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1 /* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 limitations under the License.
14 ==============================================================================*/
18 #include <functional>
19 #include <initializer_list>
20 #include <memory>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <unordered_map>
23 #include <vector>
25 #include "tensorflow/contrib/lite/toco/model_flags.pb.h"
26 #include "tensorflow/contrib/lite/toco/runtime/types.h"
27 #include "tensorflow/contrib/lite/toco/toco_types.h"
28 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
30 namespace toco {
32 enum class OperatorType {
33   kNone,
34   // General-purpose neural network operators.
35   kAdd,
36   kAddN,
37   kAveragePool,
38   kBatchMatMul,
39   kBatchNormalization,
40   kConv,
41   kConcatenation,
42   kDepthwiseConv,
43   kDepthToSpace,
44   kSpaceToDepth,
45   kDequantize,
46   kDiv,
47   kExp,
48   kExpandDims,
49   kFill,
50   kFloorDiv,
51   kFloorMod,
52   kFullyConnected,
53   kL2Normalization,
54   kL2Pool,
55   kLstmCell,
56   kLocalResponseNormalization,
57   kLogistic,
58   kMaxPool,
59   kFakeQuant,
60   kMul,
61   kRange,
62   kRank,
63   kRelu,
64   kRelu1,
65   kRelu6,
66   kSoftmax,
67   kLogSoftmax,
68   kSub,
69   kTanh,
70   kTransposeConv,
71   kCast,
72   kFloor,
73   kGather,
74   kResizeBilinear,
75   kSpaceToBatchND,
76   kStack,
77   kBatchToSpaceND,
78   kPad,
79   kStridedSlice,
80   kSlice,
81   kSqueeze,
82   kMean,
83   kArgMax,
84   // The SVDF Op is a decomposition of a densely connected Op into
85   // low rank filters. For details:
86   // https://research.google.com/pubs/pub43813.html
87   kSvdf,
88   // Special operators used for importing TensorFlow nodes.
89   // The general intent is to have some graph transformation either
90   // drop them or rewrite them as general-purpose operators.
91   kTensorFlowAll,
92   kTensorFlowAssert,
93   kTensorFlowConcat,
94   kTensorFlowConcatV2,
95   kTensorFlowGreater,
96   kTensorFlowGreaterEqual,
97   kTensorFlowIdentity,
98   kTensorFlowLess,
99   kTensorFlowLessEqual,
100   kTensorFlowMax,
101   kTensorFlowMaximum,
102   kTensorFlowMin,
103   kTensorFlowMinimum,
104   kTensorFlowMatMul,
105   kTensorFlowMerge,
106   kNeg,
107   kTensorFlowReshape,
108   kTensorFlowRsqrt,
109   kTensorFlowShape,
110   kTensorFlowSplit,
111   kTensorFlowSqrt,
112   kTensorFlowSquare,
113   kTensorFlowSum,
114   kTensorFlowSwitch,
115   kTensorFlowTile,
116   kTranspose,
117   kTopK_V2,
118   // An unsupported TF operation. It's only needed to be able to represent TF
119   // graph internally and is expected to be dropped by graph transformations.
120   kTensorFlowUnsupported,
121   // Finally, TensorFlow uses different conventions for axes ordering,
122   // see AxesOrder, and this cannot always be resolved at the time of importing
123   // nodes, as TensorFlow parameters may be constant-expression subgraphs
124   // instead of being given as plain constant arrays. So we need to insert
125   // special nodes in the graph to shuffle axes.
126   kReorderAxes,
127 };
129 // Helper to deal with TensorFlow arrays using a different ordering of
130 // dimensions
131 // ("axes") than our own.
132 // TODO(benoitjacob): Ultimately, we shouldn't have any "ordering" of axes,
133 // we should have associative arrays mapping symbolic axes identifiers (like
134 // "output_depth") to dimensions. We would then not need this anymore.
135 enum class AxesOrder {
136   kOneAxis,  // one-dimensional array, one unique axis.
137   kCR,       // column-major matrix storage order. Our standard.
138   kRC,       // row-major matrix storage order. TensorFlow default.
139   kOHWI,     // Our standard for conv weights
140   kHWIO,     // TensorFlow conv weights
141   k1HWO,     // Our standard for DepthwiseConv weights
142   kHWIM,     // TensorFlow DepthwiseConv weights
143   kNHWC,     // TensorFlow activations
144 };
146 // The type of the scalars in an array.
147 // Note that that does not by itself tell whether the values in the array are
148 // real (are literally interpreted as real numbers) or quantized (only acquire
149 // a meaning as real numbers in conjunction with QuantizationParams).
150 //
151 // In practice though:
152 //   float values are always real
153 //   uint8 values are always quantized
154 //   int32 values are either real or quantized (depending on whether
155 //   QuantizationParams are present).
156 //   other types are unused at the moment.
157 //
158 // kNone means that we don't know the data type yet, or that we don't care
159 // because we'll be dropping the array anyway (e.g. some exotic array types
160 // may be involved only in debug-only subgraphs that we may not be interested
161 // in actually supporting).
162 enum class ArrayDataType {
163   kNone,  // 0
164   kBool,
165   kFloat,
166   kInt8,
167   kUint8,
168   kInt16,  // 5
169   kUint16,
170   kInt32,
171   kUint32,
172   kInt64,
173   kUint64,  // 10
174   kString
175 };
177 // Compile-time logic to map ArrayDataType to the corresponding C++ scalar type
178 template <ArrayDataType A>
179 struct DataTypeImpl {};
180 template <>
181 struct DataTypeImpl<ArrayDataType::kNone> {
182   typedef int Type;
183 };
184 template <>
185 struct DataTypeImpl<ArrayDataType::kBool> {
186   typedef bool Type;
187 };
188 template <>
189 struct DataTypeImpl<ArrayDataType::kFloat> {
190   typedef float Type;
191 };
192 template <>
193 struct DataTypeImpl<ArrayDataType::kInt8> {
194   typedef int8 Type;
195 };
196 template <>
197 struct DataTypeImpl<ArrayDataType::kUint8> {
198   typedef uint8 Type;
199 };
200 template <>
201 struct DataTypeImpl<ArrayDataType::kInt16> {
202   typedef int16 Type;
203 };
204 template <>
205 struct DataTypeImpl<ArrayDataType::kUint16> {
206   typedef uint16 Type;
207 };
208 template <>
209 struct DataTypeImpl<ArrayDataType::kInt32> {
210   typedef int32 Type;
211 };
212 template <>
213 struct DataTypeImpl<ArrayDataType::kUint32> {
214   typedef uint32 Type;
215 };
216 template <>
217 struct DataTypeImpl<ArrayDataType::kInt64> {
218   typedef int64 Type;
219 };
220 template <>
221 struct DataTypeImpl<ArrayDataType::kUint64> {
222   typedef uint64 Type;
223 };
224 template <>
225 struct DataTypeImpl<ArrayDataType::kString> {
226   typedef string Type;
227 };
229 template <ArrayDataType A>
230 using DataType = typename DataTypeImpl<A>::Type;
232 // Base class for type-specific buffer types.
233 struct GenericBuffer {
234   // Non-default-constructible: only ArrayDataType-specific subclass
235   // objects may be constructed.
236   GenericBuffer() = delete;
237   // Non-copyable-or-movable: we should only store pointers-to-Buffer
238   // in containers, not Operators themselves, so there should be no
239   // copy or move.
