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1 // Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
3 /********************************************************************
5  * Copyright (c) 1997-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
6  * others. All Rights Reserved.
7  ********************************************************************/
8 /*******************************************************************************
9 *
10 * File creststn.c
11 *
12 * Modification History:
13 *        Name              Date               Description
14 *   Madhu Katragadda    05/09/2000   Ported Tests for New ResourceBundle API
15 *   Madhu Katragadda    05/24/2000   Added new tests to test RES_BINARY for collationElements
16 ********************************************************************************
17 */
20 #include <time.h>
21 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
22 #include "cintltst.h"
23 #include "unicode/putil.h"
24 #include "unicode/ustring.h"
25 #include "unicode/ucnv.h"
26 #include "string.h"
27 #include "cmemory.h"
28 #include "cstring.h"
29 #include "unicode/uchar.h"
30 #include "ucol_imp.h"  /* for U_ICUDATA_COLL */
31 #include "ubrkimpl.h" /* for U_ICUDATA_BRKITR */
34 #include "unicode/uloc.h"
35 #include "unicode/ulocdata.h"
36 #include "uresimp.h"
37 #include "creststn.h"
38 #include "unicode/ctest.h"
39 #include "ucbuf.h"
40 #include "ureslocs.h"
42 static int32_t pass;
43 static int32_t fail;
45 /*****************************************************************************/
46 /**
47  * Return a random unsigned long l where 0N <= l <= ULONG_MAX.
48  */
50 static uint32_t
randul()51 randul()
52 {
53     uint32_t l=0;
54     int32_t i;
55     static UBool initialized = FALSE;
56     if (!initialized)
57     {
58         srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
59         initialized = TRUE;
60     }
61     /* Assume rand has at least 12 bits of precision */
63     for (i=0; i<sizeof(l); ++i)
64         ((char*)&l)[i] = (char)((rand() & 0x0FF0) >> 4);
65     return l;
66 }
68 /**
69  * Return a random double x where 0.0 <= x < 1.0.
70  */
71 static double
randd()72 randd()
73 {
74     return ((double)randul()) / UINT32_MAX;
75 }
77 /**
78  * Return a random integer i where 0 <= i < n.
79  */
randi(int32_t n)80 static int32_t randi(int32_t n)
81 {
82     return (int32_t)(randd() * n);
83 }
84 /***************************************************************************************/
85 /**
86  * Convert an integer, positive or negative, to a character string radix 10.
87  */
88 static char*
itoa1(int32_t i,char * buf)89 itoa1(int32_t i, char* buf)
90 {
91   char *p = 0;
92   char* result = buf;
93   /* Handle negative */
94   if(i < 0) {
95     *buf++ = '-';
96     i = -i;
97   }
99   /* Output digits in reverse order */
100   p = buf;
101   do {
102     *p++ = (char)('0' + (i % 10));
103     i /= 10;
104   }
105   while(i);
106   *p-- = 0;
108   /* Reverse the string */
109   while(buf < p) {
110     char c = *buf;
111     *buf++ = *p;
112     *p-- = c;
113   }
115   return result;
116 }
117 static const int32_t kERROR_COUNT = -1234567;
118 static const UChar kERROR[] = { 0x0045 /*E*/, 0x0052 /*'R'*/, 0x0052 /*'R'*/,
119              0x004F /*'O'*/, 0x0052/*'R'*/, 0x0000 /*'\0'*/};
121 /*****************************************************************************/
123 enum E_Where
124 {
125   e_Root,
126   e_te,
127   e_te_IN,
128   e_Where_count
129 };
130 typedef enum E_Where E_Where;
131 /*****************************************************************************/
133 #define CONFIRM_EQ(actual,expected) if (u_strcmp(expected,actual)==0){ record_pass(); } else { record_fail(); log_err("%s  returned  %s  instead of %s\n", action, austrdup(actual), austrdup(expected)); }
134 #define CONFIRM_INT_EQ(actual,expected) if ((expected)==(actual)) { record_pass(); } else { record_fail(); log_err("%s returned %d instead of %d\n",  action, actual, expected); }
135 #define CONFIRM_INT_GE(actual,expected) if ((actual)>=(expected)) { record_pass(); } else { record_fail(); log_err("%s returned %d instead of x >= %d\n",  action, actual, expected); }
136 #define CONFIRM_INT_NE(actual,expected) if ((expected)!=(actual)) { record_pass(); } else { record_fail(); log_err("%s returned %d instead of x != %d\n",  action, actual, expected); }
137 /*#define CONFIRM_ErrorCode(actual,expected) if ((expected)==(actual)) { record_pass(); } else { record_fail();  log_err("%s returned  %s  instead of %s\n", action, myErrorName(actual), myErrorName(expected)); } */
138 static void
CONFIRM_ErrorCode(UErrorCode actual,UErrorCode expected)139 CONFIRM_ErrorCode(UErrorCode actual,UErrorCode expected)
140 {
141   if ((expected)==(actual))
142   {
143     record_pass();
144   } else {
145     record_fail();
146     /*log_err("%s returned  %s  instead of %s\n", action, myErrorName(actual), myErrorName(expected)); */
147     log_err("returned  %s  instead of %s\n", myErrorName(actual), myErrorName(expected));
148   }
149 }
152 /* Array of our test objects */
154 static struct
155 {
156   const char* name;
157   UErrorCode expected_constructor_status;
158   E_Where where;
159   UBool like[e_Where_count];
160   UBool inherits[e_Where_count];
161 }
162 param[] =
163 {
164   /* "te" means test */
165   /* "IN" means inherits */
166   /* "NE" or "ne" means "does not exist" */
168   { "root",         U_ZERO_ERROR,             e_Root,    { TRUE, FALSE, FALSE }, { TRUE, FALSE, FALSE } },
169   { "te",           U_ZERO_ERROR,             e_te,      { FALSE, TRUE, FALSE }, { TRUE, TRUE, FALSE  } },
170   { "te_IN",        U_ZERO_ERROR,             e_te_IN,   { FALSE, FALSE, TRUE }, { TRUE, TRUE, TRUE   } },
171   { "te_NE",        U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING, e_te,      { FALSE, TRUE, FALSE }, { TRUE, TRUE, FALSE  } },
172   { "te_IN_NE",     U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING, e_te_IN,   { FALSE, FALSE, TRUE }, { TRUE, TRUE, TRUE   } },
173   { "ne",           U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING,  e_Root,    { TRUE, FALSE, FALSE }, { TRUE, FALSE, FALSE } }
174 };
176 static int32_t bundles_count = UPRV_LENGTHOF(param);
180 /*static void printUChars(UChar*);*/
181 static void TestDecodedBundle(void);
182 static void TestGetKeywordValues(void);
183 static void TestGetFunctionalEquivalent(void);
184 static void TestCLDRStyleAliases(void);
185 static void TestFallbackCodes(void);
186 static void TestGetUTF8String(void);
187 static void TestCLDRVersion(void);
189 /***************************************************************************************/
191 /* Array of our test objects */
addNEWResourceBundleTest(TestNode ** root)193 void addNEWResourceBundleTest(TestNode** root)
194 {
195     addTest(root, &TestErrorCodes,            "tsutil/creststn/TestErrorCodes");
197     addTest(root, &TestEmptyBundle,           "tsutil/creststn/TestEmptyBundle");
198     addTest(root, &TestConstruction1,         "tsutil/creststn/TestConstruction1");
199     addTest(root, &TestResourceBundles,       "tsutil/creststn/TestResourceBundles");
200     addTest(root, &TestNewTypes,              "tsutil/creststn/TestNewTypes");
201     addTest(root, &TestEmptyTypes,            "tsutil/creststn/TestEmptyTypes");
202     addTest(root, &TestBinaryCollationData,   "tsutil/creststn/TestBinaryCollationData");
203     addTest(root, &TestAPI,                   "tsutil/creststn/TestAPI");
204     addTest(root, &TestErrorConditions,       "tsutil/creststn/TestErrorConditions");
205     addTest(root, &TestDecodedBundle,         "tsutil/creststn/TestDecodedBundle");
206     addTest(root, &TestResourceLevelAliasing, "tsutil/creststn/TestResourceLevelAliasing");
207     addTest(root, &TestDirectAccess,          "tsutil/creststn/TestDirectAccess");
208     addTest(root, &TestTicket9804,            "tsutil/creststn/TestTicket9804");
209     addTest(root, &TestXPath,                 "tsutil/creststn/TestXPath");
210     addTest(root, &TestCLDRStyleAliases,      "tsutil/creststn/TestCLDRStyleAliases");
211     addTest(root, &TestFallbackCodes,         "tsutil/creststn/TestFallbackCodes");
212     addTest(root, &TestGetUTF8String,         "tsutil/creststn/TestGetUTF8String");
213     addTest(root, &TestCLDRVersion,           "tsutil/creststn/TestCLDRVersion");
214     addTest(root, &TestPreventFallback,       "tsutil/creststn/TestPreventFallback");
215 #endif
216     addTest(root, &TestFallback,              "tsutil/creststn/TestFallback");
217     addTest(root, &TestGetVersion,            "tsutil/creststn/TestGetVersion");
218     addTest(root, &TestGetVersionColl,        "tsutil/creststn/TestGetVersionColl");
219     addTest(root, &TestAliasConflict,         "tsutil/creststn/TestAliasConflict");
220     addTest(root, &TestGetKeywordValues,      "tsutil/creststn/TestGetKeywordValues");
221     addTest(root, &TestGetFunctionalEquivalent,"tsutil/creststn/TestGetFunctionalEquivalent");
222     addTest(root, &TestJB3763,                "tsutil/creststn/TestJB3763");
223     addTest(root, &TestStackReuse,            "tsutil/creststn/TestStackReuse");
224 }
227 /***************************************************************************************/
228 static const char* norwayNames[] = {
229     "no_NO_NY",
230     "no_NO",
231     "no",
232     "nn_NO",
233     "nn",
234     "nb_NO",
235     "nb"
236 };
238 static const char* norwayLocales[] = {
239     "nn_NO",
240     "nb_NO",
241     "nb",
242     "nn_NO",
243     "nn",
244     "nb_NO",
245     "nb"
246 };
checkStatus(int32_t line,UErrorCode expected,UErrorCode status)248 static void checkStatus(int32_t line, UErrorCode expected, UErrorCode status) {
249   if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
250     log_data_err("Resource not present, cannot test (%s:%d)\n", __FILE__, line);
251   }
252   if(status != expected) {
253     log_err_status(status, "%s:%d: Expected error code %s, got error code %s\n", __FILE__, line, u_errorName(expected), u_errorName(status));
254   }
255 }
TestErrorCodes(void)257 static void TestErrorCodes(void) {
258   UErrorCode status = U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING;
260   UResourceBundle *r = NULL, *r2 = NULL;
262   /* First check with ICUDATA */
263   /* first bundle should return fallback warning */
264   r = ures_open(NULL, "ti_ER_ASSAB", &status);
265   checkStatus(__LINE__, U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING, status);
266   ures_close(r);
268   /* this bundle should return zero error, so it shouldn't change the status */
270   r = ures_open(NULL, "ti_ER", &status);
271   checkStatus(__LINE__, U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING, status);
273   /* we look up the resource which is aliased, but it lives in fallback */
275   if(U_SUCCESS(status) && r != NULL) {
276     status = U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING;
277     r2 = ures_getByKey(r, "ExemplarCharacters", NULL, &status);  /* ExemplarCharacters lives in ti */
278     checkStatus(__LINE__, U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING, status);
279   }
280   ures_close(r);
282   /* this bundle should return zero error, so it shouldn't change the status */
284   r = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_REGION, "ti", &status);
285   checkStatus(__LINE__, U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING, status);
286   ures_close(r);
289   r = ures_open(NULL, "nolocale", &status);
290   checkStatus(__LINE__, U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING, status);
291   ures_close(r);
292   ures_close(r2);
295   /** Now, with the collation bundle **/
297   /* first bundle should return fallback warning */
298   r = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_COLL, "sr_YU_VOJVODINA", &status);
299   checkStatus(__LINE__, U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING, status);
300   ures_close(r);
302   /* this bundle should return zero error, so it shouldn't change the status */
304   r = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_COLL, "sr", &status);
305   checkStatus(__LINE__, U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING, status);
307   /* we look up the resource which is aliased  */
308   if(U_SUCCESS(status) && r != NULL) {
309     status = U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING;
310     r2 = ures_getByKey(r, "collations", NULL, &status);
311     checkStatus(__LINE__, U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING, status);
312   }
313   ures_close(r);
315   /* this bundle should return zero error, so it shouldn't change the status */
317   r = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_COLL, "sr", &status);
318   checkStatus(__LINE__, U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING, status);
320   /* we look up the resource which is aliased and at our level */
321   if(U_SUCCESS(status) && r != NULL) {
322     status = U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING;
323     r2 = ures_getByKey(r, "collations", r2, &status);
324     checkStatus(__LINE__, U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING, status);
325   }
326   ures_close(r);
329   r = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_COLL, "nolocale", &status);
330   checkStatus(__LINE__, U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING, status);
331   ures_close(r);
332   ures_close(r2);
333 #endif  /* !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
334 }
TestAliasConflict(void)336 static void TestAliasConflict(void) {
337     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
338     UResourceBundle *he = NULL;
339     UResourceBundle *iw = NULL;
340     UResourceBundle *norway = NULL;
341     const UChar *result = NULL;
342     int32_t resultLen;
343     uint32_t size = 0;
344     uint32_t i = 0;
345     const char *realName = NULL;
347     he = ures_open(NULL, "he", &status);
348     iw = ures_open(NULL, "iw", &status);
349     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
350         log_err_status(status, "Failed to get resource with %s\n", myErrorName(status));
351     }
352     ures_close(iw);
353     result = ures_getStringByKey(he, "ExemplarCharacters", &resultLen, &status);
354     if(U_FAILURE(status) || result == NULL) {
355         log_err_status(status, "Failed to get resource ExemplarCharacters with %s\n", myErrorName(status));
356     }
357     ures_close(he);
359     size = UPRV_LENGTHOF(norwayNames);
360     for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
361         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
362         norway = ures_open(NULL, norwayNames[i], &status);
363         if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
364             log_err_status(status, "Failed to get resource with %s for %s\n", myErrorName(status), norwayNames[i]);
365             continue;
366         }
367         realName = ures_getLocale(norway, &status);
368         log_verbose("ures_getLocale(\"%s\")=%s\n", norwayNames[i], realName);
369         if(realName == NULL || strcmp(norwayLocales[i], realName) != 0) {
370             log_data_err("Wrong locale name for %s, expected %s, got %s\n", norwayNames[i], norwayLocales[i], realName);
371         }
372         ures_close(norway);
373     }
374 }
TestDecodedBundle()376 static void TestDecodedBundle(){
378     UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
380     UResourceBundle* resB;
382     const UChar* srcFromRes;
383     int32_t len;
384     static const UChar uSrc[] = {
385         0x0009,0x092F,0x0941,0x0928,0x0947,0x0938,0x094D,0x0915,0x094B,0x0020,0x002E,0x0915,0x0947,0x0020,0x002E,0x090F,
386         0x0915,0x0020,0x002E,0x0905,0x0927,0x094D,0x092F,0x092F,0x0928,0x0020,0x002E,0x0915,0x0947,0x0020,0x0905,0x0928,
387         0x0941,0x0938,0x093E,0x0930,0x0020,0x0031,0x0039,0x0039,0x0030,0x0020,0x0924,0x0915,0x0020,0x0915,0x0902,0x092A,
388         0x094D,0x092F,0x0942,0x091F,0x0930,0x002D,0x092A,0x094D,0x0930,0x092C,0x0902,0x0927,0x093F,0x0924,0x0020,0x0938,
389         0x0942,0x091A,0x0928,0x093E,0x092A,0x094D,0x0930,0x0923,0x093E,0x0932,0x0940,0x0020,0x002E,0x0915,0x0947,0x0020,
390         0x002E,0x092F,0x094B,0x0917,0x0926,0x093E,0x0928,0x0020,0x002E,0x0915,0x0947,0x0020,0x002E,0x092B,0x0932,0x0938,
391         0x094D,0x0935,0x0930,0x0942,0x092A,0x0020,0x002E,0x0935,0x093F,0x0936,0x094D,0x0935,0x0020,0x002E,0x092E,0x0947,
392         0x0902,0x0020,0x002E,0x0938,0x093E,0x0932,0x093E,0x0928,0x093E,0x0020,0x002E,0x0032,0x0032,0x0030,0x0030,0x0020,
393         0x0905,0x0930,0x092C,0x0020,0x0930,0x0941,0x092A,0x092F,0x0947,0x0020,0x092E,0x0942,0x0932,0x094D,0x092F,0x0915,
394         0x0940,0x0020,0x002E,0x0034,0x0935,0x0938,0x094D,0x0924,0x0941,0x0913,0x0902,0x0020,0x002E,0x0034,0x0915,0x093E,
395         0x0020,0x002E,0x0034,0x0909,0x0924,0x094D,0x092A,0x093E,0x0926,0x0928,0x0020,0x002E,0x0034,0x0939,0x094B,0x0917,
396         0x093E,0x002C,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x091C,0x092C,0x0915,0x093F,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x0915,0x0902,0x092A,0x094D,
397         0x092F,0x0942,0x091F,0x0930,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x0915,0x093E,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x0915,0x0941,0x0932,0x0020,
398         0x002E,0x0033,0x092F,0x094B,0x0917,0x0926,0x093E,0x0928,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x0907,0x0938,0x0938,0x0947,0x0915,
399         0x0939,0x093F,0x0020,0x002E,0x002F,0x091C,0x094D,0x092F,0x093E,0x0926,0x093E,0x0020,0x002E,0x002F,0x0939,0x094B,
400         0x0917,0x093E,0x0964,0x0020,0x002E,0x002F,0x0905,0x0928,0x0941,0x0938,0x0902,0x0927,0x093E,0x0928,0x0020,0x002E,
401         0x002F,0x0915,0x0940,0x0020,0x002E,0x002F,0x091A,0x0930,0x092E,0x0020,0x0938,0x0940,0x092E,0x093E,0x0913,0x0902,
402         0x0020,0x092A,0x0930,0x0020,0x092A,0x0939,0x0941,0x0902,0x091A,0x0928,0x0947,0x0020,0x0915,0x0947,0x0020,0x0932,
403         0x093F,0x090F,0x0020,0x0915,0x0902,0x092A,0x094D,0x092F,0x0942,0x091F,0x0930,0x090F,0x0915,0x0020,0x002E,0x002F,
