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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #define LOG_TAG "Camera3-TagMonitor"
19 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
21 #include "TagMonitor.h"
23 #include <inttypes.h>
24 #include <utils/Log.h>
25 #include <camera/VendorTagDescriptor.h>
26 #include <camera_metadata_hidden.h>
28 namespace android {
TagMonitor()30 TagMonitor::TagMonitor():
31         mMonitoringEnabled(false),
32         mMonitoringEvents(kMaxMonitorEvents),
34 {}
36 const char* TagMonitor::k3aTags =
37         "android.control.aeMode, android.control.afMode, android.control.awbMode,"
38         "android.control.aeState, android.control.afState, android.control.awbState,"
39         "android.control.aePrecaptureTrigger, android.control.afTrigger,"
40         "android.control.aeRegions, android.control.awbRegions, android.control.afRegions,"
41         "android.control.aeExposureCompensation, android.control.aeLock, android.control.awbLock,"
42         "android.control.aeAntibandingMode, android.control.aeTargetFpsRange,"
43         "android.control.effectMode, android.control.mode, android.control.sceneMode,"
44         "android.control.videoStabilizationMode";
parseTagsToMonitor(String8 tagNames)46 void TagMonitor::parseTagsToMonitor(String8 tagNames) {
47     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMonitorMutex);
49     // Expand shorthands
50     if (ssize_t idx = tagNames.find("3a") != -1) {
51         ssize_t end = tagNames.find(",", idx);
52         char* start = tagNames.lockBuffer(tagNames.size());
53         start[idx] = '\0';
54         char* rest = (end != -1) ? (start + end) : (start + tagNames.size());
55         tagNames = String8::format("%s%s%s", start, k3aTags, rest);
56     }
58     sp<VendorTagDescriptor> vTags =
59             VendorTagDescriptor::getGlobalVendorTagDescriptor();
60     if ((nullptr == vTags.get()) || (0 >= vTags->getTagCount())) {
61         sp<VendorTagDescriptorCache> cache =
62                 VendorTagDescriptorCache::getGlobalVendorTagCache();
63         if (cache.get()) {
64             cache->getVendorTagDescriptor(mVendorTagId, &vTags);
65         }
66     }
68     bool gotTag = false;
70     char *tokenized = tagNames.lockBuffer(tagNames.size());
71     char *savePtr;
72     char *nextTagName = strtok_r(tokenized, ", ", &savePtr);
73     while (nextTagName != nullptr) {
74         uint32_t tag;
75         status_t res = CameraMetadata::getTagFromName(nextTagName, vTags.get(), &tag);
76         if (res != OK) {
77             ALOGW("%s: Unknown tag %s, ignoring", __FUNCTION__, nextTagName);
78         } else {
79             if (!gotTag) {
80                 mMonitoredTagList.clear();
81                 gotTag = true;
82             }
83             mMonitoredTagList.push_back(tag);
84         }
85         nextTagName = strtok_r(nullptr, ", ", &savePtr);
86     }
88     tagNames.unlockBuffer();
90     if (gotTag) {
91         // Got at least one new tag
92         mMonitoringEnabled = true;
93     }
94 }
disableMonitoring()96 void TagMonitor::disableMonitoring() {
97     mMonitoringEnabled = false;
98     mLastMonitoredRequestValues.clear();
99     mLastMonitoredResultValues.clear();
100 }
monitorMetadata(eventSource source,int64_t frameNumber,nsecs_t timestamp,const CameraMetadata & metadata)102 void TagMonitor::monitorMetadata(eventSource source, int64_t frameNumber, nsecs_t timestamp,
103         const CameraMetadata& metadata) {
104     if (!mMonitoringEnabled) return;
106     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMonitorMutex);
108     if (timestamp == 0) {
109         timestamp = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_BOOTTIME);
110     }
112     for (auto tag : mMonitoredTagList) {
113         camera_metadata_ro_entry entry = metadata.find(tag);
