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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <cstdint>
22 #include "chre_api/chre/sensor.h"
23 #include "chre/core/nanoapp.h"
24 #include "chre/util/time.h"
26 namespace chre {
28 //! Maximum of non-default interval and latency values in nanoseconds to ensure
29 //! no overflow in CHRE operations.
30 constexpr uint64_t kMaxIntervalLatencyNs = (UINT64_MAX - 1) / 2;
32 // TODO: Move SensorType and related functions to a new file called
33 // sensor_type.h and include it here. This will allow using this logic in util
34 // code withput pulling in the entire SensorRequest class which is only intended
35 // to be used by the CHRE implementation.
37 //! The union of possible CHRE sensor data event type with one sample.
38 union ChreSensorData {
39   struct chreSensorThreeAxisData threeAxisData;
40   struct chreSensorOccurrenceData occurrenceData;
41   struct chreSensorFloatData floatData;
42   struct chreSensorByteData byteData;
43 };
45 /**
46  * This SensorType is designed to wrap constants provided by the CHRE API
47  * to improve type-safety. In addition, an unknown sensor type is provided
48  * for dealing with sensors that are not defined as per the CHRE API
49  * specification. The details of these sensors are left to the CHRE API
50  * sensor definitions.
51  */
52 enum class SensorType {
53   Unknown,
54   Accelerometer,
55   InstantMotion,
56   StationaryDetect,
57   Gyroscope,
58   GeomagneticField,
59   Pressure,
60   Light,
61   Proximity,
62   AccelerometerTemperature,
63   GyroscopeTemperature,
64   UncalibratedAccelerometer,
65   UncalibratedGyroscope,
66   UncalibratedGeomagneticField,
68   // Note to future developers: don't forget to update the implementation of
69   // 1) getSensorTypeName,
70   // 2) getSensorTypeFromUnsignedInt,
71   // 3) getUnsignedIntFromSensorType,
72   // 4) getSensorSampleTypeFromSensorType
73   // 5) sensorTypeIsOneShot
74   // 6) sensorTypeIsOnChange
75   // when adding or removing a new entry here :)
76   // Have a nice day.
78   //! The number of sensor types including unknown. This entry must be last.
80 };
82 /**
83  * This SensorSampleType is designed to help classify SensorType's data type in
84  * event handling.
85  */
86 enum class SensorSampleType {
87   Byte,
88   Float,
89   Occurrence,
90   ThreeAxis,
91   Unknown,
92 };
94 /**
95  * Returns a string representation of the given sensor type.
96  *
97  * @param sensorType The sensor type to obtain a string for.
98  * @return A string representation of the sensor type.
99  */
100 const char *getSensorTypeName(SensorType sensorType);
102 /**
103  * Returns a sensor sample event type for a given sensor type. The sensor type
104  * must not be SensorType::Unknown. This is a fatal error.
105  *
106  * @param sensorType The type of the sensor.
107  * @return The event type for a sensor sample of the given sensor type.
108  */
109 uint16_t getSampleEventTypeForSensorType(SensorType sensorType);
111 /**
112  * Returns a sensor type for a given sensor sample event type.
113  *
114  * @param eventType The event type for a sensor sample.
115  * @return The type of the sensor.
116  */
117 SensorType getSensorTypeForSampleEventType(uint16_t eventType);
119 /**
120  * @return An index into an array for a given sensor type. This is useful to map
121  * sensor type to array index quickly. The range returned corresponds to any
122  * SensorType except for Unknown starting from zero to the maximum value sensor
123  * with no gaps.
124  */
125 constexpr size_t getSensorTypeArrayIndex(SensorType sensorType);
127 /**
128  * @return The number of valid sensor types in the SensorType enum.
129  */
130 constexpr size_t getSensorTypeCount();
132 /**
133  * Translates an unsigned integer as provided by a CHRE-compliant nanoapp to a
134  * SensorType. If the integer sensor type does not match one of the internal
135  * sensor types, SensorType::Unknown is returned.
136  *
137  * @param sensorType The integer sensor type.
138  * @return The strongly-typed sensor if a match is found or SensorType::Unknown.
139  */
140 SensorType getSensorTypeFromUnsignedInt(uint8_t sensorType);
142 /**
143  * Translates a SensorType to an unsigned integer as provided by CHRE API. If
144  * the sensor type is SensorType::Unknown, 0 is returned.
145  *
146  * @param sensorType The strongly-typed sensor.
147  * @return The integer sensor type if sensorType is not SensorType::Unknown.
148  */
149 uint8_t getUnsignedIntFromSensorType(SensorType sensorType);
151 /**
152  * Provides a stable handle for a CHRE sensor type. This handle is exposed to
153  * CHRE nanoapps as a way to refer to sensors that they are subscribing to. This
154  * API is not expected to be called with SensorType::Unknown as nanoapps are not
155  * able to subscribe to the Unknown sensor type.
156  *
157  * @param sensorType The type of the sensor to obtain a handle for.
158  * @return The handle for a given sensor.
159  */
160 constexpr uint32_t getSensorHandleFromSensorType(SensorType sensorType);
162 /**
163  * Maps a sensor handle to a SensorType or returns SensorType::Unknown if the
164  * provided handle is invalid.
165  *
166  * @param handle The sensor handle for a sensor.
167  * @return The sensor type for a given handle.
168  */
169 constexpr SensorType getSensorTypeFromSensorHandle(uint32_t handle);
171 /**
172  * Maps a sensorType to its SensorSampleType.
173  *
174  * @param sensorType The type of the sensor to obtain its SensorSampleType for.
175  * @return The SensorSampleType of the sensorType.