404         0x0906,0x092E,0x0020,0x002E,0x002F,0x091C,0x0930,0x0942,0x0930,0x0924,0x0020,0x002E,0x002F,0x091C,0x0948,0x0938,
405         0x093E,0x0020,0x092C,0x0928,0x0020,0x0917,0x092F,0x093E,0x0020,0x0939,0x0948,0x0964,0x0020,0x092D,0x093E,0x0930,
406         0x0924,0x0020,0x092E,0x0947,0x0902,0x0020,0x092D,0x0940,0x002C,0x0020,0x0916,0x093E,0x0938,0x0915,0x0930,0x0020,
407         0x092E,0x094C,0x091C,0x0942,0x0926,0x093E,0x0020,0x0938,0x0930,0x0915,0x093E,0x0930,0x0928,0x0947,0x002C,0x0020,
408         0x0915,0x0902,0x092A,0x094D,0x092F,0x0942,0x091F,0x0930,0x0020,0x0915,0x0947,0x0020,0x092A,0x094D,0x0930,0x092F,
409         0x094B,0x0917,0x0020,0x092A,0x0930,0x0020,0x091C,0x092C,0x0930,0x0926,0x0938,0x094D,0x0924,0x0020,0x090F,0x095C,
410         0x0020,0x0932,0x0917,0x093E,0x092F,0x0940,0x0020,0x0939,0x0948,0x002C,0x0020,0x0915,0x093F,0x0902,0x0924,0x0941,
411         0x0020,0x0907,0x0938,0x0915,0x0947,0x0020,0x0938,0x0930,0x092A,0x091F,0x0020,0x0926,0x094C,0x095C,0x0932,0x0917,
412         0x093E,0x0928,0x0947,0x0020,0x002E,0x0032,0x0915,0x0947,0x0020,0x002E,0x0032,0x0932,0x093F,0x090F,0x0020,0x002E,
413         0x0032,0x0915,0x094D,0x092F,0x093E,0x0020,0x002E,0x0032,0x0938,0x092A,0x093E,0x091F,0x0020,0x002E,0x0032,0x0930,
414         0x093E,0x0938,0x094D,0x0924,0x093E,0x0020,0x002E,0x0032,0x0909,0x092A,0x0932,0x092C,0x094D,0x0927,0x0020,0x002E,
415         0x0939,0x0948,0x002C,0x0020,0x002E,0x0905,0x0925,0x0935,0x093E,0x0020,0x002E,0x0935,0x093F,0x0936,0x094D,0x0935,
416         0x0020,0x002E,0x092E,0x0947,0x0902,0x0020,0x002E,0x0915,0x0902,0x092A,0x094D,0x092F,0x0942,0x091F,0x0930,0x0020,
417         0x002E,0x0915,0x0940,0x0938,0x092B,0x0932,0x0924,0x093E,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x0935,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x0935,
418         0x093F,0x092B,0x0932,0x0924,0x093E,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x0938,0x0947,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x0938,0x092C,0x0915,
419         0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x0932,0x0947,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x0915,0x0930,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x0915,0x094D,0x092F,
420         0x093E,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x0939,0x092E,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,0x0907,0x0938,0x0915,0x093E,0x0020,0x002E,0x0033,
421         0x092F,0x0941,0x0915,0x094D,0x0924,0x093F,0x092A,0x0942,0x0930,0x094D,0x0923,0x0020,0x002E,0x0032,0x0935,0x093F,
422         0x0938,0x094D,0x0924,0x093E,0x0930,0x0020,0x0905,0x092A,0x0947,0x0915,0x094D,0x0937,0x093F,0x0924,0x0020,0x0915,
423         0x0930,0x0020,0x0938,0x0915,0x0947,0x0902,0x0917,0x0947,0x0020,0x003F,0x0020,
424         0
425     };
427     /* pre-flight */
428     int32_t num =0;
429     const char *testdatapath = loadTestData(&error);
430     resB = ures_open(testdatapath, "encoded", &error);
431     srcFromRes=tres_getString(resB,-1,"str",&len,&error);
432     if(U_FAILURE(error)){
433         log_data_err("Could not find encoded.res from test data bundle. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(error));
434         ures_close(resB);
435         return;
436     }
437     if(u_strncmp(srcFromRes,uSrc,len)!=0){
438         log_err("Genrb produced res files after decoding failed\n");
439     }
440     while(num<len){
441         if(uSrc[num]!=srcFromRes[num]){
442             log_verbose(" Expected:  0x%04X Got: 0x%04X \n", uSrc[num],srcFromRes[num]);
443         }
444         num++;
445     }
446     if (len != u_strlen(uSrc)) {
447         log_err("Genrb produced a string larger than expected\n");
448     }
449     ures_close(resB);
450 }
TestNewTypes()452 static void TestNewTypes() {
453     UResourceBundle* theBundle = NULL;
454     char action[256];
455     const char* testdatapath;
456     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
457     UResourceBundle* res = NULL;
458     uint8_t *binResult = NULL;
459     int32_t len = 0;
460     int32_t i = 0;
461     int32_t intResult = 0;
462     uint32_t uintResult = 0;
463     const UChar *empty = NULL;
464     const UChar *zeroString;
465     UChar expected[] = { 'a','b','c','\0','d','e','f' };
466     const char* expect ="tab:\t cr:\r ff:\f newline:\n backslash:\\\\ quote=\\\' doubleQuote=\\\" singlequoutes=''";
467     UChar uExpect[200];
469     testdatapath=loadTestData(&status);
471     if(U_FAILURE(status))
472     {
473         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(status));
474         return;
475     }
477     theBundle = ures_open(testdatapath, "testtypes", &status);
479     empty = tres_getString(theBundle, -1, "emptystring", &len, &status);
480     if(empty && (*empty != 0 || len != 0)) {
481       log_err("Empty string returned invalid value\n");
482     }
484     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
486     CONFIRM_INT_NE(theBundle, NULL);
488     /* This test reads the string "abc\u0000def" from the bundle   */
489     /* if everything is working correctly, the size of this string */
490     /* should be 7. Everything else is a wrong answer, esp. 3 and 6*/
492     strcpy(action, "getting and testing of string with embeded zero");
493     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "zerotest", res, &status);
494     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
495     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_STRING);
496     zeroString=tres_getString(res, -1, NULL, &len, &status);
497     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
498         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
499         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(len, 7);
500         CONFIRM_INT_NE(len, 3);
501     }
502     for(i=0;i<len;i++){
503         if(zeroString[i]!= expected[i]){
504             log_verbose("Output did not match Expected: \\u%4X Got: \\u%4X", expected[i], zeroString[i]);
505         }
506     }
508     strcpy(action, "getting and testing of binary type");
509     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "binarytest", res, &status);
510     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
511     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_BINARY);
512     binResult=(uint8_t*)ures_getBinary(res,  &len, &status);
513     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
514         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
515         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(len, 15);
516         for(i = 0; i<15; i++) {
517             CONFIRM_INT_EQ(binResult[i], i);
518         }
519     }
521     strcpy(action, "getting and testing of imported binary type");
522     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "importtest", res, &status);
523     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
524     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_BINARY);
525     binResult=(uint8_t*)ures_getBinary(res,  &len, &status);
526     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
527         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
528         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(len, 15);
529         for(i = 0; i<15; i++) {
530             CONFIRM_INT_EQ(binResult[i], i);
531         }
532     }
534     strcpy(action, "getting and testing of integer types");
535     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "one", res, &status);
536     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
537     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_INT);
538     intResult=ures_getInt(res, &status);
539     uintResult = ures_getUInt(res, &status);
540     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
541         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
542         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(uintResult, (uint32_t)intResult);
543         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(intResult, 1);
544     }
546     strcpy(action, "getting minusone");
547     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "minusone", res, &status);
548     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
549     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_INT);
550     intResult=ures_getInt(res, &status);
551     uintResult = ures_getUInt(res, &status);
552     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
553         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
554         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(uintResult, 0x0FFFFFFF); /* a 28 bit integer */
555         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(intResult, -1);
556         CONFIRM_INT_NE(uintResult, (uint32_t)intResult);
557     }
559     strcpy(action, "getting plusone");
560     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "plusone", res, &status);
561     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
562     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_INT);
563     intResult=ures_getInt(res, &status);
564     uintResult = ures_getUInt(res, &status);
565     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
566         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
567         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(uintResult, (uint32_t)intResult);
568         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(intResult, 1);
569     }
571     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "onehundredtwentythree", res, &status);
572     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
573     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_INT);
574     intResult=ures_getInt(res, &status);
575     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
576         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
577         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(intResult, 123);
578     }
580     /* this tests if escapes are preserved or not */
581     {
582         const UChar* str = tres_getString(theBundle,-1,"testescape",&len,&status);
583         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
584         if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
585             u_charsToUChars(expect,uExpect,(int32_t)strlen(expect)+1);
586             if(u_strcmp(uExpect,str)){
587                 log_err("Did not get the expected string for testescape\n");
588             }
589         }
590     }
591     /* this tests if unescaping works are expected */
592     len=0;
593     {
594         char pattern[2048] = "";
595         int32_t patternLen;
596         UChar* expectedEscaped;
597         const UChar* got;
598         int32_t expectedLen;
600         /* This strcpy fixes compiler warnings about long strings */
601         strcpy(pattern, "[ \\\\u0020 \\\\u00A0 \\\\u1680 \\\\u2000 \\\\u2001 \\\\u2002 \\\\u2003 \\\\u2004 \\\\u2005 \\\\u2006 \\\\u2007 "
602             "\\\\u2008 \\\\u2009 \\\\u200A \\u200B \\\\u202F \\u205F \\\\u3000 \\u0000-\\u001F \\u007F \\u0080-\\u009F "
603             "\\\\u06DD \\\\u070F \\\\u180E \\\\u200C \\\\u200D \\\\u2028 \\\\u2029 \\\\u2060 \\\\u2061 \\\\u2062 \\\\u2063 "
604             "\\\\u206A-\\\\u206F \\\\uFEFF \\\\uFFF9-\\uFFFC \\U0001D173-\\U0001D17A \\U000F0000-\\U000FFFFD "
605             "\\U00100000-\\U0010FFFD \\uFDD0-\\uFDEF \\uFFFE-\\uFFFF \\U0001FFFE-\\U0001FFFF \\U0002FFFE-\\U0002FFFF "
606             );
607         strcat(pattern,
608             "\\U0003FFFE-\\U0003FFFF \\U0004FFFE-\\U0004FFFF \\U0005FFFE-\\U0005FFFF \\U0006FFFE-\\U0006FFFF "
609             "\\U0007FFFE-\\U0007FFFF \\U0008FFFE-\\U0008FFFF \\U0009FFFE-\\U0009FFFF \\U000AFFFE-\\U000AFFFF "
610             "\\U000BFFFE-\\U000BFFFF \\U000CFFFE-\\U000CFFFF \\U000DFFFE-\\U000DFFFF \\U000EFFFE-\\U000EFFFF "
611             "\\U000FFFFE-\\U000FFFFF \\U0010FFFE-\\U0010FFFF \\uD800-\\uDFFF \\\\uFFF9 \\\\uFFFA \\\\uFFFB "
612             "\\uFFFC \\uFFFD \\u2FF0-\\u2FFB \\u0340 \\u0341 \\\\u200E \\\\u200F \\\\u202A \\\\u202B \\\\u202C "
613             );
614         strcat(pattern,
615             "\\\\u202D \\\\u202E \\\\u206A \\\\u206B \\\\u206C \\\\u206D \\\\u206E \\\\u206F \\U000E0001 \\U000E0020-\\U000E007F "
616             "]"
617             );
619         patternLen = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(pattern);
620         expectedEscaped = (UChar*)malloc(U_SIZEOF_UCHAR * patternLen);
621         got = tres_getString(theBundle,-1,"test_unescaping",&len,&status);
622         expectedLen = u_unescape(pattern,expectedEscaped,patternLen);
623         if(got==NULL || u_strncmp(expectedEscaped,got,expectedLen)!=0 || expectedLen != len){
624             log_err("genrb failed to unescape string\n");
625         }
626         if(got != NULL){
627             for(i=0;i<expectedLen;i++){
628                 if(expectedEscaped[i] != got[i]){
629                     log_verbose("Expected: 0x%04X Got: 0x%04X \n",expectedEscaped[i], got[i]);
630                 }
631             }
632         }
633         free(expectedEscaped);
634         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
635     }
636     /* test for jitterbug#1435 */
637     {
638         const UChar* str = tres_getString(theBundle,-1,"test_underscores",&len,&status);
639         expect ="test message ....";
640         u_charsToUChars(expect,uExpect,(int32_t)strlen(expect)+1);
641         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
642         if(str == NULL || u_strcmp(uExpect,str)){
643             log_err("Did not get the expected string for test_underscores.\n");
644         }
645     }
646     /* test for jitterbug#2626 */
648     {
649         UResourceBundle* resB = NULL;
650         const UChar* str  = NULL;
651         int32_t strLength = 0;
652         const UChar my[] = {0x0026,0x0027,0x0075,0x0027,0x0020,0x003d,0x0020,0x0027,0xff55,0x0027,0x0000}; /* &'\u0075' = '\uFF55' */
653         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
654         resB = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "collations", resB, &status);
655         resB = ures_getByKey(resB, "standard", resB, &status);
656         str  = tres_getString(resB,-1,"Sequence",&strLength,&status);
657         if(!str || U_FAILURE(status)) {
658             log_data_err("Could not load collations from theBundle: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
659         } else if(u_strcmp(my,str) != 0){
660             log_err("Did not get the expected string for escaped \\u0075\n");
661         }
662         ures_close(resB);
663     }
664 #endif
665     {
666         const char *sourcePath = ctest_dataSrcDir();
667         int32_t srcPathLen = (int32_t)strlen(sourcePath);
668         const char *deltaPath = ".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING"test"U_FILE_SEP_STRING"testdata"U_FILE_SEP_STRING;
669         int32_t deltaPathLen = (int32_t)strlen(deltaPath);
670         char *testDataFileName = (char *) malloc( srcPathLen+ deltaPathLen + 50 );
671         char *path = testDataFileName;
673         strcpy(path, sourcePath);
674         path += srcPathLen;
675         strcpy(path, deltaPath);
676         path += deltaPathLen;
677         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
678         {
679             int32_t strLen =0;
680             const UChar* str = tres_getString(theBundle, -1, "testincludeUTF",&strLen,&status);
681             strcpy(path, "riwords.txt");
682             path[strlen("riwords.txt")]=0;
683             if(U_FAILURE(status)){
684                 log_err("Could not get testincludeUTF resource from testtypes bundle. Error: %s\n",u_errorName(status));
685             }else{
686                 /* open the file */
687                 const char* cp = NULL;
688                 UCHARBUF* ucbuf = ucbuf_open(testDataFileName,&cp,FALSE,FALSE,&status);
689                 len = 0;
690                 if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
691                     const UChar* buffer = ucbuf_getBuffer(ucbuf,&len,&status);
692                     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
693                         /* verify the contents */
694                         if(strLen != len ){
695                             log_err("Did not get the expected len for riwords. Expected: %i , Got: %i\n", len ,strLen);
696                         }
697                         /* test string termination */
698                         if(u_strlen(str) != strLen || str[strLen]!= 0 ){
699                             log_err("testinclude not null terminated!\n");
700                         }
701                         if(u_strncmp(str, buffer,strLen)!=0){
702                             log_err("Did not get the expected string from riwords. Include functionality failed for genrb.\n");
703                         }
704                     }else{
705                         log_err("ucbuf failed to open %s. Error: %s\n", testDataFileName, u_errorName(status));
706                     }
708                     ucbuf_close(ucbuf);
709                 }else{
710                     log_err("Could not get riwords.txt (path : %s). Error: %s\n",testDataFileName,u_errorName(status));
711                 }
712             }
713         }
714         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
715         {
716             int32_t strLen =0;
717             const UChar* str = tres_getString(theBundle, -1, "testinclude",&strLen,&status);
718             strcpy(path, "translit_rules.txt");
719             path[strlen("translit_rules.txt")]=0;
721             if(U_FAILURE(status)){
722                 log_err("Could not get testinclude resource from testtypes bundle. Error: %s\n",u_errorName(status));
723             }else{
724                 /* open the file */
725                 const char* cp=NULL;
726                 UCHARBUF* ucbuf = ucbuf_open(testDataFileName,&cp,FALSE,FALSE,&status);
727                 len = 0;
728                 if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
729                     const UChar* buffer = ucbuf_getBuffer(ucbuf,&len,&status);
