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3# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
4# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5# found in the LICENSE file.
6import logging
8import common
10import httplib
11import httplib2
12from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import constants
13from chromite.lib import gdata_lib
16  from apiclient.discovery import build as apiclient_build
17  from apiclient import errors as apiclient_errors
18  from oauth2client import file as oauth_client_fileio
19except ImportError as e:
20  apiclient_build = None
21  logging.debug("API client for bug filing disabled. %s", e)
24class ProjectHostingApiException(Exception):
25    """
26    Raised when an api call fails, since the actual
27    HTTP error can be cryptic.
28    """
31class BaseIssue(gdata_lib.Issue):
32    """Base issue class with the minimum data to describe a tracker bug.
33    """
34    def __init__(self, t_issue):
35        kwargs = {}
36        kwargs.update((keys, t_issue.get(keys))
37                       for keys in gdata_lib.Issue.SlotDefaults.keys())
38        super(BaseIssue, self).__init__(**kwargs)
41class Issue(BaseIssue):
42    """
43    Class representing an Issue and it's related metadata.
44    """
45    def __init__(self, t_issue):
46        """
47        Initialize |self| from tracker issue |t_issue|
49        @param t_issue: The base issue we want to use to populate
50                        the member variables of this object.
52        @raises ProjectHostingApiException: If the tracker issue doesn't
53            contain all expected fields needed to create a complete issue.
54        """
55        super(Issue, self).__init__(t_issue)
57        try:
58            # The value keyed under 'summary' in the tracker issue
59            # is, unfortunately, not the summary but the title. The
60            # actual summary is the update at index 0.
61            self.summary = t_issue.get('updates')[0]
62            self.comments = t_issue.get('updates')[1:]
64            # open or closed statuses are classified according to labels like
65            # unconfirmed, verified, fixed etc just like through the front end.
66            self.state = t_issue.get(constants.ISSUE_STATE)
67            self.merged_into = None
68            if (t_issue.get(constants.ISSUE_STATUS)
69                    == constants.ISSUE_DUPLICATE and
70                constants.ISSUE_MERGEDINTO in t_issue):
71                parent_issue_dict = t_issue.get(constants.ISSUE_MERGEDINTO)
72                self.merged_into = parent_issue_dict.get('issueId')
73        except KeyError as e:
74            raise ProjectHostingApiException('Cannot create a '
75                    'complete issue %s, tracker issue: %s' % (e, t_issue))
78class ProjectHostingApiClient():
79    """
80    Client class for interaction with the project hosting api.
81    """
83    # Maximum number of results we would like when querying the tracker.
84    _max_results_for_issue = 50
85    _start_index = 1
88    def __init__(self, oauth_credentials, project_name,
89                 monorail_server='staging'):
90        if apiclient_build is None:
91            raise ProjectHostingApiException('Cannot get apiclient library.')
93        if not oauth_credentials:
94            raise ProjectHostingApiException('No oauth_credentials is provided.')
96        # TODO(akeshet): This try-except is due to incompatibility of phapi_lib
97        # with oauth2client > 2. Until this is fixed, this is expected to fail
98        # and bug filing will be effectively disabled. crbug.com/648489
99        try:
100          storage = oauth_client_fileio.Storage(oauth_credentials)
101          credentials = storage.get()
102        except Exception as e:
103          raise ProjectHostingApiException('Incompaible credentials format, '
104                                           'or other exception. Will not file '
105                                           'bugs.')
106        if credentials is None or credentials.invalid:
107            raise ProjectHostingApiException('Invalid credentials for Project '
108                                             'Hosting api. Cannot file bugs.')
110        http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
111        try:
112            url = ('https://monorail-%s.appspot.com/_ah/api/discovery/v1/'
113                   'apis/{api}/{apiVersion}/rest' % monorail_server)
114            self._codesite_service = apiclient_build(
115                "monorail", "v1", http=http,
116                discoveryServiceUrl=url)
117        except (apiclient_errors.Error, httplib2.HttpLib2Error,
118                httplib.BadStatusLine) as e:
119            raise ProjectHostingApiException(str(e))
120        self._project_name = project_name
123    def _execute_request(self, request):
124        """
125        Executes an api request.
127        @param request: An apiclient.http.HttpRequest object representing the
128                        request to be executed.
