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1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
14 #include <vector>
15 #include <map>
17 #include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
18 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/include/audio_coding_module_typedefs.h"
19 #include "webrtc/test/testsupport/gtest_prod_util.h"
21 //
22 // The Nack class keeps track of the lost packets, an estimate of time-to-play
23 // for each packet is also given.
24 //
25 // Every time a packet is pushed into NetEq, LastReceivedPacket() has to be
26 // called to update the NACK list.
27 //
28 // Every time 10ms audio is pulled from NetEq LastDecodedPacket() should be
29 // called, and time-to-play is updated at that moment.
30 //
31 // If packet N is received, any packet prior to |N - NackThreshold| which is not
32 // arrived is considered lost, and should be labeled as "missing" (the size of
33 // the list might be limited and older packet eliminated from the list). Packets
34 // |N - NackThreshold|, |N - NackThreshold + 1|, ..., |N - 1| are considered
35 // "late." A "late" packet with sequence number K is changed to "missing" any
36 // time a packet with sequence number newer than |K + NackList| is arrived.
37 //
38 // The Nack class has to know about the sample rate of the packets to compute
39 // time-to-play. So sample rate should be set as soon as the first packet is
40 // received. If there is a change in the receive codec (sender changes codec)
41 // then Nack should be reset. This is because NetEQ would flush its buffer and
42 // re-transmission is meaning less for old packet. Therefore, in that case,
43 // after reset the sampling rate has to be updated.
44 //
45 // Thread Safety
46 // =============
47 // Please note that this class in not thread safe. The class must be protected
48 // if different APIs are called from different threads.
49 //
50 namespace webrtc {
52 class Nack {
53  public:
54   // A limit for the size of the NACK list.
55   static const size_t kNackListSizeLimit = 500;  // 10 seconds for 20 ms frame
56                                                  // packets.
57   // Factory method.
58   static Nack* Create(int nack_threshold_packets);
60   ~Nack();
62   // Set a maximum for the size of the NACK list. If the last received packet
63   // has sequence number of N, then NACK list will not contain any element
64   // with sequence number earlier than N - |max_nack_list_size|.
65   //
66   // The largest maximum size is defined by |kNackListSizeLimit|
67   void SetMaxNackListSize(size_t max_nack_list_size);
69   // Set the sampling rate.
70   //
71   // If associated sampling rate of the received packets is changed, call this
72   // function to update sampling rate. Note that if there is any change in
73   // received codec then NetEq will flush its buffer and NACK has to be reset.
74   // After Reset() is called sampling rate has to be set.
75   void UpdateSampleRate(int sample_rate_hz);
77   // Update the sequence number and the timestamp of the last decoded RTP. This
78   // API should be called every time 10 ms audio is pulled from NetEq.
79   void UpdateLastDecodedPacket(uint16_t sequence_number, uint32_t timestamp);
81   // Update the sequence number and the timestamp of the last received RTP. This
82   // API should be called every time a packet pushed into ACM.
83   void UpdateLastReceivedPacket(uint16_t sequence_number, uint32_t timestamp);
85   // Get a list of "missing" packets which have expected time-to-play larger
86   // than the given round-trip-time (in milliseconds).
87   // Note: Late packets are not included.
88   std::vector<uint16_t> GetNackList(int64_t round_trip_time_ms) const;
90   // Reset to default values. The NACK list is cleared.
91   // |nack_threshold_packets_| & |max_nack_list_size_| preserve their values.
92   void Reset();
94  private:
95   // This test need to access the private method GetNackList().
96   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NackTest, EstimateTimestampAndTimeToPlay);
98   struct NackElement {
NackElementNackElement99     NackElement(int64_t initial_time_to_play_ms,
100                 uint32_t initial_timestamp,
101                 bool missing)
102         : time_to_play_ms(initial_time_to_play_ms),
103           estimated_timestamp(initial_timestamp),
104           is_missing(missing) {}
106     // Estimated time (ms) left for this packet to be decoded. This estimate is
107     // updated every time jitter buffer decodes a packet.