730                     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
731                         /* verify the contents */
732                         if(strLen != len ){
733                             log_err("Did not get the expected len for translit_rules. Expected: %i , Got: %i\n", len ,strLen);
734                         }
735                         if(u_strncmp(str, buffer,strLen)!=0){
736                             log_err("Did not get the expected string from translit_rules. Include functionality failed for genrb.\n");
737                         }
738                     }else{
739                         log_err("ucbuf failed to open %s. Error: %s\n", testDataFileName, u_errorName(status));
740                     }
741                     ucbuf_close(ucbuf);
742                 }else{
743                     log_err("Could not get translit_rules.txt (path : %s). Error: %s\n",testDataFileName,u_errorName(status));
744                 }
745             }
746         }
747         free(testDataFileName);
748     }
749     ures_close(res);
750     ures_close(theBundle);
752 }
TestEmptyTypes()754 static void TestEmptyTypes() {
755     UResourceBundle* theBundle = NULL;
756     char action[256];
757     const char* testdatapath;
758     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
759     UResourceBundle* res = NULL;
760     UResourceBundle* resArray = NULL;
761     const uint8_t *binResult = NULL;
762     int32_t len = 0;
763     int32_t intResult = 0;
764     const UChar *zeroString;
765     const int32_t *zeroIntVect = NULL;
767     strcpy(action, "Construction of testtypes bundle");
768     testdatapath=loadTestData(&status);
769     if(U_FAILURE(status))
770     {
771         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(status));
772         return;
773     }
775     theBundle = ures_open(testdatapath, "testtypes", &status);
777     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
779     CONFIRM_INT_NE(theBundle, NULL);
781     /* This test reads the string "abc\u0000def" from the bundle   */
782     /* if everything is working correctly, the size of this string */
783     /* should be 7. Everything else is a wrong answer, esp. 3 and 6*/
785     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
786     strcpy(action, "getting and testing of explicit string of zero length string");
787     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "emptyexplicitstring", res, &status);
788     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
789     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_STRING);
790     zeroString=tres_getString(res, -1, NULL, &len, &status);
791     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
792         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
793         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(len, 0);
794         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(u_strlen(zeroString), 0);
795     }
796     else {
797         log_err("Couldn't get emptyexplicitstring\n");
798     }
800     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
801     strcpy(action, "getting and testing of normal string of zero length string");
802     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "emptystring", res, &status);
803     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
804     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_STRING);
805     zeroString=tres_getString(res, -1, NULL, &len, &status);
806     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
807         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
808         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(len, 0);
809         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(u_strlen(zeroString), 0);
810     }
811     else {
812         log_err("Couldn't get emptystring\n");
813     }
815     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
816     strcpy(action, "getting and testing of empty int");
817     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "emptyint", res, &status);
818     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
819     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_INT);
820     intResult=ures_getInt(res, &status);
821     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
822         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
823         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(intResult, 0);
824     }
825     else {
826         log_err("Couldn't get emptystring\n");
827     }
829     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
830     strcpy(action, "getting and testing of zero length intvector");
831     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "emptyintv", res, &status);
832     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
833     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_INT_VECTOR);
835     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
836         log_err("Couldn't get emptyintv key %s\n", u_errorName(status));
837     }
838     else {
839         zeroIntVect=ures_getIntVector(res, &len, &status);
840         (void)zeroIntVect;    /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
841         if(!U_SUCCESS(status) || resArray != NULL || len != 0) {
842             log_err("Shouldn't get emptyintv\n");
843         }
844     }
846     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
847     strcpy(action, "getting and testing of zero length emptybin");
848     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "emptybin", res, &status);
849     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
850     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_BINARY);
852     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
853         log_err("Couldn't get emptybin key %s\n", u_errorName(status));
854     }
855     else {
856         binResult=ures_getBinary(res, &len, &status);
857         (void)binResult;      /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
858         if(!U_SUCCESS(status) || len != 0) {
859             log_err("Couldn't get emptybin, or it's not empty\n");
860         }
861     }
863     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
864     strcpy(action, "getting and testing of zero length emptyarray");
865     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "emptyarray", res, &status);
866     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
867     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_ARRAY);
869     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
870         log_err("Couldn't get emptyarray key %s\n", u_errorName(status));
871     }
872     else {
873         resArray=ures_getByIndex(res, 0, resArray, &status);
874         if(U_SUCCESS(status) || resArray != NULL){
875             log_err("Shouldn't get emptyarray[0]\n");
876         }
877     }
879     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
880     strcpy(action, "getting and testing of zero length emptytable");
881     res = ures_getByKey(theBundle, "emptytable", res, &status);
882     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
883     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(res), URES_TABLE);
885     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
886         log_err("Couldn't get emptytable key %s\n", u_errorName(status));
887     }
888     else {
889         resArray=ures_getByIndex(res, 0, resArray, &status);
890         if(U_SUCCESS(status) || resArray != NULL){
891             log_err("Shouldn't get emptytable[0]\n");
892         }
893     }
895     ures_close(res);
896     ures_close(theBundle);
897 }
TestEmptyBundle()899 static void TestEmptyBundle(){
900     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
901     const char* testdatapath=NULL;
902     UResourceBundle *resb=0, *dResB=0;
904     testdatapath=loadTestData(&status);
905     if(U_FAILURE(status))
906     {
907         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(status));
908         return;
909     }
910     resb = ures_open(testdatapath, "testempty", &status);
912     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
913         dResB =  ures_getByKey(resb,"test",dResB,&status);
914         if(status!= U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR){
915             log_err("Did not get the expected error from an empty resource bundle. Expected : %s Got: %s\n",
916                 u_errorName(U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR),u_errorName(status));
917         }
918     }
919     ures_close(dResB);
920     ures_close(resb);
921 }
TestBinaryCollationData()923 static void TestBinaryCollationData(){
925     UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
926     const char*      locale="te";
927     const char* testdatapath;
928     UResourceBundle *teRes = NULL;
929     UResourceBundle *coll=NULL;
930     UResourceBundle *binColl = NULL;
931     uint8_t *binResult = NULL;
932     int32_t len=0;
933     const char* action="testing the binary collaton data";
935     log_verbose("Testing binary collation data resource......\n");
937     testdatapath=loadTestData(&status);
938     if(U_FAILURE(status))
939     {
940         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(status));
941         return;
942     }
945     teRes=ures_open(testdatapath, locale, &status);
946     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
947         log_err("ERROR: Failed to get resource for \"te\" with %s", myErrorName(status));
948         return;
949     }
950     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
951     coll = ures_getByKey(teRes, "collations", coll, &status);
952     coll = ures_getByKey(coll, "standard", coll, &status);
953     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
954         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
955         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(coll), URES_TABLE);
956         binColl=ures_getByKey(coll, "%%CollationBin", binColl, &status);
957         if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
958             CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
959             CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(binColl), URES_BINARY);
960             binResult=(uint8_t*)ures_getBinary(binColl,  &len, &status);
961             (void)binResult;    /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
962             if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
963                 CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_ZERO_ERROR);
964                 CONFIRM_INT_GE(len, 1);
965             }
967         }else{
968             log_err("ERROR: ures_getByKey(locale(te), %%CollationBin) failed\n");
969         }
970     }
971     else{
972         log_err("ERROR: ures_getByKey(locale(te), collations) failed\n");
973         return;
974     }
975     ures_close(binColl);
976     ures_close(coll);
977     ures_close(teRes);
978 #endif
979 }
TestAPI()981 static void TestAPI() {
982     UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
983     int32_t len=0;
984     const char* key=NULL;
985     const UChar* value=NULL;
986     const char* testdatapath;
987     UChar* utestdatapath=NULL;
988     char convOutput[256];
989     UChar largeBuffer[1025];
990     UResourceBundle *teRes = NULL;
991     UResourceBundle *teFillin=NULL;
992     UResourceBundle *teFillin2=NULL;
994     log_verbose("Testing ures_openU()......\n");
996     testdatapath=loadTestData(&status);
997     if(U_FAILURE(status))
998     {
999         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(status));
1000         return;
1001     }
1002     len =(int32_t)strlen(testdatapath);
1003     utestdatapath = (UChar*) malloc((len+10)*sizeof(UChar));
1005     u_charsToUChars(testdatapath, utestdatapath, (int32_t)strlen(testdatapath)+1);
1007     {
1008         /* Convert all backslashes to forward slashes so that we can make sure that ures_openU
1009            can handle invariant characters. */
1010         UChar *backslash;
1011         while ((backslash = u_strchr(utestdatapath, 0x005C))) {
1012             *backslash = 0x002F;
1013         }
1014     }
1015 #endif
1017     u_memset(largeBuffer, 0x0030, UPRV_LENGTHOF(largeBuffer));
1018     largeBuffer[UPRV_LENGTHOF(largeBuffer)-1] = 0;
1020     /*Test ures_openU */
1022     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1023     ures_close(ures_openU(largeBuffer, "root", &status));
1024     if(status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
1025         log_err("ERROR: ures_openU() worked when the path is very large. It returned %s\n", myErrorName(status));
1026     }
1028     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1029     ures_close(ures_openU(NULL, "root", &status));
1030     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
1031         log_err_status(status, "ERROR: ures_openU() failed path = NULL with %s\n", myErrorName(status));
1032     }
1034     status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
1035     if(ures_openU(NULL, "root", &status) != NULL){
1036         log_err("ERROR: ures_openU() worked with error status with %s\n", myErrorName(status));
1037     }
1039     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1040     teRes=ures_openU(utestdatapath, "te", &status);
1041     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
1042         log_err_status(status, "ERROR: ures_openU() failed path =%s with %s\n", austrdup(utestdatapath), myErrorName(status));
1043         return;
1044     }
1045     /*Test ures_getLocale() */
1046     log_verbose("Testing ures_getLocale() .....\n");
1047     if(strcmp(ures_getLocale(teRes, &status), "te") != 0){
1048         log_err("ERROR: ures_getLocale() failed. Expected = te_TE Got = %s\n", ures_getLocale(teRes, &status));
1049     }
1050     /*Test ures_getNextString() */
1051     teFillin=ures_getByKey(teRes, "tagged_array_in_te_te_IN", teFillin, &status);
1052     key=ures_getKey(teFillin);
1053     value=(UChar*)ures_getNextString(teFillin, &len, &key, &status);
1054     (void)value;    /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
1055     ures_resetIterator(NULL);
1056     value=(UChar*)ures_getNextString(teFillin, &len, &key, &status);
1057     if(status !=U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR){
1058         log_err("ERROR: calling getNextString where index out of bounds should return U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR, Got : %s\n",
1059                        myErrorName(status));
1060     }
1061     ures_resetIterator(teRes);
1062     /*Test ures_getNextResource() where resource is table*/
1063     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1065     /* The next key varies depending on the charset. */
1066     teFillin=ures_getNextResource(teRes, teFillin, &status);
1067     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
1068         log_err("ERROR: ures_getNextResource() failed \n");
1069     }
1070     key=ures_getKey(teFillin);
1071     /*if(strcmp(key, "%%CollationBin") != 0){*/
1072     /*if(strcmp(key, "array_2d_in_Root_te") != 0){*/ /* added "aliasClient" that goes first */
1073     if(strcmp(key, "a") != 0){
1074         log_err("ERROR: ures_getNextResource() failed\n");
1075     }
1076 #endif
1078     /*Test ures_getByIndex on string Resource*/
1079     teFillin=ures_getByKey(teRes, "string_only_in_te", teFillin, &status);
1080     teFillin2=ures_getByIndex(teFillin, 0, teFillin2, &status);
1081     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
1082         log_err("ERROR: ures_getByIndex on string resource failed\n");
1083     }
1084     if(strcmp(u_austrcpy(convOutput, tres_getString(teFillin2, -1, NULL, &len, &status)), "TE") != 0){
1085         status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1086         log_err("ERROR: ures_getByIndex on string resource fetched the key=%s, expected \"TE\" \n", austrdup(ures_getString(teFillin2, &len, &status)));
1087     }
1089     /*ures_close(teRes);*/
1091     /*Test ures_openFillIn*/
1092     log_verbose("Testing ures_openFillIn......\n");
1093     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1094     ures_openFillIn(teRes, testdatapath, "te", &status);
1095     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
1096         log_err("ERROR: ures_openFillIn failed\n");
1097         return;
1098     }
1099     if(strcmp(ures_getLocale(teRes, &status), "te") != 0){
1100         log_err("ERROR: ures_openFillIn did not open the ResourceBundle correctly\n");
1101     }
1102     ures_getByKey(teRes, "string_only_in_te", teFillin, &status);
1103     teFillin2=ures_getNextResource(teFillin, teFillin2, &status);
1104     if(ures_getType(teFillin2) != URES_STRING){
1105         log_err("ERROR: getType for getNextResource after ures_openFillIn failed\n");
1106     }
1107     teFillin2=ures_getNextResource(teFillin, teFillin2, &status);
1108     if(status !=U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR){
1109         log_err("ERROR: calling getNextResource where index out of bounds should return U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR, Got : %s\n",
1110                        myErrorName(status));
1111     }
1113     ures_close(teFillin);
1114     ures_close(teFillin2);
1115     ures_close(teRes);
1117     /* Test that ures_getLocale() returns the "real" locale ID */
1118     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1119     teRes=ures_open(NULL, "dE_At_NOWHERE_TO_BE_FOUND", &status);
1120     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
1121         log_data_err("unable to open a locale resource bundle from \"dE_At_NOWHERE_TO_BE_FOUND\"(%s)\n", u_errorName(status));
1122     } else {
1123         if(0!=strcmp("de_AT", ures_getLocale(teRes, &status))) {
1124             log_data_err("ures_getLocale(\"dE_At_NOWHERE_TO_BE_FOUND\")=%s but must be de_AT\n", ures_getLocale(teRes, &status));
1125         }
1126         ures_close(teRes);
1127     }
1129     /* same test, but with an aliased locale resource bundle */