129        @raises: ProjectHostingApiException if we fail to execute the request.
130                 This could happen if we receive an http response that is not a
131                 2xx, or if the http object itself encounters an error.
133        @return: A deserialized object model of the response body returned for
134                 the request.
135        """
136        try:
137            return request.execute()
138        except (apiclient_errors.Error, httplib2.HttpLib2Error,
139                httplib.BadStatusLine) as e:
140            msg = 'Unable to execute your request: %s'
141            raise ProjectHostingApiException(msg % e)
144    def _get_field(self, field):
145        """
146        Gets a field from the project.
148        This method directly queries the project hosting API using bugdroids1's,
149        api key.
151        @param field: A selector, which corresponds loosely to a field in the
152                      new bug description of the crosbug frontend.
153        @raises: ProjectHostingApiException, if the request execution fails.
155        @return: A json formatted python dict of the specified field's options,
156                 or None if we can't find the api library. This dictionary
157                 represents the javascript literal used by the front end tracker
158                 and can hold multiple filds.
160                The returned dictionary follows a template, but it's structure
161                is only loosely defined as it needs to match whatever the front
162                end describes via javascript.
163                For a new issue interface which looks like:
165                field 1: text box
166                              drop down: predefined value 1 = description
167                                         predefined value 2 = description
168                field 2: text box
169                              similar structure as field 1
171                you will get a dictionary like:
172                {
173                    'field name 1': {
174                        'project realted config': 'config value'
175                        'property': [
176                            {predefined value for property 1, description},
177                            {predefined value for property 2, description}
178                        ]
179                    },
181                    'field name 2': {
182                        similar structure
183                    }
184                    ...
185                }
186        """
187        project = self._codesite_service.projects()
188        request = project.get(projectId=self._project_name,
189                              fields=field)
190        return self._execute_request(request)
193    def _list_updates(self, issue_id):
194        """
195        Retrieve all updates for a given issue including comments, changes to
196        it's labels, status etc. The first element in the dictionary returned
197        by this method, is by default, the 0th update on the bug; which is the
198        entry that created it. All the text in a given update is keyed as
199        'content', and updates that contain no text, eg: a change to the status
200        of a bug, will contain the emtpy string instead.
202        @param issue_id: The id of the issue we want detailed information on.
203        @raises: ProjectHostingApiException, if the request execution fails.
205        @return: A json formatted python dict that has an entry for each update
206                 performed on this issue.
207        """
208        issue_comments = self._codesite_service.issues().comments()
209        request = issue_comments.list(projectId=self._project_name,
210                                      issueId=issue_id,
211                                      maxResults=self._max_results_for_issue)
212        return self._execute_request(request)
215    def _get_issue(self, issue_id):
216        """
217        Gets an issue given it's id.
219        @param issue_id: A string representing the issue id.
220        @raises: ProjectHostingApiException, if failed to get the issue.
222        @return: A json formatted python dict that has the issue content.
223        """
224        issues = self._codesite_service.issues()
225        try:
226            request = issues.get(projectId=self._project_name,
227                                 issueId=issue_id)
228        except TypeError as e:
229            raise ProjectHostingApiException(
230                'Unable to get issue %s from project %s: %s' %
231                (issue_id, self._project_name, str(e)))
232        return self._execute_request(request)
235    def set_max_results(self, max_results):
236        """Set the max results to return.
238        @param max_results: An integer representing the maximum number of
239            matching results to return per query.
240        """
241        self._max_results_for_issue = max_results
244    def set_start_index(self, start_index):
245        """Set the start index, for paging.
247        @param start_index: The new start index to use.
248        """
249        self._start_index = start_index
252    def list_issues(self, **kwargs):
253        """
254        List issues containing the search marker. This method will only list
255        the summary, title and id of an issue, though it searches through the
256        comments. Eg: if we're searching for the marker '123', issues that
257        contain a comment of '123' will appear in the output, but the string
258        '123' itself may not, because the output only contains issue summaries.
260        @param kwargs:
261            q: The anchor string used in the search.
262            can: a string representing the search space that is passed to the
263                 google api, can be 'all', 'new', 'open', 'owned', 'reported',
264                 'starred', or 'to-verify', defaults to 'all'.
