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1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 // Commandline tool to unpack audioproc debug files.
12 //
13 // The debug files are dumped as protobuf blobs. For analysis, it's necessary
14 // to unpack the file into its component parts: audio and other data.
16 #include <stdio.h>
18 #include "gflags/gflags.h"
19 #include "webrtc/audio_processing/debug.pb.h"
20 #include "webrtc/base/format_macros.h"
21 #include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
22 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/protobuf_utils.h"
23 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/test_utils.h"
24 #include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
26 // TODO(andrew): unpack more of the data.
27 DEFINE_string(input_file, "input", "The name of the input stream file.");
28 DEFINE_string(output_file, "ref_out",
29               "The name of the reference output stream file.");
30 DEFINE_string(reverse_file, "reverse",
31               "The name of the reverse input stream file.");
32 DEFINE_string(delay_file, "delay.int32", "The name of the delay file.");
33 DEFINE_string(drift_file, "drift.int32", "The name of the drift file.");
34 DEFINE_string(level_file, "level.int32", "The name of the level file.");
35 DEFINE_string(keypress_file, "keypress.bool", "The name of the keypress file.");
36 DEFINE_string(settings_file, "settings.txt", "The name of the settings file.");
37 DEFINE_bool(full, false,
38             "Unpack the full set of files (normally not needed).");
39 DEFINE_bool(raw, false, "Write raw data instead of a WAV file.");
40 DEFINE_bool(text,
41             false,
42             "Write non-audio files as text files instead of binary files.");
44 #define PRINT_CONFIG(field_name) \
45   if (msg.has_##field_name()) { \
46     fprintf(settings_file, "  " #field_name ": %d\n", msg.field_name()); \
47   }
49 namespace webrtc {
51 using audioproc::Event;
52 using audioproc::ReverseStream;
53 using audioproc::Stream;
54 using audioproc::Init;
WriteData(const void * data,size_t size,FILE * file,const std::string & filename)56 void WriteData(const void* data, size_t size, FILE* file,
57                const std::string& filename) {
58   if (fwrite(data, size, 1, file) != 1) {
59     printf("Error when writing to %s\n", filename.c_str());
60     exit(1);
61   }
62 }
do_main(int argc,char * argv[])64 int do_main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
65   std::string program_name = argv[0];
66   std::string usage = "Commandline tool to unpack audioproc debug files.\n"
67     "Example usage:\n" + program_name + " debug_dump.pb\n";
68   google::SetUsageMessage(usage);
69   google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
71   if (argc < 2) {
72     printf("%s", google::ProgramUsage());
73     return 1;
74   }
76   FILE* debug_file = OpenFile(argv[1], "rb");
78   Event event_msg;
79   int frame_count = 0;
80   size_t reverse_samples_per_channel = 0;
81   size_t input_samples_per_channel = 0;
82   size_t output_samples_per_channel = 0;
83   size_t num_reverse_channels = 0;
84   size_t num_input_channels = 0;
85   size_t num_output_channels = 0;
86   rtc::scoped_ptr<WavWriter> reverse_wav_file;
87   rtc::scoped_ptr<WavWriter> input_wav_file;
88   rtc::scoped_ptr<WavWriter> output_wav_file;
89   rtc::scoped_ptr<RawFile> reverse_raw_file;
90   rtc::scoped_ptr<RawFile> input_raw_file;
91   rtc::scoped_ptr<RawFile> output_raw_file;
93   FILE* settings_file = OpenFile(FLAGS_settings_file, "wb");
95   while (ReadMessageFromFile(debug_file, &event_msg)) {
96     if (event_msg.type() == Event::REVERSE_STREAM) {
97       if (!event_msg.has_reverse_stream()) {
98         printf("Corrupt input file: ReverseStream missing.\n");
99         return 1;
100       }
102       const ReverseStream msg = event_msg.reverse_stream();
103       if (msg.has_data()) {
104         if (FLAGS_raw && !reverse_raw_file) {
105           reverse_raw_file.reset(new RawFile(FLAGS_reverse_file + ".pcm"));
106         }
107         // TODO(aluebs): Replace "num_reverse_channels *
108         // reverse_samples_per_channel" with "msg.data().size() /
109         // sizeof(int16_t)" and so on when this fix in audio_processing has made
110         // it into stable: https://webrtc-codereview.appspot.com/15299004/
111         WriteIntData(reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(msg.data().data()),
112                      num_reverse_channels * reverse_samples_per_channel,
