
146 /// const TensorAssignOp
147 #define ASSIGN(CVQual)\
148 template <typename OrigLHSExpr, typename OrigRHSExpr, typename LHSExpr, typename RHSExpr, typename... Params>\
149 struct ExprConstructor<CVQual TensorAssignOp<OrigLHSExpr, OrigRHSExpr>,  CVQual TensorAssignOp<LHSExpr, RHSExpr>, Params...> {\
150   typedef ExprConstructor<OrigLHSExpr, LHSExpr, Params...> my_left_type;\
151   typedef ExprConstructor<OrigRHSExpr, RHSExpr, Params...> my_right_type;\
152   typedef CVQual TensorAssignOp<typename my_left_type::Type, typename my_right_type::Type>  Type;\
153   my_left_type lhsExpr;\
154   my_right_type rhsExpr;\
155   Type expr;\
156   template <typename FuncDetector>\
157   ExprConstructor(FuncDetector &funcD, const utility::tuple::Tuple<Params...> &t)\
158   : lhsExpr(funcD.lhsExpr, t), rhsExpr(funcD.rhsExpr, t), expr(lhsExpr.expr, rhsExpr.expr) {}\
159  };
161  ASSIGN(const)
162  ASSIGN()
163  #undef ASSIGN
164 /// specialisation of the \ref ExprConstructor struct when the node type is
165 ///  TensorEvalToOp
166 #define EVALTO(CVQual)\
167 template <typename OrigExpr, typename Expr, typename... Params>\
168 struct ExprConstructor<CVQual TensorEvalToOp<OrigExpr, MakeGlobalPointer>, CVQual TensorEvalToOp<Expr>, Params...> {\
169   typedef ExprConstructor<OrigExpr, Expr, Params...> my_expr_type;\
170   typedef typename TensorEvalToOp<OrigExpr, MakeGlobalPointer>::PointerType my_buffer_type;\
171   typedef CVQual TensorEvalToOp<typename my_expr_type::Type, MakeGlobalPointer> Type;\
172   my_expr_type nestedExpression;\
173   EvalToLHSConstructor<my_buffer_type, 0, Params...> buffer;\
174   Type expr;\
175   template <typename FuncDetector>\
176   ExprConstructor(FuncDetector &funcD, const utility::tuple::Tuple<Params...> &t)\
177   : nestedExpression(funcD.rhsExpr, t), buffer(t), expr(buffer.expr, nestedExpression.expr) {}\
178 };
180 EVALTO(const)
181 EVALTO()
182 #undef EVALTO
184 /// specialisation of the \ref ExprConstructor struct when the node type is
185 /// TensorForcedEvalOp
186 #define FORCEDEVAL(CVQual)\
187 template <typename OrigExpr, typename DevExpr, size_t N, typename... Params>\
188 struct ExprConstructor<CVQual TensorForcedEvalOp<OrigExpr, MakeGlobalPointer>,\
189 CVQual PlaceHolder<CVQual TensorForcedEvalOp<DevExpr>, N>, Params...> {\
190   typedef CVQual TensorMap<Tensor<typename TensorForcedEvalOp<DevExpr, MakeGlobalPointer>::Scalar,\
191   TensorForcedEvalOp<DevExpr, MakeGlobalPointer>::NumDimensions, 0, typename TensorForcedEvalOp<DevExpr>::Index>, 0, MakeGlobalPointer> Type;\
192   Type expr;\
193   template <typename FuncDetector>\
194   ExprConstructor(FuncDetector &fd, const utility::tuple::Tuple<Params...> &t)\
195   : expr(Type((&(*(utility::tuple::get<N>(t).get_pointer()))), fd.dimensions())) {}\
196 };
198 FORCEDEVAL(const)
200 #undef FORCEDEVAL
202 template <bool Conds,  size_t X , size_t Y > struct ValueCondition {
203   static const size_t Res =X;
204 };
205 template<size_t X, size_t Y> struct ValueCondition<false, X , Y> {
206   static const size_t Res =Y;
207 };
209 /// specialisation of the \ref ExprConstructor struct when the node type is TensorReductionOp
211 template <typename OP, typename Dim, typename OrigExpr, typename DevExpr, size_t N, typename... Params>\
212 struct ExprConstructor<CVQual TensorReductionOp<OP, Dim, OrigExpr, MakeGlobalPointer>,\
213 CVQual PlaceHolder<CVQual TensorReductionOp<OP, Dim, DevExpr>, N>, Params...> {\
214   static const size_t NumIndices= ValueCondition< TensorReductionOp<OP, Dim, DevExpr, MakeGlobalPointer>::NumDimensions==0,  1, TensorReductionOp<OP, Dim, DevExpr, MakeGlobalPointer>::NumDimensions >::Res;\
215   typedef CVQual TensorMap<Tensor<typename TensorReductionOp<OP, Dim, DevExpr, MakeGlobalPointer>::Scalar,\
216   NumIndices, 0, typename TensorReductionOp<OP, Dim, DevExpr>::Index>, 0, MakeGlobalPointer> Type;\
217   Type expr;\
218   template <typename FuncDetector>\
219   ExprConstructor(FuncDetector &fd, const utility::tuple::Tuple<Params...> &t)\
220   : expr(Type((&(*(utility::tuple::get<N>(t).get_pointer()))), fd.dimensions())) {}\
221 };
227 /// template deduction for \ref ExprConstructor struct
228 template <typename OrigExpr, typename IndexExpr, typename FuncD, typename... Params>
229 auto createDeviceExpression(FuncD &funcD, const utility::tuple::Tuple<Params...> &t)
230     -> decltype(ExprConstructor<OrigExpr, IndexExpr, Params...>(funcD, t)) {
231   return ExprConstructor<OrigExpr, IndexExpr, Params...>(funcD, t);
232 }
234 } /// namespace TensorSycl
235 } /// namespace internal
236 } /// namespace Eigen