240   GenericBuffer(const GenericBuffer&) = delete;
241   GenericBuffer(const GenericBuffer&&) = delete;
243   // We need a virtual destructor so we can store pointers-to-Buffer
244   // in containers and have the containers call the right subclass destructor.
245   virtual ~GenericBuffer() {}
247   const ArrayDataType type;
249  protected:
250   // Constructor used by subclasses for specific ArrayDataType's.
251   explicit GenericBuffer(ArrayDataType t) : type(t) {}
252 };
254 // Type-specific buffer, containing type-specific storage.
255 template <ArrayDataType A>
256 struct Buffer : GenericBuffer {
257   Buffer() : GenericBuffer(A) {}
259   std::vector<DataType<A>> data;
260 };
262 // Base class for all operator classes.
263 struct Operator {
264   // Non-default-constructible: only OperatorType-specific subclass
265   // objects may be constructed.
266   Operator() = delete;
267   // Non-copyable-or-movable: we should only store pointers-to-Operator
268   // in containers, not Operators themselves, so there should be no
269   // copy or move.
270   Operator(const Operator&) = delete;
271   Operator(const Operator&&) = delete;
273   // We need a virtual destructor so we can store pointers-to-Operator
274   // in containers and have the containers call the right subclass destructor.
275   virtual ~Operator() {}
277   // The specific type of operator. Corresponds 1:1 to subclasses.
278   const OperatorType type;
280   // The activation function that may be fused into this operator,
281   // or None if no activation function is fused.
282   FusedActivationFunctionType fused_activation_function;
284   // Input arrays: either activation arrays or constant array parameters.
285   // We refer to them by their name, not by their address; the mapping of
286   // names to addresses is given by the Model, which owns both Operator's and
287   // Array's. Thus, an Operator on its own doesn't contain much information,
288   // it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Model that owns it.
289   std::vector<string> inputs;
291   // Output activation arrays. Same comments as for inputs apply here too.
292   std::vector<string> outputs;
294   // If true, the array has more outputs than are listed in the 'outputs'
295   // member. These need to be resolved by some graph transformation.
296   // This flag is only here to indicate that an operator should not be
297   // discarded as unused, even if from its 'outputs' member alone it
298   // looks unused.
299   bool unresolved_outputs = false;
301  protected:
302   // Constructor used by subclasses for specific OperatorType's.
303   explicit Operator(OperatorType t)
304       : type(t),
305         fused_activation_function(FusedActivationFunctionType::kNone) {}
306 };
308 // Padding types for Conv-like operators. This is how padding is typically
309 // specified in model files. But for inference, we will need to resolve this
310 // to a FixedPadding, see below.
311 enum class PaddingType { kNone, kSame, kValid };
313 // Padding as resolved for a specific layer shape, as needed for inference.
314 // For a given layer shape, a given padding type will resolve to a choice of
315 // a number of padding rows and columns, which we call the padding height and
316 // width respectively.
317 struct FixedPadding {
318   int width = 0;
319   int height = 0;
320 };
322 // "Universal" padding struct containing both a generic PaddingType (as
323 // represented in a model file), and a FixedPadding (as needed for inference).
324 // The latter is resolved during the PropagateFixedSizes pass.
325 struct Padding {
326   FixedPadding& GetOrCreateFixedPadding() {
327     if (!fixed) {
328       FixedPadding* ptr = new FixedPadding;
329       fixed = std::unique_ptr<FixedPadding>(ptr);
330     }
331     return *fixed;
332   }
334   Padding() : type(PaddingType::kNone) {}
335   PaddingType type;
336   std::unique_ptr<FixedPadding> fixed;
337 };
339 // "Convolutional" layer, as represented in model files.
340 //
341 // Inputs:
342 //   inputs[0]: required: the input activations array
343 //   inputs[1]: required: the Conv weights
344 //   inputs[2]: optional: the bias vector, specifying the biases for each output
345 //   channel.
346 //
347 // Outputs:
348 //   outputs[0]: required: the output activations array
349 //   outputs[1]: optional: the intermediate array of im2col-replicated input
350 //                         activations. Present when targeting implementations
351 //                         of Conv layers as Im2col+GEMM.
352 //
353 // TensorFlow equivalent: Conv2D
354 struct ConvOperator : Operator {
355   ConvOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kConv) {}
356   Padding padding;
357   int stride_width = 0;
358   int stride_height = 0;
359   // A dilation_rate of 0 is invalid and this field is an optional attribute.
360   // Thus initializing it to 1 to allow default conv behavior when the
361   // attribute is not present.
362   int dilation_rate = 1;
363 };
365 // Depthwise-separable convolution operator.
366 //
367 // Inputs:
368 //   inputs[0]: required: the input activations array
369 //   inputs[1]: required: the DepthwiseConv weights
370 //   inputs[2]: optional: the bias vector, specifying the biases for each output
371 //   channel.
372 //
373 // TensorFlow equivalent: DepthwiseConv2dNative
374 struct DepthwiseConvOperator : Operator {
375   DepthwiseConvOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kDepthwiseConv) {}
376   Padding padding;
377   int stride_height = 0;
378   int stride_width = 0;
379   int depth_multiplier = 0;
380 };
382 // Depth-to-space transform operator.
383 //
384 // Inputs:
385 //   inputs[0]: required: the input activations array
386 //
387 // TensorFlow equivalent: DepthToSpace
388 struct DepthToSpaceOperator : Operator {
389   DepthToSpaceOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kDepthToSpace) {}
390   int block_size = 0;
391 };
393 // Space-to-depth transform operator.
394 //
395 // Inputs:
396 //   inputs[0]: required: the input activations array
397 //
398 // TensorFlow equivalent: SpaceToDepth
399 struct SpaceToDepthOperator : Operator {
400   SpaceToDepthOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kSpaceToDepth) {}
401   int block_size = 0;
402 };
404 // Fully-connected operator.
405 //
406 // Inputs:
407 //   inputs[0]: required: the input activations array
408 //   inputs[1]: required: the FullyConnected weights
409 //   inputs[2]: optional: the bias vector, specifying the biases for each output
410 //   channel.
411 //
412 // TensorFlow equivalent: a pair consisting of a Reshape node reshaping the
413 // input activations as a matrix, followed by a MatMul node.
414 struct FullyConnectedOperator : Operator {
415   FullyConnectedOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kFullyConnected) {}
416 };
418 // Dequantization operator, converting a quantized array of integers with
419 // quantization parameters specifying how these integers correspond to real
420 // numbers
421 // (see QuantizationParams) to an output activations array of floating-point
422 // values.
423 //
424 // In floating-point image models, there is typically a Dequantization operator
425 // at the very beginning, converting the input image RGB data, consisting of
426 // uint8 integer values, to floating-point input activations. That is where
427 // image model parameters such as "mean_value" and "std_value" are typically
428 // handled.
429 //
430 // This is the only operator type that converts from quantized to
431 // floating-point,
432 // and there is at the moment no operator type at all to convert from
433 // floating-point
434 // to quantized. Every other operator does either float->float or
435 // quantized->quantized.
436 //
437 // Inputs:
438 //   inputs[0]: required: the input quantized activations array
439 //
440 // TensorFlow equivalent: Dequantize
441 struct DequantizeOperator : Operator {
442   DequantizeOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kDequantize) {}
443 };
445 // Batch-normalization operator.
