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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include <openssl/sha.h>
18 #include <dirent.h>
19 #include <sys/types.h>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <vector>
24 #include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
25 #include "android-base/strings.h"
27 #include "base/leb128.h"
28 #include "dexopt_test.h"
29 #include "runtime.h"
31 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
33 namespace art {
35 using android::base::StringPrintf;
37 class PatchoatTest : public DexoptTest {
38  public:
ListDirFilesEndingWith(const std::string & dir,const std::string & suffix,std::vector<std::string> * filenames,std::string * error_msg)39   static bool ListDirFilesEndingWith(
40       const std::string& dir,
41       const std::string& suffix,
42       std::vector<std::string>* filenames,
43       std::string* error_msg) {
44     DIR* d = opendir(dir.c_str());
45     if (d == nullptr) {
46       *error_msg = "Failed to open directory";
47       return false;
48     }
49     dirent* e;
50     struct stat s;
51     size_t suffix_len = suffix.size();
52     while ((e = readdir(d)) != nullptr) {
53       if ((strcmp(e->d_name, ".") == 0) || (strcmp(e->d_name, "..") == 0)) {
54         continue;
55       }
56       size_t name_len = strlen(e->d_name);
57       if ((name_len < suffix_len) || (strcmp(&e->d_name[name_len - suffix_len], suffix.c_str()))) {
58         continue;
59       }
60       std::string basename(e->d_name);
61       std::string filename = dir + "/" + basename;
62       int stat_result = lstat(filename.c_str(), &s);
63       if (stat_result != 0) {
64         *error_msg =
65             StringPrintf("Failed to stat %s: stat returned %d", filename.c_str(), stat_result);
66         return false;
67       }
68       if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) {
69         continue;
70       }
71       filenames->push_back(basename);
72     }
73     closedir(d);
74     return true;
75   }
AddRuntimeArg(std::vector<std::string> & args,const std::string & arg)77   static void AddRuntimeArg(std::vector<std::string>& args, const std::string& arg) {
78     args.push_back("--runtime-arg");
79     args.push_back(arg);
80   }
CompileBootImage(const std::vector<std::string> & extra_args,const std::string & image_file_name_prefix,uint32_t base_addr,std::string * error_msg)82   bool CompileBootImage(const std::vector<std::string>& extra_args,
83                         const std::string& image_file_name_prefix,
84                         uint32_t base_addr,
85                         std::string* error_msg) {
86     Runtime* const runtime = Runtime::Current();
87     std::vector<std::string> argv;
88     argv.push_back(runtime->GetCompilerExecutable());
89     AddRuntimeArg(argv, "-Xms64m");
90     AddRuntimeArg(argv, "-Xmx64m");
91     std::vector<std::string> dex_files = GetLibCoreDexFileNames();
92     for (const std::string& dex_file : dex_files) {
93       argv.push_back("--dex-file=" + dex_file);
94       argv.push_back("--dex-location=" + dex_file);
95     }
96     if (runtime->IsJavaDebuggable()) {
97       argv.push_back("--debuggable");
98     }
99     runtime->AddCurrentRuntimeFeaturesAsDex2OatArguments(&argv);
101     AddRuntimeArg(argv, "-Xverify:softfail");
103     if (!kIsTargetBuild) {
104       argv.push_back("--host");
105     }
107     argv.push_back("--image=" + image_file_name_prefix + ".art");
108     argv.push_back("--oat-file=" + image_file_name_prefix + ".oat");
109     argv.push_back("--oat-location=" + image_file_name_prefix + ".oat");
110     argv.push_back(StringPrintf("--base=0x%" PRIx32, base_addr));
111     argv.push_back("--compile-pic");
112     argv.push_back("--multi-image");
113     argv.push_back("--no-generate-debug-info");
115     std::vector<std::string> compiler_options = runtime->GetCompilerOptions();
116     argv.insert(argv.end(), compiler_options.begin(), compiler_options.end());
118     // We must set --android-root.
