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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
4# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5# found in the LICENSE file.
7"""Guide the user to perform gestures. Record and validate the gestures."""
9import fcntl
10import glob
11import os
12import subprocess
13import sys
15import common_util
16import firmware_log
17import firmware_utils
18import fuzzy
19import mini_color
20import mtb
21import touchbotII_robot_wrapper as robot_wrapper
22import test_conf as conf
23import validators
25from firmware_utils import GestureList
28import input_device
30# Include some constants
31from firmware_constants import DEV, GV, MODE, OPTIONS, TFK
34class TestFlow:
35    """Guide the user to perform gestures. Record and validate the gestures."""
37    def __init__(self, device_geometry, device, keyboard, win, parser, output,
38                 test_version, board, firmware_version, options):
39        self.device_geometry = device_geometry
40        self.device = device
41        self.device_node = self.device.device_node
42        self.keyboard = keyboard
43        self.firmware_version = firmware_version
44        self.output = output
45        self.board = board
46        self.test_version = test_version
47        self.output.print_report('%s' % test_version)
48        self._get_record_cmd()
49        self.win = win
50        self.parser = parser
51        self.packets = None
52        self.gesture_file_name = None
53        self.prefix_space = self.output.get_prefix_space()
54        self.scores = []
55        self.mode = options[OPTIONS.MODE]
56        self.fngenerator_only = options[OPTIONS.FNGENERATOR]
57        self.iterations = options[OPTIONS.ITERATIONS]
58        self.replay_dir = options[OPTIONS.REPLAY]
59        self.resume_dir = options[OPTIONS.RESUME]
60        self.recording = not any([bool(self.replay_dir), bool(self.resume_dir)])
61        self.device_type = (DEV.TOUCHSCREEN if options[OPTIONS.TOUCHSCREEN]
62                                            else DEV.TOUCHPAD)
64        self.robot = robot_wrapper.RobotWrapper(self.board, options)
65        self.robot_waiting = False
67        self.gv_count = float('infinity')
68        gesture_names = self._get_gesture_names()
69        order = None
70        if self._is_robot_mode():
71            order = lambda x: conf.finger_tips_required[x.name]
72        self.gesture_list = GestureList(gesture_names).get_gesture_list(order)
73        self._get_all_gesture_variations(options[OPTIONS.SIMPLIFIED])
75        self.init_flag = False
76        self.system_device = self._non_blocking_open(self.device_node)
77        self.evdev_device = input_device.InputEvent()
78        self.screen_shot = firmware_utils.ScreenShot(self.geometry_str)
79        self.mtb_evemu = mtb.MtbEvemu(device)
81        self._rename_old_log_and_html_files()
82        self._set_static_prompt_messages()
83        self.gesture_image_name = None
84        self.gesture_continues_flag = False
85        self.use_existent_event_file_flag = False
87    def __del__(self):
88        self.system_device.close()
90    def _rename_old_log_and_html_files(self):
91        """When in replay or resume mode, rename the old log and html files."""
92        if self.replay_dir or self.resume_dir:
93            for file_type in ['*.log', '*.html']:
94                path_names = os.path.join(self.output.log_dir, file_type)
95                for old_path_name in glob.glob(path_names):
96                    new_path_name = '.'.join([old_path_name, 'old'])
97                    os.rename(old_path_name, new_path_name)
99    def _is_robot_mode(self):
100        return self.robot.is_robot_action_mode() or self.mode == MODE.ROBOT_SIM
102    def _get_gesture_names(self):
103        """Determine the gesture names based on the mode."""
104        if self.mode == MODE.QUICKSTEP:
105            return conf.gesture_names_quickstep
106        elif self.mode == MODE.NOISE:
107            return conf.gesture_names_noise_extended
108        elif self._is_robot_mode():
109            # The mode could be MODE.ROBOT or MODE.ROBOT_SIM.
110            # The same gesture names list is used in both modes.
111            return conf.gesture_names_robot[self.device_type]
112        elif self.mode == MODE.MANUAL:
113            # Define the manual list which is gesture_names_complete:
114            # gesture_names_robot - gesture_names_equipment_required
115            manual_set = (set(conf.gesture_names_complete[self.device_type]) -
116                          set(conf.gesture_names_robot[self.device_type]))
117            return list(manual_set - set(conf.gesture_names_fngenerator_required))
119        elif self.mode == MODE.CALIBRATION:
120            return conf.gesture_names_calibration
121        else:
122            # Filter out tests that need a function generator for COMPLETE mode
123            # unless they've indicated that they have one
124            return [n for n in conf.gesture_names_complete[self.device_type]
125                    if (self.fngenerator_only or
126                        n not in conf.gesture_names_fngenerator_required)]
128    def _non_blocking_open(self, filename):
129        """Open the file in non-blocing mode."""