265            label: A string representing a single label to match.
267        @return: A json formatted python dict of all matching issues.
269        @raises: ProjectHostingApiException, if the request execution fails.
270        """
271        issues = self._codesite_service.issues()
273        # Asking for issues with None or '' labels will restrict the query
274        # to those issues without labels.
275        if not kwargs['label']:
276            del kwargs['label']
278        request = issues.list(projectId=self._project_name,
279                              startIndex=self._start_index,
280                              maxResults=self._max_results_for_issue,
281                              **kwargs)
282        return self._execute_request(request)
285    def _get_property_values(self, prop_dict):
286        """
287        Searches a dictionary as returned by _get_field for property lists,
288        then returns each value in the list. Effectively this gives us
289        all the accepted values for a property. For example, in crosbug,
290        'properties' map to things like Status, Labels, Owner etc, each of these
291        will have a list within the issuesConfig dict.
293        @param prop_dict: dictionary which contains a list of properties.
294        @yield: each value in a property list. This can be a dict or any other
295                type of datastructure, the caller is responsible for handling
296                it correctly.
297        """
298        for name, property in prop_dict.iteritems():
299            if isinstance(property, list):
300                for values in property:
301                    yield values
304    def _get_cros_labels(self, prop_dict):
305        """
306        Helper function to isolate labels from the labels dictionary. This
307        dictionary is of the form:
308            {
309                "label": "Cr-OS-foo",
310                "description": "description"
311            },
312        And maps to the frontend like so:
313            Labels: Cr-???
314                    Cr-OS-foo = description
315        where Cr-OS-foo is a conveniently predefined value for Label Cr-OS-???.
317        @param prop_dict: a dictionary we expect the Cros label to be in.
318        @return: A lower case product area, eg: video, factory, ui.
319        """
320        label = prop_dict.get('label')
321        if label and 'Cr-OS-' in label:
322            return label.split('Cr-OS-')[1]
325    def get_areas(self):
326        """
327        Parse issue options and return a list of 'Cr-OS' labels.
329        @return: a list of Cr-OS labels from crosbug, eg: ['kernel', 'systems']
330        """
331        if apiclient_build is None:
332            logging.error('Missing Api-client import. Cannot get area-labels.')
333            return []
335        try:
336            issue_options_dict = self._get_field('issuesConfig')
337        except ProjectHostingApiException as e:
338            logging.error('Unable to determine area labels: %s', str(e))
339            return []
341        # Since we can request multiple fields at once we need to
342        # retrieve each one from the field options dictionary, even if we're
343        # really only asking for one field.
344        issue_options = issue_options_dict.get('issuesConfig')
345        if issue_options is None:
346            logging.error('The IssueConfig field does not contain issue '
347                          'configuration as a member anymore; The project '
348                          'hosting api might have changed.')
349            return []
351        return filter(None, [self._get_cros_labels(each)
352                      for each in self._get_property_values(issue_options)
353                      if isinstance(each, dict)])
356    def create_issue(self, request_body):
357        """
358        Convert the request body into an issue on the frontend tracker.
360        @param request_body: A python dictionary with key-value pairs
361                             that represent the fields of the issue.
362                             eg: {
363                                'title': 'bug title',
364                                'description': 'bug description',
365                                'labels': ['Type-Bug'],
366                                'owner': {'name': 'owner@'},
367                                'cc': [{'name': 'cc1'}, {'name': 'cc2'}],
368                                'components': ["Internals->Components"]
369                             }
370                             Note the title and descriptions fields of a
371                             new bug are not optional, all other fields are.
372        @raises: ProjectHostingApiException, if request execution fails.
374        @return: The response body, which will contain the metadata of the
375                 issue created, or an error response code and information
376                 about a failure.
377        """
378        issues = self._codesite_service.issues()
379        request = issues.insert(projectId=self._project_name, sendEmail=True,
380                                body=request_body)
381        return self._execute_request(request)
384    def update_issue(self, issue_id, request_body):
385        """
386        Convert the request body into an update on an issue.
388        @param request_body: A python dictionary with key-value pairs
389                             that represent the fields of the update.
