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1// RUN: %clang_cc1 -analyze -analyzer-checker=osx.coreFoundation.containers.PointerSizedValues,osx.coreFoundation.containers.OutOfBounds -analyzer-store=region -triple x86_64-apple-darwin -verify %s
3typedef const struct __CFAllocator * CFAllocatorRef;
4typedef const struct __CFString * CFStringRef;
5typedef unsigned char Boolean;
6typedef signed long CFIndex;
8const CFAllocatorRef kCFAllocatorDefault;
9typedef const void * (*CFArrayRetainCallBack)(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void *value);
10typedef void (*CFArrayReleaseCallBack)(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void *value);
11typedef CFStringRef (*CFArrayCopyDescriptionCallBack)(const void *value);
12typedef Boolean (*CFArrayEqualCallBack)(const void *value1, const void *value2);
13typedef struct {
14    CFIndex version;
15    CFArrayRetainCallBack retain;
16    CFArrayReleaseCallBack release;
17    CFArrayCopyDescriptionCallBack copyDescription;
18    CFArrayEqualCallBack equal;
19} CFArrayCallBacks;
20typedef const struct __CFArray * CFArrayRef;
21CFArrayRef CFArrayCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void **values, CFIndex numValues, const CFArrayCallBacks *callBacks);
22typedef struct __CFArray * CFMutableArrayRef;
23typedef const struct __CFString * CFStringRef;
24enum {
25    kCFNumberSInt8Type = 1,
26    kCFNumberSInt16Type = 2,
27    kCFNumberSInt32Type = 3,
28    kCFNumberSInt64Type = 4,
29    kCFNumberFloat32Type = 5,
30    kCFNumberFloat64Type = 6,
31    kCFNumberCharType = 7,
32    kCFNumberShortType = 8,
33    kCFNumberIntType = 9,
34    kCFNumberLongType = 10,
35    kCFNumberLongLongType = 11,
36    kCFNumberFloatType = 12,
37    kCFNumberDoubleType = 13,
38    kCFNumberCFIndexType = 14,
39    kCFNumberNSIntegerType = 15,
40    kCFNumberCGFloatType = 16,
41    kCFNumberMaxType = 16
43typedef CFIndex CFNumberType;
44typedef const struct __CFNumber * CFNumberRef;
45typedef CFIndex CFComparisonResult;
46typedef const struct __CFDictionary * CFDictionaryRef;
47typedef const void * (*CFDictionaryRetainCallBack)(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void *value);
48typedef void (*CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack)(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void *value);
49typedef CFStringRef (*CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack)(const void *value);
50typedef Boolean (*CFDictionaryEqualCallBack)(const void *value1, const void *value2);
51typedef Boolean (*CFArrayEqualCallBack)(const void *value1, const void *value2);
52typedef Boolean (*CFSetEqualCallBack)(const void *value1, const void *value2);
53typedef const void * (*CFSetRetainCallBack)(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void *value);
54typedef void (*CFSetReleaseCallBack)(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void *value);
55typedef CFStringRef (*CFSetCopyDescriptionCallBack)(const void *value);
56typedef struct {
57    CFIndex version;
58    CFSetRetainCallBack retain;
59    CFSetReleaseCallBack release;
60    CFSetCopyDescriptionCallBack copyDescription;
61    CFSetEqualCallBack equal;
62} CFSetCallBacks;
63typedef struct {
64    CFIndex version;
65    CFDictionaryRetainCallBack retain;
66    CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack release;
67    CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack copyDescription;
68    CFDictionaryEqualCallBack equal;
69} CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks;
70typedef struct {
71    CFIndex version;
72    CFDictionaryRetainCallBack retain;
73    CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack release;
74    CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack copyDescription;
75    CFDictionaryEqualCallBack equal;
76} CFDictionaryValueCallBacks;
77CFDictionaryRef CFDictionaryCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void **keys, const void **values, CFIndex numValues, const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *keyCallBacks, const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *valueCallBacks);
79const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks;
80typedef const struct __CFSet * CFSetRef;
82const CFSetCallBacks kCFTypeSetCallBacks;
84const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks;
86const void *CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(CFArrayRef theArray, CFIndex idx);
88CFIndex CFArrayGetCount(CFArrayRef theArray);
89CFDictionaryRef CFDictionaryCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void **keys, const void **values, CFIndex numValues, const
90CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *keyCallBacks, const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *valueCallBacks);
91CFNumberRef CFNumberCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFNumberType theType, const void *valuePtr);
93CFSetRef CFSetCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void **values, CFIndex numValues, const CFSetCallBacks *callBacks);
94#define CFSTR(cStr)  ((CFStringRef) __builtin___CFStringMakeConstantString ("" cStr ""))
95#define NULL __null
97// Done with the headers.
98// Test alpha.osx.cocoa.ContainerAPI checker.