130        fd = open(filename)
131        fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
132        return fd
134    def _non_blocking_read(self, dev, fd):
135        """Non-blocking read on fd."""
136        try:
137            dev.read(fd)
138            event = (dev.tv_sec, dev.tv_usec, dev.type, dev.code, dev.value)
139        except Exception, e:
140            event = None
141        return event
143    def _reopen_system_device(self):
144        """Close the device and open a new one."""
145        self.system_device.close()
146        self.system_device = open(self.device_node)
147        self.system_device = self._non_blocking_open(self.device_node)
149    def _set_static_prompt_messages(self):
150        """Set static prompt messages."""
151        # Prompt for next gesture.
152        self._prompt_next = (
153                "Press SPACE to save this file and go to next test,\n"
154                "      'm'   to save this file and record again,\n"
155                "      'd'   to delete this file and try again,\n"
156                "      'x'   to discard this file and exit.")
158        # Prompt to see test result through timeout callback.
159        self._prompt_result = (
160                "Perform the gesture now.\n"
161                "See the test result on the right after finger lifted.\n"
162                "Or press 'x' to exit.")
164    def _get_prompt_abnormal_gestures(self, warn_msg):
165        """Prompt for next gesture."""
166        prompt = '\n'.join(
167                ["It is very likely that you perform a WRONG gesture!",
168                 warn_msg,
169                 "Press 'd'   to delete this file and try again (recommended),",
170                 "      SPACE to save this file if you are sure it's correct,",
171                 "      'x'   to discard this file and exit."])
172        return prompt
174    def _get_prompt_no_data(self):
175        """Prompt to remind user of performing gestures."""
176        prompt = ("You need to perform the specified gestures "
177                  "before pressing SPACE.\n")
178        return prompt + self._prompt_result
180    def _get_record_cmd(self):
181        """Get the device event record command."""
182        # Run mtplot with settings to disable clearing the display if the robot
183        # clicks the pad, and adding a visible click indicator in the output
184        self.record_program = 'mtplot -s1 -c0 -m0'
185        if not common_util.program_exists(self.record_program):
186            msg = 'Error: the program "%s" does not exist in $PATH.'
187            self.output.print_report(msg % self.record_program)
188            exit(1)
190        display_name = firmware_utils.get_display_name()
191        self.geometry_str = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % self.device_geometry
192        format_str = '%s %s -d %s -g %s'
193        self.record_cmd = format_str % (self.record_program,
194                                        self.device_node,
195                                        display_name,
196                                        self.geometry_str)
197        self.output.print_report('Record program: %s' % self.record_cmd)
199    def _span_seq(self, seq1, seq2):
200        """Span sequence seq1 over sequence seq2.
202        E.g., seq1 = (('a', 'b'), 'c')
203              seq2 = ('1', ('2', '3'))
204              res = (('a', 'b', '1'), ('a', 'b', '2', '3'),
205                     ('c', '1'), ('c', '2', '3'))
206        E.g., seq1 = ('a', 'b')
207              seq2 = ('1', '2', '3')
208              res  = (('a', '1'), ('a', '2'), ('a', '3'),
209                      ('b', '1'), ('b', '2'), ('b', '3'))
210        E.g., seq1 = (('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'))
211              seq2 = ('1', '2', '3')
212              res  = (('a', 'b', '1'), ('a', 'b', '2'), ('a', 'b', '3'),
213                      ('c', 'd', '1'), ('c', 'd', '2'), ('c', 'd', '3'))
214        """
215        to_list = lambda s: list(s) if isinstance(s, tuple) else [s]
216        return tuple(tuple(to_list(s1) + to_list(s2)) for s1 in seq1
217                                                      for s2 in seq2)
219    def span_variations(self, seq):
220        """Span the variations of a gesture."""
221        if seq is None:
222            return (None,)
223        elif isinstance(seq[0], tuple):
224            return reduce(self._span_seq, seq)
225        else:
226            return seq
228    def _stop(self):
229        """Terminate the recording process."""
