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1 // Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
2 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
3 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
4 package com.android.tools.r8.compatdx;
6 import static com.android.tools.r8.utils.FileUtils.isApkFile;
7 import static com.android.tools.r8.utils.FileUtils.isArchive;
8 import static com.android.tools.r8.utils.FileUtils.isClassFile;
9 import static com.android.tools.r8.utils.FileUtils.isDexFile;
10 import static com.android.tools.r8.utils.FileUtils.isJarFile;
11 import static com.android.tools.r8.utils.FileUtils.isZipFile;
13 import com.android.tools.r8.CompilationException;
14 import com.android.tools.r8.CompilationMode;
15 import com.android.tools.r8.D8;
16 import com.android.tools.r8.D8Command;
17 import com.android.tools.r8.D8Output;
18 import com.android.tools.r8.Resource;
19 import com.android.tools.r8.compatdx.CompatDx.DxCompatOptions.DxUsageMessage;
20 import com.android.tools.r8.compatdx.CompatDx.DxCompatOptions.PositionInfo;
21 import com.android.tools.r8.dex.Constants;
22 import com.android.tools.r8.errors.CompilationError;
23 import com.android.tools.r8.errors.Unimplemented;
24 import com.android.tools.r8.logging.Log;
25 import com.android.tools.r8.utils.FileUtils;
26 import com.android.tools.r8.utils.ThreadUtils;
27 import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
28 import com.google.common.io.ByteStreams;
29 import com.google.common.io.Closer;
30 import java.io.File;
31 import java.io.IOException;
32 import java.io.InputStream;
33 import java.io.PrintStream;
34 import java.nio.file.Files;
35 import java.nio.file.Path;
36 import java.nio.file.Paths;
37 import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
38 import java.util.ArrayList;
39 import java.util.List;
40 import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
41 import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
42 import java.util.zip.ZipException;
43 import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
44 import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;
45 import joptsimple.OptionParser;
46 import joptsimple.OptionSet;
47 import joptsimple.OptionSpec;
49 /**
50  * Dx compatibility interface for d8.
51  *
52  * This should become a mostly drop-in replacement for uses of the DX dexer (eg, dx --dex ...).
53  */
54 public class CompatDx {
56   private static final String USAGE_HEADER = "Usage: compatdx [options] <input files>";
58   /**
59    * Compatibility options parsing for the DX --dex sub-command.
60    */
61   public static class DxCompatOptions {
62     // Final values after parsing.
63     // Note: These are ordered by their occurrence in "dx --help"
64     public final boolean help;
65     public final boolean debug;
66     public final boolean verbose;
67     public final PositionInfo positions;
68     public final boolean noLocals;
69     public final boolean noOptimize;
70     public final boolean statistics;
71     public final String optimizeList;
72     public final String noOptimizeList;
73     public final boolean noStrict;
74     public final boolean keepClasses;
75     public final String output;
76     public final String dumpTo;
77     public final int dumpWidth;
78     public final String dumpMethod;
79     public final boolean verboseDump;
80     public final boolean dump;
81     public final boolean noFiles;
82     public final boolean coreLibrary;
83     public final int numThreads;
84     public final boolean incremental;
85     public final boolean forceJumbo;
86     public final boolean noWarning;
87     public final boolean multiDex;
88     public final String mainDexList;
89     public final boolean minimalMainDex;
90     public final int minApiLevel;
91     public final String inputList;
92     public final ImmutableList<String> inputs;
93     // Undocumented option
94     public final int maxIndexNumber;
96     private static final String FILE_ARG = "file";
97     private static final String NUM_ARG = "number";
98     private static final String METHOD_ARG = "method";
100     public enum PositionInfo {
102     }
104     // Exception thrown on invalid dx compat usage.
105     public static class DxUsageMessage extends Exception {
106       public final String message;
DxUsageMessage()108       public DxUsageMessage() {
109         this("");
110       }
DxUsageMessage(String message)112       DxUsageMessage(String message) {
113         this.message = message;
114       }
printHelpOn(PrintStream sink)116       void printHelpOn(PrintStream sink) throws IOException {
117         sink.println(message);
118       }
119     }
121     // Exception thrown on options parse error.