176  */
177 SensorSampleType getSensorSampleTypeFromSensorType(SensorType sensorType);
179 /**
180  * This SensorMode is designed to wrap constants provided by the CHRE API to
181  * imrpove type-safety. The details of these modes are left to the CHRE API mode
182  * definitions contained in the chreSensorConfigureMode enum.
183  */
184 enum class SensorMode {
185   Off,
186   ActiveContinuous,
187   ActiveOneShot,
188   PassiveContinuous,
189   PassiveOneShot,
190 };
192 /**
193  * @return true if the sensor mode is considered to be active and would cause a
194  *         sensor to be powered on in order to get sensor data.
195  */
196 constexpr bool sensorModeIsActive(SensorMode sensorMode);
198 /**
199  * @return true if the sensor mode is considered to be passive and would not
200  *         cause a sensor to be powered on in order to get sensor data.
201  */
202 constexpr bool sensorModeIsPassive(SensorMode sensorMode);
204 /**
205  * @return true if the sensor mode is considered to be contunuous.
206  */
207 constexpr bool sensorModeIsContinuous(SensorMode sensorMode);
209 /**
210  * @return true if the sensor mode is considered to be one-shot.
211  */
212 constexpr bool sensorModeIsOneShot(SensorMode sensorMode);
214 /**
215  * Translates a CHRE API enum sensor mode to a SensorMode. This function also
216  * performs input validation and will default to SensorMode::Off if the provided
217  * value is not a valid enum value.
218  *
219  * @param enumSensorMode A potentially unsafe CHRE API enum sensor mode.
220  * @return Returns a SensorMode given a CHRE API enum sensor mode.
221  */
222 SensorMode getSensorModeFromEnum(enum chreSensorConfigureMode enumSensorMode);
224 /**
225  * Indicates whether the sensor type is a one-shot sensor.
226  *
227  * @param sensorType The sensor type of the sensor.
228  * @return true if the sensor is a one-shot sensor.
229  */
230 bool sensorTypeIsOneShot(SensorType sensorType);
232 /**
233  * Indicates whether the sensor type is an on-change sensor.
234  *
235  * @param sensorType The sensor type of the sensor.
236  * @return true if the sensor is an on-change sensor.
237  */
238 bool sensorTypeIsOnChange(SensorType sensorType);
240 /**
241  * Models a request for sensor data. This class implements the API set forth by
242  * the RequestMultiplexer container.
243  */
244 class SensorRequest {
245  public:
246   /**
247    * Default constructs a sensor request to the minimal possible configuration.
248    * The sensor is disabled and the interval and latency are both set to zero.
249    */
250   SensorRequest();
252   /**
253    * Constructs a sensor request given a mode, interval and latency. Non-default
254    * interval or latency higher than kMaxIntervalLatencyNs will be capped.
255    *
256    * @param mode The mode of the sensor request.
257    * @param interval The interval between samples.
258    * @param latency The maximum amount of time to batch samples before
259    *        delivering to a client.
260    */
261   SensorRequest(SensorMode mode, Nanoseconds interval, Nanoseconds latency);
263   /**
264    * Constructs a sensor request given an owning nanoapp, mode, interval and
265    * latency. Non-default interval or latency higher than kMaxIntervalLatencyNs
266    * will be capped.
267    *
268    * @param nanoapp The nanoapp that made this request.
269    * @param mode The mode of the sensor request.
270    * @param interval The interval between samples.
271    * @param latency The maximum amount of time to batch samples before
272    *        delivering to a client.
273    */
274   SensorRequest(Nanoapp *nanoapp, SensorMode mode, Nanoseconds interval,
275                 Nanoseconds latency);
277   /**
278    * Performs an equivalency comparison of two sensor requests. This determines
279    * if the effective request for sensor data is the same as another.
280    *
281    * @param request The request to compare against.
282    * @return Returns true if this request is equivalent to another.
283    */
284   bool isEquivalentTo(const SensorRequest& request) const;
286   /**
287    * Assigns the current request to the maximal superset of the mode, rate
288    * and latency of the other request.
289    *
290    * @param request The other request to compare the attributes of.
291    * @return true if any of the attributes of this request changed.
292    */
293   bool mergeWith(const SensorRequest& request);
295   /**
296    * @return Returns the interval of samples for this request.
297    */
getInterval()298   Nanoseconds getInterval() const {
299     return mInterval;
300   }
302   /**
303    * @return Returns the maximum amount of time samples can be batched prior to
304    * dispatching to the client.
305    */
getLatency()306   Nanoseconds getLatency() const {
307     return mLatency;
308   }
310   /**
311    * @return The mode of this request.
312    */
getMode()313   SensorMode getMode() const {
314     return mMode;
315   }
317   /**
318    * @return The nanoapp that owns this sensor request.
319    */
getNanoapp()320   Nanoapp *getNanoapp() const {
321     return mNanoapp;
322   }
324  private:
325   //! The nanoapp that made this request. This will be nullptr when returned by
326   //! the generateIntersectionOf method.
327   // TODO: need to (1) change this to instanceId to avoid potentially
328   // referencing a Nanoapp after it is unloaded, and (2) add a method to remove
329   // all open sensor requests associated with a nanoapp after it is unloaded
330   Nanoapp *mNanoapp = nullptr;
332   //! The interval between samples for this request.
333   Nanoseconds mInterval;
335   //! The maximum amount of time samples can be batched prior to dispatching to
336   //! the client
337   Nanoseconds mLatency;
339   //! The mode of this request.
340   SensorMode mMode;
341 };
343 }  // namespace chre
345 #include "chre/core/sensor_request_impl.h"