230        self.record_proc.poll()
231        # Terminate the process only when it was not terminated yet.
232        if self.record_proc.returncode is None:
233            self.record_proc.terminate()
234            self.record_proc.wait()
235        self.output.print_window('')
237    def _get_gesture_image_name(self):
238        """Get the gesture file base name without file extension."""
239        filepath = os.path.splitext(self.gesture_file_name)[0]
240        self.gesture_image_name = filepath + '.png'
241        return filepath
243    def _close_gesture_file(self):
244        """Close the gesture file."""
245        if self.gesture_file.closed:
246            return
248        filename = self.gesture_file.name
249        self.gesture_file.close()
251        # Strip off the header of the gesture file.
252        #
253        # Input driver version is 1.0.1
254        # Input device ID: bus 0x18 vendor 0x0 product 0x0 version 0x0
255        # Input device name: "Atmel maXTouch Touchpad"
256        # ...
257        # Testing ... (interrupt to exit)
258        # Event: time 519.855, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 57 (ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID),
259        #                                       value 884
260        #
261        tmp_filename = filename + '.tmp'
262        os.rename(filename, tmp_filename)
263        with open(tmp_filename) as src_f:
264            with open(filename, 'w') as dst_f:
265                for line in src_f:
266                    if line.startswith('Event:'):
267                        dst_f.write(line)
268        os.remove(tmp_filename)
270    def _stop_record_and_post_image(self):
271        """Terminate the recording process."""
272        if self.record_new_file:
273            self._close_gesture_file()
274            self.screen_shot.dump_root(self._get_gesture_image_name())
275            self.record_proc.terminate()
276            self.record_proc.wait()
277        else:
278            self._get_gesture_image_name()
279        self.win.set_image(self.gesture_image_name)
281    def _create_prompt(self, test, variation):
282        """Create a color prompt."""
283        prompt = test.prompt
284        if isinstance(variation, tuple):
285            subprompt = reduce(lambda s1, s2: s1 + s2,
286                               tuple(test.subprompt[s] for s in variation))
287        elif variation is None or test.subprompt is None:
288            subprompt = None
289        else:
290            subprompt = test.subprompt[variation]
292        if subprompt is None:
293            color_prompt = prompt
294            monochrome_prompt = prompt
295        else:
296            color_prompt = mini_color.color_string(prompt, '{', '}', 'green')
297            color_prompt = color_prompt.format(*subprompt)
298            monochrome_prompt = prompt.format(*subprompt)
300        color_msg_format = mini_color.color_string('\n<%s>:\n%s%s', '<', '>',
301                                                   'blue')
302        color_msg = color_msg_format % (test.name, self.prefix_space,
303                                        color_prompt)
304        msg = '%s: %s' % (test.name, monochrome_prompt)
306        glog = firmware_log.GestureLog()
307        glog.name = test.name
308        glog.variation = variation
309        glog.prompt = monochrome_prompt
311        return (msg, color_msg, glog)
313    def _choice_exit(self):
314        """Procedure to exit."""
315        self._stop()
316        if os.path.exists(self.gesture_file_name):
317            os.remove(self.gesture_file_name)
318            self.output.print_report(self.deleted_msg)
320    def _stop_record_and_rm_file(self):
321        """Stop recording process and remove the current gesture file."""
322        self._stop()
323        if os.path.exists(self.gesture_file_name):
324            os.remove(self.gesture_file_name)
325            self.output.print_report(self.deleted_msg)
327    def _create_gesture_file_name(self, gesture, variation):
328        """Create the gesture file name based on its variation.
330        Examples of different levels of file naming:
331            Primary name:
332                pinch_to_zoom.zoom_in-lumpy-fw_11.27
333            Root name:
334                pinch_to_zoom.zoom_in-lumpy-fw_11.27-manual-20130221_050510
335            Base name:
336                pinch_to_zoom.zoom_in-lumpy-fw_11.27-manual-20130221_050510.dat
337        """
338        if variation is None:
339            gesture_name = gesture.name
340        else:
341            if type(variation) is tuple:
342                name_list = [gesture.name,] + list(variation)
343            else:
344                name_list = [gesture.name, variation]
345            gesture_name = '.'.join(name_list)
347        self.primary_name = conf.filename.sep.join([
348                gesture_name,
349                self.board,
350                conf.fw_prefix + self.firmware_version])
351        root_name = conf.filename.sep.join([
352                self.primary_name,
353                self.mode,
354                firmware_utils.get_current_time_str()])
355        basename = '.'.join([root_name, conf.filename.ext])
356        return basename
358    def _add_scores(self, new_scores):
359        """Add the new scores of a single gesture to the scores list."""
