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1 // Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #ifndef V8_HEAP_SYMBOLS_H_
6 #define V8_HEAP_SYMBOLS_H_
8 #define INTERNALIZED_STRING_LIST(V)                                \
9   V(anonymous_function_string, "(anonymous function)")             \
10   V(anonymous_string, "anonymous")                                 \
11   V(apply_string, "apply")                                         \
12   V(arguments_string, "arguments")                                 \
13   V(Arguments_string, "Arguments")                                 \
14   V(arguments_to_string, "[object Arguments]")                     \
15   V(Array_string, "Array")                                         \
16   V(ArrayIterator_string, "Array Iterator")                        \
17   V(assign_string, "assign")                                       \
18   V(async_string, "async")                                         \
19   V(await_string, "await")                                         \
20   V(array_to_string, "[object Array]")                             \
21   V(boolean_to_string, "[object Boolean]")                         \
22   V(date_to_string, "[object Date]")                               \
23   V(error_to_string, "[object Error]")                             \
24   V(function_to_string, "[object Function]")                       \
25   V(number_to_string, "[object Number]")                           \
26   V(object_to_string, "[object Object]")                           \
27   V(regexp_to_string, "[object RegExp]")                           \
28   V(string_to_string, "[object String]")                           \
29   V(bind_string, "bind")                                           \
30   V(boolean_string, "boolean")                                     \
31   V(Boolean_string, "Boolean")                                     \
32   V(bound__string, "bound ")                                       \
33   V(buffer_string, "buffer")                                       \
34   V(byte_length_string, "byteLength")                              \
35   V(byte_offset_string, "byteOffset")                              \
36   V(call_string, "call")                                           \
37   V(callee_string, "callee")                                       \
38   V(caller_string, "caller")                                       \
39   V(cell_value_string, "%cell_value")                              \
40   V(char_at_string, "CharAt")                                      \
41   V(closure_string, "(closure)")                                   \
42   V(column_string, "column")                                       \
43   V(compare_ic_string, "==")                                       \
44   V(configurable_string, "configurable")                           \
45   V(constructor_string, "constructor")                             \
46   V(construct_string, "construct")                                 \
47   V(create_string, "create")                                       \
48   V(Date_string, "Date")                                           \
49   V(dayperiod_string, "dayperiod")                                 \
50   V(day_string, "day")                                             \
51   V(default_string, "default")                                     \
52   V(defineProperty_string, "defineProperty")                       \
53   V(deleteProperty_string, "deleteProperty")                       \
54   V(did_handle_string, "didHandle")                                \
55   V(display_name_string, "displayName")                            \
56   V(done_string, "done")                                           \
57   V(dot_catch_string, ".catch")                                    \
58   V(dot_for_string, ".for")                                        \
59   V(dot_generator_object_string, ".generator_object")              \
60   V(dot_iterator_string, ".iterator")                              \
61   V(dot_result_string, ".result")                                  \
62   V(dot_switch_tag_string, ".switch_tag")                          \
63   V(dot_string, ".")                                               \
64   V(exec_string, "exec")                                           \
65   V(entries_string, "entries")                                     \
66   V(enqueue_string, "enqueue")                                     \
67   V(enumerable_string, "enumerable")                               \
68   V(era_string, "era")                                             \
69   V(Error_string, "Error")                                         \
70   V(eval_string, "eval")                                           \
71   V(EvalError_string, "EvalError")                                 \
72   V(false_string, "false")                                         \
73   V(flags_string, "flags")                                         \
74   V(function_string, "function")                                   \
75   V(Function_string, "Function")                                   \
76   V(Generator_string, "Generator")                                 \
77   V(getOwnPropertyDescriptor_string, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor")   \
78   V(getOwnPropertyDescriptors_string, "getOwnPropertyDescriptors") \
79   V(getPrototypeOf_string, "getPrototypeOf")                       \
80   V(get_string, "get")                                             \
