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3# Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4"""Script to maintain the Telemetry benchmark default results file.
6This script allows the user to see and update the set of default
7results to be used in generating reports from running the Telemetry
12from __future__ import print_function
14__author__ = 'cmtice@google.com (Caroline Tice)'
16import os
17import sys
18import json
20from cros_utils import misc
22Defaults = {}
25class TelemetryDefaults(object):
26  """Class for handling telemetry default return result fields."""
28  DEFAULTS_FILE_NAME = 'crosperf/default-telemetry-results.json'
30  def __init__(self):
31    # Get the Crosperf directory; that is where the defaults
32    # file should be.
33    dirname, __ = misc.GetRoot(__file__)
34    fullname = os.path.join(dirname, self.DEFAULTS_FILE_NAME)
35    self._filename = fullname
36    self._defaults = {}
38  def ReadDefaultsFile(self):
39    if os.path.exists(self._filename):
40      with open(self._filename, 'r') as fp:
41        self._defaults = json.load(fp)
43  def WriteDefaultsFile(self):
44    with open(self._filename, 'w') as fp:
45      json.dump(self._defaults, fp, indent=2)
47  def ListCurrentDefaults(self, benchmark=all):
48    # Show user current defaults. By default, show all.  The user
49    # can specify the name of a particular benchmark to see only that
50    # benchmark's default values.
51    if len(self._defaults) == 0:
52      print('The benchmark default results are currently empty.')
53    if benchmark == all:
54      for b in self._defaults.keys():
55        results = self._defaults[b]
56        out_str = b + ' : '
57        for r in results:
58          out_str += r + ' '
59        print(out_str)
60    elif benchmark in self._defaults:
61      results = self._defaults[benchmark]
62      out_str = benchmark + ' : '
63      for r in results:
64        out_str += r + ' '
65      print(out_str)
66    else:
67      print("Error:  Unrecognized benchmark '%s'" % benchmark)
69  def AddDefault(self, benchmark, result):
70    if benchmark in self._defaults:
71      resultList = self._defaults[benchmark]
72    else:
73      resultList = []
74    resultList.append(result)
75    self._defaults[benchmark] = resultList
76    print("Updated results set for '%s': " % benchmark)
77    print('%s : %s' % (benchmark, repr(self._defaults[benchmark])))
79  def RemoveDefault(self, benchmark, result):
80    if benchmark in self._defaults:
81      resultList = self._defaults[benchmark]
82      if result in resultList:
83        resultList.remove(result)
84        print("Updated results set for '%s': " % benchmark)
85        print('%s : %s' % (benchmark, repr(self._defaults[benchmark])))
86      else:
87        print("'%s' is not in '%s's default results list." %
88              (result, benchmark))
89    else:
90      print("Cannot find benchmark named '%s'" % benchmark)
92  def GetDefault(self):
93    return self._defaults
95  def RemoveBenchmark(self, benchmark):
96    if benchmark in self._defaults:
97      del self._defaults[benchmark]
98      print("Deleted benchmark '%s' from list of benchmarks." % benchmark)
99    else:
100      print("Cannot find benchmark named '%s'" % benchmark)
102  def RenameBenchmark(self, old_name, new_name):
103    if old_name in self._defaults:
104      resultsList = self._defaults[old_name]
105      del self._defaults[old_name]
106      self._defaults[new_name] = resultsList
107      print("Renamed '%s' to '%s'." % (old_name, new_name))
108    else:
109      print("Cannot find benchmark named '%s'" % old_name)
111  def UsageError(self, user_input):
112    # Print error message, then show options
113    print("Error:Invalid user input: '%s'" % user_input)
114    self.ShowOptions()
116  def ShowOptions(self):
117    print("""
118Below are the valid user options and their arguments, and an explanation
119of what each option does.  You may either print out the full name of the
120option, or you may use the first letter of the option.  Case (upper or
121lower) does not matter, for the command (case of the result name DOES matter):
123    (L)ist                           - List all current defaults
124    (L)ist <benchmark>               - List current defaults for benchmark
125    (H)elp                           - Show this information.
126    (A)dd <benchmark> <result>       - Add a default result for a particular
127                                       benchmark (appends to benchmark's list
128                                       of results, if list already exists)
129    (D)elete <benchmark> <result>    - Delete a default result for a
130                                       particular benchmark
131    (R)emove <benchmark>             - Remove an entire benchmark (and its
132                                       results)
133    (M)ove <old-benchmark> <new-benchmark>    - Rename a benchmark
134    (Q)uit                           - Exit this program, saving changes.
135    (T)erminate                      - Exit this program; abandon changes.
139  def GetUserInput(self):
140    # Prompt user
141    print('Enter option> ')
142    # Process user input
143    inp = sys.stdin.readline()
144    inp = inp[:-1]
145    # inp = inp.lower()
146    words = inp.split(' ')
147    option = words[0]
148    option = option.lower()
149    if option == 'h' or option == 'help':
150      self.ShowOptions()
151    elif option == 'l' or option == 'list':
152      if len(words) == 1:
153        self.ListCurrentDefaults()
154      else:
155        self.ListCurrentDefaults(benchmark=words[1])
156    elif option == 'a' or option == 'add':
157      if len(words) < 3:
158        self.UsageError(inp)
159      else:
160        benchmark = words[1]
161        resultList = words[2:]
162        for r in resultList:
163          self.AddDefault(benchmark, r)
164    elif option == 'd' or option == 'delete':
165      if len(words) != 3:
166        self.UsageError(inp)
167      else:
168        benchmark = words[1]
169        result = words[2]
170        self.RemoveDefault(benchmark, result)
171    elif option == 'r' or option == 'remove':
172      if len(words) != 2:
173        self.UsageError(inp)
174      else:
175        benchmark = words[1]
176        self.RemoveBenchmark(benchmark)
177    elif option == 'm' or option == 'move':
178      if len(words) != 3:
179        self.UsageError(inp)
180      else:
181        old_name = words[1]
182        new_name = words[2]
183        self.RenameBenchmark(old_name, new_name)
184    elif option == 'q' or option == 'quit':
185      self.WriteDefaultsFile()
187    return (option == 'q' or option == 'quit' or option == 't' or
188            option == 'terminate')
191def Main():
192  defaults = TelemetryDefaults()
193  defaults.ReadDefaultsFile()
194  defaults.ShowOptions()
195  done = defaults.GetUserInput()
196  while not done:
197    done = defaults.GetUserInput()
198  return 0
201if __name__ == '__main__':
202  retval = Main()
203  sys.exit(retval)