108     int64_t time_to_play_ms;
110     // A guess about the timestamp of the missing packet, it is used for
111     // estimation of |time_to_play_ms|. The estimate might be slightly wrong if
112     // there has been frame-size change since the last received packet and the
113     // missing packet. However, the risk of this is low, and in case of such
114     // errors, there will be a minor misestimation in time-to-play of missing
115     // packets. This will have a very minor effect on NACK performance.
116     uint32_t estimated_timestamp;
118     // True if the packet is considered missing. Otherwise indicates packet is
119     // late.
120     bool is_missing;
121   };
123   class NackListCompare {
124    public:
operator()125     bool operator()(uint16_t sequence_number_old,
126                     uint16_t sequence_number_new) const {
127       return IsNewerSequenceNumber(sequence_number_new, sequence_number_old);
128     }
129   };
131   typedef std::map<uint16_t, NackElement, NackListCompare> NackList;
133   // Constructor.
134   explicit Nack(int nack_threshold_packets);
136   // This API is used only for testing to assess whether time-to-play is
137   // computed correctly.
138   NackList GetNackList() const;
140   // Given the |sequence_number_current_received_rtp| of currently received RTP,
141   // recognize packets which are not arrive and add to the list.
142   void AddToList(uint16_t sequence_number_current_received_rtp);
144   // This function subtracts 10 ms of time-to-play for all packets in NACK list.
145   // This is called when 10 ms elapsed with no new RTP packet decoded.
146   void UpdateEstimatedPlayoutTimeBy10ms();
148   // Given the |sequence_number_current_received_rtp| and
149   // |timestamp_current_received_rtp| of currently received RTP update number
150   // of samples per packet.
151   void UpdateSamplesPerPacket(uint16_t sequence_number_current_received_rtp,
152                               uint32_t timestamp_current_received_rtp);
154   // Given the |sequence_number_current_received_rtp| of currently received RTP
155   // update the list. That is; some packets will change from late to missing,
156   // some packets are inserted as missing and some inserted as late.
157   void UpdateList(uint16_t sequence_number_current_received_rtp);
159   // Packets which are considered late for too long (according to
160   // |nack_threshold_packets_|) are flagged as missing.
161   void ChangeFromLateToMissing(uint16_t sequence_number_current_received_rtp);
163   // Packets which have sequence number older that
164   // |sequence_num_last_received_rtp_| - |max_nack_list_size_| are removed
165   // from the NACK list.
166   void LimitNackListSize();
168   // Estimate timestamp of a missing packet given its sequence number.
169   uint32_t EstimateTimestamp(uint16_t sequence_number);
171   // Compute time-to-play given a timestamp.
172   int64_t TimeToPlay(uint32_t timestamp) const;
174   // If packet N is arrived, any packet prior to N - |nack_threshold_packets_|
175   // which is not arrived is considered missing, and should be in NACK list.
176   // Also any packet in the range of N-1 and N - |nack_threshold_packets_|,
177   // exclusive, which is not arrived is considered late, and should should be
178   // in the list of late packets.
179   const int nack_threshold_packets_;
181   // Valid if a packet is received.
182   uint16_t sequence_num_last_received_rtp_;
183   uint32_t timestamp_last_received_rtp_;
184   bool any_rtp_received_;  // If any packet received.
186   // Valid if a packet is decoded.
187   uint16_t sequence_num_last_decoded_rtp_;
188   uint32_t timestamp_last_decoded_rtp_;
189   bool any_rtp_decoded_;  // If any packet decoded.
191   int sample_rate_khz_;  // Sample rate in kHz.
193   // Number of samples per packet. We update this every time we receive a
194   // packet, not only for consecutive packets.
195   int samples_per_packet_;
197   // A list of missing packets to be retransmitted. Components of the list
198   // contain the sequence number of missing packets and the estimated time that
199   // each pack is going to be played out.
200   NackList nack_list_;
202   // NACK list will not keep track of missing packets prior to
203   // |sequence_num_last_received_rtp_| - |max_nack_list_size_|.
204   size_t max_nack_list_size_;
205 };
207 }  // namespace webrtc