446 //
447 // We only support batch-normalization using pre-learned moments, so this is
448 // just
449 // computing (input - mean) * multiplier + offset. As such, this can be
450 // expressed as a combination of Add and Mul nodes, and indeed this is how
451 // we break it down during tooling for the purpose of fusing it into
452 // other operators.
453 //
454 // Inputs:
455 //   inputs[0]: required: the input activations array
456 //   inputs[1]: required: the learned mean array
457 //   inputs[2]: required: the learned multiplier array
458 //   inputs[3]: required: the learned offset array
459 //
460 // TensorFlow equivalent: a combination of Add and Mul nodes
461 struct BatchNormalizationOperator : Operator {
462   BatchNormalizationOperator()
463       : Operator(OperatorType::kBatchNormalization),
464         global_normalization(false) {}
465   bool global_normalization;
466 };
468 // L2-normalization operator.
469 //
470 // Inputs:
471 //   inputs[0]: required: the input activations array
472 //
473 // TensorFlow equivalent: none. In TensorFlow, L2 normalization is implemented
474 // by a sub-graph of operators implementing L2-normalization
475 // from lower-level arithmetic nodes; during tooling, we identify such
476 // sub-graphs
477 // and replace them by L2NormalizationOperator's. See IdentifyL2Normalization.
478 struct L2NormalizationOperator : Operator {
479   L2NormalizationOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kL2Normalization) {}
480 };
482 // LSTM Cell operator.
483 //
484 // Inputs:
485 //   inputs[0]: required: the input data array
486 //   inputs[1]: required: the previous output activations array
487 //   inputs[2]: required: the learned weights array
488 //   inputs[3]: required: the learned biases array
489 //   inputs[4]: required: the previous output state
490 //   outputs[0]: required: the output activations array
491 //   outputs[1]: required: the new state array
492 //
493 // TensorFlow equivalent: none. In TensorFlow, an LSTM is implemented
494 // with a sub-graph of lower-level arithmetic nodes; during tooling, we identify
495 // such sub-graphs and replace them with LstmCells. See IdentifyLstmCell().
496 struct LstmCellOperator : Operator {
497   enum Inputs {
498     DATA_INPUT = 0,
499     PREV_ACTIV_INPUT = 1,
500     WEIGHTS_INPUT = 2,
501     BIASES_INPUT = 3,
502     PREV_STATE_INPUT = 4,
503     NUM_INPUTS = 5
504   };
505   enum Outputs {
506     ACTIV_OUTPUT = 0,
507     STATE_OUTPUT = 1,
508     CONCAT_TEMP = 2,
509     ACTIV_TEMP = 3,
510     NUM_OUTPUTS = 4
511   };
512   LstmCellOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kLstmCell) {}
513 };
515 // Element-wise multiplication operator.
516 //
517 // Inputs:
518 //   inputs[0]: required: the left-hand side array
519 //   inputs[1]: required: the right-hand side array
520 //
521 // TensorFlow equivalent: Mul
522 struct MulOperator : Operator {
523   MulOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kMul) {}
524 };
526 // Element-wise Relu operator:
527 //   x -> max(0, x)
528 //
529 // Inputs:
530 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
531 //
532 // TensorFlow equivalent: Relu
533 struct ReluOperator : Operator {
534   ReluOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kRelu) {}
535 };
537 // Element-wise Relu1 operator:
538 //   x -> min(max(x, -1), 1)
539 //
540 // Inputs:
541 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
542 //
543 // TensorFlow equivalent: none. We can construct the operator with Minimum
544 // and Maximum operations
545 struct Relu1Operator : Operator {
546   Relu1Operator() : Operator(OperatorType::kRelu1) {}
547 };
549 // Element-wise Relu6 operator:
550 //   x -> max(0, min(6, x))
551 //
552 // Inputs:
553 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
554 //
555 // TensorFlow equivalent: Relu6
556 struct Relu6Operator : Operator {
557   Relu6Operator() : Operator(OperatorType::kRelu6) {}
558 };
560 // Element-wise Logistic operator:
561 //   x -> Logistic(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
562 //
563 // Inputs:
564 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
565 //
566 // TensorFlow equivalent: Sigmoid
567 struct LogisticOperator : Operator {
568   LogisticOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kLogistic) {}
569 };
571 // Element-wise Tanh operator:
572 //   x -> Tanh(x) = (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / (exp(x) + exp(-x))
573 //
574 // Inputs:
575 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
576 //
577 // TensorFlow equivalent: Tanh
578 struct TanhOperator : Operator {
579   TanhOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTanh) {}
580 };
582 // Element-wise addition operator.
583 //
584 // Inputs:
585 //   inputs[0]: required: the left-hand side array
586 //   inputs[1]: required: the right-hand side array
587 //
588 // TensorFlow equivalent: Add
589 struct AddOperator : Operator {
590   AddOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kAdd) {}
591 };
593 // Element-wise addition operator for N inputs.
594 //
595 // Inputs:
596 //   inputs[i]: The i-th array to add together to form the output.
597 //
598 // TensorFlow equivalent: AddN
599 struct AddNOperator : Operator {
600   AddNOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kAddN) {}
601 };
603 // Concatenation operator: concatenates its inputs
604 // along the axis.
605 //
606 // Inputs: this operator accepts any number >= 1 of inputs.
607 //   inputs[i]: the i-th array to concatenate.
608 //
609 // TensorFlow equivalent: Concat.
610 struct ConcatenationOperator : Operator {
611   ConcatenationOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kConcatenation) {}
612   int axis = 0;
613 };
615 // Reordering dimensions. Used only during tooling to transform graphs from
616 // the TensorFlow format.
617 //
618 // Inputs:
619 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
620 //
621 // TensorFlow equivalent: none. This is only useful to convert between formats.
622 struct ReorderAxesOperator : Operator {
623   ReorderAxesOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kReorderAxes) {}
624   AxesOrder input_axes_order;
625   AxesOrder output_axes_order;
626 };
628 // Average-pooling operator.
629 //
630 // Inputs:
631 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
632 //
633 // TensorFlow equivalent: AveragePool
634 struct AveragePoolOperator : Operator {
635   AveragePoolOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kAveragePool) {}
636   Padding padding;
637   int stride_height = 0;
638   int stride_width = 0;
639   int kheight = 0;
640   int kwidth = 0;
641 };
643 // Local response normalization operator.
644 //
645 // Inputs:
646 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
647 //
648 // TensorFlow equivalent: LRN
649 struct LocalResponseNormalizationOperator : Operator {
650   LocalResponseNormalizationOperator()
651       : Operator(OperatorType::kLocalResponseNormalization) {}
653   int range = 0;
654   float bias = 0.f;
655   float alpha = 0.f;
656   float beta = 0.f;
657 };
659 // Max-pooling operator.
660 //
661 // Inputs:
662 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
663 //
664 // TensorFlow equivalent: MaxPool
665 struct MaxPoolOperator : Operator {
666   MaxPoolOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kMaxPool) {}
667   Padding padding;
668   int stride_height = 0;
669   int stride_width = 0;
670   int kheight = 0;
671   int kwidth = 0;
672 };
674 // L2-pooling operator.
675 //
676 // Inputs:
677 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
678 //
679 // TensorFlow equivalent: none. Can be shimmed by squaring+avgpool+sqrt.
680 struct L2PoolOperator : Operator {
681   L2PoolOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kL2Pool) {}
682   Padding padding;
683   int stride_height = 0;
684   int stride_width = 0;
685   int kheight = 0;
686   int kwidth = 0;
687 };
689 // The expected [min, max] range of values in a given array.
