$! $! Make ImageMagick X image utilities for VMS. $! $ on error then continue $ deass magick $ on error then continue $ deass magickcore $ on error then continue $ deass pango $ set noon $ $ option := 'p1' $ if option .eqs. "CLEAN" $ then $ deletee/log [.magickcore]libMagick.olb;* $ deletee/log [.coders]libCoders.olb;* $ exit $ endif $ if option .eqs. "REALCLEAN" $ then $ deletee/log [.magickcore]libMagick.olb;*,[...]*.obj;* $ deletee/log [.coders]libCoders.olb;*,[...]*.obj;* $ exit $ endif $ if option .eqs. "DISTCLEAN" $ then $ deletee/log [.magickcore]libMagick.olb;*,[...]*.obj;*,*.exe;*,magickshr.olb;* $ deletee/log [.coders]libCoders.olb;*,[...]*.obj;*,*.exe;*,magickshr.olb;* $ exit $ endif $ if option .eqs. "NOSHR" $ then $ share := n $ option := $ endif $ if option .nes. "" $ then $ write sys$error "Unknown option \", option, "\" $ exit $ endif $ p1 := $link_options="/nodebug/notraceback" $if (f$trnlnm("X11") .eqs. "") then define/nolog X11 decw$include: $library_options="" $compile_options="/nodebug/optimize" $if (f$search("sys$system:decc$compiler.exe") .nes. "") $then ! VAX with DEC C compiler $ compile_options="/decc/nodebug/optimize" $ library_options="_decc" $else ! VAX with VAX C compiler, (GCC library needed for PNG format only) $ define/nolog lnk$library sys$library:vaxcrtl $ define/nolog sys sys$share $ if (f$trnlnm("gnu_cc") .nes. "") then define/nolog lnk$library_1 gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib.olb $endif $if (f$getsyi("HW_MODEL") .gt. 1023) $then ! Alpha with DEC C compiler $ define/nolog sys decc$library_include $ compile_options="/debug/optimize/prefix=all/name=(as_is,short)/float=ieee" $ library_options="_axp" $ share := 'share'y $else $ share := n $endif $ $write sys$output "Making in [.magickcore]" $set default [.magickcore] $@make $set default [-] $write sys$output "Making in [.coders]" $set default [.coders] $@make $set default [-] $ $ if share $ then $ write sys$output "Making shareable image" $ link/share/exe=magickshr.exe [.magickcore]libMagick.olb/lib, - [.coders]libCoders.olb/lib,[.magickcore]libMagick.olb/lib, - []magickshr.opt/opt, - sys$library:freetype.olb/lib, - sys$library:libjasper.olb/lib, - sys$library:libjpeg.olb/lib, - sys$library:libpng.olb/lib, - sys$library:tiff.olb/lib, - sys$library:libz.olb/lib, - sys$library:libbz2.olb/lib, - sys$library:libjbig.olb/lib $ libr/crea/share/log magickshr.olb magickshr.exe $ set file/trunc magickshr.olb $ purge magickshr.olb $ link_libraries := [-]magickshr.olb/lib $ define/nolog magickshr 'f$environment("default")'magickshr.exe $ write sys$output "Shareable image logical MAGICKSHR defined:" $ show logi magickshr $ else $ link_libraries := [.magickcore]libMagick.olb/lib, - [.coders]libCoders.olb/lib, - sys$library:libjasper.olb/lib sys$library:libjpeg.olb/lib, - sys$library:libpng.olb/lib, - sys$library:tiff.olb/lib, - sys$library:freetype.olb/l, - sys$library:libz.olb/lib,- sys$library:libjbig.olb/lib, - sys$library:libbz2.olb/lib $ endif $ define magickcore [-.magickcore] $ set default [.utilities] $ define magickwand [-.magickwand] $if ((p1 .nes. "") .and. (p1 .nes. "DISPLAY")) then goto SkipDisplay $write sys$output "Making Display..." $call Make display.c $ $link'link_options' display.obj, - 'link_libraries',sys$input:/opt sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share $ $display:==$'f$environment("default")'display $write sys$output "..symbol DISPLAY defined." $ $SkipDisplay: $if ((p1 .nes. "") .and. (p1 .nes. "IMPORT")) then goto SkipImport $write sys$output "Making Import..." $call Make import.c $ $link'link_options' import.obj, - 'link_libraries',sys$input:/opt sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share $ $import:==$'f$environment("default")'import $write sys$output "..symbol IMPORT defined." $SkipImport: $ $if ((p1 .nes. "") .and. (p1 .nes. "ANIMATE")) then goto SkipAnimate $write sys$output "Making