122     private static class DxParseError extends DxUsageMessage {
123       private final OptionParser parser;
DxParseError(OptionParser parser)125       private DxParseError(OptionParser parser) {
126         this.parser = parser;
127       }
129       @Override
printHelpOn(PrintStream sink)130       public void printHelpOn(PrintStream sink) throws IOException {
131         parser.printHelpOn(sink);
132       }
133     }
135     // Parsing specification.
136     private static class Spec {
137       final OptionParser parser;
139       // Note: These are ordered by their occurrence in "dx --help"
140       final OptionSpec<Void> debug;
141       final OptionSpec<Void> verbose;
142       final OptionSpec<String> positions;
143       final OptionSpec<Void> noLocals;
144       final OptionSpec<Void> noOptimize;
145       final OptionSpec<Void> statistics;
146       final OptionSpec<String> optimizeList;
147       final OptionSpec<String> noOptimizeList;
148       final OptionSpec<Void> noStrict;
149       final OptionSpec<Void> keepClasses;
150       final OptionSpec<String> output;
151       final OptionSpec<String> dumpTo;
152       final OptionSpec<Integer> dumpWidth;
153       final OptionSpec<String> dumpMethod;
154       final OptionSpec<Void> dump;
155       final OptionSpec<Void> verboseDump;
156       final OptionSpec<Void> noFiles;
157       final OptionSpec<Void> coreLibrary;
158       final OptionSpec<Integer> numThreads;
159       final OptionSpec<Void> incremental;
160       final OptionSpec<Void> forceJumbo;
161       final OptionSpec<Void> noWarning;
162       final OptionSpec<Void> multiDex;
163       final OptionSpec<String> mainDexList;
164       final OptionSpec<Void> minimalMainDex;
165       final OptionSpec<Integer> minApiLevel;
166       final OptionSpec<String> inputList;
167       final OptionSpec<String> inputs;
168       final OptionSpec<Void> help;
169       final OptionSpec<Integer> maxIndexNumber;
Spec()171       Spec() {
172         parser = new OptionParser();
173         parser.accepts("dex");
174         debug = parser.accepts("debug", "Print debug information");
175         verbose = parser.accepts("verbose", "Print verbose information");
176         positions = parser
177             .accepts("positions",
178                 "What source-position information to keep. One of: none, lines, important")
179             .withOptionalArg()
180             .describedAs("keep")
181             .defaultsTo("lines");
182         noLocals = parser.accepts("no-locals", "Don't keep local variable information");
183         statistics = parser.accepts("statistics", "Print statistics information");
184         noOptimize = parser.accepts("no-optimize", "Don't optimize");
185         optimizeList = parser
186             .accepts("optimize-list", "File listing methods to optimize")
187             .withRequiredArg()
188             .describedAs(FILE_ARG);
189         noOptimizeList = parser
190             .accepts("no-optimize-list", "File listing methods not to optimize")
191             .withRequiredArg()
192             .describedAs(FILE_ARG);
193         noStrict = parser.accepts("no-strict", "Disable strict file/class name checks");
194         keepClasses = parser.accepts("keep-classes", "Keep input class files in in output jar");
195         output = parser
196             .accepts("output", "Output file or directory")
197             .withRequiredArg()
198             .describedAs(FILE_ARG);
199         dumpTo = parser
200             .accepts("dump-to", "File to dump information to")
201             .withRequiredArg()
202             .describedAs(FILE_ARG);
203         dumpWidth = parser
204             .accepts("dump-width", "Max width for columns in dump output")
205             .withRequiredArg()
206             .ofType(Integer.class)
207             .defaultsTo(0)
208             .describedAs(NUM_ARG);
209         dumpMethod = parser
210             .accepts("dump-method", "Method to dump information for")
211             .withRequiredArg()
212             .describedAs(METHOD_ARG);
213         dump = parser.accepts("dump", "Dump information");
214         verboseDump = parser.accepts("verbose-dump", "Dump verbose information");
215         noFiles = parser.accepts("no-files", "Don't fail if given no files");
216         coreLibrary = parser.accepts("core-library", "Construct a core library");
217         numThreads = parser
218             .accepts("num-threads", "Number of threads to run with")
219             .withRequiredArg()
220             .ofType(Integer.class)
221             .defaultsTo(1)
222             .describedAs(NUM_ARG);
223         incremental = parser.accepts("incremental", "Merge result with the output if it exists");
224         forceJumbo = parser.accepts("force-jumbo", "Force use of string-jumbo instructions");
225         noWarning = parser.accepts("no-warning", "Suppress warnings");
226         maxIndexNumber = parser.accepts("set-max-idx-number",
227             "Undocumented: Set maximal index number to use in a dex file.")