114         CameraMetadata &lastValues = (source == REQUEST) ?
115                 mLastMonitoredRequestValues : mLastMonitoredResultValues;
116         if (lastValues.isEmpty()) {
117             lastValues = CameraMetadata(mMonitoredTagList.size());
118             const camera_metadata_t *metaBuffer =
119                     lastValues.getAndLock();
120             set_camera_metadata_vendor_id(
121                     const_cast<camera_metadata_t *> (metaBuffer), mVendorTagId);
122             lastValues.unlock(metaBuffer);
123         }
125         camera_metadata_entry lastEntry = lastValues.find(tag);
127         if (entry.count > 0) {
128             bool isDifferent = false;
129             if (lastEntry.count > 0) {
130                 // Have a last value, compare to see if changed
131                 if (lastEntry.type == entry.type &&
132                         lastEntry.count == entry.count) {
133                     // Same type and count, compare values
134                     size_t bytesPerValue = camera_metadata_type_size[lastEntry.type];
135                     size_t entryBytes = bytesPerValue * lastEntry.count;
136                     int cmp = memcmp(entry.data.u8, lastEntry.data.u8, entryBytes);
137                     if (cmp != 0) {
138                         isDifferent = true;
139                     }
140                 } else {
141                     // Count or type has changed
142                     isDifferent = true;
143                 }
144             } else {
145                 // No last entry, so always consider to be different
146                 isDifferent = true;
147             }
149             if (isDifferent) {
150                 ALOGV("%s: Tag %s changed", __FUNCTION__,
151                       get_local_camera_metadata_tag_name_vendor_id(
152                               tag, mVendorTagId));
153                 lastValues.update(entry);
154                 mMonitoringEvents.emplace(source, frameNumber, timestamp, entry);
155             }
156         } else if (lastEntry.count > 0) {
157             // Value has been removed
158             ALOGV("%s: Tag %s removed", __FUNCTION__,
159                   get_local_camera_metadata_tag_name_vendor_id(
160                           tag, mVendorTagId));
161             lastValues.erase(tag);
162             entry.tag = tag;
163             entry.type = get_local_camera_metadata_tag_type_vendor_id(tag,
164                     mVendorTagId);
165             entry.count = 0;
166             mMonitoringEvents.emplace(source, frameNumber, timestamp, entry);
167         }
168     }
169 }
dumpMonitoredMetadata(int fd)171 void TagMonitor::dumpMonitoredMetadata(int fd) {
172     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMonitorMutex);
174     if (mMonitoringEnabled) {
175         dprintf(fd, "     Tag monitoring enabled for tags:\n");
176         for (uint32_t tag : mMonitoredTagList) {
177             dprintf(fd, "        %s.%s\n",
178                     get_local_camera_metadata_section_name_vendor_id(tag,
179                             mVendorTagId),
180                     get_local_camera_metadata_tag_name_vendor_id(tag,
181                             mVendorTagId));
182         }
183     } else {
184         dprintf(fd, "     Tag monitoring disabled (enable with -m <name1,..,nameN>)\n");
185     }
186     if (mMonitoringEvents.size() > 0) {
187         dprintf(fd, "     Monitored tag event log:\n");
188         for (const auto& event : mMonitoringEvents) {
189             int indentation = (event.source == REQUEST) ? 15 : 30;
190             dprintf(fd, "        f%d:%" PRId64 "ns: %*s%s.%s: ",
191                     event.frameNumber, event.timestamp,
192                     indentation,
193                     event.source == REQUEST ? "REQ:" : "RES:",
194                     get_local_camera_metadata_section_name_vendor_id(event.tag,
195                             mVendorTagId),
196                     get_local_camera_metadata_tag_name_vendor_id(event.tag,
197                             mVendorTagId));
198             if (event.newData.size() == 0) {
199                 dprintf(fd, " (Removed)\n");
200             } else {
201                 printData(fd, event.newData.data(), event.tag,
