Lines Matching full:were
13 Fixed: GITHUB-866 / GITHUB-869 : Some attributes were not cloned when XmlSuite#clone was used (Vire…
126 Fixed: Assertions in the Assertions class were not failing properly.
134 Fixed: Reporter.log() invoked from listeners were being discarded
152 Fixed: Threads were started sequentially instead of being interleaved
186 Fixed: Failed tests with allow-return-values="true" were not rerun
216 Fixed: Configuration methods were reported incorrectly in listeners.
218 Fixed: IAnnotationTransformer2 beforeTest/afterTest booleans were not being set
267 Fixed: -groups and -excludegroups were no longer overriding testng.xml
309 Fixed: Group dependencies were not being skipped properly.
340 Fixed: JUnit conversion: super.setUp()/tearDown() were being removed when extending a class other t…
364 Fixed: Method selectors from suites were not properly initialized (toddq)
370 Fixed: Skipped tests were not always counted.
371 Fixed: test listeners that throw were not reporting correctly (ansgarkonermann)
378 Fixed: Methods depending on a group they belong were skipped instead of throwing a cycle exception
414 Fixed: Stack traces of skipped tests were not showing in the Exception view
480 Fixed: Identical configuration methods were not always invoked in the correct order in superclasses…
487 Fixed: Time outs specified in XML were not honored for <suite parallel="tests">
488 Fixed: <suite> and <test> time outs were hardcoded, they now honor their time-out attribute
489 Fixed: TestNG was hanging if no test methods were found
501 Fixed: Exceptions thrown by IInvokedMethodListeners were not caught (Nalin Makar)
503 Fixed: Test priorities were not working properly in non-parallel mode
535 Fixed: @Before methods run from factories were not properly interleaved
561 Fixed: @DataProvider and dependent methods were not skipping correctly (Francois Reynaud)
564 Fixed: Inner test classes were not excluded properly (Carsten Gubernator)
568 Fixed: @BeforeClass methods were not running in parallel (Aidan Short)
574 Fixed: IIinvokedMethodListeners were not invoked
592 Fixed: Classes created by factories were not run in the order they were created
629 Fixed: annotation transformers were not run when specified in testng.xml
644 Fixed: time-outs were not working in <test> and <suite>
647 Fixed: TESTNG-249: Overridden test methods were shadowing each other if specified with <include>
648 Fixed: DataProviders from @Factory-created tests were all invoked from the same instance
736 Fixed: @BeforeGroup methods were run twice when in a base class
737 Fixed: @BeforeGroup methods were run twice with a @Test at class level
746 Fixed: Some class-level @Test attributes were not always honored
794 Fixed: Before/After Suite were behaving wrong in parallel execution
796 Fixed: Before/AfterGroup-s were behaving wrong when using invocationCount, dataProvider and threadP…
798 Fixed: testng-failed.xml was generated even if there were no failures/skipps
802 Fixed: AfterGroups were invoked out of order with invocationCount and DataProviders
901 Fixed: Class-scoped annotations were not recognized when inherited
926 Fixed: @Factory methods were counted as @Test as well
928 Fixed: All DataProvider parameters were shown in the HTML report
933 Fixed: groupless @Configurations were not invoked if a method depends on a group
979 Fixed: Methods were not implicitly included, only groups
981 Fixed: Bug with overridding @Configuration methods (both parent and child were run)
998 Fixed: If setUp() failed, methods were not skipped
1038 Fixed: Class-level enabled=false were not honored
1052 Fixed: Superclass test methods were not called in the presence of a class @Test
1090 Fixed: Classes that contained only configuration were ignored
1100 Fixed: @Configuration methods were not invoked with individual test methods
1106 Fixed: beforeTestClass/afterTestClass were broken for a pathological case
1109 Fixed: < and > characters in reports were not escaped
1134 Fixed: methods were not excluded when included by groups
1160 Fixed: factories were called multiple times