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1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6"""Test for TranslationUnitGenerator tool."""
8import difflib
9import glob
10import json
11import ntpath
12import os
13import os.path
14import subprocess
15import sys
18def _GenerateCompileCommands(template_path, test_files_dir):
19  """Returns a JSON string containing a compilation database for the input."""
20  with open(template_path) as fh:
21    return fh.read().replace('$test_files_dir', test_files_dir)
24def _NumberOfTestsToString(tests):
25  """Returns an English sentence describing the number of tests."""
26  return "%d test%s" % (tests, 's' if tests != 1 else '')
29# Before running this test script, please build the translation_unit clang tool
30# first. This is explained here:
31# https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/clang_tool_refactoring.md
32def main():
33  tools_clang_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(
34      os.path.realpath(__file__)))
35  tools_clang_scripts_directory = os.path.join(tools_clang_directory, 'scripts')
36  test_directory_for_tool = os.path.join(
37      tools_clang_directory, 'translation_unit', 'test_files')
38  compile_database = os.path.join(test_directory_for_tool,
39                                  'compile_commands.json')
40  compile_database_template = compile_database + '.template'
41  source_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(test_directory_for_tool, '*.cc'))
43  # Generate a temporary compilation database to run the tool over.
44  with open(compile_database, 'w') as f:
45    f.write(_GenerateCompileCommands(compile_database_template,
46                                     test_directory_for_tool))
48  args = ['python',
49          os.path.join(tools_clang_scripts_directory, 'run_tool.py'),
50          'translation_unit',
51          test_directory_for_tool]
52  args.extend(source_files)
53  run_tool = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
54  stdout, _ = run_tool.communicate()
55  if run_tool.returncode != 0:
56    print 'run_tool failed:\n%s' % stdout
57    sys.exit(1)
59  passed = 0
60  failed = 0
61  for actual in source_files:
62    actual += '.filepaths'
63    expected = actual + '.expected'
64    print '[ RUN      ] %s' % os.path.relpath(actual)
65    expected_output = actual_output = None
66    with open(expected, 'r') as f:
67      expected_output = f.readlines()
68    with open(actual, 'r') as f:
69      actual_output = f.readlines()
70    has_same_filepaths = True
71    for expected_line, actual_line in zip(expected_output, actual_output):
72      if '//' in actual_line:
73        actual_line = '//' + actual_line.split('//')[1]
75      if ntpath.basename(expected_line) != ntpath.basename(actual_line):
76        sys.stdout.write('expected: %s' % ntpath.basename(expected_line))
77        sys.stdout.write('actual: %s' % ntpath.basename(actual_line))
78        has_same_filepaths = False
79        break
80    if not has_same_filepaths:
81      failed += 1
82      for line in difflib.unified_diff(expected_output, actual_output,
83                                       fromfile=os.path.relpath(expected),
84                                       tofile=os.path.relpath(actual)):
85        sys.stdout.write(line)
86      print '[  FAILED  ] %s' % os.path.relpath(actual)
87      # Don't clean up the file on failure, so the results can be referenced
88      # more easily.
89      continue
90    print '[       OK ] %s' % os.path.relpath(actual)
91    passed += 1
92    os.remove(actual)
94  if failed == 0:
95    os.remove(compile_database)
97  print '[==========] %s ran.' % _NumberOfTestsToString(len(source_files))
98  if passed > 0:
99    print '[  PASSED  ] %s.' % _NumberOfTestsToString(passed)
100  if failed > 0:
101    print '[  FAILED  ] %s.' % _NumberOfTestsToString(failed)
104if __name__ == '__main__':
105  sys.exit(main())