1130     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1131     teRes=ures_open(NULL, "iW_Il_depRecaTed_HebreW", &status);
1132     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
1133         log_data_err("unable to open a locale resource bundle from \"iW_Il_depRecaTed_HebreW\"(%s)\n", u_errorName(status));
1134     } else {
1135         if(0!=strcmp("he_IL", ures_getLocale(teRes, &status))) {
1136             log_data_err("ures_getLocale(\"iW_Il_depRecaTed_HebreW\")=%s but must be he_IL\n", ures_getLocale(teRes, &status));
1137         }
1138         ures_close(teRes);
1139     }
1140     free(utestdatapath);
1141 }
TestErrorConditions()1143 static void TestErrorConditions(){
1144     UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1145     const char *key=NULL;
1146     const UChar *value=NULL;
1147     const char* testdatapath;
1148     UChar* utestdatapath;
1149     int32_t len=0;
1150     UResourceBundle *teRes = NULL;
1151     UResourceBundle *coll=NULL;
1152     UResourceBundle *binColl = NULL;
1153     UResourceBundle *teFillin=NULL;
1154     UResourceBundle *teFillin2=NULL;
1155     uint8_t *binResult = NULL;
1156     int32_t resultLen;
1159     testdatapath = loadTestData(&status);
1160     if(U_FAILURE(status))
1161     {
1162         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(status));
1163         return;
1164     }
1165     len = (int32_t)strlen(testdatapath);
1166     utestdatapath = (UChar*) malloc(sizeof(UChar) *(len+10));
1167     u_uastrcpy(utestdatapath, testdatapath);
1169     /*Test ures_openU with status != U_ZERO_ERROR*/
1170     log_verbose("Testing ures_openU() with status != U_ZERO_ERROR.....\n");
1172     teRes=ures_openU(utestdatapath, "te", &status);
1173     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
1174         log_verbose("ures_openU() failed as expected path =%s with status != U_ZERO_ERROR\n", testdatapath);
1175     }else{
1176         log_err("ERROR: ures_openU() is supposed to fail path =%s with status != U_ZERO_ERROR\n", austrdup(utestdatapath));
1177         ures_close(teRes);
1178     }
1179     /*Test ures_openFillIn with UResourceBundle = NULL*/
1180     log_verbose("Testing ures_openFillIn with UResourceBundle = NULL.....\n");
1181     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1182     ures_openFillIn(NULL, testdatapath, "te", &status);
1183     if(status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
1184         log_err("ERROR: ures_openFillIn with UResourceBundle= NULL should fail.  Expected U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got: %s\n",
1185                         myErrorName(status));
1186     }
1187     /*Test ures_getLocale() with status != U_ZERO_ERROR*/
1188     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1189     teRes=ures_openU(utestdatapath, "te", &status);
1190     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
1191         log_err("ERROR: ures_openU() failed path =%s with %s\n", austrdup(utestdatapath), myErrorName(status));
1192         return;
1193     }
1195     if(ures_getLocale(teRes, &status) != NULL){
1196         log_err("ERROR: ures_getLocale is supposed to fail with errorCode != U_ZERO_ERROR\n");
1197     }
1198     /*Test ures_getLocale() with UResourceBundle = NULL*/
1199     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1200     if(ures_getLocale(NULL, &status) != NULL && status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
1201         log_err("ERROR: ures_getLocale is supposed to fail when UResourceBundle = NULL. Expected: errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got: errorCode=%s\n",
1202                                            myErrorName(status));
1203     }
1204     /*Test ures_getSize() with UResourceBundle = NULL */
1205     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1206     if(ures_getSize(NULL) != 0){
1207         log_err("ERROR: ures_getSize() should return 0 when UResourceBundle=NULL.  Got =%d\n", ures_getSize(NULL));
1208     }
1209     /*Test ures_getType() with UResourceBundle = NULL should return URES_NONE==-1*/
1210     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1211     if(ures_getType(NULL) != URES_NONE){
1212         log_err("ERROR: ures_getType() should return URES_NONE when UResourceBundle=NULL.  Got =%d\n", ures_getType(NULL));
1213     }
1214     /*Test ures_getKey() with UResourceBundle = NULL*/
1215     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1216     if(ures_getKey(NULL) != NULL){
1217         log_err("ERROR: ures_getKey() should return NULL when UResourceBundle=NULL.  Got =%d\n", ures_getKey(NULL));
1218     }
1219     /*Test ures_hasNext() with UResourceBundle = NULL*/
1220     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1221     if(ures_hasNext(NULL) != FALSE){
1222         log_err("ERROR: ures_hasNext() should return FALSE when UResourceBundle=NULL.  Got =%d\n", ures_hasNext(NULL));
1223     }
1224     /*Test ures_get() with UResourceBundle = NULL*/
1225     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1226     if(ures_getStringByKey(NULL, "string_only_in_te", &resultLen, &status) != NULL && status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
1227         log_err("ERROR: ures_get is supposed to fail when UResourceBundle = NULL. Expected: errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got: errorCode=%s\n",
1228                                            myErrorName(status));
1229     }
1230     /*Test ures_getByKey() with UResourceBundle = NULL*/
1231     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1232     teFillin=ures_getByKey(NULL, "string_only_in_te", teFillin, &status);
1233     if( teFillin != NULL && status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
1234         log_err("ERROR: ures_getByKey is supposed to fail when UResourceBundle = NULL. Expected: errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got: errorCode=%s\n",
1235                                            myErrorName(status));
1236     }
1237     /*Test ures_getByKey() with status != U_ZERO_ERROR*/
1238     teFillin=ures_getByKey(NULL, "string_only_in_te", teFillin, &status);
1239     if(teFillin != NULL ){
1240         log_err("ERROR: ures_getByKey is supposed to fail when errorCode != U_ZERO_ERROR\n");
1241     }
1242     /*Test ures_getStringByKey() with UResourceBundle = NULL*/
1243     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1244     if(ures_getStringByKey(NULL, "string_only_in_te", &len, &status) != NULL && status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
1245         log_err("ERROR: ures_getStringByKey is supposed to fail when UResourceBundle = NULL. Expected: errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got: errorCode=%s\n",
1246                                            myErrorName(status));
1247     }
1248     /*Test ures_getStringByKey() with status != U_ZERO_ERROR*/
1249     if(ures_getStringByKey(teRes, "string_only_in_te", &len, &status) != NULL){
1250         log_err("ERROR: ures_getStringByKey is supposed to fail when status != U_ZERO_ERROR. Expected: errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got: errorCode=%s\n",
1251                                            myErrorName(status));
1252     }
1253     /*Test ures_getString() with UResourceBundle = NULL*/
1254     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1255     if(ures_getString(NULL, &len, &status) != NULL && status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
1256         log_err("ERROR: ures_getString is supposed to fail when UResourceBundle = NULL. Expected: errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got: errorCode=%s\n",
1257                                            myErrorName(status));
1258     }
1259     /*Test ures_getString() with status != U_ZERO_ERROR*/
1260     if(ures_getString(teRes, &len, &status) != NULL){
1261         log_err("ERROR: ures_getString is supposed to fail when status != U_ZERO_ERROR. Expected: errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got: errorCode=%s\n",
1262                                            myErrorName(status));
1263     }
1264     /*Test ures_getBinary() with UResourceBundle = NULL*/
1265     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1266     if(ures_getBinary(NULL, &len, &status) != NULL && status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
1267         log_err("ERROR: ures_getBinary is supposed to fail when UResourceBundle = NULL. Expected: errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got: errorCode=%s\n",
1268                                            myErrorName(status));
1269     }
1270     /*Test ures_getBinary(0 status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR*/
1271     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1272     coll = ures_getByKey(teRes, "collations", coll, &status);
1273     coll = ures_getByKey(teRes, "standard", coll, &status);
1274     binColl=ures_getByKey(coll, "%%CollationBin", binColl, &status);
1277     binResult=(uint8_t*)ures_getBinary(binColl,  &len, &status);
1278     if(binResult != NULL){
1279         log_err("ERROR: ures_getBinary() with status != U_ZERO_ERROR is supposed to fail\n");
1280     }
1282     /*Test ures_getNextResource() with status != U_ZERO_ERROR*/
1283     teFillin=ures_getNextResource(teRes, teFillin, &status);
1284     if(teFillin != NULL){
1285         log_err("ERROR: ures_getNextResource() with errorCode != U_ZERO_ERROR is supposed to fail\n");
1286     }
1287     /*Test ures_getNextResource() with UResourceBundle = NULL*/
1288     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1289     teFillin=ures_getNextResource(NULL, teFillin, &status);
1290     if(teFillin != NULL || status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
1291         log_err("ERROR: ures_getNextResource() with UResourceBundle = NULL is supposed to fail.  Expected : U_IILEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got : %s\n",
1292                                           myErrorName(status));
1293     }
1294     /*Test ures_getNextString with errorCode != U_ZERO_ERROR*/
1295     teFillin=ures_getByKey(teRes, "tagged_array_in_te_te_IN", teFillin, &status);
1296     key=ures_getKey(teFillin);
1297     status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
1298     value=(UChar*)ures_getNextString(teFillin, &len, &key, &status);
1299     if(value != NULL){
1300         log_err("ERROR: ures_getNextString() with errorCode != U_ZERO_ERROR is supposed to fail\n");
1301     }
1302     /*Test ures_getNextString with UResourceBundle = NULL*/
1303     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1304     value=(UChar*)ures_getNextString(NULL, &len, &key, &status);
1305     if(value != NULL || status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
1306         log_err("ERROR: ures_getNextString() with UResourceBundle=NULL is supposed to fail\n Expected: U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got: %s\n",
1307                                     myErrorName(status));
1308     }
1309     /*Test ures_getByIndex with errorCode != U_ZERO_ERROR*/
1310     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1311     teFillin=ures_getByKey(teRes, "array_only_in_te", teFillin, &status);
1312     if(ures_countArrayItems(teRes, "array_only_in_te", &status) != 4) {
1313       log_err("ERROR: Wrong number of items in an array!\n");
1314     }
1316     teFillin2=ures_getByIndex(teFillin, 0, teFillin2, &status);
1317     if(teFillin2 != NULL){
1318         log_err("ERROR: ures_getByIndex() with errorCode != U_ZERO_ERROR is supposed to fail\n");
1319     }
1320     /*Test ures_getByIndex with UResourceBundle = NULL */
1321     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1322     teFillin2=ures_getByIndex(NULL, 0, teFillin2, &status);
1323     if(status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
1324         log_err("ERROR: ures_getByIndex() with UResourceBundle=NULL is supposed to fail\n Expected: U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got: %s\n",
1325                                     myErrorName(status));
1326     }
1327     /*Test ures_getStringByIndex with errorCode != U_ZERO_ERROR*/
1328     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1329     teFillin=ures_getByKey(teRes, "array_only_in_te", teFillin, &status);
1331     value=(UChar*)ures_getStringByIndex(teFillin, 0, &len, &status);
1332     if( value != NULL){
1333         log_err("ERROR: ures_getSringByIndex() with errorCode != U_ZERO_ERROR is supposed to fail\n");
1334     }
1335     /*Test ures_getStringByIndex with UResourceBundle = NULL */
1336     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1337     value=(UChar*)ures_getStringByIndex(NULL, 0, &len, &status);
1338     if(value != NULL || status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
1339         log_err("ERROR: ures_getStringByIndex() with UResourceBundle=NULL is supposed to fail\n Expected: U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got: %s\n",
1340                                     myErrorName(status));
1341     }
1342     /*Test ures_getStringByIndex with UResourceBundle = NULL */
1343     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1344     value=(UChar*)ures_getStringByIndex(teFillin, 9999, &len, &status);
1345     if(value != NULL || status != U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR){
1346         log_err("ERROR: ures_getStringByIndex() with index that is too big is supposed to fail\n Expected: U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR, Got: %s\n",
1347                                     myErrorName(status));
1348     }
1349     /*Test ures_getInt() where UResourceBundle = NULL */
1350     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
1351     if(ures_getInt(NULL, &status) != -1 && status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){
1352         log_err("ERROR: ures_getInt() with UResourceBundle = NULL should fail. Expected: U_IILEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, Got: %s\n",
1353                            myErrorName(status));
1354     }
1355     /*Test ures_getInt() where status != U_ZERO_ERROR */
1356     if(ures_getInt(teRes, &status) != -1){
1357         log_err("ERROR: ures_getInt() with errorCode != U_ZERO_ERROR should fail\n");
1358     }
1360     ures_close(teFillin);
1361     ures_close(teFillin2);
1362     ures_close(coll);
1363     ures_close(binColl);
1364     ures_close(teRes);
1365     free(utestdatapath);
1368 }
TestGetVersion()1370 static void TestGetVersion(){
1371     UVersionInfo minVersionArray = {0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
1372     UVersionInfo maxVersionArray = {0x50, 0xff, 0xcf, 0xcf};
1373     UVersionInfo versionArray;
1374     UErrorCode status= U_ZERO_ERROR;
1375     UResourceBundle* resB = NULL;
1376     int i=0, j = 0;
1377     int locCount = uloc_countAvailable();
1378     const char *locName = "root";
1380     log_verbose("The ures_getVersion tests begin : \n");
1382     for(j = -1; j < locCount; j++) {
1383         if(j >= 0) {
1384             locName = uloc_getAvailable(j);
1385         }
1386         log_verbose("Testing version number for locale %s\n", locName);
1387         resB = ures_open(NULL,locName, &status);
1388         if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
1389             log_err_status(status, "Resource bundle creation for locale %s failed.: %s\n", locName, myErrorName(status));
1390             ures_close(resB);
1391             return;
1392         }
1393         ures_getVersion(resB, versionArray);
1394         for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
1395             if (versionArray[i] < minVersionArray[i] ||
1396                 versionArray[i] > maxVersionArray[i])
1397             {
1398                 log_err("Testing ures_getVersion(%-5s) - unexpected result: %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
1399                     locName, versionArray[0], versionArray[1], versionArray[2], versionArray[3]);
1400                 break;
1401             }
1402         }
1403         ures_close(resB);
1404     }
1405 }
TestGetVersionColl()1408 static void TestGetVersionColl(){
1410     UVersionInfo minVersionArray = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
1411     UVersionInfo maxVersionArray = {0x50, 0x80, 0xcf, 0xcf};
1412     UVersionInfo versionArray;
1413     UErrorCode status= U_ZERO_ERROR;
1414     UResourceBundle* resB = NULL;
1415     UEnumeration *locs= NULL;
1416     int i=0;
1417     const char *locName = "root";
1418     int32_t locLen;
1419     const UChar* rules =NULL;
1420     int32_t len = 0;
1422     /* test NUL termination of UCARules */
1423     resB = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_COLL,locName, &status);
1424     rules = tres_getString(resB,-1,"UCARules",&len, &status);
1425     if(!rules || U_FAILURE(status)) {
1426         log_data_err("Could not load UCARules for locale %s\n", locName);
1427         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1428     } else if(u_strlen(rules) != len){
1429         log_err("UCARules string not nul terminated! \n");
1430     }
1431     ures_close(resB);
1433     log_verbose("The ures_getVersion(%s) tests begin : \n", U_ICUDATA_COLL);
1434     locs = ures_openAvailableLocales(U_ICUDATA_COLL, &status);
1435     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
1436        log_err_status(status, "enumeration of %s failed.: %s\n", U_ICUDATA_COLL, myErrorName(status));
1437        return;
1438     }
1440     for (;;) {
1441         log_verbose("Testing version number for locale %s\n", locName);
1442         resB = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_COLL,locName, &status);
1443         if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
1444             log_err("Resource bundle creation for locale %s:%s failed.: %s\n", U_ICUDATA_COLL, locName, myErrorName(status));
1445             ures_close(resB);
1446             break;
1447         }
1448         ures_getVersion(resB, versionArray);
