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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package android.opengl;
19 /**
20  * A collection of utility methods for computing the visibility of triangle
21  * meshes.
22  *
23  */
24 public class Visibility {
25     /**
26      * Test whether a given triangle mesh is visible on the screen. The mesh
27      * is specified as an indexed triangle list.
28      *
29      * @param ws the world space to screen space transform matrix, as an OpenGL
30      * column matrix.
31      * @param wsOffset an index into the ws array where the data starts.
32      * @param positions the vertex positions (x, y, z).
33      * @param positionsOffset the index in the positions array where the data
34      *        starts.
35      * @param indices the indices of the triangle list. The indices are
36      * expressed as chars because they are unsigned 16-bit values.
37      * @param indicesOffset the index in the indices array where the index data
38      *        starts.
39      * @param indexCount the number of indices in use. Typically a multiple of
40      * three. If not a multiple of three, the remaining one or two indices will
41      * be ignored.
42      * @return 2 if all of the mesh is visible, 1 if some part of the mesh is
43      *         visible, 0 if no part is visible.
44      *
45      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if ws is null, wsOffset < 0,
46      * positions is null, positionsOffset < 0, indices is null,
47      * indicesOffset < 0, indicesOffset > indices.length - indexCount
48      */
visibilityTest(float[] ws, int wsOffset, float[] positions, int positionsOffset, char[] indices, int indicesOffset, int indexCount)49     public static native int visibilityTest(float[] ws, int wsOffset,
50             float[] positions, int positionsOffset, char[] indices,
51             int indicesOffset, int indexCount);
53     /**
54      * Given an OpenGL ES ModelView-Projection matrix (which implicitly
55      * describes a frustum) and a list of spheres, determine which spheres
56      * intersect the frustum.
57      * <p>
58      * A ModelView-Projection matrix can be computed by multiplying the
59      * a Projection matrix by the a ModelView matrix (in that order.). There
60      * are several possible ways to obtain the current ModelView and
61      * Projection matrices. The most generally applicable way is to keep
62      * track of the current matrices in application code. If that is not
63      * convenient, there are two optional OpenGL ES extensions which may
64      * be used to read the current matrices from OpenGL ES:
65      * <ul>
66      * <li>GL10Ext.glQueryMatrixxOES
69      * </ul>
70      * The problem with reading back the matrices is that your application
71      * will only work with devices that support the extension(s) that
72      * it uses.
73      * <p>
74      * A frustum is a six-sided truncated pyramid that defines the portion of
75      * world space that is visible in the view.
76      * <p>
77      * Spheres are described as four floating point values: x, y, z, and r, in
78      * world-space coordinates. R is the radius of the sphere.
79      * <p>
80      * @param mvp a float array containing the mode-view-projection matrix
81      * @param mvpOffset The offset of the mvp data within the mvp array.
82      * @param spheres a float array containing the sphere data.
83      * @param spheresOffset an offset into the sphere array where the sphere
84      *        data starts
85      * @param spheresCount the number of spheres to cull.
86      * @param results an integer array containing the indices of the spheres
87      * that are either contained entirely within or intersect the frustum.
88      * @param resultsOffset an offset into the results array where the results
89      *        start.
90      * @param resultsCapacity the number of array elements available for storing
91      *        results.
92      * @return the number of spheres that intersected the frustum. Can be
93      * larger than resultsCapacity, in which case only the first resultsCapacity
94      * results are written into the results array.
95      *
96      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if mvp is null, mvpOffset < 0,
97      * mvpOffset > mvp.length - 16, spheres is null, spheresOffset < 0,
98      * spheresOffset > spheres.length - sphereCount,
99      * results is null, resultsOffset < 0, resultsOffset > results.length -
100      * resultsCapacity.
101      */
frustumCullSpheres(float[] mvp, int mvpOffset, float[] spheres, int spheresOffset, int spheresCount, int[] results, int resultsOffset, int resultsCapacity)102     public static native int frustumCullSpheres(float[] mvp, int mvpOffset,
103             float[] spheres, int spheresOffset, int spheresCount,
104             int[] results, int resultsOffset, int resultsCapacity);
106     /**
107      * Compute a bounding sphere for a set of points. It is approximately the
108      * minimal bounding sphere of an axis-aligned box that bounds the points.
109      *
110      * @param positions positions in x, y, z triples
111      * @param positionsOffset offset into positions array
112      * @param positionsCount number of position triples to process
113      * @param sphere array containing the output as (x, y, z, r)
114      * @param sphereOffset offset where the sphere data will be written
115      *
116      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if positions is null,
117      * positionsOffset < 0, positionsOffset > positions.length - positionsCount,
118      * sphere is null, sphereOffset < 0, sphereOffset > sphere.length - 4.
119      */
computeBoundingSphere(float[] positions, int positionsOffset, int positionsCount, float[] sphere, int sphereOffset)120     public static native void computeBoundingSphere(float[] positions,
121             int positionsOffset, int positionsCount, float[] sphere,
122             int sphereOffset);
123 }