690 // Used for quantization only.
691 // This information typically comes from special nodes found in quantized
692 // models,
693 // see FakeQuantOperator, and is used during quantization to resolve
694 // actual quantization parameters (see QuantizationParams).
695 struct MinMax {
696   double min = 0.;
697   double max = 0.;
698 };
700 inline bool operator==(const MinMax& m1, const MinMax& m2) {
701   return m1.min == m2.min && m1.max == m2.max;
702 }
704 // Fake-quantization operator. This does two things:
705 //   - Annotate its input and output arrays with MinMax information,
706 //   - Arithmetic-wise, this operator rounds incoming activation values
707 //     to the nearest representable value on the scale of 256
708 //     values from the min to the max value dictated by its MinMax info.
709 //
710 // Inputs:
711 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
712 //   inputs[1]: optional: the 'min' value, if it has not yet been resolved
713 //              to a constant.
714 //   inputs[2]: optional: the 'max' value, if it has not yet been resolved
715 //              to a constant.
716 //
717 // TensorFlow equivalent: FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars, FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs.
718 struct FakeQuantOperator : Operator {
719   FakeQuantOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kFakeQuant) {}
720   std::unique_ptr<MinMax> minmax;
721 };
723 // Element-wise division operator.
724 //
725 // Inputs:
726 //   inputs[0]: required: the left-hand side array
727 //   inputs[1]: required: the right-hand side array
728 //
729 // TensorFlow equivalent: Div
730 struct DivOperator : Operator {
731   DivOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kDiv) {}
732 };
734 // Element-wise identity (x->x) operator.
735 //
736 // Inputs:
737 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
738 //
739 // TensorFlow equivalent: Identity
740 struct TensorFlowIdentityOperator : Operator {
741   TensorFlowIdentityOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowIdentity) {}
742 };
744 // Batch matrix multiplication operator. This comes from the (deprecated)
745 // tf.batch_matmul or a tf.matmul that has rank 3. dims(0) is the batch count
746 // and it can be trivially unrolled into a series of matmuls on each element.
747 //
748 // Inputs:
749 //   inputs[0]: required: the left-hand side matrix
750 //   inputs[1]: required: the right-hand side matrix
751 //
752 // TensorFlow equivalent: MatMul
753 struct BatchMatMulOperator : Operator {
754   BatchMatMulOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kBatchMatMul) {}
755 };
757 // General matrix multiplication operator. We don't want to support general
758 // matrix multiplication at inference time, so we resolve it during tooling
759 // to more specific operator types, namely, FullyConnected.
760 //
761 // Inputs:
762 //   inputs[0]: required: the left-hand side matrix
763 //   inputs[1]: required: the right-hand side matrix
764 //
765 // TensorFlow equivalent: MatMul
766 struct TensorFlowMatMulOperator : Operator {
767   TensorFlowMatMulOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowMatMul) {}
768 };
770 // Padding operator. Pads a tensor with zeros.
771 //
772 // Inputs:
773 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
774 //   inputs[1]: required: the padding array
775 //
776 // This operation pads a `input` with zeros according to the `paddings` you
777 // specify. `paddings` is an integer tensor with shape `[Dn, 2]`, where n is the
778 // rank of `input`. For each dimension D of `input`, `paddings[D, 0]` indicates
779 // how many zeros to add before the contents of `input` in that dimension, and
780 // `paddings[D, 1]` indicates how many zeros to add after the contents of
781 // `input` in that dimension.
782 //
783 // TensorFlow equivalent: Pad
784 struct PadOperator : Operator {
785   PadOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kPad) {}
787   std::vector<int> left_padding;
788   std::vector<int> right_padding;
789 };
791 // Strided slice operator.
792 //
793 // Inputs:
794 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
795 //   inputs[1]: required: the begin array
796 //   inputs[2]: required: the end array
797 //   inputs[3]: optional: the strides array
798 //
799 // TensorFlow equivalent: StridedSlice
800 struct StridedSliceOperator : Operator {
801   StridedSliceOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kStridedSlice) {}
803   std::vector<int> start_indices;
804   std::vector<int> stop_indices;
805   std::vector<int> strides;
807   int begin_mask;
808   int ellipsis_mask;
809   int end_mask;
810   int new_axis_mask;
811   int shrink_axis_mask;
812 };
814 // Reshaping operator, reshaping its input array to a two-dimensional shape
815 // (a "matrix"). This is used in the TensorFlow format, in conjunction with
816 // MatMul nodes, to implement fully-connected layers.
817 //
818 // Inputs:
819 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
820 //
821 // TensorFlow equivalent: Reshape --- except that we only support a special case
822 // here, where the output shape is a matrix (2D) shape.
823 struct TensorFlowReshapeOperator : Operator {
824   TensorFlowReshapeOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowReshape) {}
825   std::vector<int> shape;
826 };
828 // Removes dimensions of size 1 from the shape of a tensor.
829 // https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/squeeze
830 //
831 // Inputs:
832 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
833 //
834 // TensorFlow equivalent: Squeeze
835 struct SqueezeOperator : Operator {
836   SqueezeOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kSqueeze) {}
838   std::vector<int> squeeze_dims;
839 };
841 // Inputs:
842 //   inputs[0]: required: the input activations array
843 //   inputs[1]: required: the Conv weights
844 //   channel.
845 //
846 // Outputs:
847 //   outputs[0]: required: the output activations array
848 //
849 // TensorFlow equivalent: Conv2DBackpropInput
850 struct TransposeConvOperator : Operator {
851   TransposeConvOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTransposeConv) {}
852   Padding padding;
853   int stride_width = 0;
854   int stride_height = 0;
855 };
857 // Given a tensor input, this operation calculates element-wise exponential
858 // (y = e^x).
859 //
860 // Inputs:
861 //   inputs[0]: required: input tensor
862 //
863 // TensorFlow equivalent: Exp
864 struct ExpOperator : Operator {
865   ExpOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kExp) {}
866 };
868 // Given a tensor input, this operation inserts a dimension of 1 at the
869 // dimension index axis of input's shape. The dimension index axis starts at
870 // zero; if you specify a negative number for axis it is counted backward from
871 // the end.
872 //
873 // Inputs:
874 //   inputs[0]: required: input tensor
875 //   inputs[1]: required: 0-D (scalar). Specifies the dimension index at which
876 //   to expand the shape of input
877 //
878 // TensorFlow equivalent: ExpandDims
879 struct ExpandDimsOperator : Operator {
880   ExpandDimsOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kExpandDims) {}
881 };
883 // Ceates a tensor of shape dims and fills it with the given scalar value.
884 // Output type will be the same as the given scalar value.
885 //
886 // Inputs:
887 //   inputs[0]: required: 1-D (int32) - the shape of the output tensor
888 //   inputs[1]: required: 0-D (scalar) - value to fill the tensor with
889 //
890 // TensorFlow equivalent: Fill
891 struct FillOperator : Operator {
892   FillOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kFill) {}
893 };
895 // Element-wise floor division operator.
896 //
897 // Inputs:
898 //   inputs[0]: required: the left-hand side array
899 //   inputs[1]: required: the right-hand side array
900 //
901 // TensorFlow equivalent: FloorDiv
902 struct FloorDivOperator : Operator {
903   FloorDivOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kFloorDiv) {}
904 };
906 // Element-wise floor mod operator.