1449         for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
1450             if (versionArray[i] < minVersionArray[i] ||
1451                 versionArray[i] > maxVersionArray[i])
1452             {
1453                 log_err("Testing ures_getVersion(%-5s) - unexpected result: %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
1454                     locName, versionArray[0], versionArray[1], versionArray[2], versionArray[3]);
1455                 break;
1456             }
1457         }
1458         ures_close(resB);
1459         locName = uenum_next(locs, &locLen, &status);
1460         if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
1461             log_err("uenum_next(locs) error %s\n", u_errorName(status));
1462             break;
1463         }
1464         if(locName == NULL) {
1465             break;
1466         }
1467     }
1468     uenum_close(locs);
1469 #endif  /* !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
1470 }
TestResourceBundles()1472 static void TestResourceBundles()
1473 {
1474     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1475     loadTestData(&status);
1476     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
1477         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat, status = %s\n", u_errorName(status));
1478         return;
1479     }
1481     testTag("only_in_Root", TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
1482     testTag("in_Root_te", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
1483     testTag("in_Root_te_te_IN", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
1484     testTag("in_Root_te_IN", TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
1485     testTag("only_in_te", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
1486     testTag("only_in_te_IN", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
1487     testTag("in_te_te_IN", FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
1488     testTag("nonexistent", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
1490     log_verbose("Passed:=  %d   Failed=   %d \n", pass, fail);
1492 }
TestConstruction1()1495 static void TestConstruction1()
1496 {
1497     UResourceBundle *test1 = 0, *test2 = 0,*empty = 0;
1498     const UChar *result1, *result2;
1499     UErrorCode status= U_ZERO_ERROR;
1500     UErrorCode   err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1501     const char*      locale="te_IN";
1502     const char* testdatapath;
1504     int32_t len1=0;
1505     int32_t len2=0;
1506     UVersionInfo versionInfo;
1507     char versionString[256];
1508     char verboseOutput[256];
1510     U_STRING_DECL(rootVal, "ROOT", 4);
1511     U_STRING_DECL(te_inVal, "TE_IN", 5);
1513     U_STRING_INIT(rootVal, "ROOT", 4);
1514     U_STRING_INIT(te_inVal, "TE_IN", 5);
1516     testdatapath=loadTestData(&status);
1517     if(U_FAILURE(status))
1518     {
1519         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(status));
1520         return;
1521     }
1523     log_verbose("Testing ures_open()......\n");
1525     empty = ures_open(testdatapath, "testempty", &status);
1526     if(empty == NULL || U_FAILURE(status)) {
1527         log_err("opening empty failed!\n");
1528     }
1529     ures_close(empty);
1531     test1=ures_open(testdatapath, NULL, &err);
1533     if(U_FAILURE(err))
1534     {
1535         log_err("construction of NULL did not succeed :  %s \n", myErrorName(status));
1536         return;
1537     }
1538     test2=ures_open(testdatapath, locale, &err);
1539     if(U_FAILURE(err))
1540     {
1541         log_err("construction of %s did not succeed :  %s \n", locale, myErrorName(status));
1542         return;
1543     }
1544     result1= tres_getString(test1, -1, "string_in_Root_te_te_IN", &len1, &err);
1545     result2= tres_getString(test2, -1, "string_in_Root_te_te_IN", &len2, &err);
1546     if (U_FAILURE(err) || len1==0 || len2==0) {
1547         log_err("Something threw an error in TestConstruction(): %s\n", myErrorName(status));
1548         return;
1549     }
1550     log_verbose("for string_in_Root_te_te_IN, default.txt had  %s\n", u_austrcpy(verboseOutput, result1));
1551     log_verbose("for string_in_Root_te_te_IN, te_IN.txt had %s\n", u_austrcpy(verboseOutput, result2));
1552     if(u_strcmp(result1, rootVal) !=0  || u_strcmp(result2, te_inVal) !=0 ){
1553         log_err("construction test failed. Run Verbose for more information");
1554     }
1557     /* Test getVersionNumber*/
1558     log_verbose("Testing version number\n");
1559     log_verbose("for getVersionNumber :  %s\n", ures_getVersionNumber(test1));
1561     log_verbose("Testing version \n");
1562     ures_getVersion(test1, versionInfo);
1563     u_versionToString(versionInfo, versionString);
1565     log_verbose("for getVersion :  %s\n", versionString);
1567     if(strcmp(versionString, ures_getVersionNumber(test1)) != 0) {
1568         log_err("Versions differ: %s vs %s\n", versionString, ures_getVersionNumber(test1));
1569     }
1571     ures_close(test1);
1572     ures_close(test2);
1574 }
1576 /*****************************************************************************/
1577 /*****************************************************************************/
testTag(const char * frag,UBool in_Root,UBool in_te,UBool in_te_IN)1579 static UBool testTag(const char* frag,
1580            UBool in_Root,
1581            UBool in_te,
1582            UBool in_te_IN)
1583 {
1584     int32_t failNum = fail;
1586     /* Make array from input params */
1588     UBool is_in[3];
1589     const char *NAME[] = { "ROOT", "TE", "TE_IN" };
1591     /* Now try to load the desired items */
1592     UResourceBundle* theBundle = NULL;
1593     char tag[99];
1594     char action[256];
1595     UErrorCode expected_status,status = U_ZERO_ERROR,expected_resource_status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1596     UChar* base = NULL;
1597     UChar* expected_string = NULL;
1598     const UChar* string = NULL;
1599     char buf[5];
1600     char item_tag[10];
1601     int32_t i,j,row,col, len;
1602     int32_t actual_bundle;
1603     int32_t count = 0;
1604     int32_t row_count=0;
1605     int32_t column_count=0;
1606     int32_t idx = 0;
1607     int32_t tag_count= 0;
1608     const char* testdatapath;
1609     char verboseOutput[256];
1610     UResourceBundle* array=NULL;
1611     UResourceBundle* array2d=NULL;
1612     UResourceBundle* tags=NULL;
1613     UResourceBundle* arrayItem1=NULL;
1615     testdatapath = loadTestData(&status);
1616     if(U_FAILURE(status))
1617     {
1618         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(status));
1619         return FALSE;
1620     }
1622     is_in[0] = in_Root;
1623     is_in[1] = in_te;
1624     is_in[2] = in_te_IN;
1626     strcpy(item_tag, "tag");
1628     for (i=0; i<bundles_count; ++i)
1629     {
1630         strcpy(action,"construction for ");
1631         strcat(action, param[i].name);
1634         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1636         theBundle = ures_open(testdatapath, param[i].name, &status);
1637         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status,param[i].expected_constructor_status);
1639         if(i == 5)
1640             actual_bundle = 0; /* ne -> default */
1641         else if(i == 3)
1642             actual_bundle = 1; /* te_NE -> te */
1643         else if(i == 4)
1644             actual_bundle = 2; /* te_IN_NE -> te_IN */
1645         else
1646             actual_bundle = i;
1648         expected_resource_status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
1649         for (j=e_te_IN; j>=e_Root; --j)
1650         {
1651             if (is_in[j] && param[i].inherits[j])
1652             {
1654                 if(j == actual_bundle) /* it's in the same bundle OR it's a nonexistent=default bundle (5) */
1655                     expected_resource_status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1656                 else if(j == 0)
1657                     expected_resource_status = U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING;
1658                 else
1659                     expected_resource_status = U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING;
1661                 log_verbose("%s[%d]::%s: in<%d:%s> inherits<%d:%s>.  actual_bundle=%s\n",
1662                             param[i].name,
1663                             i,
1664                             frag,
1665                             j,
1666                             is_in[j]?"Yes":"No",
1667                             j,
1668                             param[i].inherits[j]?"Yes":"No",
1669                             param[actual_bundle].name);
1671                 break;
1672             }
1673         }
1675         for (j=param[i].where; j>=0; --j)
1676         {
1677             if (is_in[j])
1678             {
1679                 if(base != NULL) {
1680                     free(base);
1681                     base = NULL;
1682                 }
1683                 base=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar)*(strlen(NAME[j]) + 1));
1684                 u_uastrcpy(base,NAME[j]);
1686                 break;
1687             }
1688             else {
1689                 if(base != NULL) {
1690                     free(base);
1691                     base = NULL;
1692                 }
1693                 base = (UChar*) malloc(sizeof(UChar) * 1);
1694                 *base = 0x0000;
1695             }
1696         }
1698         /*----string---------------------------------------------------------------- */
1700         strcpy(tag,"string_");
1701         strcat(tag,frag);
1703         strcpy(action,param[i].name);
1704         strcat(action, ".ures_getStringByKey(" );
1705         strcat(action,tag);
1706         strcat(action, ")");
1709         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1710         len=0;
1712         string=tres_getString(theBundle, -1, tag, &len, &status);
1713         if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
1714             expected_string=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar)*(u_strlen(base) + 4));
1715             u_strcpy(expected_string,base);
1716             CONFIRM_INT_EQ(len, u_strlen(expected_string));
1717         }else{
1718             expected_string = (UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar)*(u_strlen(kERROR) + 1));
1719             u_strcpy(expected_string,kERROR);
1720             string=kERROR;
1721         }
1722         log_verbose("%s got %d, expected %d\n", action, status, expected_resource_status);
1724         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, expected_resource_status);
1725         CONFIRM_EQ(string, expected_string);
1729         /*--------------array------------------------------------------------- */
1731         strcpy(tag,"array_");
1732         strcat(tag,frag);
1734         strcpy(action,param[i].name);
1735         strcat(action, ".ures_getByKey(" );
1736         strcat(action,tag);
1737         strcat(action, ")");
1739         len=0;
1741         count = kERROR_COUNT;
1742         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1743         array=ures_getByKey(theBundle, tag, array, &status);
1744         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status,expected_resource_status);
1745         if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
1746             /*confirm the resource type is an array*/
1747             CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(array), URES_ARRAY);
1748             /*confirm the size*/
1749             count=ures_getSize(array);
1750             CONFIRM_INT_GE(count,1);
1751             for (j=0; j<count; ++j) {
1752                 UChar element[3];
1753                 u_strcpy(expected_string, base);
1754                 u_uastrcpy(element, itoa1(j,buf));
1755                 u_strcat(expected_string, element);
1756                 arrayItem1=ures_getNextResource(array, arrayItem1, &status);
1757                 if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
1758                     CONFIRM_EQ(tres_getString(arrayItem1, -1, NULL, &len, &status),expected_string);
1759                 }
1760             }
1762         }
1763         else {
1764             CONFIRM_INT_EQ(count,kERROR_COUNT);
1765             CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR);
1766             /*CONFIRM_INT_EQ((int32_t)(unsigned long)array,(int32_t)0);*/
1767             count = 0;
1768         }
1770         /*--------------arrayItem------------------------------------------------- */
1772         strcpy(tag,"array_");
1773         strcat(tag,frag);
1775         strcpy(action,param[i].name);
1776         strcat(action, ".ures_getStringByIndex(");
1777         strcat(action, tag);
1778         strcat(action, ")");
1781         for (j=0; j<10; ++j){
1782             idx = count ? (randi(count * 3) - count) : (randi(200) - 100);
1783             status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1784             string=kERROR;
1785             array=ures_getByKey(theBundle, tag, array, &status);
1786             if(!U_FAILURE(status)){
1787                 UChar *t=NULL;
1788                 t=(UChar*)ures_getStringByIndex(array, idx, &len, &status);
1789                 if(!U_FAILURE(status)){
1790                     UChar element[3];
1791                     string=t;
1792                     u_strcpy(expected_string, base);
1793                     u_uastrcpy(element, itoa1(idx,buf));
1794                     u_strcat(expected_string, element);
1795                 } else {
1796                     u_strcpy(expected_string, kERROR);
1797                 }
1799             }
1800             expected_status = (idx >= 0 && idx < count) ? expected_resource_status : U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
1801             CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status,expected_status);
1802             CONFIRM_EQ(string,expected_string);
1804         }
1807         /*--------------2dArray------------------------------------------------- */
1809         strcpy(tag,"array_2d_");
1810         strcat(tag,frag);
1812         strcpy(action,param[i].name);
1813         strcat(action, ".ures_getByKey(" );
1814         strcat(action,tag);
1815         strcat(action, ")");
1819         row_count = kERROR_COUNT, column_count = kERROR_COUNT;
1820         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1821         array2d=ures_getByKey(theBundle, tag, array2d, &status);
1823         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status,expected_resource_status);
1824         if (U_SUCCESS(status))
1825         {
1826             /*confirm the resource type is an 2darray*/
1827             CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(array2d), URES_ARRAY);
1828             row_count=ures_getSize(array2d);
1829             CONFIRM_INT_GE(row_count,1);
1831             for(row=0; row<row_count; ++row){
1832                 UResourceBundle *tableRow=NULL;
1833                 tableRow=ures_getByIndex(array2d, row, tableRow, &status);
1834                 CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, expected_resource_status);
1835                 if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
1836                     /*confirm the resourcetype of each table row is an array*/
1837                     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(ures_getType(tableRow), URES_ARRAY);
1838                     column_count=ures_getSize(tableRow);
1839                     CONFIRM_INT_GE(column_count,1);
1841                     for (col=0; j<column_count; ++j) {
1842                         UChar element[3];
1843                         u_strcpy(expected_string, base);
1844                         u_uastrcpy(element, itoa1(row, buf));
1845                         u_strcat(expected_string, element);
1846                         u_uastrcpy(element, itoa1(col, buf));
1847                         u_strcat(expected_string, element);
1848                         arrayItem1=ures_getNextResource(tableRow, arrayItem1, &status);
1849                         if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
1850                             const UChar *stringValue=tres_getString(arrayItem1, -1, NULL, &len, &status);
1851                             CONFIRM_EQ(stringValue, expected_string);
1852                         }
1853                     }
1854                 }
1855                 ures_close(tableRow);
1856             }
1857         }else{
1858             CONFIRM_INT_EQ(row_count,kERROR_COUNT);
1859             CONFIRM_INT_EQ(column_count,kERROR_COUNT);
1860             row_count=column_count=0;
1861         }
1864         /*------2dArrayItem-------------------------------------------------------------- */
1865         /* 2dArrayItem*/
1866         for (j=0; j<10; ++j)
1867         {
1868             row = row_count ? (randi(row_count * 3) - row_count) : (randi(200) - 100);
1869             col = column_count ? (randi(column_count * 3) - column_count) : (randi(200) - 100);
1870             status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1871             string = kERROR;
1872             len=0;
1873             array2d=ures_getByKey(theBundle, tag, array2d, &status);
1874             if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
1875                 UResourceBundle *tableRow=NULL;
1876                 tableRow=ures_getByIndex(array2d, row, tableRow, &status);
1877                 if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
1878                     UChar *t=NULL;
1879                     t=(UChar*)ures_getStringByIndex(tableRow, col, &len, &status);
1880                     if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
1881                         string=t;
1882                     }
1883                 }
1884                 ures_close(tableRow);
1885             }
1886             expected_status = (row >= 0 && row < row_count && col >= 0 && col < column_count) ?