202                         event.type, event.newData.size() / camera_metadata_type_size[event.type],
203                         indentation + 18);
204             }
205         }
206     }
208 }
210 // TODO: Consolidate with printData from camera_metadata.h
printData(int fd,const uint8_t * data_ptr,uint32_t tag,int type,int count,int indentation)214 void TagMonitor::printData(int fd, const uint8_t *data_ptr, uint32_t tag,
215         int type, int count, int indentation) {
216     static int values_per_line[NUM_TYPES] = {
217         [TYPE_BYTE]     = 16,
218         [TYPE_INT32]    = 8,
219         [TYPE_FLOAT]    = 8,
220         [TYPE_INT64]    = 4,
221         [TYPE_DOUBLE]   = 4,
222         [TYPE_RATIONAL] = 4,
223     };
224     size_t type_size = camera_metadata_type_size[type];
225     char value_string_tmp[CAMERA_METADATA_ENUM_STRING_MAX_SIZE];
226     uint32_t value;
228     int lines = count / values_per_line[type];
229     if (count % values_per_line[type] != 0) lines++;
231     int index = 0;
232     int j, k;
233     for (j = 0; j < lines; j++) {
234         dprintf(fd, "%*s[", (j != 0) ? indentation + 4 : 0, "");
235         for (k = 0;
236              k < values_per_line[type] && count > 0;
237              k++, count--, index += type_size) {
239             switch (type) {
240                 case TYPE_BYTE:
241                     value = *(data_ptr + index);
242                     if (camera_metadata_enum_snprint(tag,
243                                                      value,
244                                                      value_string_tmp,
245                                                      sizeof(value_string_tmp))
246                         == OK) {
247                         dprintf(fd, "%s ", value_string_tmp);
248                     } else {
249                         dprintf(fd, "%hhu ",
250                                 *(data_ptr + index));
251                     }
252                     break;
253                 case TYPE_INT32:
254                     value =
255                             *(int32_t*)(data_ptr + index);
256                     if (camera_metadata_enum_snprint(tag,
257                                                      value,
258                                                      value_string_tmp,
259                                                      sizeof(value_string_tmp))
260                         == OK) {
261                         dprintf(fd, "%s ", value_string_tmp);
262                     } else {
263                         dprintf(fd, "%" PRId32 " ",
264                                 *(int32_t*)(data_ptr + index));
265                     }
266                     break;
267                 case TYPE_FLOAT:
268                     dprintf(fd, "%0.8f ",
269                             *(float*)(data_ptr + index));
270                     break;
271                 case TYPE_INT64:
272                     dprintf(fd, "%" PRId64 " ",
273                             *(int64_t*)(data_ptr + index));
274                     break;
275                 case TYPE_DOUBLE:
276                     dprintf(fd, "%0.8f ",
277                             *(double*)(data_ptr + index));
278                     break;
279                 case TYPE_RATIONAL: {
280                     int32_t numerator = *(int32_t*)(data_ptr + index);
281                     int32_t denominator = *(int32_t*)(data_ptr + index + 4);
282                     dprintf(fd, "(%d / %d) ",
283                             numerator, denominator);
284                     break;
285                 }
286                 default:
287                     dprintf(fd, "??? ");
288             }
289         }
290         dprintf(fd, "]\n");
291     }
292 }
294 template<typename T>
MonitorEvent(eventSource src,uint32_t frameNumber,nsecs_t timestamp,const T & value)295 TagMonitor::MonitorEvent::MonitorEvent(eventSource src, uint32_t frameNumber, nsecs_t timestamp,
296         const T &value) :
297         source(src),
298         frameNumber(frameNumber),
299         timestamp(timestamp),
300         tag(value.tag),
301         type(value.type),
302         newData(value.data.u8, value.data.u8 + camera_metadata_type_size[value.type] * value.count) {
303 }
~MonitorEvent()305 TagMonitor::MonitorEvent::~MonitorEvent() {
306 }
308 } // namespace android