228             .withRequiredArg()
229             .ofType(Integer.class)
230             .defaultsTo(0)
231             .describedAs("Maximum index");
232         minimalMainDex = parser.accepts("minimal-main-dex", "Produce smallest possible main dex");
233         mainDexList = parser
234             .accepts("main-dex-list", "File listing classes that must be in the main dex file")
235             .withRequiredArg()
236             .describedAs(FILE_ARG);
237         multiDex =
238             parser
239                 .accepts("multi-dex", "Allow generation of multi-dex")
240                 .requiredIf(minimalMainDex, mainDexList, maxIndexNumber);
241         minApiLevel = parser
242             .accepts("min-sdk-version", "Minimum Android API level compatibility.")
243             .withRequiredArg().ofType(Integer.class);
244         inputList = parser
245             .accepts("input-list", "File listing input files")
246             .withRequiredArg()
247             .describedAs(FILE_ARG);
248         inputs = parser.nonOptions("Input files");
249         help = parser.accepts("help", "Print this message").forHelp();
250       }
251     }
DxCompatOptions(OptionSet options, Spec spec)253     private DxCompatOptions(OptionSet options, Spec spec) throws DxParseError {
254       help = options.has(spec.help);
255       debug = options.has(spec.debug);
256       verbose = options.has(spec.verbose);
257       if (options.has(spec.positions)) {
258         switch (options.valueOf(spec.positions)) {
259           case "none":
260             positions = PositionInfo.NONE;
261             break;
262           case "important":
263             positions = PositionInfo.IMPORTANT;
264             break;
265           case "lines":
266             positions = PositionInfo.LINES;
267             break;
268           default:
269             positions = PositionInfo.IMPORTANT;
270             break;
271         }
272       } else {
273         positions = PositionInfo.LINES;
274       }
275       noLocals = options.has(spec.noLocals);
276       noOptimize = options.has(spec.noOptimize);
277       statistics = options.has(spec.statistics);
278       optimizeList = options.valueOf(spec.optimizeList);
279       noOptimizeList = options.valueOf(spec.noOptimizeList);
280       noStrict = options.has(spec.noStrict);
281       keepClasses = options.has(spec.keepClasses);
282       output = options.valueOf(spec.output);
283       dumpTo = options.valueOf(spec.dumpTo);
284       dumpWidth = options.valueOf(spec.dumpWidth);
285       dumpMethod = options.valueOf(spec.dumpMethod);
286       dump = options.has(spec.dump);
287       verboseDump = options.has(spec.verboseDump);
288       noFiles = options.has(spec.noFiles);
289       coreLibrary = options.has(spec.coreLibrary);
290       numThreads = lastIntOf(options.valuesOf(spec.numThreads));
291       incremental = options.has(spec.incremental);
292       forceJumbo = options.has(spec.forceJumbo);
293       noWarning = options.has(spec.noWarning);
294       multiDex = options.has(spec.multiDex);
295       mainDexList = options.valueOf(spec.mainDexList);
296       minimalMainDex = options.has(spec.minimalMainDex);
297       if (options.has(spec.minApiLevel)) {
298         List<Integer> allMinApiLevels = options.valuesOf(spec.minApiLevel);
299         minApiLevel = allMinApiLevels.get(allMinApiLevels.size() - 1);
300       } else {
301         minApiLevel = Constants.DEFAULT_ANDROID_API;
302       }
303       inputList = options.valueOf(spec.inputList);
304       inputs = ImmutableList.copyOf(options.valuesOf(spec.inputs));
305       maxIndexNumber = options.valueOf(spec.maxIndexNumber);
306     }
parse(String[] args)308     public static DxCompatOptions parse(String[] args) throws DxParseError {
309       Spec spec = new Spec();
310       return new DxCompatOptions(spec.parser.parse(args), spec);
311     }
lastIntOf(List<Integer> values)313     private static int lastIntOf(List<Integer> values) {
314       assert !values.isEmpty();
315       return values.get(values.size() - 1);
316     }
317   }
main(String[] args)319   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
320     try {
321       run(args);
322     } catch (CompilationException e) {
323       System.err.println(e.getMessage());
324       System.exit(1);
325     } catch (DxUsageMessage e) {
326       System.err.println(USAGE_HEADER);
327       e.printHelpOn(System.err);