1887                                    expected_resource_status: U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
1888             CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status,expected_status);
1890             if (U_SUCCESS(status)){
1891                 UChar element[3];
1892                 u_strcpy(expected_string, base);
1893                 u_uastrcpy(element, itoa1(row, buf));
1894                 u_strcat(expected_string, element);
1895                 u_uastrcpy(element, itoa1(col, buf));
1896                 u_strcat(expected_string, element);
1897             } else {
1898                 u_strcpy(expected_string,kERROR);
1899             }
1900             CONFIRM_EQ(string,expected_string);
1902         }
1905         /*--------------taggedArray----------------------------------------------- */
1906         strcpy(tag,"tagged_array_");
1907         strcat(tag,frag);
1909         strcpy(action,param[i].name);
1910         strcat(action,".ures_getByKey(");
1911         strcat(action, tag);
1912         strcat(action,")");
1915         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1916         tag_count=0;
1917         tags=ures_getByKey(theBundle, tag, tags, &status);
1918         CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status, expected_resource_status);
1919         if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
1920             UResType bundleType=ures_getType(tags);
1921             CONFIRM_INT_EQ(bundleType, URES_TABLE);
1923             tag_count=ures_getSize(tags);
1924             CONFIRM_INT_GE((int32_t)tag_count, (int32_t)0);
1926             for(idx=0; idx <tag_count; idx++){
1927                 UResourceBundle *tagelement=NULL;
1928                 const char *key=NULL;
1929                 UChar* value=NULL;
1930                 tagelement=ures_getByIndex(tags, idx, tagelement, &status);
1931                 key=ures_getKey(tagelement);
1932                 value=(UChar*)ures_getNextString(tagelement, &len, &key, &status);
1933                 log_verbose("tag = %s, value = %s\n", key, u_austrcpy(verboseOutput, value));
1934                 if(strncmp(key, "tag", 3) == 0 && u_strncmp(value, base, u_strlen(base)) == 0){
1935                     record_pass();
1936                 }else{
1937                     record_fail();
1938                 }
1939                 ures_close(tagelement);
1940             }
1941         }else{
1942             tag_count=0;
1943         }
1945         /*---------taggedArrayItem----------------------------------------------*/
1946         count = 0;
1947         for (idx=-20; idx<20; ++idx)
1948         {
1950             status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
1951             string = kERROR;
1952             strcpy(item_tag, "tag");
1953             strcat(item_tag, itoa1(idx,buf));
1954             tags=ures_getByKey(theBundle, tag, tags, &status);
1955             if(U_SUCCESS(status)){
1956                 UResourceBundle *tagelement=NULL;
1957                 UChar *t=NULL;
1958                 tagelement=ures_getByKey(tags, item_tag, tagelement, &status);
1959                 if(!U_FAILURE(status)){
1960                     UResType elementType=ures_getType(tagelement);
1961                     CONFIRM_INT_EQ(elementType, URES_STRING);
1962                     if(strcmp(ures_getKey(tagelement), item_tag) == 0){
1963                         record_pass();
1964                     }else{
1965                         record_fail();
1966                     }
1967                     t=(UChar*)tres_getString(tagelement, -1, NULL, &len, &status);
1968                     if(!U_FAILURE(status)){
1969                         string=t;
1970                     }
1971                 }
1972                 if (idx < 0) {
1973                     CONFIRM_ErrorCode(status,U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR);
1974                 }
1975                 else{
1976                     if (status != U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR) {
1977                         UChar element[3];
1978                         u_strcpy(expected_string, base);
1979                         u_uastrcpy(element, itoa1(idx,buf));
1980                         u_strcat(expected_string, element);
1981                         CONFIRM_EQ(string,expected_string);
1982                         count++;
1983                     }
1984                 }
1985                 ures_close(tagelement);
1986             }
1987         }
1988         CONFIRM_INT_EQ(count, tag_count);
1990         free(expected_string);
1991         ures_close(theBundle);
1992     }
1993     ures_close(array);
1994     ures_close(array2d);
1995     ures_close(tags);
1996     ures_close(arrayItem1);
1997     free(base);
1998     return (UBool)(failNum == fail);
1999 }
record_pass()2001 static void record_pass()
2002 {
2003     ++pass;
2004 }
record_fail()2006 static void record_fail()
2007 {
2008     ++fail;
2009 }
TestPreventFallback()2011 static void TestPreventFallback() {
2012     UResourceBundle* theBundle = NULL;
2013     const char* testdatapath;
2014     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2015     int32_t unused_len = 0;
2017     testdatapath=loadTestData(&status);
2018     if(U_FAILURE(status))
2019     {
2020         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(status));
2021         return;
2022     }
2024     // In te_IN locale, fallback of string_in_te_no_te_IN_fallback is blocked
2025     // with the three empty-set (U+2205) chars.
2026     theBundle = ures_open(testdatapath, "te_IN_NE", &status);
2027     if(U_FAILURE(status))
2028     {
2029         log_data_err("Could not open resource bundle te_IN_NE %s \n",myErrorName(status));
2030         return;
2031     }
2033     // Fallback is blocked
2034     ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(theBundle, "string_in_te_no_te_IN_fallback", &unused_len, &status);
2035     if (status != U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR)
2036     {
2037         log_err("Expected missing resource error for string_in_te_no_te_IN_fallback.");
2038     }
2039     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2041     // This fallback should succeed
2042     ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(theBundle, "string_only_in_te", &unused_len, &status);
2043     if(U_FAILURE(status))
2044     {
2045         log_err("Expected to find string_only_in_te %s \n",myErrorName(status));
2046     }
2047     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2048     ures_close(theBundle);
2050     // From te locale, we should be able to fetch string_in_te_no_te_IN_fallback.
2051     theBundle = ures_open(testdatapath, "te", &status);
2052     if(U_FAILURE(status))
2053     {
2054         log_data_err("Could not open resource bundle te_IN_NE %s \n",myErrorName(status));
2055         return;
2056     }
2057     ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(theBundle, "string_in_te_no_te_IN_fallback", &unused_len, &status);
2058     if(U_FAILURE(status))
2059     {
2060         log_err("Expected to find string_in_te_no_te_IN_fallback %s \n",myErrorName(status));
2061     }
2062     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2063     ures_close(theBundle);
2064 }
2066 /**
2067  * Test to make sure that the U_USING_FALLBACK_ERROR and U_USING_DEFAULT_ERROR
2068  * are set correctly
2069  */
TestFallback()2071 static void TestFallback()
2072 {
2073     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2074     UResourceBundle *fr_FR = NULL;
2075     UResourceBundle *subResource = NULL;
2076     const UChar *junk; /* ignored */
2077     int32_t resultLen;
2079     log_verbose("Opening fr_FR..");
2080     fr_FR = ures_open(NULL, "fr_FR", &status);
2081     if(U_FAILURE(status))
2082     {
2083         log_err_status(status, "Couldn't open fr_FR - %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2084         return;
2085     }
2087     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2090     /* clear it out..  just do some calls to get the gears turning */
2091     junk = tres_getString(fr_FR, -1, "LocaleID", &resultLen, &status);
2092     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2093     junk = tres_getString(fr_FR, -1, "LocaleString", &resultLen, &status);
2094     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2095     junk = tres_getString(fr_FR, -1, "LocaleID", &resultLen, &status);
2096     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2097     (void)junk;    /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
2099     /* OK first one. This should be a Default value. */
2100     subResource = ures_getByKey(fr_FR, "layout", NULL, &status);
2101     if(status != U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING)
2102     {
2103         log_data_err("Expected U_USING_DEFAULT_ERROR when trying to get layout from fr_FR, got %s\n",
2104             u_errorName(status));
2105     }
2107     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2108     ures_close(subResource);
2110     /* and this is a Fallback, to fr */
2111     junk = tres_getString(fr_FR, -1, "ExemplarCharacters", &resultLen, &status);
2112     if(status != U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING)
2113     {
2114         log_data_err("Expected U_USING_FALLBACK_ERROR when trying to get ExemplarCharacters from fr_FR, got %d\n",
2115             status);
2116     }
2118     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2120     ures_close(fr_FR);
2121     /* Temporary hack err actually should be U_USING_FALLBACK_ERROR */
2122     /* Test Jitterbug 552 fallback mechanism of aliased data */
2123     {
2124         UErrorCode err =U_ZERO_ERROR;
2125         UResourceBundle* myResB = ures_open(NULL,"no_NO_NY",&err);
2126         UResourceBundle* resLocID = ures_getByKey(myResB, "Version", NULL, &err);
2127         UResourceBundle* tResB;
2128         UResourceBundle* zoneResource;
2129         const UChar* version = NULL;
2130         static const UChar versionStr[] = { 0x0032, 0x002E, 0x0031, 0x002E, 0x0032, 0x0037, 0x002E, 0x0034, 0x0030, 0x0000}; // in nn_NO
2132         if(err != U_ZERO_ERROR){
2133             log_data_err("Expected U_ZERO_ERROR when trying to test no_NO_NY aliased to nn_NO for Version err=%s\n",u_errorName(err));
2134             return;
2135         }
2136         version = tres_getString(resLocID, -1, NULL, &resultLen, &err);
2137         if(u_strcmp(version, versionStr) != 0){
2138             char x[100];
2139             char g[100];
2140             u_austrcpy(x, versionStr);
2141             u_austrcpy(g, version);
2142             log_data_err("ures_getString(resLocID, &resultLen, &err) returned an unexpected version value. Expected '%s', but got '%s'\n",
2143                     x, g);
2144         }
2145         zoneResource = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_ZONE, "no_NO_NY", &err);
2146         tResB = ures_getByKey(zoneResource, "zoneStrings", NULL, &err);
2147         if(err != U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING){
2148             log_err("Expected U_USING_FALLBACK_ERROR when trying to test no_NO_NY aliased with nn_NO_NY for zoneStrings err=%s\n",u_errorName(err));
2149         }
2150         ures_close(tResB);
2151         ures_close(zoneResource);
2152         ures_close(resLocID);
2153         ures_close(myResB);
2154     }
2156 }
2158 /* static void printUChars(UChar* uchars){
2159 /    int16_t i=0;
2160 /    for(i=0; i<u_strlen(uchars); i++){
2161 /        log_err("%04X ", *(uchars+i));
2162 /    }
2163 / } */
TestResourceLevelAliasing(void)2165 static void TestResourceLevelAliasing(void) {
2166     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2167     UResourceBundle *aliasB = NULL, *tb = NULL;
2168     UResourceBundle *en = NULL, *uk = NULL, *testtypes = NULL;
2169     const char* testdatapath = NULL;
2170     const UChar *string = NULL, *sequence = NULL;
2171     /*const uint8_t *binary = NULL, *binSequence = NULL;*/
2172     int32_t strLen = 0, seqLen = 0;/*, binLen = 0, binSeqLen = 0;*/
2173     char buffer[100];
2174     char *s;
2176     testdatapath=loadTestData(&status);
2177     if(U_FAILURE(status))
2178     {
2179         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(status));
2180         return;
2181     }
2183     aliasB = ures_open(testdatapath, "testaliases", &status);
2185     if(U_FAILURE(status))
2186     {
2187         log_data_err("Could not load testaliases.res %s \n",myErrorName(status));
2188         return;
2189     }
2190     /* this should fail - circular alias */
2191     tb = ures_getByKey(aliasB, "aaa", tb, &status);
2192     if(status != U_TOO_MANY_ALIASES_ERROR) {
2193         log_err("Failed to detect circular alias\n");
2194     }
2195     else {
2196         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2197     }
2198     tb = ures_getByKey(aliasB, "aab", tb, &status);
2199     if(status != U_TOO_MANY_ALIASES_ERROR) {
2200         log_err("Failed to detect circular alias\n");
2201     } else {
2202         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2203     }
2204     if(U_FAILURE(status) ) {
2205         log_data_err("err loading tb resource\n");
2206     }  else {
2207       /* testing aliasing to a non existing resource */
2208       tb = ures_getByKey(aliasB, "nonexisting", tb, &status);
2209       if(status != U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR) {
2210         log_err("Managed to find an alias to non-existing resource\n");
2211       } else {
2212         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2213       }
2214       /* testing referencing/composed alias */
2215       uk = ures_findResource("ja/calendar/gregorian/DateTimePatterns/2", uk, &status);
2216       if((uk == NULL) || U_FAILURE(status)) {
2217         log_err_status(status, "Couldn't findResource('ja/calendar/gregorian/DateTimePatterns/2') err %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2218         goto cleanup;
2219       }
2221       sequence = tres_getString(uk, -1, NULL, &seqLen, &status);
2223       tb = ures_getByKey(aliasB, "referencingalias", tb, &status);
2224       string = tres_getString(tb, -1, NULL, &strLen, &status);
2226       if(seqLen != strLen || u_strncmp(sequence, string, seqLen) != 0) {
2227         log_err("Referencing alias didn't get the right string (1)\n");
2228       }
2230       string = tres_getString(aliasB, -1, "referencingalias", &strLen, &status);
2231       if(seqLen != strLen || u_strncmp(sequence, string, seqLen) != 0) {
2232         log_err("Referencing alias didn't get the right string (2)\n");
2233       }
2235       checkStatus(__LINE__, U_ZERO_ERROR, status);
2236       tb = ures_getByKey(aliasB, "DateTimePatterns", tb, &status);
2237       checkStatus(__LINE__, U_ZERO_ERROR, status);
2238       tb = ures_getByIndex(tb, 2, tb, &status);
2239       checkStatus(__LINE__, U_ZERO_ERROR, status);
2240       string = tres_getString(tb, -1, NULL, &strLen, &status);
2241       checkStatus(__LINE__, U_ZERO_ERROR, status);
2243       if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2244         log_err("%s trying to get string via separate getters\n", u_errorName(status));
2245       } else if(seqLen != strLen || u_strncmp(sequence, string, seqLen) != 0) {
2246         log_err("Referencing alias didn't get the right string (3)\n");
2247       }
2249       /* simple alias */
2250       testtypes = ures_open(testdatapath, "testtypes", &status);
2251       strcpy(buffer, "menu/file/open");
2252       s = buffer;
2253       uk = ures_findSubResource(testtypes, s, uk, &status);
2254       sequence = tres_getString(uk, -1, NULL, &seqLen, &status);
2256       tb = ures_getByKey(aliasB, "simplealias", tb, &status);
2257       string = tres_getString(tb, -1, NULL, &strLen, &status);
2259       if(U_FAILURE(status) || seqLen != strLen || u_strncmp(sequence, string, seqLen) != 0) {
2260         log_err("Referencing alias didn't get the right string (4)\n");
2261       }
2263       /* test indexed aliasing */
2265       tb = ures_getByKey(aliasB, "zoneTests", tb, &status);
2266       tb = ures_getByKey(tb, "zoneAlias2", tb, &status);
2267       string = tres_getString(tb, -1, NULL, &strLen, &status);
2269       en = ures_findResource("/ICUDATA-zone/en/zoneStrings/3/0", en, &status);
2270       sequence = tres_getString(en, -1, NULL, &seqLen, &status);
2272       if(U_FAILURE(status) || seqLen != strLen || u_strncmp(sequence, string, seqLen) != 0) {
2273         log_err("Referencing alias didn't get the right string (5)\n");
2274       }
2275     }
2276     /* test getting aliased string by index */
2277     {
2278         const char* keys[] = {
2279                 "KeyAlias0PST",
2280                 "KeyAlias1PacificStandardTime",
2281                 "KeyAlias2PDT",
2282                 "KeyAlias3LosAngeles"
2283         };
2285         const char* strings[] = {
2286                 "America/Los_Angeles",
2287                 "Pacific Standard Time",
2288                 "PDT",
2289                 "Los Angeles",
2290         };
2291         UChar uBuffer[256];
2292         const UChar* result;
2293         int32_t uBufferLen = 0, resultLen = 0;
2294         int32_t i = 0;
2295         const char *key = NULL;
2296         tb = ures_getByKey(aliasB, "testGetStringByKeyAliasing", tb, &status);
2297         if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2298           log_err("FAIL: Couldn't get testGetStringByKeyAliasing resource: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2299         } else {
2300             for(i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(strings); i++) {
2301                 result = tres_getString(tb, -1, keys[i], &resultLen, &status);
2302                 if(U_FAILURE(status)){
2303                     log_err("(1) Fetching the resource with key %s failed. Error: %s\n", keys[i], u_errorName(status));
2304                     continue;
2305                 }
2306                 uBufferLen = u_unescape(strings[i], uBuffer, 256);
2307                 if(resultLen != uBufferLen || u_strncmp(result, uBuffer, resultLen) != 0) {
2308                   log_err("(1) Didn't get correct string while accessing alias table by key (%s)\n", keys[i]);
2309                 }
2310             }
2311             for(i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(strings); i++) {