907 //
908 // Inputs:
909 //   inputs[0]: required: the left-hand side array
910 //   inputs[1]: required: the right-hand side array
911 //
912 // TensorFlow equivalent: FloorMod
913 struct FloorModOperator : Operator {
914   FloorModOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kFloorMod) {}
915 };
917 // Creates a sequence of numbers that begins at start and extends by increments
918 // of delta up to but not including limit.
919 //
920 // The dtype of the resulting tensor is inferred from the inputs unless it is
921 // provided explicitly.
922 //
923 // Inputs:
924 //   inputs[0]: required: the start
925 //   inputs[1]: required: the limit
926 //   inputs[2]: required: the delta
927 //
928 // TensorFlow equivalent: Range
929 struct RangeOperator : Operator {
930   RangeOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kRange) {}
931   ArrayDataType dtype = ArrayDataType::kNone;
932 };
934 // Rank operator. Extracts the rank of the tensor.
935 //
936 // Inputs:
937 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
938 //
939 // This operation outputs a 0-D integer tensor representing the rank of
940 // the input.
941 //
942 // TensorFlow equivalent: Rank.  We currently assume that the output is int32
943 // and not int64.  The output type could be stored herein.
944 struct RankOperator : Operator {
945   RankOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kRank) {}
946 };
948 // Element-wise negation (-x) operator.
949 //
950 // Inputs:
951 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
952 //
953 // TensorFlow equivalent: Neg
954 struct NegOperator : Operator {
955   NegOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kNeg) {}
956 };
958 // Element-wise reciprocal-square-root (x^-0.5) operator.
959 //
960 // Inputs:
961 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
962 //
963 // TensorFlow equivalent: Rsqrt
964 struct TensorFlowRsqrtOperator : Operator {
965   TensorFlowRsqrtOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowRsqrt) {}
966 };
968 // Stacks a list of rank-R tensors into one rank-(R+1) tensor.
969 //
970 // Packs the list of tensors in values into a tensor with rank one higher than
971 // each tensor in values, by packing them along the axis dimension. Given a list
972 // of length N of tensors of shape (A, B, C);.
973 //
974 // Inputs: this operator accepts any number >= 1 of inputs.
975 //   inputs[i]: the i-th array to merge.
976 //
977 // TensorFlow equivalent: Stack or Pack
978 struct StackOperator : Operator {
979   StackOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kStack) {}
980   int axis = 0;
981 };
983 // Shape operator. Extracts the shape of the tensor.
984 //
985 // Inputs:
986 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
987 //
988 // This operation outputs a 1-D integer tensor representing the shape of
989 // the input.
990 //
991 // TensorFlow equivalent: Shape.  We currently assume that the output is int32
992 // and not int64.  The output type could be stored herein.
993 struct TensorFlowShapeOperator : Operator {
994   TensorFlowShapeOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowShape) {}
995 };
997 // Element-wise square-root (x^0.5) operator.
998 //
999 // Inputs:
1000 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1001 //
1002 // TensorFlow equivalent: Sqrt
1003 struct TensorFlowSqrtOperator : Operator {
1004   TensorFlowSqrtOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowSqrt) {}
1005 };
1007 // Element-wise square (x*x) operator.
1008 //
1009 // Inputs:
1010 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1011 //
1012 // TensorFlow equivalent: Square
1013 struct TensorFlowSquareOperator : Operator {
1014   TensorFlowSquareOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowSquare) {}
1015 };
1017 // Transposes a tensor.
1018 //
1019 // By default, this operation performs a regular matrix transpose on 2-D input
1020 // tensors.
1021 //
1022 // Inputs:
1023 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1024 //
1025 // TensorFlow equivalent: Transpose
1026 struct TransposeOperator : Operator {
1027   TransposeOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTranspose) {}
1028   std::vector<int> perm;
1029 };
1031 // Element-wise subtraction operator.
1032 //
1033 // Inputs:
1034 //   inputs[0]: required: the left-hand side array
1035 //   inputs[1]: required: the right-hand side array
1036 //
1037 // TensorFlow equivalent: Sub
1038 struct SubOperator : Operator {
1039   SubOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kSub) {}
1040 };
1042 // Global sum reduction: computes the sum of all of entries in the input array.
1043 // Thus the output is "0-dimensional": it consists of a single scalar value.
1044 //
1045 // Inputs:
1046 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1047 //
1048 // TensorFlow equivalent: Sum --- except that we only support the special case
1049 // of global reduction across all dimensions.
1050 struct TensorFlowSumOperator : Operator {
1051   TensorFlowSumOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowSum) {}
1052   bool keep_dims = false;
1053 };
1055 // TensorFlow Tile equivalent. Refer to TensorFlow documentation for details.
1056 // Not fully supported, just a placeholder to handle TensorFlow graphs and
1057 // support graph transformations to other operator types by matching sub-graphs.
1058 struct TensorFlowTileOperator : Operator {
1059   TensorFlowTileOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowTile) {}
1060 };
1062 // TensorFlow Slice equivalent. Refer to TensorFlow documentation for details.
1063 struct SliceOperator : Operator {
1064   SliceOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kSlice) {}
1066   std::vector<int> begin;
1067   std::vector<int> size;
1068 };
1070 // TensorFlow Split equivalent. Refer to TensorFlow documentation for details.
1071 // Not fully supported, just a placeholder to handle TensorFlow graphs and
1072 // support graph transformations to other operator types by matching sub-graphs.
1073 struct TensorFlowSplitOperator : Operator {
1074   TensorFlowSplitOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowSplit) {}
1075   int num_split = 0;
1076 };
1078 // TensorFlow Concat equivalent. Refer to TensorFlow documentation for details.
1079 // Not fully supported, just a placeholder to handle TensorFlow graphs and
1080 // support graph transformations to other operator types by matching sub-graphs.
1081 // Concretely, once the concat dim becomes known, if it is the depth
1082 // dimension then we can change this op into a DepthConcatenation op.
1083 // Otherwise, we hope for some other graph transformation to drop this node.
1084 struct TensorFlowConcatOperator : Operator {
1085   TensorFlowConcatOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowConcat) {}
1086 };
1088 // TensorFlow ConcatV2 equivalent. Refer to TensorFlow documentation for
1089 // details.
1090 // Not fully supported, just a placeholder to handle TensorFlow graphs and
1091 // support graph transformations to other operator types by matching sub-graphs.
1092 // Concretely, once the concat dim becomes known, if it is the depth
1093 // dimension then we can change this op into a DepthConcatenation op.
1094 // Otherwise, we hope for some other graph transformation to drop this node.
1095 struct TensorFlowConcatV2Operator : Operator {
1096   TensorFlowConcatV2Operator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowConcatV2) {}
1097 };
1099 // TensorFlow Merge equivalent. Refer to TensorFlow documentation for details.
1100 //
1101 // Inputs: this operator accepts any number >= 1 of inputs.
1102 //   inputs[i]: the i-th array to merge.
1103 //
1104 // It is expected that graph transformations will drop all but exactly one
1105 // of the inputs, at which point the Merge node will be equivalent to an
1106 // Identity node forwarding the remaining input.
1107 //
1108 // Note: We do not currently support runtime control flow: we only support
1109 // control flow that can be resolved at tooling time (independently of input
1110 // activations).