Animate..." $call Make animate.c $ $link'link_options' animate.obj, - 'link_libraries',sys$input:/opt sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share $ $animate:==$'f$environment("default")'animate $write sys$output "..symbol ANIMATE defined." $ $SkipAnimate: $if ((p1 .nes. "") .and. (p1 .nes. "MONTAGE")) then goto SkipMontage $write sys$output "Making Montage..." $call Make montage.c $ $link'link_options' montage.obj, - 'link_libraries',sys$input:/opt sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share $ $montage:==$'f$environment("default")'montage $write sys$output "..symbol MONTAGE defined." $ $SkipMontage: $if ((p1 .nes. "") .and. (p1 .nes. "MOGRIFY")) then goto SkipMogrify $write sys$output "Making Mogrify..." $call Make mogrify.c $ $link'link_options' mogrify.obj, - 'link_libraries',sys$input:/opt sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share $ $mogrify:==$'f$environment("default")'mogrify $write sys$output "..symbol MOGRIFY defined." $ $SkipMogrify: $if ((p1 .nes. "") .and. (p1 .nes. "CONVERT")) then goto SkipConvert $write sys$output "Making Convert..." $call Make convert.c $ $link'link_options' convert.obj, - 'link_libraries',sys$input:/opt sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share $ $convert:==$'f$environment("default")'convert $write sys$output "..symbol CONVERT defined." $SkipConvert: $if ((p1 .nes. "") .and. (p1 .nes. "COMPARE")) then goto SkipCompare $write sys$output "Making Compare..." $call Make compare.c $ $link'link_options' compare.obj, - 'link_libraries',sys$input:/opt sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share $ $compare:==$'f$environment("default")'compare $write sys$output "..symbol COMPARE defined." $SkipCompare: $if ((p1 .nes. "") .and. (p1 .nes. "IDENTIFY")) then goto SkipIdentify $write sys$output "Making Identify..." $call Make identify.c $ $link'link_options' identify.obj, - 'link_libraries',sys$input:/opt sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share $ $identify:==$'f$environment("default")'identify $write sys$output "..symbol IDENTIFY defined." $SkipIdentify: $if ((p1 .nes. "") .and. (p1 .nes. "COMPOSITE")) then goto SkipComposite $write sys$output "Making Composite..." $call Make composite.c $ $link'link_options' composite.obj, - 'link_libraries',sys$input:/opt sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share $ $composite:==$'f$environment("default")'composite $write sys$output "..symbol COMPOSITE defined." $SkipComposite: $set def [-] $copy [.config]magic.xml sys$login:magic.xml $copy [.config]colors.xml sys$login:colors.xml $copy [.config]log.xml sys$login:log.xml $copy [.www.source]delegates.xml sys$login:delegates.xml $copy [.config]coder.xml sys$login:coder.xml $copy [.www.source]type.xml sys$login:type.xml $copy [.config]locale.xml sys$login:locale.xml $copy [.config]english.xml sys$login:english.xml $copy [.config]francais.xml sys$login:francais.xml $type sys$input Use this command to specify which X server to contact: $set display/create/node=node_name:: or $set display/create/node=nodename/transport=tcpip This can be done automatically from your LOGIN.COM with the following command: $if (f$trnlmn("sys$rem_node") .nes. "") then - $ set display/create/node='f$trnlmn("sys$rem_node")' $exit $ $Make: subroutine $! $! Primitive MMS hack for DCL. $! $if (p1 .eqs. "") then exit $source_file=f$search(f$parse(p1,".c")) $if (source_file .nes. "") $then $ object_file=f$parse(source_file,,,"name")+".obj" $ object_file=f$search( object_file ) $ if (object_file .nes. "") $ then $ object_time=f$file_attribute(object_file,"cdt") $ source_time=f$file_attribute(source_file,"cdt") $ if (f$cvtime(object_time).lts.f$cvtime(source_time)) then - $ object_file="" $ endif $ if (object_file .eqs. "") $ then $ write sys$output "Compiling ",p1 $ cc'compile_options'/include_directory=[-.magickcore] 'source_file' $ endif $endif $exit $endsubroutine