328       System.exit(1);
329     }
330   }
run(String[] args)332   private static void run(String[] args) throws DxUsageMessage, IOException, CompilationException {
333     System.out.println("CompatDx " + String.join(" ", args));
334     DxCompatOptions dexArgs = DxCompatOptions.parse(args);
335     if (dexArgs.help) {
336       printHelpOn(System.out);
337       return;
338     }
339     CompilationMode mode = CompilationMode.RELEASE;
340     Path output = null;
341     List<Path> inputs = new ArrayList<>();
342     boolean singleDexFile = !dexArgs.multiDex;
343     Path mainDexList = null;
344     int numberOfThreads = 1;
346     for (String path : dexArgs.inputs) {
347       processPath(new File(path), inputs);
348     }
349     if (inputs.isEmpty()) {
350       if (dexArgs.noFiles) {
351         return;
352       }
353       throw new DxUsageMessage("No input files specified");
354     }
356     if (!Log.ENABLED && (!dexArgs.noWarning || dexArgs.debug || dexArgs.verbose)) {
357       System.out.println("Warning: logging is not enabled for this build.");
358     }
360     if (dexArgs.dump) {
361       System.out.println("Warning: dump is not supported");
362     }
364     if (dexArgs.verboseDump) {
365       throw new Unimplemented("verbose dump file not yet supported");
366     }
368     if (dexArgs.dumpMethod != null) {
369       throw new Unimplemented("method-dump not yet supported");
370     }
372     if (dexArgs.output != null) {
373       output = Paths.get(dexArgs.output);
374       if (FileUtils.isDexFile(output)) {
375         if (!singleDexFile) {
376           throw new DxUsageMessage("Cannot output to a single dex-file when running with multidex");
377         }
378       } else if (!FileUtils.isArchive(output)
379           && (!output.toFile().exists() || !output.toFile().isDirectory())) {
380         throw new DxUsageMessage("Unsupported output file or output directory does not exist. "
381             + "Output must be a directory or a file of type dex, apk, jar or zip.");
382       }
383     }
385     if (dexArgs.dumpTo != null) {
386       throw new Unimplemented("dump-to file not yet supported");
387     }
389     if (dexArgs.positions == PositionInfo.NONE) {
390       System.out.println("Warning: no support for positions none.");
391     }
393     if (dexArgs.positions == PositionInfo.LINES && !dexArgs.noLocals) {
394       mode = CompilationMode.DEBUG;
395     }
397     if (dexArgs.incremental) {
398       throw new Unimplemented("incremental merge not supported yet");
399     }
401     if (dexArgs.forceJumbo) {
402       System.out.println(
403           "Warning: no support for forcing jumbo-strings.\n"
404               + "Strings will only use jumbo-string indexing if necessary.\n"
405               + "Make sure that any dex merger subsequently used "
406               + "supports correct handling of jumbo-strings (eg, D8/R8 does).");
407     }
409     if (dexArgs.noOptimize) {
410       System.out.println("Warning: no support for not optimizing");
411     }
413     if (dexArgs.optimizeList != null) {
414       throw new Unimplemented("no support for optimize-method list");
415     }
417     if (dexArgs.noOptimizeList != null) {
418       throw new Unimplemented("no support for dont-optimize-method list");
419     }
421     if (dexArgs.statistics) {
422       System.out.println("Warning: no support for printing statistics");
423     }
425     if (dexArgs.numThreads > 1) {
426       numberOfThreads = dexArgs.numThreads;
427     }
429     if (dexArgs.mainDexList != null) {
430       mainDexList = Paths.get(dexArgs.mainDexList);
431     }
433     if (dexArgs.noStrict) {
434       System.out.println("Warning: conservative main-dex list not yet supported");
435     } else {
436       System.out.println("Warning: strict name checking not yet supported");
437     }
439     if (dexArgs.minimalMainDex) {
440       System.out.println("Warning: minimal main-dex support is not yet supported");
441     }
443     if (dexArgs.maxIndexNumber != 0) {
444       System.out.println("Warning: internal maximum-index setting is not supported");
445     }
447     if (numberOfThreads < 1) {
448       throw new DxUsageMessage("Invalid numThreads value of " + numberOfThreads);
449     }
450     ExecutorService executor = ThreadUtils.getExecutorService(numberOfThreads);
451     D8Output result;
452     try {
453        result = D8.run(