360        if new_scores is not None:
361            self.scores += new_scores
363    def _final_scores(self, scores):
364        """Print the final score."""
365        # Note: conf.score_aggregator uses a function in fuzzy module.
366        final_score = eval(conf.score_aggregator)(scores)
367        self.output.print_report('\nFinal score: %s\n' % str(final_score))
369    def _robot_action(self):
370        """Control the robot to perform the action."""
371        if self._is_robot_mode() or self.robot.is_manual_noise_test_mode():
372            self.robot.configure_noise(self.gesture, self.variation)
374        if self._is_robot_mode():
375            self.robot.control(self.gesture, self.variation)
376            # Once the script terminates start a timeout to clean up if one
377            # hasn't already been set to keep the test suite from hanging.
378            if not self.gesture_begins_flag:
379                self.win.register_timeout_add(self.gesture_timeout_callback,
380                                              self.gesture.timeout)
382    def _handle_user_choice_save_after_parsing(self, next_gesture=True):
383        """Handle user choice for saving the parsed gesture file."""
384        self.output.print_window('')
385        if self.use_existent_event_file_flag or self.recording:
386            if self.saved_msg:
387                self.output.print_report(self.saved_msg)
388            if self.new_scores:
389                self._add_scores(self.new_scores)
390            self.output.report_html.insert_image(self.gesture_image_name)
391            self.output.report_html.flush()
392        # After flushing to report_html, reset the gesture_image_name so that
393        # it will not be reused by next gesture variation accidentally.
394        self.gesture_image_name = None
396        if self._pre_setup_this_gesture_variation(next_gesture=next_gesture):
397            # There are more gestures.
398            self._setup_this_gesture_variation()
399            self._robot_action()
400        else:
401            # No more gesture.
402            self._final_scores(self.scores)
403            self.output.stop()
404            self.output.report_html.stop()
405            self.win.stop()
406        self.packets = None
408    def _handle_user_choice_discard_after_parsing(self):
409        """Handle user choice for discarding the parsed gesture file."""
410        self.output.print_window('')
411        self._setup_this_gesture_variation()
412        self._robot_action()
413        self.packets = None
415    def _handle_user_choice_exit_after_parsing(self):
416        """Handle user choice to exit after the gesture file is parsed."""
417        self._stop_record_and_rm_file()
418        self.output.stop()
419        self.output.report_html.stop()
420        self.win.stop()
422    def check_for_wrong_number_of_fingers(self, details):
423        flag_found = False
424        try:
425            position = details.index('CountTrackingIDValidator')
426        except ValueError as e:
427            return None
429        # An example of the count of tracking IDs:
430        #     '    count of trackid IDs: 1'
431        number_tracking_ids = int(details[position + 1].split()[-1])
432        # An example of the criteria_str looks like:
433        #     '    criteria_str: == 2'
434        criteria = int(details[position + 2].split()[-1])
435        if number_tracking_ids < criteria:
436            print '  CountTrackingIDValidator: '
437            print '  number_tracking_ids: ', number_tracking_ids
438            print '  criteria: ', criteria
439            print '  number_tracking_ids should be larger!'
440            msg = 'Number of Tracking IDs should be %d instead of %d'
441            return msg % (criteria, number_tracking_ids)
442        return None
444    def _empty_packets_is_legal_result(self):
445        return ('tap' in self.gesture.name and self._is_robot_mode())
447    def _handle_user_choice_validate_before_parsing(self):
448        """Handle user choice for validating before gesture file is parsed."""
449        # Parse the device events. Make sure there are events.
450        self.packets = self.parser.parse_file(self.gesture_file_name)
451        if self.packets or self._empty_packets_is_legal_result():
452            # Validate this gesture and get the results.
453            (self.new_scores, msg_list, vlogs) = validators.validate(
454                    self.packets, self.gesture, self.variation)
456            # If the number of tracking IDs is less than the expected value,
457            # the user probably made a wrong gesture.