113                      reverse_wav_file.get(),
114                      reverse_raw_file.get());
115       } else if (msg.channel_size() > 0) {
116         if (FLAGS_raw && !reverse_raw_file) {
117           reverse_raw_file.reset(new RawFile(FLAGS_reverse_file + ".float"));
118         }
119         rtc::scoped_ptr<const float* []> data(
120             new const float* [num_reverse_channels]);
121         for (size_t i = 0; i < num_reverse_channels; ++i) {
122           data[i] = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(msg.channel(i).data());
123         }
124         WriteFloatData(data.get(),
125                        reverse_samples_per_channel,
126                        num_reverse_channels,
127                        reverse_wav_file.get(),
128                        reverse_raw_file.get());
129       }
130     } else if (event_msg.type() == Event::STREAM) {
131       frame_count++;
132       if (!event_msg.has_stream()) {
133         printf("Corrupt input file: Stream missing.\n");
134         return 1;
135       }
137       const Stream msg = event_msg.stream();
138       if (msg.has_input_data()) {
139         if (FLAGS_raw && !input_raw_file) {
140           input_raw_file.reset(new RawFile(FLAGS_input_file + ".pcm"));
141         }
142         WriteIntData(reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(msg.input_data().data()),
143                      num_input_channels * input_samples_per_channel,
144                      input_wav_file.get(),
145                      input_raw_file.get());
146       } else if (msg.input_channel_size() > 0) {
147         if (FLAGS_raw && !input_raw_file) {
148           input_raw_file.reset(new RawFile(FLAGS_input_file + ".float"));
149         }
150         rtc::scoped_ptr<const float* []> data(
151             new const float* [num_input_channels]);
152         for (size_t i = 0; i < num_input_channels; ++i) {
153           data[i] = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(msg.input_channel(i).data());
154         }
155         WriteFloatData(data.get(),
156                        input_samples_per_channel,
157                        num_input_channels,
158                        input_wav_file.get(),
159                        input_raw_file.get());
160       }
162       if (msg.has_output_data()) {
163         if (FLAGS_raw && !output_raw_file) {
164           output_raw_file.reset(new RawFile(FLAGS_output_file + ".pcm"));
165         }
166         WriteIntData(reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(msg.output_data().data()),
167                      num_output_channels * output_samples_per_channel,
168                      output_wav_file.get(),
169                      output_raw_file.get());
170       } else if (msg.output_channel_size() > 0) {
171         if (FLAGS_raw && !output_raw_file) {
172           output_raw_file.reset(new RawFile(FLAGS_output_file + ".float"));
173         }
174         rtc::scoped_ptr<const float* []> data(
175             new const float* [num_output_channels]);
176         for (size_t i = 0; i < num_output_channels; ++i) {
177           data[i] =
178               reinterpret_cast<const float*>(msg.output_channel(i).data());
179         }
180         WriteFloatData(data.get(),
181                        output_samples_per_channel,
182                        num_output_channels,
183                        output_wav_file.get(),
184                        output_raw_file.get());
185       }
187       if (FLAGS_full) {
188         if (msg.has_delay()) {
189           static FILE* delay_file = OpenFile(FLAGS_delay_file, "wb");
190           int32_t delay = msg.delay();
191           if (FLAGS_text) {
192             fprintf(delay_file, "%d\n", delay);
193           } else {
194             WriteData(&delay, sizeof(delay), delay_file, FLAGS_delay_file);
195           }
196         }
198         if (msg.has_drift()) {
199           static FILE* drift_file = OpenFile(FLAGS_drift_file, "wb");
200           int32_t drift = msg.drift();
201           if (FLAGS_text) {
202             fprintf(drift_file, "%d\n", drift);
203           } else {
204             WriteData(&drift, sizeof(drift), drift_file, FLAGS_drift_file);
205           }
206         }
208         if (msg.has_level()) {
209           static FILE* level_file = OpenFile(FLAGS_level_file, "wb");
210           int32_t level = msg.level();
211           if (FLAGS_text) {
212             fprintf(level_file, "%d\n", level);