1111 struct TensorFlowMergeOperator : Operator {
1112   TensorFlowMergeOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowMerge) {}
1113 };
1115 // TensorFlow Switch equivalent. Refer to TensorFlow documentation for details.
1116 //
1117 // Inputs:
1118 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1119 //   inputs[1]: required: the boolean predicate, given as an array of size 1
1120 //     and of type kBool, will determine which output gets selected.
1121 //
1122 // Outputs: a TensorFlow Switch node always has exactly two outputs. Depending
1123 // on the boolean value that the input predicate resolves to (see note below),
1124 // one or the other of the outputs will be 'selected': the input array will be
1125 // forwarded to the 'selected output' as if by a Identity node, while the other
1126 // output will be discarded, and any graph edge connecting that discarded output
1127 // will be dropped. The rule for selecting outputs is as follows:
1128 //   outputs[0] will be selected if the input predicate resolves to 'true'.
1129 //   outputs[1] will be selected if the input predicate resolves to 'false'.
1130 //
1131 // Note: We do not currently support runtime control flow: we only support
1132 // control flow that can be resolved at tooling time (independently of input
1133 // activations).
1134 struct TensorFlowSwitchOperator : Operator {
1135   TensorFlowSwitchOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowSwitch) {}
1136 };
1138 // TensorFlow All equivalent. Refer to TensorFlow documentation for details.
1139 // Not fully supported, just a placeholder to handle TensorFlow graphs and
1140 // support graph transformations to other operator types by matching sub-graphs.
1141 // Typically, this is only used as an input to an Assert node, so can be
1142 // removed as an unused node as we drop Assert nodes.
1143 struct TensorFlowAllOperator : Operator {
1144   TensorFlowAllOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowAll) {}
1145 };
1147 // TensorFlow Assert equivalent. Refer to TensorFlow documentation for details.
1148 // Not fully supported, just a placeholder to handle TensorFlow graphs and
1149 // support graph transformations to other operator types by matching sub-graphs.
1150 // Typically, we just drop Assert nodes.
1151 struct TensorFlowAssertOperator : Operator {
1152   TensorFlowAssertOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowAssert) {}
1153 };
1155 // TensorFlow Less equivalent. Refer to TensorFlow documentation for details.
1156 // Not fully supported, just a placeholder to handle TensorFlow graphs and
1157 // support graph transformations to other operator types by matching sub-graphs.
1158 // Typically, this is only used as an input to an Assert node, so can be
1159 // removed as an unused node as we drop Assert nodes.
1160 struct TensorFlowLessOperator : Operator {
1161   TensorFlowLessOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowLess) {}
1162 };
1164 // TensorFlow LessEqual equivalent. Refer to TensorFlow documentation for
1165 // details.
1166 // Not fully supported, just a placeholder to handle TensorFlow graphs and
1167 // support graph transformations to other operator types by matching sub-graphs.
1168 // Typically, this is only used as an input to an Assert node, so can be
1169 // removed as an unused node as we drop Assert nodes.
1170 struct TensorFlowLessEqualOperator : Operator {
1171   TensorFlowLessEqualOperator()
1172       : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowLessEqual) {}
1173 };
1175 // TensorFlow Less equivalent. Refer to TensorFlow documentation for details.
1176 // Not fully supported, just a placeholder to handle TensorFlow graphs and
1177 // support graph transformations to other operator types by matching sub-graphs.
1178 // Typically, this is only used as an input to an Assert node, so can be
1179 // removed as an unused node as we drop Assert nodes.
1180 struct TensorFlowGreaterOperator : Operator {
1181   TensorFlowGreaterOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowGreater) {}
1182 };
1184 // TensorFlow GreaterEqual equivalent. Refer to TensorFlow documentation for
1185 // details.
1186 // Not fully supported, just a placeholder to handle TensorFlow graphs and
1187 // support graph transformations to other operator types by matching sub-graphs.
1188 // Typically, this is only used as an input to an Assert node, so can be
1189 // removed as an unused node as we drop Assert nodes.
1190 struct TensorFlowGreaterEqualOperator : Operator {
1191   TensorFlowGreaterEqualOperator()
1192       : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowGreaterEqual) {}
1193 };
1195 // Global max reduction: computes the max of all of entries in the input array.
1196 // Thus the output is "0-dimensional": it consists of a single scalar value.
1197 //
1198 // Inputs:
1199 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1200 //
1201 // TensorFlow equivalent: Max --- except that we only support the special case
1202 // of global reduction across all dimensions.
1203 struct TensorFlowMaxOperator : Operator {
1204   TensorFlowMaxOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowMax) {}
1205   bool keep_dims = false;
1206 };
1208 // Global min reduction: computes the min of all of entries in the input array.
1209 // Thus the output is "0-dimensional": it consists of a single scalar value.
1210 //
1211 // Inputs:
1212 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1213 //
1214 // TensorFlow equivalent: Min --- except that we only support the special case
1215 // of global reduction across all dimensions.
1216 struct TensorFlowMinOperator : Operator {
1217   TensorFlowMinOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowMin) {}
1218   bool keep_dims = false;
1219 };
1221 // Element-wise maximum operator. Currently it only supports scalar as
1222 // the second operand.
1223 //
1224 // Inputs:
1225 //   inputs[0]: required: the left-hand side array
1226 //   inputs[1]: required: the right-hand side array
1227 //
1228 // TensorFlow equivalent: Maximum
1229 struct TensorFlowMaximumOperator : Operator {
1230   TensorFlowMaximumOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowMaximum) {}
1231 };
1233 // Element-wise minimum operator. Currently it only supports scalar as
1234 // the second operand.
1235 //
1236 // Inputs:
1237 //   inputs[0]: required: the left-hand side array
1238 //   inputs[1]: required: the right-hand side array
1239 //
1240 // TensorFlow equivalent: Minimum
1241 struct TensorFlowMinimumOperator : Operator {
1242   TensorFlowMinimumOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowMinimum) {}
1243 };
1245 // General TF operation, unsupported by tf.mini. Expected to be dropped by
1246 // graph transformations.
1247 struct TensorFlowUnsupportedOperator : Operator {
1248   TensorFlowUnsupportedOperator()
1249       : Operator(OperatorType::kTensorFlowUnsupported) {}
1251   // The original TF operation type. Used for diagnostic purposes.
1252   string tensorflow_op;
1253   // A serialized tensorflow::NodeDef string.
1254   string tensorflow_node_def;
1255   // A boolean indicating if the unsupported op should be treated as quantized.
1256   bool quantized = false;
1257   // Output data types
1258   std::vector<ArrayDataType> output_data_types;
1259 };
1261 // Softmax activation function.
1262 //
1263 // Inputs:
1264 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1265 //
1266 // TensorFlow equivalent: Softmax
1267 struct SoftmaxOperator : Operator {
1268   SoftmaxOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kSoftmax) {}
1269   float beta = 0.f;
1270 };
1272 // LogSoftmax activation function.
1273 //
1274 // Inputs:
1275 //   inputs[0]: required: the logits input array
1276 //
1277 // TensorFlow equivalent: LogSoftmax
1278 struct LogSoftmaxOperator : Operator {
1279   LogSoftmaxOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kLogSoftmax) {}
1280 };
1282 // Cast operator.
1283 //
1284 // Inputs:
1285 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1286 //
1287 // TensorFlow equivalent: Cast
1288 struct CastOperator : Operator {
1289   CastOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kCast) {}
1290   ArrayDataType src_data_type = ArrayDataType::kNone;
1291   ArrayDataType dst_data_type = ArrayDataType::kNone;
1292 };
1294 // Floor operator.