81   V(get_space_string, "get ")                                      \
82   V(global_string, "global")                                       \
83   V(group_string, "group")                                         \
84   V(has_string, "has")                                             \
85   V(hour_string, "hour")                                           \
86   V(ignoreCase_string, "ignoreCase")                               \
87   V(illegal_access_string, "illegal access")                       \
88   V(illegal_argument_string, "illegal argument")                   \
89   V(index_string, "index")                                         \
90   V(infinity_string, "Infinity")                                   \
91   V(input_string, "input")                                         \
92   V(isExtensible_string, "isExtensible")                           \
93   V(isView_string, "isView")                                       \
94   V(KeyedLoadMonomorphic_string, "KeyedLoadMonomorphic")           \
95   V(KeyedStoreMonomorphic_string, "KeyedStoreMonomorphic")         \
96   V(keys_string, "keys")                                           \
97   V(lastIndex_string, "lastIndex")                                 \
98   V(length_string, "length")                                       \
99   V(let_string, "let")                                             \
100   V(line_string, "line")                                           \
101   V(literal_string, "literal")                                     \
102   V(Map_string, "Map")                                             \
103   V(message_string, "message")                                     \
104   V(minus_infinity_string, "-Infinity")                            \
105   V(minus_zero_string, "-0")                                       \
106   V(minute_string, "minute")                                       \
107   V(Module_string, "Module")                                       \
108   V(month_string, "month")                                         \
109   V(multiline_string, "multiline")                                 \
110   V(name_string, "name")                                           \
111   V(native_string, "native")                                       \
112   V(nan_string, "NaN")                                             \
113   V(new_target_string, ".new.target")                              \
114   V(next_string, "next")                                           \
115   V(not_equal, "not-equal")                                        \
116   V(null_string, "null")                                           \
117   V(null_to_string, "[object Null]")                               \
118   V(number_string, "number")                                       \
119   V(Number_string, "Number")                                       \
120   V(object_string, "object")                                       \
121   V(Object_string, "Object")                                       \
122   V(ok, "ok")                                                      \
123   V(ownKeys_string, "ownKeys")                                     \
124   V(position_string, "position")                                   \
125   V(preventExtensions_string, "preventExtensions")                 \
126   V(Promise_string, "Promise")                                     \
127   V(PromiseResolveThenableJob_string, "PromiseResolveThenableJob") \
128   V(promise_string, "promise")                                     \
129   V(proto_string, "__proto__")                                     \
130   V(prototype_string, "prototype")                                 \
131   V(Proxy_string, "Proxy")                                         \
132   V(query_colon_string, "(?:)")                                    \
133   V(RangeError_string, "RangeError")                               \
134   V(ReferenceError_string, "ReferenceError")                       \
135   V(RegExp_string, "RegExp")                                       \
136   V(reject_string, "reject")                                       \
137   V(resolve_string, "resolve")                                     \
138   V(return_string, "return")                                       \
139   V(script_string, "script")                                       \
140   V(second_string, "second")                                       \
141   V(setPrototypeOf_string, "setPrototypeOf")                       \
142   V(set_space_string, "set ")                                      \
143   V(set_string, "set")                                             \
144   V(Set_string, "Set")                                             \
145   V(source_mapping_url_string, "source_mapping_url")               \
146   V(source_string, "source")                                       \
147   V(sourceText_string, "sourceText")                               \
148   V(source_url_string, "source_url")                               \
149   V(stack_string, "stack")                                         \
150   V(stackTraceLimit_string, "stackTraceLimit")                     \
151   V(star_default_star_string, "*default*")                         \
152   V(sticky_string, "sticky")                                       \
153   V(strict_compare_ic_string, "===")                               \
154   V(string_string, "string")                                       \
155   V(String_string, "String")                                       \