458            error = self.check_for_wrong_number_of_fingers(msg_list)
459            if error:
460                prompt = self._get_prompt_abnormal_gestures(error)
461                color = 'red'
462            else:
463                prompt = self._prompt_next
464                color = 'black'
466            self.output.print_window(msg_list)
467            self.output.buffer_report(msg_list)
468            self.output.report_html.insert_validator_logs(vlogs)
469            self.win.set_prompt(prompt, color=color)
470            print prompt
471            self._stop_record_and_post_image()
472        else:
473            self.win.set_prompt(self._get_prompt_no_data(), color='red')
475    def _handle_user_choice_exit_before_parsing(self):
476        """Handle user choice to exit before the gesture file is parsed."""
477        self._close_gesture_file()
478        self._handle_user_choice_exit_after_parsing()
480    def _is_parsing_gesture_file_done(self):
481        """Is parsing the gesture file done?"""
482        return self.packets is not None
484    def _is_arrow_key(self, choice):
485        """Is this an arrow key?"""
486        return (choice in TFK.ARROW_KEY_LIST)
488    def user_choice_callback(self, fd, condition):
489        """A callback to handle the key pressed by the user.
491        This is the primary GUI event-driven method handling the user input.
492        """
493        choice = self.keyboard.get_key_press_event(fd)
494        if choice:
495            self._handle_keyboard_event(choice)
496        return True
498    def _handle_keyboard_event(self, choice):
499        """Handle the keyboard event."""
500        if self._is_arrow_key(choice):
501            self.win.scroll(choice)
502        elif self.robot_waiting:
503            # The user wants the robot to start its action.
504            if choice in (TFK.SAVE, TFK.SAVE2):
505                self.robot_waiting = False
506                self._robot_action()
507            # The user wants to exit.
508            elif choice == TFK.EXIT:
509                self._handle_user_choice_exit_after_parsing()
510        elif self._is_parsing_gesture_file_done():
511            # Save this gesture file and go to next gesture.
512            if choice in (TFK.SAVE, TFK.SAVE2):
513                self._handle_user_choice_save_after_parsing()
514            # Save this file and perform the same gesture again.
515            elif choice == TFK.MORE:
516                self._handle_user_choice_save_after_parsing(next_gesture=False)
517            # Discard this file and perform the gesture again.
518            elif choice == TFK.DISCARD:
519                self._handle_user_choice_discard_after_parsing()
520            # The user wants to exit.
521            elif choice == TFK.EXIT:
522                self._handle_user_choice_exit_after_parsing()
523            # The user presses any wrong key.
524            else:
525                self.win.set_prompt(self._prompt_next, color='red')
526        else:
527            if choice == TFK.EXIT:
528                self._handle_user_choice_exit_before_parsing()
529            # The user presses any wrong key.
530            else:
531                self.win.set_prompt(self._prompt_result, color='red')
533    def _get_all_gesture_variations(self, simplified):
534        """Get all variations for all gestures."""
535        gesture_variations_list = []
536        self.variations_dict = {}
537        for gesture in self.gesture_list:
538            variations_list = []
539            variations = self.span_variations(gesture.variations)
540            for variation in variations:
541                gesture_variations_list.append((gesture, variation))
542                variations_list.append(variation)
543                if simplified:
544                    break
545            self.variations_dict[gesture.name] = variations_list
546        self.gesture_variations = iter(gesture_variations_list)
548    def gesture_timeout_callback(self):
549        """A callback watching whether a gesture has timed out."""
550        if self.replay_dir:
551            # There are event files to replay for this gesture variation.
552            if self.use_existent_event_file_flag:
553                self._handle_user_choice_validate_before_parsing()
554            self._handle_user_choice_save_after_parsing(next_gesture=True)
555            return False
557        # A gesture is stopped only when two conditions are met simultaneously:
558        # (1) there are no reported packets for a timeout interval, and
559        # (2) the number of tracking IDs is 0.
560        elif (self.gesture_continues_flag or
561            not self.mtb_evemu.all_fingers_leaving()):
562            self.gesture_continues_flag = False
563            return True
565        else:
566            self._handle_user_choice_validate_before_parsing()
567            self.win.remove_event_source(self.gesture_file_watch_tag)
568            if self._is_robot_mode():
569                self._handle_keyboard_event(TFK.SAVE)
570            return False
572    def gesture_file_watch_callback(self, fd, condition, evdev_device):
573        """A callback to watch the device input."""