2312                 result = tres_getString(tb, i, NULL, &resultLen, &status);
2313                 if(U_FAILURE(status)){
2314                     log_err("(2) Fetching the resource with key %s failed. Error: %s\n", keys[i], u_errorName(status));
2315                     continue;
2316                 }
2317                 uBufferLen = u_unescape(strings[i], uBuffer, 256);
2318                 if(result==NULL || resultLen != uBufferLen || u_strncmp(result, uBuffer, resultLen) != 0) {
2319                   log_err("(2) Didn't get correct string while accesing alias table by index (%s)\n", strings[i]);
2320                 }
2321             }
2322             for(i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(strings); i++) {
2323                 result = ures_getNextString(tb, &resultLen, &key, &status);
2324                 if(U_FAILURE(status)){
2325                     log_err("(3) Fetching the resource with key %s failed. Error: %s\n", keys[i], u_errorName(status));
2326                     continue;
2327                 }
2328                 uBufferLen = u_unescape(strings[i], uBuffer, 256);
2329                 if(result==NULL || resultLen != uBufferLen || u_strncmp(result, uBuffer, resultLen) != 0) {
2330                   log_err("(3) Didn't get correct string while iterating over alias table (%s)\n", strings[i]);
2331                 }
2332             }
2333         }
2334         tb = ures_getByKey(aliasB, "testGetStringByIndexAliasing", tb, &status);
2335         if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2336           log_err("FAIL: Couldn't get testGetStringByIndexAliasing resource: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2337         } else {
2338             for(i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(strings); i++) {
2339                 result = tres_getString(tb, i, NULL, &resultLen, &status);
2340                 if(U_FAILURE(status)){
2341                     log_err("Fetching the resource with key %s failed. Error: %s\n", keys[i], u_errorName(status));
2342                     continue;
2343                 }
2344                 uBufferLen = u_unescape(strings[i], uBuffer, 256);
2345                 if(result==NULL || resultLen != uBufferLen || u_strncmp(result, uBuffer, resultLen) != 0) {
2346                   log_err("Didn't get correct string while accesing alias by index in an array (%s)\n", strings[i]);
2347                 }
2348             }
2349             for(i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(strings); i++) {
2350                 result = ures_getNextString(tb, &resultLen, &key, &status);
2351                 if(U_FAILURE(status)){
2352                     log_err("Fetching the resource with key %s failed. Error: %s\n", keys[i], u_errorName(status));
2353                     continue;
2354                 }
2355                 uBufferLen = u_unescape(strings[i], uBuffer, 256);
2356                 if(result==NULL || resultLen != uBufferLen || u_strncmp(result, uBuffer, resultLen) != 0) {
2357                   log_err("Didn't get correct string while iterating over aliases in an array (%s)\n", strings[i]);
2358                 }
2359             }
2360         }
2361     }
2362     tb = ures_getByKey(aliasB, "testAliasToTree", tb, &status);
2363     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
2364         log_err("Fetching the resource with key \"testAliasToTree\" failed. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2365         goto cleanup;
2366     }
2367     if (strcmp(ures_getKey(tb), "collations") != 0) {
2368         log_err("ures_getKey(aliasB) unexpectedly returned %s instead of \"collations\"\n", ures_getKey(tb));
2369     }
2370 cleanup:
2371     ures_close(aliasB);
2372     ures_close(tb);
2373     ures_close(en);
2374     ures_close(uk);
2375     ures_close(testtypes);
2376 }
TestDirectAccess(void)2378 static void TestDirectAccess(void) {
2379     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2380     UResourceBundle *t = NULL, *t2 = NULL;
2381     const char* key = NULL;
2383     char buffer[100];
2384     char *s;
2385     /*const char* testdatapath=loadTestData(&status);
2386     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
2387         log_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(status));
2388         return;
2389     }*/
2391     t = ures_findResource("/testdata/te/zoneStrings/3/2", t, &status);
2392     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2393         log_data_err("Couldn't access indexed resource, error %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2394         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2395     } else {
2396         key = ures_getKey(t);
2397         if(key != NULL) {
2398             log_err("Got a strange key, expected NULL, got %s\n", key);
2399         }
2400     }
2401     t = ures_findResource("en/calendar/gregorian/DateTimePatterns/3", t, &status);
2402     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2403         log_data_err("Couldn't access indexed resource, error %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2404         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2405     } else {
2406         key = ures_getKey(t);
2407         if(key != NULL) {
2408             log_err("Got a strange key, expected NULL, got %s\n", key);
2409         }
2410     }
2412     t = ures_findResource("ja/ExemplarCharacters", t, &status);
2413     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2414         log_data_err("Couldn't access keyed resource, error %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2415         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2416     } else {
2417         key = ures_getKey(t);
2418         if(strcmp(key, "ExemplarCharacters")!=0) {
2419             log_err("Got a strange key, expected 'ExemplarCharacters', got %s\n", key);
2420         }
2421     }
2423     t2 = ures_open(U_ICUDATA_LANG, "sr", &status);
2424     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2425         log_err_status(status, "Couldn't open 'sr' resource bundle, error %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2426         log_data_err("No 'sr', no test - you have bigger problems than testing direct access. "
2427                      "You probably have no data! Aborting this test\n");
2428     }
2430     if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
2431         strcpy(buffer, "Languages/hr");
2432         s = buffer;
2433         t = ures_findSubResource(t2, s, t, &status);
2434         if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2435             log_err("Couldn't access keyed resource, error %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2436             status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2437         } else {
2438             key = ures_getKey(t);
2439             if(strcmp(key, "hr")!=0) {
2440                 log_err("Got a strange key, expected 'hr', got %s\n", key);
2441             }
2442         }
2443     }
2445     t = ures_findResource("root/calendar/islamic-civil/DateTime", t, &status);
2446     if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
2447         log_data_err("This resource does not exist. How did it get here?\n");
2448     }
2449     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2451     /* this one will freeze */
2452     t = ures_findResource("root/calendar/islamic-civil/eras/abbreviated/0/mikimaus/pera", t, &status);
2453     if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
2454         log_data_err("Second resource does not exist. How did it get here?\n");
2455     }
2456     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2458     ures_close(t2);
2459     t2 = ures_open(NULL, "he", &status);
2460     t2 = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t2, "calendar", t2, &status);
2461     t2 = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t2, "islamic-civil", t2, &status);
2462     t2 = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t2, "DateTime", t2, &status);
2463     if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
2464         log_err("This resource does not exist. How did it get here?\n");
2465     }
2466     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2468     ures_close(t2);
2469     t2 = ures_open(NULL, "he", &status);
2470     /* George's fix */
2471     t2 = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t2, "calendar", t2, &status);
2472     t2 = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t2, "islamic-civil", t2, &status);
2473     t2 = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t2, "eras", t2, &status);
2474     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2475         log_err_status(status, "Didn't get Eras. I know they are there!\n");
2476     }
2477     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2479     ures_close(t2);
2480     t2 = ures_open(NULL, "root", &status);
2481     t2 = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t2, "calendar", t2, &status);
2482     t2 = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t2, "islamic-civil", t2, &status);
2483     t2 = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t2, "DateTime", t2, &status);
2484     if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
2485         log_err("This resource does not exist. How did it get here?\n");
2486     }
2487     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2489     ures_close(t2);
2490     ures_close(t);
2491 }
TestTicket9804(void)2493 static void TestTicket9804(void) {
2494     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2495     UResourceBundle *t = NULL;
2496     t = ures_open(NULL, "he", &status);
2497     t = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t, "calendar/islamic-civil/DateTime", t, &status);
2498     if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
2499         log_err("This resource does not exist. How did it get here?\n");
2500     }
2501     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2502     ures_close(t);
2503     t = ures_open(NULL, "he", &status);
2504     t = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t, "calendar/islamic-civil/eras", t, &status);
2505     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2506         log_err_status(status, "Didn't get Eras. I know they are there!\n");
2507     } else {
2508         const char *locale = ures_getLocaleByType(t, ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, &status);
2509         if (uprv_strcmp("he", locale) != 0) {
2510             log_err("Eras should be in the 'he' locale, but was in: %s", locale);
2511         }
2512     }
2513     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2514     ures_close(t);
2515 }
TestJB3763(void)2517 static void TestJB3763(void) {
2518     /* Nasty bug prevented using parent as fill-in, since it would
2519      * stomp the path information.
2520      */
2521     UResourceBundle *t = NULL;
2522     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2523     t = ures_open(NULL, "sr_Latn", &status);
2524     t = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t, "calendar", t, &status);
2525     t = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t, "gregorian", t, &status);
2526     t = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(t, "AmPmMarkers", t, &status);
2527     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2528         log_err_status(status, "This resource should be available?\n");
2529     }
2530     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2532     ures_close(t);
2534 }
TestGetKeywordValues(void)2536 static void TestGetKeywordValues(void) {
2537     UEnumeration *kwVals;
2538     UBool foundStandard = FALSE;
2539     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2540     const char *kw;
2542     kwVals = ures_getKeywordValues( U_ICUDATA_COLL, "collations", &status);
2544     log_verbose("Testing getting collation keyword values:\n");
2546     while((kw=uenum_next(kwVals, NULL, &status))) {
2547         log_verbose("  %s\n", kw);
2548         if(!strcmp(kw,"standard")) {
2549             if(foundStandard == FALSE) {
2550                 foundStandard = TRUE;
2551             } else {
2552                 log_err("'standard' was found twice in the keyword list.\n");
2553             }
2554         }
2555     }
2556     if(foundStandard == FALSE) {
2557         log_err_status(status, "'standard' was not found in the keyword list.\n");
2558     }
2559     uenum_close(kwVals);
2560     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2561         log_err_status(status, "err %s getting collation values\n", u_errorName(status));
2562     }
2563     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2564 #endif
2565     foundStandard = FALSE;
2566     kwVals = ures_getKeywordValues( "ICUDATA", "calendar", &status);
2568     log_verbose("Testing getting calendar keyword values:\n");
2570     while((kw=uenum_next(kwVals, NULL, &status))) {
2571         log_verbose("  %s\n", kw);
2572         if(!strcmp(kw,"japanese")) {
2573             if(foundStandard == FALSE) {
2574                 foundStandard = TRUE;
2575             } else {
2576                 log_err("'japanese' was found twice in the calendar keyword list.\n");
2577             }
2578         }
2579     }
2580     if(foundStandard == FALSE) {
2581         log_err_status(status, "'japanese' was not found in the calendar keyword list.\n");
2582     }
2583     uenum_close(kwVals);
2584     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2585         log_err_status(status, "err %s getting calendar values\n", u_errorName(status));
2586     }
2587 }
TestGetFunctionalEquivalentOf(const char * path,const char * resName,const char * keyword,UBool truncate,const char * const testCases[])2589 static void TestGetFunctionalEquivalentOf(const char *path, const char *resName, const char *keyword, UBool truncate, const char * const testCases[]) {
2590     int32_t i;
2591     for(i=0;testCases[i];i+=3) {
2592         UBool expectAvail = (testCases[i][0]=='t')?TRUE:FALSE;
2593         UBool gotAvail = FALSE;
2594         const char *inLocale = testCases[i+1];
2595         const char *expectLocale = testCases[i+2];
2596         char equivLocale[256];
2597         int32_t len;
2598         UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2599         log_verbose("%d:   %c      %s\texpect %s\n",i/3,  expectAvail?'t':'f', inLocale, expectLocale);
2600         len = ures_getFunctionalEquivalent(equivLocale, 255, path,
2601             resName, keyword, inLocale,
2602             &gotAvail, truncate, &status);
2603         if(U_FAILURE(status) || (len <= 0)) {
2604             log_err_status(status, "FAIL: got len %d, err %s  on #%d: %c\t%s\t%s\n",
2605                 len, u_errorName(status),
2606                 i/3,expectAvail?'t':'f', inLocale, expectLocale);
2607         } else {
2608             log_verbose("got:  %c   %s\n", expectAvail?'t':'f',equivLocale);
2610             if((gotAvail != expectAvail) || strcmp(equivLocale, expectLocale)) {
2611                 log_err("FAIL: got avail=%c, loc=%s but  expected #%d: %c\t%s\t-> loc=%s\n",
2612                     gotAvail?'t':'f', equivLocale,
2613                     i/3,
2614                     expectAvail?'t':'f', inLocale, expectLocale);
2616             }
2617         }
2618     }
2619 }
TestGetFunctionalEquivalent(void)2621 static void TestGetFunctionalEquivalent(void) {
2623     static const char * const collCases[] = {
2624         /*   avail   locale          equiv   */
2625         "f",    "sv_US_CALIFORNIA",               "sv",
2626         "f",    "zh_TW@collation=stroke",         "zh@collation=stroke", /* alias of zh_Hant_TW */
2627         "f",    "zh_Hant_TW@collation=stroke",    "zh@collation=stroke",
2628         "f",    "sv_CN@collation=pinyin",         "sv",
2629         "t",    "zh@collation=pinyin",            "zh",
2630         "f",    "zh_CN@collation=pinyin",         "zh", /* alias of zh_Hans_CN */
2631         "f",    "zh_Hans_CN@collation=pinyin",    "zh",
2632         "f",    "zh_HK@collation=pinyin",         "zh", /* alias of zh_Hant_HK */
2633         "f",    "zh_Hant_HK@collation=pinyin",    "zh",
2634         "f",    "zh_HK@collation=stroke",         "zh@collation=stroke", /* alias of zh_Hant_HK */
2635         "f",    "zh_Hant_HK@collation=stroke",    "zh@collation=stroke",
2636         "f",    "zh_HK",                          "zh@collation=stroke", /* alias of zh_Hant_HK */
2637         "f",    "zh_Hant_HK",                     "zh@collation=stroke",
2638         "f",    "zh_MO",                          "zh@collation=stroke", /* alias of zh_Hant_MO */
2639         "f",    "zh_Hant_MO",                     "zh@collation=stroke",
2640         "f",    "zh_TW_STROKE",                   "zh@collation=stroke",
2641         "f",    "zh_TW_STROKE@collation=pinyin",  "zh",
2642         "f",    "sv_CN@calendar=japanese",        "sv",
2643         "t",    "sv@calendar=japanese",           "sv",
2644         "f",    "zh_TW@collation=pinyin",         "zh", /* alias of zh_Hant_TW */
2645         "f",    "zh_Hant_TW@collation=pinyin",    "zh",
2646         "f",    "zh_CN@collation=stroke",         "zh@collation=stroke", /* alias of zh_Hans_CN */
2647         "f",    "zh_Hans_CN@collation=stroke",    "zh@collation=stroke",
2648         "t",    "de@collation=phonebook",         "de@collation=phonebook",
2649         "t",    "hi@collation=standard",          "hi",
2650         "f",    "hi_AU@collation=standard;currency=CHF;calendar=buddhist",    "hi",
2651         "f",    "sv_SE@collation=pinyin",         "sv", /* bug 4582 tests */
2652         "f",    "sv_SE_BONN@collation=pinyin",    "sv",
2653         "t",    "nl",                             "root",
2654         "f",    "nl_NL",                          "root",
2655         "f",    "nl_NL_EEXT",                     "root",
2656         "t",    "nl@collation=stroke",            "root",
2657         "f",    "nl_NL@collation=stroke",         "root",
2658         "f",    "nl_NL_EEXT@collation=stroke",    "root",
2659         NULL
2660     };
2661 #endif  /* !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
2663     static const char *calCases[] = {
2664         /*   avail   locale                       equiv   */