213           } else {
214             WriteData(&level, sizeof(level), level_file, FLAGS_level_file);
215           }
216         }
218         if (msg.has_keypress()) {
219           static FILE* keypress_file = OpenFile(FLAGS_keypress_file, "wb");
220           bool keypress = msg.keypress();
221           if (FLAGS_text) {
222             fprintf(keypress_file, "%d\n", keypress);
223           } else {
224             WriteData(&keypress, sizeof(keypress), keypress_file,
225                       FLAGS_keypress_file);
226           }
227         }
228       }
229     } else if (event_msg.type() == Event::CONFIG) {
230       if (!event_msg.has_config()) {
231         printf("Corrupt input file: Config missing.\n");
232         return 1;
233       }
234       const audioproc::Config msg = event_msg.config();
236       fprintf(settings_file, "APM re-config at frame: %d\n", frame_count);
238       PRINT_CONFIG(aec_enabled);
239       PRINT_CONFIG(aec_delay_agnostic_enabled);
240       PRINT_CONFIG(aec_drift_compensation_enabled);
241       PRINT_CONFIG(aec_extended_filter_enabled);
242       PRINT_CONFIG(aec_suppression_level);
243       PRINT_CONFIG(aecm_enabled);
244       PRINT_CONFIG(aecm_comfort_noise_enabled);
245       PRINT_CONFIG(aecm_routing_mode);
246       PRINT_CONFIG(agc_enabled);
247       PRINT_CONFIG(agc_mode);
248       PRINT_CONFIG(agc_limiter_enabled);
249       PRINT_CONFIG(noise_robust_agc_enabled);
250       PRINT_CONFIG(hpf_enabled);
251       PRINT_CONFIG(ns_enabled);
252       PRINT_CONFIG(ns_level);
253       PRINT_CONFIG(transient_suppression_enabled);
254     } else if (event_msg.type() == Event::INIT) {
255       if (!event_msg.has_init()) {
256         printf("Corrupt input file: Init missing.\n");
257         return 1;
258       }
260       const Init msg = event_msg.init();
261       // These should print out zeros if they're missing.
262       fprintf(settings_file, "Init at frame: %d\n", frame_count);
263       int input_sample_rate = msg.sample_rate();
264       fprintf(settings_file, "  Input sample rate: %d\n", input_sample_rate);
265       int output_sample_rate = msg.output_sample_rate();
266       fprintf(settings_file, "  Output sample rate: %d\n", output_sample_rate);
267       int reverse_sample_rate = msg.reverse_sample_rate();
268       fprintf(settings_file,
269               "  Reverse sample rate: %d\n",
270               reverse_sample_rate);
271       num_input_channels = msg.num_input_channels();
272       fprintf(settings_file, "  Input channels: %" PRIuS "\n",
273               num_input_channels);
274       num_output_channels = msg.num_output_channels();
275       fprintf(settings_file, "  Output channels: %" PRIuS "\n",
276               num_output_channels);
277       num_reverse_channels = msg.num_reverse_channels();
278       fprintf(settings_file, "  Reverse channels: %" PRIuS "\n",
279               num_reverse_channels);
281       fprintf(settings_file, "\n");
283       if (reverse_sample_rate == 0) {
284         reverse_sample_rate = input_sample_rate;
285       }
286       if (output_sample_rate == 0) {
287         output_sample_rate = input_sample_rate;
288       }
290       reverse_samples_per_channel =
291           static_cast<size_t>(reverse_sample_rate / 100);
292       input_samples_per_channel =
293           static_cast<size_t>(input_sample_rate / 100);
294       output_samples_per_channel =
295           static_cast<size_t>(output_sample_rate / 100);
297       if (!FLAGS_raw) {
298         // The WAV files need to be reset every time, because they cant change
299         // their sample rate or number of channels.
300         reverse_wav_file.reset(new WavWriter(FLAGS_reverse_file + ".wav",
301                                              reverse_sample_rate,
302                                              num_reverse_channels));
303         input_wav_file.reset(new WavWriter(FLAGS_input_file + ".wav",
304                                            input_sample_rate,
305                                            num_input_channels));
306         output_wav_file.reset(new WavWriter(FLAGS_output_file + ".wav",
307                                             output_sample_rate,
308                                             num_output_channels));
309       }
310     }
311   }
313   return 0;
314 }
316 }  // namespace webrtc
main(int argc,char * argv[])318 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
319   return webrtc::do_main(argc, argv);
320 }