119     const char* android_root = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT");
120     CHECK(android_root != nullptr);
121     argv.push_back("--android-root=" + std::string(android_root));
122     argv.insert(argv.end(), extra_args.begin(), extra_args.end());
124     return RunDex2OatOrPatchoat(argv, error_msg);
125   }
BasePatchoatCommand(const std::string & input_image_location,off_t base_offset_delta)127   static std::vector<std::string> BasePatchoatCommand(const std::string& input_image_location,
128                                                       off_t base_offset_delta) {
129     Runtime* const runtime = Runtime::Current();
130     std::vector<std::string> argv;
131     argv.push_back(runtime->GetPatchoatExecutable());
132     argv.push_back("--input-image-location=" + input_image_location);
133     argv.push_back(StringPrintf("--base-offset-delta=0x%jx", (intmax_t) base_offset_delta));
134     argv.push_back(StringPrintf("--instruction-set=%s", GetInstructionSetString(kRuntimeISA)));
136     return argv;
137   }
RelocateBootImage(const std::string & input_image_location,const std::string & output_image_directory,off_t base_offset_delta,std::string * error_msg)139   bool RelocateBootImage(const std::string& input_image_location,
140                          const std::string& output_image_directory,
141                          off_t base_offset_delta,
142                          std::string* error_msg) {
143     std::vector<std::string> argv = BasePatchoatCommand(input_image_location, base_offset_delta);
144     argv.push_back("--output-image-directory=" + output_image_directory);
146     return RunDex2OatOrPatchoat(argv, error_msg);
147   }
VerifyBootImage(const std::string & input_image_location,const std::string & output_image_directory,off_t base_offset_delta,std::string * error_msg)149   bool VerifyBootImage(const std::string& input_image_location,
150                        const std::string& output_image_directory,
151                        off_t base_offset_delta,
152                        std::string* error_msg) {
153     std::vector<std::string> argv = BasePatchoatCommand(input_image_location, base_offset_delta);
154     argv.push_back("--output-image-directory=" + output_image_directory);
155     argv.push_back("--verify");
157     return RunDex2OatOrPatchoat(argv, error_msg);
158   }
GenerateBootImageRelFile(const std::string & input_image_location,const std::string & output_rel_directory,off_t base_offset_delta,std::string * error_msg)160   bool GenerateBootImageRelFile(const std::string& input_image_location,
161                                 const std::string& output_rel_directory,
162                                 off_t base_offset_delta,
163                                 std::string* error_msg) {
164     std::vector<std::string> argv = BasePatchoatCommand(input_image_location, base_offset_delta);
165     argv.push_back("--output-image-relocation-directory=" + output_rel_directory);
167     return RunDex2OatOrPatchoat(argv, error_msg);
168   }
RunDex2OatOrPatchoat(const std::vector<std::string> & args,std::string * error_msg)170   bool RunDex2OatOrPatchoat(const std::vector<std::string>& args, std::string* error_msg) {
171     int link[2];
173     if (pipe(link) == -1) {
174       return false;
175     }
177     pid_t pid = fork();
178     if (pid == -1) {
179       return false;
180     }
182     if (pid == 0) {
183       // We need dex2oat to actually log things.
184       setenv("ANDROID_LOG_TAGS", "*:e", 1);
185       dup2(link[1], STDERR_FILENO);
186       close(link[0]);
187       close(link[1]);
188       std::vector<const char*> c_args;
189       for (const std::string& str : args) {
190         c_args.push_back(str.c_str());
191       }
192       c_args.push_back(nullptr);
193       execv(c_args[0], const_cast<char* const*>(c_args.data()));
194       exit(1);
195       UNREACHABLE();
196     } else {
197       close(link[1]);
198       char buffer[128];
199       memset(buffer, 0, 128);
200       ssize_t bytes_read = 0;
202       while (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(bytes_read = read(link[0], buffer, 128)) > 0) {
203         *error_msg += std::string(buffer, bytes_read);
204       }
205       close(link[0]);
206       int status = -1;
207       if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != -1) {
208         return (status == 0);
209       }
210       return false;
211     }
212   }
CompileBootImageToDir(const std::string & output_dir,const std::vector<std::string> & dex2oat_extra_args,uint32_t base_addr,std::string * error_msg)214   bool CompileBootImageToDir(
215       const std::string& output_dir,
216       const std::vector<std::string>& dex2oat_extra_args,
217       uint32_t base_addr,
218       std::string* error_msg) {
219     return CompileBootImage(dex2oat_extra_args, output_dir + "/boot", base_addr, error_msg);
220   }
CopyImageChecksumAndSetPatchDelta(const std::string & src_image_filename,const std::string & dest_image_filename,off_t dest_patch_delta,std::string * error_msg)222   bool CopyImageChecksumAndSetPatchDelta(
223       const std::string& src_image_filename,
224       const std::string& dest_image_filename,
225       off_t dest_patch_delta,
226       std::string* error_msg) {
227     std::unique_ptr<File> src_file(OS::OpenFileForReading(src_image_filename.c_str()));
228     if (src_file.get() == nullptr) {
229       *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to open source image file %s", src_image_filename.c_str());
230       return false;
231     }
232     ImageHeader src_header;
233     if (!src_file->ReadFully(&src_header, sizeof(src_header))) {
234       *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to read source image file %s", src_image_filename.c_str());
235       return false;
236     }