2665         "t",    "en_US_POSIX",                   "en@calendar=gregorian",
2666         "f",    "ja_JP_TOKYO",                   "ja@calendar=gregorian",
2667         "f",    "ja_JP_TOKYO@calendar=japanese", "ja@calendar=japanese",
2668         "t",    "sr@calendar=gregorian", "sr@calendar=gregorian",
2669         "t",    "en", "en@calendar=gregorian",
2670         NULL
2671     };
2674     TestGetFunctionalEquivalentOf(U_ICUDATA_COLL, "collations", "collation", TRUE, collCases);
2675 #endif
2676     TestGetFunctionalEquivalentOf("ICUDATA", "calendar", "calendar", FALSE, calCases);
2679     log_verbose("Testing error conditions:\n");
2680     {
2681         char equivLocale[256] = "???";
2682         int32_t len;
2683         UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2684         UBool gotAvail = FALSE;
2686         len = ures_getFunctionalEquivalent(equivLocale, 255, U_ICUDATA_COLL,
2687             "calendar", "calendar", "ar_EG@calendar=islamic",
2688             &gotAvail, FALSE, &status);
2689         (void)len;    /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
2691         if(status == U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR) {
2692             log_verbose("PASS: Got expected U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR\n");
2693         } else {
2694             log_err("ures_getFunctionalEquivalent  returned locale %s, avail %c, err %s, but expected U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR \n",
2695                 equivLocale, gotAvail?'t':'f', u_errorName(status));
2696         }
2697     }
2698 #endif
2699 }
TestXPath(void)2701 static void TestXPath(void) {
2702     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2703     UResourceBundle *rb = NULL, *alias = NULL;
2704     int32_t len = 0;
2705     const UChar* result = NULL;
2706     const UChar expResult[] = { 0x0063, 0x006F, 0x0072, 0x0072, 0x0065, 0x0063, 0x0074, 0x0000 }; /* "correct" */
2707     /*const UChar expResult[] = { 0x0074, 0x0065, 0x0069, 0x006E, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x0000 }; *//*teindest*/
2709     const char *testdatapath=loadTestData(&status);
2710     if(U_FAILURE(status))
2711     {
2712         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(status));
2713         return;
2714     }
2716     log_verbose("Testing ures_open()......\n");
2718     rb = ures_open(testdatapath, "te_IN", &status);
2719     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2720       log_err("Could not open te_IN (%s)\n", myErrorName(status));
2721       return;
2722     }
2723     alias = ures_getByKey(rb, "rootAliasClient", alias, &status);
2724     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2725       log_err("Couldn't find the aliased resource (%s)\n", myErrorName(status));
2726       ures_close(rb);
2727       return;
2728     }
2730     result = tres_getString(alias, -1, NULL, &len, &status);
2731     if(U_FAILURE(status) || result == NULL || u_strcmp(result, expResult)) {
2732       log_err("Couldn't get correct string value (%s)\n", myErrorName(status));
2733     }
2735     alias = ures_getByKey(rb, "aliasClient", alias, &status);
2736     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2737       log_err("Couldn't find the aliased resource (%s)\n", myErrorName(status));
2738       ures_close(rb);
2739       return;
2740     }
2742     result = tres_getString(alias, -1, NULL, &len, &status);
2743     if(U_FAILURE(status) || result == NULL || u_strcmp(result, expResult)) {
2744       log_err("Couldn't get correct string value (%s)\n", myErrorName(status));
2745     }
2747     alias = ures_getByKey(rb, "nestedRootAliasClient", alias, &status);
2748     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2749       log_err("Couldn't find the aliased resource (%s)\n", myErrorName(status));
2750       ures_close(rb);
2751       return;
2752     }
2754     result = tres_getString(alias, -1, NULL, &len, &status);
2755     if(U_FAILURE(status) || result == NULL || u_strcmp(result, expResult)) {
2756       log_err("Couldn't get correct string value (%s)\n", myErrorName(status));
2757     }
2759     ures_close(alias);
2760     ures_close(rb);
2761 }
TestCLDRStyleAliases(void)2762 static void TestCLDRStyleAliases(void) {
2763     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2764     UResourceBundle *rb = NULL, *alias = NULL, *a=NULL;
2765     int32_t i, len;
2766     char resource[256];
2767     const UChar *result = NULL;
2768     UChar expected[256];
2769     const char *expects[7] = { "", "a41", "a12", "a03", "ar4" };
2770     const char *testdatapath=loadTestData(&status);
2771     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2772         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat %s \n",myErrorName(status));
2773         return;
2774     }
2775     log_verbose("Testing CLDR style aliases......\n");
2777     rb = ures_open(testdatapath, "te_IN_REVISED", &status);
2778     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2779       log_err("Could not open te_IN (%s)\n", myErrorName(status));
2780       return;
2781     }
2782     alias = ures_getByKey(rb, "a", alias, &status);
2783     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2784       log_err("Couldn't find the aliased with name \"a\" resource (%s)\n", myErrorName(status));
2785       ures_close(rb);
2786       return;
2787     }
2788     for(i = 1; i < 5 ; i++) {
2789       resource[0]='a';
2790       resource[1]='0'+i;
2791       resource[2]=0;
2792       /* instead of sprintf(resource, "a%i", i); */
2793       a = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(alias, resource, a, &status);
2794       result = tres_getString(a, -1, NULL, &len, &status);
2795       u_charsToUChars(expects[i], expected, strlen(expects[i])+1);
2796       if(U_FAILURE(status) || !result || u_strcmp(result, expected)) {
2797         log_err("CLDR style aliases failed resource with name \"%s\" resource, exp %s, got %S (%s)\n", resource, expects[i], result, myErrorName(status));
2798         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2799       }
2800     }
2802   ures_close(a);
2803   ures_close(alias);
2804   ures_close(rb);
2805 }
TestFallbackCodes(void)2807 static void TestFallbackCodes(void) {
2808   UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2809   const char *testdatapath=loadTestData(&status);
2811   UResourceBundle *res = ures_open(testdatapath, "te_IN", &status);
2813   UResourceBundle *r = NULL, *fall = NULL;
2815   r = ures_getByKey(res, "tagged_array_in_Root_te_te_IN", r, &status);
2817   status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2818   fall = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(r, "tag2", fall, &status);
2820   if(status != U_ZERO_ERROR) {
2821     log_data_err("Expected error code to be U_ZERO_ERROR, got %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2822     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2823   }
2825   fall = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(r, "tag7", fall, &status);
2827   if(status != U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING) {
2828     log_data_err("Expected error code to be U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING, got %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2829   }
2830   status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2832   fall = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(r, "tag1", fall, &status);
2834   if(status != U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING) {
2835     log_data_err("Expected error code to be U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING, got %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2836   }
2837   status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2839   ures_close(fall);
2840   ures_close(r);
2841   ures_close(res);
2842 }
2844 /* This test will crash if this doesn't work. Results don't need testing. */
TestStackReuse(void)2845 static void TestStackReuse(void) {
2846     UResourceBundle table;
2847     UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2848     UResourceBundle *rb = ures_open(NULL, "en_US", &errorCode);
2850     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
2851         log_data_err("Could not load en_US locale. status=%s\n",myErrorName(errorCode));
2852         return;
2853     }
2854     ures_initStackObject(&table);
2855     ures_getByKeyWithFallback(rb, "Types", &table, &errorCode);
2856     ures_getByKeyWithFallback(&table, "collation", &table, &errorCode);
2857     ures_close(rb);
2858     ures_close(&table);
2859 }
2861 /* Test ures_getUTF8StringXYZ() --------------------------------------------- */
2863 /*
2864  * Replace most ures_getStringXYZ() with this function which wraps the
2865  * desired call and also calls the UTF-8 variant and checks that it works.
2866  */
2867 extern const UChar *
tres_getString(const UResourceBundle * resB,int32_t idx,const char * key,int32_t * length,UErrorCode * status)2868 tres_getString(const UResourceBundle *resB,
2869                int32_t idx, const char *key,
2870                int32_t *length,
2871                UErrorCode *status) {
2872     char buffer8[16];
2873     char *p8;
2874     const UChar *s16;
2875     const char *s8;
2876     UChar32 c16, c8;
2877     int32_t length16, length8, i16, i8;
2878     UBool forceCopy;
2880     if(length == NULL) {
2881         length = &length16;
2882     }
2883     if(idx >= 0) {
2884         s16 = ures_getStringByIndex(resB, idx, length, status);
2885     } else if(key != NULL) {
2886         s16 = ures_getStringByKey(resB, key, length, status);
2887     } else {
2888         s16 = ures_getString(resB, length, status);
2889     }
2890     if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
2891         return s16;
2892     }
2893     length16 = *length;
2895     /* try the UTF-8 variant of ures_getStringXYZ() */
2896     for(forceCopy = FALSE; forceCopy <= TRUE; ++forceCopy) {
2897         p8 = buffer8;
2898         length8 = (int32_t)sizeof(buffer8);
2899         if(idx >= 0) {
2900             s8 = ures_getUTF8StringByIndex(resB, idx, p8, &length8, forceCopy, status);
2901         } else if(key != NULL) {
2902             s8 = ures_getUTF8StringByKey(resB, key, p8, &length8, forceCopy, status);
2903         } else {
2904             s8 = ures_getUTF8String(resB, p8, &length8, forceCopy, status);
2905         }
2906         if(*status == U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND) {
2907             /* the UTF-16 string contains an unpaired surrogate, can't test UTF-8 variant */
2908             return s16;
2909         }
2910         if(*status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
2911             *status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2912             p8 = (char *)malloc(++length8);
2913             if(p8 == NULL) {
2914                 return s16;
2915             }
2916             if(idx >= 0) {
2917                 s8 = ures_getUTF8StringByIndex(resB, idx, p8, &length8, forceCopy, status);
2918             } else if(key != NULL) {
2919                 s8 = ures_getUTF8StringByKey(resB, key, p8, &length8, forceCopy, status);
2920             } else {
2921                 s8 = ures_getUTF8String(resB, p8, &length8, forceCopy, status);
2922             }
2923         }
2924         if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
2925             /* something unexpected happened */
2926             if(p8 != buffer8) {
2927                 free(p8);
2928             }
2929             return s16;
2930         }
2932         if(forceCopy && s8 != p8) {
2933             log_err("ures_getUTF8String(%p, %ld, '%s') did not write the string to dest\n",
2934                     resB, (long)idx, key);
2935         }
2937         /* verify NUL-termination */
2938         if((p8 != buffer8 || length8 < sizeof(buffer8)) && s8[length8] != 0) {
2939             log_err("ures_getUTF8String(%p, %ld, '%s') did not NUL-terminate\n",
2940                     resB, (long)idx, key);
2941         }
2942         /* verify correct string */
2943         i16 = i8 = 0;
2944         while(i16 < length16 && i8 < length8) {
2945             U16_NEXT(s16, i16, length16, c16);
2946             U8_NEXT(s8, i8, length8, c8);
2947             if(c16 != c8) {
2948                 log_err("ures_getUTF8String(%p, %ld, '%s') got a bad string, c16=U+%04lx!=U+%04lx=c8 before i16=%ld\n",
2949                         resB, (long)idx, key, (long)c16, (long)c8, (long)i16);
2950             }
2951         }
2952         /* verify correct length */
2953         if(i16 < length16) {
2954             log_err("ures_getUTF8String(%p, %ld, '%s') UTF-8 string too short, length8=%ld, length16=%ld\n",
2955                     resB, (long)idx, key, (long)length8, (long)length16);
2956         }
2957         if(i8 < length8) {
2958             log_err("ures_getUTF8String(%p, %ld, '%s') UTF-8 string too long, length8=%ld, length16=%ld\n",
2959                     resB, (long)idx, key, (long)length8, (long)length16);
2960         }
2962         /* clean up */
2963         if(p8 != buffer8) {
2964             free(p8);
2965         }
2966     }
2967     return s16;
2968 }
2970 /*
2971  * API tests for ures_getUTF8String().
2972  * Most cases are handled by tres_getString(), which leaves argument checking
2973  * to be tested here.
2974  * Since the variants share most of their implementation, we only need to test
2975  * one of them.
2976  * We also need not test for checking arguments which will be checked by the
2977  * UTF-16 ures_getStringXYZ() that are called internally.
2978  */
2979 static void
TestGetUTF8String()2980 TestGetUTF8String() {
2981     UResourceBundle *res;
2982     const char *testdatapath;
2983     char buffer8[16];
2984     const char *s8;
2985     int32_t length8;
2986     UErrorCode status;
2988     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
2989     testdatapath = loadTestData(&status);
2990     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2991         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat - %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2992         return;
2993     }
2995     res = ures_open(testdatapath, "", &status);
2996     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
2997         log_err("Unable to ures_open(testdata, \"\") - %s\n", u_errorName(status));
2998         return;
2999     }
3001     /* one good call */
3002     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
3003     length8 = (int32_t)sizeof(buffer8);
3004     s8 = ures_getUTF8StringByKey(res, "string_only_in_Root", buffer8, &length8, FALSE, &status);
3005     (void)s8;    /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
3006     if(status != U_ZERO_ERROR) {
3007         log_err("ures_getUTF8StringByKey(testdata/root string) malfunctioned - %s\n", u_errorName(status));
3008     }
3010     /* negative capacity */
3011     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
3012     length8 = -1;
3013     s8 = ures_getUTF8StringByKey(res, "string_only_in_Root", buffer8, &length8, FALSE, &status);
3014     if(status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) {
3015         log_err("ures_getUTF8StringByKey(capacity<0) malfunctioned - %s\n", u_errorName(status));
3016     }
3018     /* capacity>0 but dest=NULL */
3019     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
3020     length8 = (int32_t)sizeof(buffer8);
3021     s8 = ures_getUTF8StringByKey(res, "string_only_in_Root", NULL, &length8, FALSE, &status);
3022     if(status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) {
3023         log_err("ures_getUTF8StringByKey(dest=NULL capacity>0) malfunctioned - %s\n", u_errorName(status));
3024     }
3026     ures_close(res);
3027 }
TestCLDRVersion(void)3029 static void TestCLDRVersion(void) {
3030   UVersionInfo zeroVersion;
3031   UVersionInfo testExpect;
3032   UVersionInfo testCurrent;
3033   UVersionInfo cldrVersion;
3034   char tmp[200];
3035   UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
3037   /* setup the constant value */
3038   u_versionFromString(zeroVersion, "");
3040   /* test CLDR value from API */
3041   ulocdata_getCLDRVersion(cldrVersion, &status);
3042   if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
3043     /* the show is pretty much over at this point */
3044     log_err_status(status, "FAIL: ulocdata_getCLDRVersion() returned %s\n", u_errorName(status));
3045     return;
3046   } else {
3047     u_versionToString(cldrVersion, tmp);
3048     log_info("ulocdata_getCLDRVersion() returned: '%s'\n", tmp);
3049   }
3052   /* setup from resource bundle */
3053   {
3054     UResourceBundle *res;
3055     const char *testdatapath;
3057     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
3058     testdatapath = loadTestData(&status);
3059     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
3060         log_data_err("Could not load testdata.dat - %s\n", u_errorName(status));
3061         return;
3062     }
3064     res = ures_openDirect(testdatapath, "root", &status);
3065     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
3066         log_err("Unable to ures_open(testdata, \"\") - %s\n", u_errorName(status
3067 ));
3068         return;
3069     }
3070     ures_getVersionByKey(res, "ExpectCLDRVersionAtLeast", testExpect, &status);
3071     ures_getVersionByKey(res, "CurrentCLDRVersion", testCurrent, &status);
3072     ures_close(res);
3073     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
3074         log_err("Unable to get test data for CLDR version - %s\n", u_errorName(status));
3075     }
3076   }
3077   if(U_FAILURE(status)) return;
3080   u_versionToString(testExpect,tmp);
3081   log_verbose("(data) ExpectCLDRVersionAtLeast { %s }\n", tmp);
3082   if(memcmp(cldrVersion, testExpect, sizeof(UVersionInfo)) < 0) {
3083     log_data_err("CLDR version is too old, expect at least %s.", tmp);
3084   }
3085   u_versionToString(testCurrent,tmp);
3086   log_verbose("(data) CurrentCLDRVersion { %s }\n", tmp);
3087   switch(memcmp(cldrVersion, testCurrent, sizeof(UVersionInfo))) {
3088     case 0: break; /* OK- current. */
3089     case -1: log_info("CLDR version is behind 'current' (for testdata/root.txt) %s. Some things may fail.\n", tmp); break;
3090     case 1: log_info("CLDR version is ahead of 'current' (for testdata/root.txt) %s. Some things may fail.\n", tmp); break;
3091   }
3093 }