1295 //
1296 // Inputs:
1297 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1298 //
1299 // TensorFlow equivalent: Floor
1300 struct FloorOperator : Operator {
1301   FloorOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kFloor) {}
1302 };
1304 // Gather operator. It gathers slices from params according to indices.
1305 // Only 1-D indices are supported at the moment.
1306 //
1307 // Inputs:
1308 //   inputs[0]: required: the params array
1309 //   inputs[1]: required: the indices to gather
1310 //
1311 // TensorFlow equivalent: Gather
1312 struct GatherOperator : Operator {
1313   GatherOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kGather) {}
1314   int axis = 0;
1315   int input_rank = 0;
1316 };
1318 // ArgMax operator. It returns the index of the maximum value along axis.
1319 //
1320 // Inputs:
1321 //   inputs[0]: required: the input tensor
1322 //
1323 // TensorFlow equivalent: ArgMax
1324 struct ArgMaxOperator : Operator {
1325   ArgMaxOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kArgMax) {}
1326   ArrayDataType output_data_type = ArrayDataType::kInt64;
1327 };
1329 // ResizeBilinear operator. It resizes input images with bilinear interpolation.
1330 // It does not support align_corners at the moment.
1331 //
1332 // Inputs:
1333 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1334 //   inputs[1]: required: the new image size
1335 //
1336 // TensorFlow equivalent: ResizeBilinear
1337 struct ResizeBilinearOperator : Operator {
1338   ResizeBilinearOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kResizeBilinear) {}
1340   bool align_corners = false;
1341 };
1343 // SpaceToBatchND operator. It divides spatial dimensions into a grid of
1344 // blocks and interleaves these blocks with the batch dimension. Currently,
1345 // only 2-d blocks are supported.
1346 //
1347 // Inputs:
1348 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1349 //   inputs[1]: required: the block shape
1350 //   inputs[2]: required: the paddings
1351 //
1352 // TensorFlow equivalent: SpaceToBatchND
1353 struct SpaceToBatchNDOperator : Operator {
1354   SpaceToBatchNDOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kSpaceToBatchND) {}
1356   std::vector<int> block_shape;
1357   std::vector<int> before_paddings;
1358   std::vector<int> after_paddings;
1359 };
1361 // BatchToSpaceND operator. Rearranges data from batch into blocks of
1362 // spatial data. Currently, only 2-d blocks are supported. Cropping is not
1363 // supported, either, and the crops array should be all zero.
1364 //
1365 // Inputs:
1366 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1367 //   inputs[1]: required: the block shape
1368 //   inputs[2]: required: the crops
1369 //
1370 // TensorFlow equivalent: BatchToSpaceND
1371 struct BatchToSpaceNDOperator : Operator {
1372   BatchToSpaceNDOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kBatchToSpaceND) {}
1374   std::vector<int> block_shape;
1375   std::vector<int> before_crops;
1376   std::vector<int> after_crops;
1377 };
1379 // Mean operator.
1380 //
1381 // Inputs:
1382 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1383 //
1384 // TensorFlow equivalent: Mean
1385 struct MeanOperator : Operator {
1386   MeanOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kMean) {}
1388   std::vector<int> axis;
1389   bool keep_dims = false;
1390 };
1392 // Svdf operator:
1393 //
1394 // Inputs:
1395 //   inputs[0]: required: the input array
1396 //   inputs[1]: required: weights_feature
1397 //   inputs[2]: required: weights_time
1398 //   inputs[3]: optional: bias
1399 struct SvdfOperator : Operator {
1400   SvdfOperator() : Operator(OperatorType::kSvdf) {}
1401   int rank;
1402 };
1404 // TopKV2 operator.
1405 //
1406 // Inputs:
1407 //    input tensor and top_k scalar.
1408 struct TopKV2Operator : Operator {
1409   TopKV2Operator() : Operator(OperatorType::kTopK_V2) {}
1410 };
1412 // Alloc's are used for transient arrays only. An Alloc specifies which interval
1413 // of the "transient_data" workspace buffer passed to inference functions, is to
1414 // be used for the transient array at hand. The 'start' and 'end' values are
1415 // offsets from the start of the workspace buffer, expressed in bytes.
1416 struct Alloc {
1417   int start = 0;
1418   int end = 0;
1419 };
1421 inline bool operator<(const Alloc& a, const Alloc& b) {
1422   return a.start < b.start;
1423 }
1425 // Quantization parameters, determining the mapping of quantized values
1426 // to real values (i.e. determining how quantized values are mathematically
1427 // interpreted).
1428 //
1429 // The correspondence is as follows:
1430 //
1431 //   real_value = scale * (quantized_value - zero_point);
1432 //
1433 // In other words, zero_point designates which quantized value corresponds to
1434 // the real 0 value, and scale designates the difference between the real values
1435 // corresponding to consecutive quantized values differing by 1.
1436 struct QuantizationParams {
1437   int32 zero_point = 0;
1438   double scale = 0.;
1439 };
1441 class Shape {
1442  public:
1443   // For Shape, we stick to half-way encapsulation for now:
1444   // we hide the raw dims_ member, but expose it raw by accessors
1445   // because from some brainstorming, it's not at all easy to
1446   // anticipate which flavor of more hermetic encapsulation would
1447   // actually buy us future-proof-ness without being needlessly
1448   // cumbersome.
1449   Shape() {}
1450   Shape(std::initializer_list<int> dim_list) : dims_(dim_list) {}
1452   void ReplaceDims(std::initializer_list<int> dim_list) {
1453     dims_ = std::vector<int>(dim_list);
1454   }
1456   const std::vector<int>& dims() const { return dims_; }
1457   std::vector<int>* mutable_dims() { return &dims_; }
1458   const int dimensions_count() const { return dims_.size(); }
1460   // We still have that one convenience accessor to avoid
1461   // the awkward double bracket issue:  shape.dims()[i].
1462   int dims(int i) const { return dims_[i]; }
1464   bool operator==(const Shape& comp) const {
1465     return (this->dims_ == comp.dims());
1466   }
1468   bool operator!=(const Shape& comp) const { return !((*this) == comp); }
1470  private:
1471   std::vector<int> dims_;
1472 };
1474 // Array represents an array (either a constant parameter array or an
1475 // activations array) in a Model.
1476 struct Array {
1477   template <ArrayDataType A>
1478   const Buffer<A>& GetBuffer() const {
1479     DCHECK(buffer);
1480     DCHECK(buffer->type == A);
1481     return *static_cast<const Buffer<A>*>(buffer.get());
1482   }
1483   template <ArrayDataType A>
1484   Buffer<A>& GetMutableBuffer() {
1485     if (!buffer) {
1486       Buffer<A>* ptr = new Buffer<A>;
1487       buffer = std::unique_ptr<GenericBuffer>(ptr);
1488     }
1489     DCHECK(buffer);
1490     DCHECK(buffer->type == A);
1491     return *static_cast<Buffer<A>*>(buffer.get());
1492   }
1493   Alloc& GetOrCreateAlloc() {
1494     if (!alloc) {
1495       alloc = std::unique_ptr<Alloc>(new Alloc);
1496     }
1497     return *alloc;
1498   }
1499   MinMax& GetOrCreateMinMax() {
1500     if (!minmax) {
1501       minmax = std::unique_ptr<MinMax>(new MinMax);
1502     }
1503     return *minmax;
1504   }
1505   MinMax& GetMinMax() const {
1506     DCHECK(minmax);
1507     return *minmax;
1508   }
1509   QuantizationParams& GetOrCreateQuantizationParams() {
1510     if (!quantization_params) {
1511       quantization_params =
1512           std::unique_ptr<QuantizationParams>(new QuantizationParams);
1513     }
1514     return *quantization_params;
1515   }
1516   QuantizationParams& GetQuantizationParams() const {
1517     DCHECK(quantization_params);
1518     return *quantization_params;
1519   }
1521   // The data type of the actual elements of this array, that is:
1522   //  - If there is a buffer (see 'buffer' member), it must be of the same
1523   //    type.