454           D8Command.builder()
455               .addProgramFiles(inputs, true)
456               .setMode(mode)
457               .setMinApiLevel(
458                   dexArgs.multiDex && dexArgs.minApiLevel < 21 ? 21 : dexArgs.minApiLevel)
459               .setMainDexListFile(mainDexList)
460               .build());
461     } finally {
462       executor.shutdown();
463     }
465     if (output == null) {
466       return;
467     }
469     if (singleDexFile) {
470       if (result.getDexResources().size() > 1) {
471         throw new CompilationError(
472             "Compilation result could not fit into a single dex file. "
473                 + "Reduce the input-program size or run with --multi-dex enabled");
474       }
475       if (isDexFile(output)) {
476         try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
477           InputStream stream = result.getDexResources().get(0).getStream(closer);
478           Files.copy(stream, output, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
479         }
480         return;
481       }
482     }
484     if (dexArgs.keepClasses) {
485       if (!isArchive(output)) {
486         throw new DxCompatOptions.DxUsageMessage(
487             "Output must be an archive when --keep-classes is set.");
488       }
489       writeZipWithClasses(inputs, result, output);
490     } else {
491       result.write(output);
492     }
493   }
printHelpOn(PrintStream sink)495   static void printHelpOn(PrintStream sink) throws IOException {
496     sink.println(USAGE_HEADER);
497     new DxCompatOptions.Spec().parser.printHelpOn(sink);
498   }
processPath(File file, List<Path> files)500   private static void processPath(File file, List<Path> files) {
501     if (!file.exists()) {
502       throw new CompilationError("File does not exist: " + file);
503     }
504     if (file.isDirectory()) {
505       processDirectory(file, files);
506       return;
507     }
508     Path path = file.toPath();
509     if (isZipFile(path) || isJarFile(path) || isClassFile(path)) {
510       files.add(path);
511       return;
512     }
513     if (isApkFile(path)) {
514       throw new Unimplemented("apk files not yet supported");
515     }
516   }
processDirectory(File directory, List<Path> files)518   private static void processDirectory(File directory, List<Path> files) {
519     assert directory.exists();
520     for (File file : directory.listFiles()) {
521       processPath(file, files);
522     }
523   }
writeZipWithClasses(List<Path> inputs, D8Output output, Path path)525   private static void writeZipWithClasses(List<Path> inputs, D8Output output, Path path)
526       throws IOException {
527     try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
528       try (ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(path))) {
529         // For each input archive file, add all class files within.
530         for (Path input : inputs) {
531           if (isArchive(input)) {
532             try (ZipInputStream in = new ZipInputStream(Files.newInputStream(input))) {
533               ZipEntry entry;
534               while ((entry = in.getNextEntry()) != null) {
535                 if (isClassFile(Paths.get(entry.getName()))) {
536                   addEntry(entry.getName(), in, out);
537                 }
538               }
539             } catch (ZipException e) {
540               throw new CompilationError(
541                   "Zip error while reading '" + input + "': " + e.getMessage(), e);
542             }
543           }
544         }
545         // Add dex files.
546         List<Resource> dexProgramSources = output.getDexResources();
547         for (int i = 0; i < dexProgramSources.size(); i++) {
548           addEntry(getDexFileName(i), dexProgramSources.get(i).getStream(closer), out);
549         }
550       }
551     }
552   }
addEntry(String name, InputStream in, ZipOutputStream out)554   private static void addEntry(String name, InputStream in, ZipOutputStream out)
555       throws IOException {
556     ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(name);
557     byte[] bytes = ByteStreams.toByteArray(in);
558     zipEntry.setSize(bytes.length);
559     out.putNextEntry(zipEntry);
560     out.write(bytes);
561     out.closeEntry();
562   }
getDexFileName(int index)564   private static String getDexFileName(int index) {
565     return index == 0 ? "classes.dex" : "classes" + (index + 1) + ".dex";
566   }
567 }