574        # Read the device node continuously until end
575        event = True
576        while event:
577            event = self._non_blocking_read(evdev_device, fd)
578            if event:
579                self.mtb_evemu.process_event(event)
581        self.gesture_continues_flag = True
582        if (not self.gesture_begins_flag):
583            self.gesture_begins_flag = True
584            self.win.register_timeout_add(self.gesture_timeout_callback,
585                                          self.gesture.timeout)
586        return True
588    def init_gesture_setup_callback(self, widget, event):
589        """A callback to set up environment before a user starts a gesture."""
590        if not self.init_flag:
591            self.init_flag = True
592            self._pre_setup_this_gesture_variation()
593            self._setup_this_gesture_variation()
594            self._robot_action()
596    def _get_existent_event_files(self):
597        """Get the existent event files that starts with the primary_name."""
598        primary_pathnames = os.path.join(self.output.log_dir,
599                                         self.primary_name + '*.dat')
600        self.primary_gesture_files = glob.glob(primary_pathnames)
601        # Reverse sorting the file list so that we could pop from the tail.
602        self.primary_gesture_files.sort()
603        self.primary_gesture_files.reverse()
605    def _use_existent_event_file(self):
606        """If the replay flag is set in the command line, and there exists a
607        file(s) with the same primary name, then use the existent file(s)
608        instead of recording a new one.
609        """
610        if self.primary_gesture_files:
611            self.gesture_file_name = self.primary_gesture_files.pop()
612            return True
613        return False
615    def _pre_setup_this_gesture_variation(self, next_gesture=True):
616        """Get gesture, variation, filename, prompt, etc."""
617        next_gesture_first_time = False
618        if next_gesture:
619            if self.gv_count < self.iterations:
620                self.gv_count += 1
621            else:
622                self.gv_count = 1
623                gesture_variation = next(self.gesture_variations, None)
624                if gesture_variation is None:
625                    return False
626                self.gesture, self.variation = gesture_variation
627                next_gesture_first_time = True
629        basename = self._create_gesture_file_name(self.gesture, self.variation)
630        if next_gesture_first_time:
631            self._get_existent_event_files()
633        if self.replay_dir or self.resume_dir:
634            self.use_existent_event_file_flag = self._use_existent_event_file()
636        if ((not self.replay_dir and not self.resume_dir) or
637                (self.resume_dir and not self.use_existent_event_file_flag)):
638            self.gesture_file_name = os.path.join(self.output.log_dir, basename)
639            self.saved_msg = '(saved: %s)\n' % self.gesture_file_name
640            self.deleted_msg = '(deleted: %s)\n' % self.gesture_file_name
641        else:
642            self.saved_msg = None
643            self.deleted_msg = None
644        self.new_scores = None
646        if self.robot.is_robot_action_mode() or self.robot.is_manual_noise_test_mode():
647            self.robot.turn_off_noise()
649        (msg, color_msg, glog) = self._create_prompt(self.gesture,
650                                                     self.variation)
651        self.win.set_gesture_name(msg)
652        self.output.report_html.insert_gesture_log(glog)
653        print color_msg
654        self.output.print_report(color_msg)
655        return True
657    def _setup_this_gesture_variation(self):
658        """Set up the recording process or use an existent event data file."""
659        if self.replay_dir:
660            self.record_new_file = False
661            self.win.register_timeout_add(self.gesture_timeout_callback, 0)
662            return
664        if self.resume_dir and self.use_existent_event_file_flag:
665            self.record_new_file = False
666            self._handle_user_choice_validate_before_parsing()
667            self._handle_keyboard_event(TFK.SAVE)
668            return
670        # Initiate the MtbSanityValidator. Note that this should be done each
671        # time just before recording the gesture file since it requires a
672        # snapshot of the input device before any finger touching the device.
673        self.gesture.mtb_sanity_validator = validators.MtbSanityValidator()
675        # Now, we will record a new gesture event file.
676        # Fork a new process for mtplot. Add io watch for the gesture file.
677        self.record_new_file = True
678        self.gesture_file = open(self.gesture_file_name, 'w')
679        self.record_proc = subprocess.Popen(self.record_cmd.split(),
680                                            stdout=self.gesture_file)
682        # Watch if data come in to the monitored file.
683        self.gesture_begins_flag = False
684        self._reopen_system_device()
685        self.gesture_file_watch_tag = self.win.register_io_add_watch(
686                self.gesture_file_watch_callback, self.system_device,
687                self.evdev_device)