390                             eg:
391                             {
392                                'content': 'comment to add',
393                                'updates':
394                                {
395                                    'labels': ['Type-Bug', 'another label'],
396                                    'owner': 'owner@',
397                                    'cc': ['cc1@', cc2@'],
398                                }
399                             }
400                             Note the owner and cc fields need to be email
401                             addresses the tracker recognizes.
402        @param issue_id: The id of the issue to update.
403        @raises: ProjectHostingApiException, if request execution fails.
405        @return: The response body, which will contain information about the
406                 update of said issue, or an error response code and information
407                 about a failure.
408        """
409        issues = self._codesite_service.issues()
410        request = issues.comments().insert(projectId=self._project_name,
411                                           issueId=issue_id, sendEmail=False,
412                                           body=request_body)
413        return self._execute_request(request)
416    def _populate_issue_updates(self, t_issue):
417        """
418        Populates a tracker issue with updates.
420        Any issue is useless without it's updates, since the updates will
421        contain both the summary and the comments. We need at least one of
422        those to successfully dedupe. The Api doesn't allow us to grab all this
423        information in one shot because viewing the comments on an issue
424        requires more authority than just viewing it's title.
426        @param t_issue: The basic tracker issue, to populate with updates.
427        @raises: ProjectHostingApiException, if request execution fails.
429        @returns: A tracker issue, with it's updates.
430        """
431        updates = self._list_updates(t_issue['id'])
432        t_issue['updates'] = [update['content'] for update in
433                              self._get_property_values(updates)
434                              if update.get('content')]
435        return t_issue
438    def get_tracker_issues_by_text(self, search_text, full_text=True,
439                                   include_dupes=False, label=None):
440        """
441        Find all Tracker issues that contain the specified search text.
443        @param search_text: Anchor text to use in the search.
444        @param full_text: True if we would like an extensive search through
445                          issue comments. If False the search will be restricted
446                          to just summaries and titles.
447        @param include_dupes: If True, search over both open issues as well as
448                          closed issues whose status is 'Duplicate'. If False,
449                          only search over open issues.
450        @param label: A string representing a single label to match.
452        @return: A list of issues that contain the search text, or an empty list
453                 when we're either unable to list issues or none match the text.
454        """
455        issue_list = []
456        try:
457            search_space = 'all' if include_dupes else 'open'
458            feed = self.list_issues(q=search_text, can=search_space,
459                                    label=label)
460        except ProjectHostingApiException as e:
461            logging.error('Unable to search for issues with marker %s: %s',
462                          search_text, e)
463            return issue_list
465        for t_issue in self._get_property_values(feed):
466            state = t_issue.get(constants.ISSUE_STATE)
467            status = t_issue.get(constants.ISSUE_STATUS)
468            is_open_or_dup = (state == constants.ISSUE_OPEN or
469                              (state == constants.ISSUE_CLOSED
470                               and status == constants.ISSUE_DUPLICATE))
471            # All valid issues will have an issue id we can use to retrieve
472            # more information about it. If we encounter a failure mode that
473            # returns a bad Http response code but doesn't throw an exception
474            # we won't find an issue id in the returned json.
475            if t_issue.get('id') and is_open_or_dup:
476                # TODO(beeps): If this method turns into a performance
477                # bottle neck yield each issue and refactor the reporter.
478                # For now passing all issues allows us to detect when
479                # deduping fails, because multiple issues will match a
480                # given query exactly.
481                try:
482                    if full_text:
483                        issue = Issue(self._populate_issue_updates(t_issue))
484                    else:
485                        issue = BaseIssue(t_issue)
486                except ProjectHostingApiException as e:
487                    logging.error('Unable to list the updates of issue %s: %s',
488                                  t_issue.get('id'), str(e))
489                else:
490                    issue_list.append(issue)
491        return issue_list
494    def get_tracker_issue_by_id(self, issue_id):
495        """
496        Returns an issue object given the id.
498        @param issue_id: A string representing the issue id.
500        @return: An Issue object on success or None on failure.
501        """
502        try:
503            t_issue = self._get_issue(issue_id)
504            return Issue(self._populate_issue_updates(t_issue))
505        except ProjectHostingApiException as e:
506            logging.error('Creation of an Issue object for %s fails: %s',
507                          issue_id, str(e))
508            return None