99void testContainers(int **xNoWarn, CFIndex count) {
100  int x[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
101  CFArrayRef foo = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **) x, sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]), 0);// expected-warning {{The second argument to 'CFArrayCreate' must be a C array of pointer-sized}}
103  CFArrayRef fooNoWarn = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **) xNoWarn, sizeof(xNoWarn) / sizeof(xNoWarn[0]), 0); // no warning
104  CFArrayRef fooNoWarn2 = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, sizeof(xNoWarn) / sizeof(xNoWarn[0]), 0);// no warning, passing in 0
105  CFArrayRef fooNoWarn3 = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, sizeof(xNoWarn) / sizeof(xNoWarn[0]), 0);// no warning, passing in NULL
107  CFSetRef set = CFSetCreate(NULL, (const void **)x, 3, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks); // expected-warning {{The second argument to 'CFSetCreate' must be a C array of pointer-sized values}}
108  CFArrayRef* pairs = new CFArrayRef[count];
109  CFSetRef fSet = CFSetCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void**) pairs, count - 1, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks);// no warning
112void CreateDict(int *elems) {
113  const short days28 = 28;
114  const short days30 = 30;
115  const short days31 = 31;
116  CFIndex numValues = 6;
117  CFStringRef keys[6];
118  CFNumberRef values[6];
119  keys[0] = CFSTR("January");  values[0] = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberShortType, &days31);
120  keys[1] = CFSTR("February"); values[1] = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberShortType, &days28);
121  keys[2] = CFSTR("March"); values[2] = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberShortType, &days31);
122  keys[3] = CFSTR("April"); values[3] = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberShortType, &days30);
123  keys[4] = CFSTR("May"); values[4] = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberShortType, &days31);
124  keys[5] = CFSTR("June"); values[5] = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberShortType, &days30);
126  const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks keyCB = kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks;
127  const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks valCB = kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks;
128  CFDictionaryRef dict1 = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void**)keys, (const void**)values, numValues, &keyCB, &valCB); // no warning
129  CFDictionaryRef dict2 = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void**)elems[0], (const void**)values, numValues, &keyCB, &valCB); //expected-warning {{The second argument to 'CFDictionaryCreate' must be a C array of}} expected-warning {{cast to 'const void **' from smaller integer type 'int'}}
130  CFDictionaryRef dict3 = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void**)keys, (const void**)elems, numValues, &keyCB, &valCB); // expected-warning {{The third argument to 'CFDictionaryCreate' must be a C array of pointer-sized values}}
133void OutOfBoundsSymbolicOffByOne(const void ** input, CFIndex S) {
134  CFArrayRef array;
135  array = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, input, S, 0);
136  const void *s1 = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, 0);   // no warning
137  const void *s2 = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, S-1); // no warning
138  const void *s3 = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, S);   // expected-warning {{Index is out of bounds}}
141void OutOfBoundsConst(const void ** input, CFIndex S) {
142  CFArrayRef array;
143  array = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, input, 3, 0);
144  const void *s1 = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, 0); // no warning
145  const void *s2 = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, 2); // no warning
146  const void *s3 = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, 5); // expected-warning {{Index is out of bounds}}
148  // TODO: The solver is probably not strong enough here.
149  CFIndex sIndex;
150  for (sIndex = 0 ; sIndex <= 5 ; sIndex += 3 ) {
151    const void *s = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, sIndex);
152  }
155void OutOfBoundsZiro(const void ** input, CFIndex S) {
156  CFArrayRef array;
157  // The API allows to set the size to 0. Check that we don't undeflow when the size is 0.
158  array = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, 0, 0);
159  const void *s1 = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, 0); // expected-warning {{Index is out of bounds}}
162void TestGetCount(CFArrayRef A, CFIndex sIndex) {
163  CFIndex sCount = CFArrayGetCount(A);
164  if (sCount > sIndex)
165    const void *s1 = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(A, sIndex);
166  const void *s2 = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(A, sCount);// expected-warning {{Index is out of bounds}}
169typedef void* XX[3];
170void TestPointerToArray(int *elems, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3, unsigned count, void* fn[], char cp[]) {
171  void* x[] = { p1, p2, p3 };
172  CFArrayCreate(0, (const void **) &x, count, 0); // no warning
174  void* y[] = { p1, p2, p3 };
175  CFArrayCreate(0, (const void **) y, count, 0); // no warning
176  XX *z = &x;
177  CFArrayCreate(0, (const void **) z, count, 0); // no warning
179  CFArrayCreate(0, (const void **) &fn, count, 0); // false negative
180  CFArrayCreate(0, (const void **) fn, count, 0); // no warning
181  CFArrayCreate(0, (const void **) cp, count, 0); // expected-warning {{The second argument to 'CFArrayCreate' must be a C array of pointer-sized}}
183  char cc[] = { 0, 2, 3 };
184  CFArrayCreate(0, (const void **) &cc, count, 0); // expected-warning {{The second argument to 'CFArrayCreate' must be a C array of pointer-sized}}
185  CFArrayCreate(0, (const void **) cc, count, 0); // expected-warning {{The second argument to 'CFArrayCreate' must be a C array of pointer-sized}}
188void TestUndef(CFArrayRef A, CFIndex sIndex, void* x[]) {
189  unsigned undefVal;
190  const void *s1 = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(A, undefVal);
192  unsigned undefVal2;
193  CFArrayRef B = CFArrayCreate(0, (const void **) &x, undefVal2, 0);
194  const void *s2 = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(B, 2);
197void TestConst(CFArrayRef A, CFIndex sIndex, void* x[]) {
198  CFArrayRef B = CFArrayCreate(0, (const void **) &x, 4, 0);
199  const void *s1 = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(B, 2);
203void TestNullArray() {
204  CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(0, 0);
207void ArrayRefMutableEscape(CFMutableArrayRef a);
208void ArrayRefEscape(CFArrayRef a);
210void TestCFMutableArrayRefEscapeViaMutableArgument(CFMutableArrayRef a) {
211  CFIndex aLen = CFArrayGetCount(a);
212  ArrayRefMutableEscape(a);
214  // ArrayRefMutableEscape could mutate a to make it have
215  // at least aLen + 1 elements, so do not report an error here.
216  CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(a, aLen);
219void TestCFMutableArrayRefEscapeViaImmutableArgument(CFMutableArrayRef a) {
220  CFIndex aLen = CFArrayGetCount(a);
221  ArrayRefEscape(a);
223  // ArrayRefEscape is declared to take a CFArrayRef (i.e, an immutable array)
224  // so we assume it does not change the length of a.
225  CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(a, aLen); // expected-warning {{Index is out of bounds}}