1524   //  - If there is no buffer, meaning that this is a runtime (i.e. activations)
1525   //    array, then this specifies the type of elements that there will be
1526   //    at runtime.
1527   //
1528   // Note that this only specifies the storage type of elements; this does
1529   // not specify whether these are to be treated as 'real' or 'quantized'
1530   // values.
1531   // That is decided by whether the 'quantization_params' member is null.
1532   ArrayDataType data_type = ArrayDataType::kNone;
1533   // The final value that data_type should have at the end of graph
1534   // transformations
1535   ArrayDataType final_data_type = ArrayDataType::kNone;
1536   // The dimensions of this array --- this specifies both sizes and strides
1537   // (the storage layout).
1538   //
1539   // Issues with shape handling that remain include:
1540   //   - No way to distinguish between 0-dimensional dims and missing dims.
1541   //   - No way to describe dims that may be runtime-variable.
1542   //   - Addressing of dims by integer index differs in different graph formats
1543   //     (TensorFlow vs. other frameworks vs. what we have informally grown
1544   //     within toco).
1545   //     This is currently quite messy; see ReorderAxesOperator which is how we
1546   //     bridge some of these discrepancies at the moment. This is overdue for
1547   //     a redesign; I'm thinking that it would be nice to have more flexible
1548   //     dims that allow mapping 1:1, cleanly, dims as they are in various
1549   //     formats,
1550   //     then explicitly convert between different conventions.
1552   // Proto-style accessors
1553   bool has_shape() const { return array_shape != nullptr; }
1554   const Shape& shape() const {
1555     CHECK(has_shape());
1556     return *array_shape;
1557   }
1558   Shape* mutable_shape() {
1559     if (!array_shape) {
1560       array_shape.reset(new Shape);
1561     }
1562     return array_shape.get();
1563   }
1564   void copy_shape(const Shape& src_shape) { *mutable_shape() = src_shape; }
1565   void clear_shape() { array_shape = nullptr; }
1567   // The constant buffer backing this array. This is non-null if and only if
1568   // this is a constant parameter array. Conversely, this is null for
1569   // activations arrays.
1570   //
1571   // Note that this buffer is pure storage. In the case of quantized values,
1572   // it only stores the quantized values, it does not know by itself about the
1573   // quantization parameters necessary to interprete these values, that is
1574   // in the separate 'quantization_params' field. In fact, this 'buffer' field
1575   // does no even know whether values are quantized. It only has a data_type,
1576   // which must equal the 'data_type' member here, and which only describes
1577   // the storage type of element, does not tell whether they are quantized i.e.
1578   // whether they are to be interpreted with quantization_params.
1579   std::unique_ptr<GenericBuffer> buffer;
1580   // Only for activation arrays (i.e. when 'buffer' is null).
1581   // Only for code generation.
1582   //
1583   // Describes the allocation of this array within the workspace buffer
1584   // allocated
1585   // for all transient arrays.
1586   std::unique_ptr<Alloc> alloc;
1587   // Describes the [min, max] range of values
1588   // to be assumed when determining quantization_params.
1589   //
1590   // Only used for quantization. In fact, only used for determining
1591   // quantization_params.
1592   //
1593   // Used for both constant arrays (those having a 'buffer') and non-constant
1594   // arrays (activations). Indeed, it is important to use the same min-max range
1595   // as was used during training, even if that min-max range is slightly wrong
1596   // w.r.t. actual buffer elements. Doing otherwise would defeat the point of
1597   // re-training for quantization.
1598   std::unique_ptr<MinMax> minmax;
1599   // Quantization parameters. The non-null-ness of this pointer is what
1600   // defines whether this array is quantized or not.
1601   //
1602   // If this is non-null, then these quantization parameters are to be used
1603   // to assign a meaning as real numbers to the elements of this array.
1604   std::unique_ptr<QuantizationParams> quantization_params;
1606  private:
1607   std::unique_ptr<Shape> array_shape;
1608 };
1610 // Our Model struct, represents an entire model (our "top-level" struct).
1611 // Owns everything.
1612 class Model {
1613  public:
1614   using ArrayMap = std::unordered_map<string, std::unique_ptr<Array>>;
1616   bool HasArray(const string& name) const { return arrays.count(name) > 0; }
1617   Array& GetArray(const string& name) const {
1618     DCHECK(HasArray(name)) << "Array not found: " << name;
1619     return *arrays.at(name);
1620   }
1621   Array& GetOrCreateArray(const string& name) {
1622     // Make sure name is not used by an optional array
1623     DCHECK(!optional_arrays.count(name));
1624     if (!HasArray(name)) {
1625       Array* ptr = new Array;
1626       arrays[name] = std::unique_ptr<Array>(ptr);
1627     }
1628     Array& result = GetArray(name);
1629     return result;
1630   }
1631   void CreateOptionalArray(const string& name) {
1632     DCHECK(!arrays.count(name) && !optional_arrays.count(name));
1633     optional_arrays.insert(name);
1634   }
1635   bool IsOptionalArray(const string& name) const {
1636     return optional_arrays.count(name);
1637   }
1639   // Note that this invalidates all array iterators.
1640   void EraseArray(const string& name) { arrays.erase(name); }
1641   void EraseArrays(std::function<bool(const string&)> discardable) {
1642     for (auto it = arrays.begin(); it != arrays.end();) {
1643       if (discardable(it->first)) {
1644         it = arrays.erase(it);
1645       } else {
1646         ++it;
1647       }
1648     }
1649   }
1650   const ArrayMap& GetArrayMap() const { return arrays; }
1652   // Optional arrays are used for optional tensors,
1653   // these tensors do not have data, but with reserved names as op inputs.
1654   std::set<string> optional_arrays;
1656   // The list of operators. Notice how it's a list of unique_ptr's, implying
1657   // that the Model is what owns Operator's and keeps them alive.
1658   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Operator>> operators;
1660   // Generic flags, a place where we combine information passed to us via
1661   // command-line parameters (e.g. --input_width=N) with information that
1662   // we may or may not find in the input model file.
1663   ModelFlags flags;
1664   // For code-generation only: required size of the transient_data buffer
1665   std::size_t transient_data_size = 0;
1666   // For code-generation only: required alignment of the transient_data buffer
1667   std::size_t transient_data_alignment = 0;
1669  private:
1670   // The associative array mapping names to Array's.
1671   // Notice how it's a container of unique_ptr's, implying
1672   // that the Model is what owns Array's and keeps them alive.
1673   // The Operator's refer to these Array's by their name strings, not by their
1674   // addresses. See Operator::inputs, Operator::outputs.
1675   std::unordered_map<string, std::unique_ptr<Array>> arrays;
1676 };
1677 }  // namespace toco