156   V(symbol_string, "symbol")                                       \
157   V(Symbol_string, "Symbol")                                       \
158   V(symbol_species_string, "[Symbol.species]")                     \
159   V(SyntaxError_string, "SyntaxError")                             \
160   V(then_string, "then")                                           \
161   V(this_function_string, ".this_function")                        \
162   V(this_string, "this")                                           \
163   V(throw_string, "throw")                                         \
164   V(timed_out, "timed-out")                                        \
165   V(timeZoneName_string, "timeZoneName")                           \
166   V(toJSON_string, "toJSON")                                       \
167   V(toString_string, "toString")                                   \
168   V(true_string, "true")                                           \
169   V(TypeError_string, "TypeError")                                 \
170   V(type_string, "type")                                           \
171   V(CompileError_string, "CompileError")                           \
172   V(LinkError_string, "LinkError")                                 \
173   V(RuntimeError_string, "RuntimeError")                           \
174   V(undefined_string, "undefined")                                 \
175   V(undefined_to_string, "[object Undefined]")                     \
176   V(unicode_string, "unicode")                                     \
177   V(use_asm_string, "use asm")                                     \
178   V(use_strict_string, "use strict")                               \
179   V(URIError_string, "URIError")                                   \
180   V(valueOf_string, "valueOf")                                     \
181   V(values_string, "values")                                       \
182   V(value_string, "value")                                         \
183   V(WeakMap_string, "WeakMap")                                     \
184   V(WeakSet_string, "WeakSet")                                     \
185   V(weekday_string, "weekday")                                     \
186   V(will_handle_string, "willHandle")                              \
187   V(writable_string, "writable")                                   \
188   V(year_string, "year")
190 #define PRIVATE_SYMBOL_LIST(V)              \
191   V(array_iteration_kind_symbol)            \
192   V(array_iterator_next_symbol)             \
193   V(array_iterator_object_symbol)           \
194   V(call_site_frame_array_symbol)           \
195   V(call_site_frame_index_symbol)           \
196   V(class_end_position_symbol)              \
197   V(class_start_position_symbol)            \
198   V(detailed_stack_trace_symbol)            \
199   V(elements_transition_symbol)             \
200   V(error_end_pos_symbol)                   \
201   V(error_script_symbol)                    \
202   V(error_start_pos_symbol)                 \
203   V(frozen_symbol)                          \
204   V(hash_code_symbol)                       \
205   V(home_object_symbol)                     \
206   V(intl_initialized_marker_symbol)         \
207   V(intl_pattern_symbol)                    \
208   V(intl_resolved_symbol)                   \
209   V(megamorphic_symbol)                     \
210   V(native_context_index_symbol)            \
211   V(nonexistent_symbol)                     \
212   V(nonextensible_symbol)                   \
213   V(normal_ic_symbol)                       \
214   V(not_mapped_symbol)                      \
215   V(premonomorphic_symbol)                  \
216   V(promise_async_stack_id_symbol)          \
217   V(promise_debug_marker_symbol)            \
218   V(promise_forwarding_handler_symbol)      \
219   V(promise_handled_by_symbol)              \
220   V(promise_async_id_symbol)                \
221   V(promise_default_resolve_handler_symbol) \
222   V(promise_default_reject_handler_symbol)  \
223   V(sealed_symbol)                          \
224   V(stack_trace_symbol)                     \
225   V(strict_function_transition_symbol)      \
226   V(uninitialized_symbol)
228 #define PUBLIC_SYMBOL_LIST(V)                    \
229   V(async_iterator_symbol, Symbol.asyncIterator) \
230   V(iterator_symbol, Symbol.iterator)            \
231   V(intl_fallback_symbol, IntlFallback)          \
232   V(match_symbol, Symbol.match)                  \
233   V(replace_symbol, Symbol.replace)              \
234   V(search_symbol, Symbol.search)                \
235   V(species_symbol, Symbol.species)              \
236   V(split_symbol, Symbol.split)                  \
237   V(to_primitive_symbol, Symbol.toPrimitive)     \
238   V(unscopables_symbol, Symbol.unscopables)
240 // Well-Known Symbols are "Public" symbols, which have a bit set which causes
241 // them to produce an undefined value when a load results in a failed access
242 // check. Because this behaviour is not specified properly as of yet, it only
243 // applies to a subset of spec-defined Well-Known Symbols.
244 #define WELL_KNOWN_SYMBOL_LIST(V)                           \
245   V(has_instance_symbol, Symbol.hasInstance)                \
246   V(is_concat_spreadable_symbol, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable) \
247   V(to_string_tag_symbol, Symbol.toStringTag)
249 #endif  // V8_HEAP_SYMBOLS_H_