238     std::unique_ptr<File> dest_file(OS::OpenFileReadWrite(dest_image_filename.c_str()));
239     if (dest_file.get() == nullptr) {
240       *error_msg =
241           StringPrintf("Failed to open destination image file %s", dest_image_filename.c_str());
242       return false;
243     }
244     ImageHeader dest_header;
245     if (!dest_file->ReadFully(&dest_header, sizeof(dest_header))) {
246       *error_msg =
247           StringPrintf("Failed to read destination image file %s", dest_image_filename.c_str());
248       return false;
249     }
250     dest_header.SetOatChecksum(src_header.GetOatChecksum());
251     dest_header.SetPatchDelta(dest_patch_delta);
252     if (!dest_file->ResetOffset()) {
253       *error_msg =
254           StringPrintf(
255               "Failed to seek to start of destination image file %s", dest_image_filename.c_str());
256       return false;
257     }
258     if (!dest_file->WriteFully(&dest_header, sizeof(dest_header))) {
259       *error_msg =
260           StringPrintf("Failed to write to destination image file %s", dest_image_filename.c_str());
261       dest_file->Erase();
262       return false;
263     }
264     if (dest_file->FlushCloseOrErase() != 0) {
265       *error_msg =
266           StringPrintf(
267               "Failed to flush/close destination image file %s", dest_image_filename.c_str());
268       return false;
269     }
271     return true;
272   }
ReadFully(const std::string & filename,std::vector<uint8_t> * contents,std::string * error_msg)274   bool ReadFully(
275       const std::string& filename, std::vector<uint8_t>* contents, std::string* error_msg) {
276     std::unique_ptr<File> file(OS::OpenFileForReading(filename.c_str()));
277     if (file.get() == nullptr) {
278       *error_msg = "Failed to open";
279       return false;
280     }
281     int64_t size = file->GetLength();
282     if (size < 0) {
283       *error_msg = "Failed to get size";
284       return false;
285     }
286     contents->resize(size);
287     if (!file->ReadFully(&(*contents)[0], size)) {
288       *error_msg = "Failed to read";
289       contents->clear();
290       return false;
291     }
292     return true;
293   }
BinaryDiff(const std::string & filename1,const std::string & filename2,std::string * error_msg)295   bool BinaryDiff(
296       const std::string& filename1, const std::string& filename2, std::string* error_msg) {
297     std::string read_error_msg;
298     std::vector<uint8_t> image1;
299     if (!ReadFully(filename1, &image1, &read_error_msg)) {
300       *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to read %s: %s", filename1.c_str(), read_error_msg.c_str());
301       return true;
302     }
303     std::vector<uint8_t> image2;
304     if (!ReadFully(filename2, &image2, &read_error_msg)) {
305       *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to read %s: %s", filename2.c_str(), read_error_msg.c_str());
306       return true;
307     }
308     if (image1.size() != image1.size()) {
309       *error_msg =
310           StringPrintf(
311               "%s and %s are of different size: %zu vs %zu",
312               filename1.c_str(),
313               filename2.c_str(),
314               image1.size(),
315               image2.size());
316       return true;
317     }
318     size_t size = image1.size();
319     for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
320       if (image1[i] != image2[i]) {
321         *error_msg =
322             StringPrintf("%s and %s differ at offset %zu", filename1.c_str(), filename2.c_str(), i);
323         return true;
324       }
325     }
327     return false;
328   }
329 };
TEST_F(PatchoatTest,PatchoatRelocationSameAsDex2oatRelocation)331 TEST_F(PatchoatTest, PatchoatRelocationSameAsDex2oatRelocation) {
332 #if defined(ART_USE_READ_BARRIER)
333   // This test checks that relocating a boot image using patchoat produces the same result as
334   // producing the boot image for that relocated base address using dex2oat. To be precise, these
335   // two files will have two small differences: the OAT checksum and base address. However, this
336   // test takes this into account.
338   // Compile boot image into a random directory using dex2oat
339   ScratchFile dex2oat_orig_scratch;
340   dex2oat_orig_scratch.Unlink();
341   std::string dex2oat_orig_dir = dex2oat_orig_scratch.GetFilename();
342   ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir(dex2oat_orig_dir.c_str(), 0700));
343   const uint32_t orig_base_addr = 0x60000000;
344   // Force deterministic output. We want the boot images created by this dex2oat run and the run
345   // below to differ only in their base address.
346   std::vector<std::string> dex2oat_extra_args;
347   dex2oat_extra_args.push_back("--force-determinism");
348   dex2oat_extra_args.push_back("-j1");  // Might not be needed. Causes a 3-5x slowdown.
349   std::string error_msg;
350   if (!CompileBootImageToDir(dex2oat_orig_dir, dex2oat_extra_args, orig_base_addr, &error_msg)) {
351     FAIL() << "CompileBootImage1 failed: " << error_msg;
352   }
354   // Compile a "relocated" boot image into a random directory using dex2oat. This image is relocated
355   // in the sense that it uses a different base address.
356   ScratchFile dex2oat_reloc_scratch;
357   dex2oat_reloc_scratch.Unlink();
358   std::string dex2oat_reloc_dir = dex2oat_reloc_scratch.GetFilename();
359   ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir(dex2oat_reloc_dir.c_str(), 0700));
360   const uint32_t reloc_base_addr = 0x70000000;
361   if (!CompileBootImageToDir(dex2oat_reloc_dir, dex2oat_extra_args, reloc_base_addr, &error_msg)) {
362     FAIL() << "CompileBootImage2 failed: " << error_msg;
363   }
364   const off_t base_addr_delta = reloc_base_addr - orig_base_addr;
366   // Relocate the original boot image using patchoat. The image is relocated by the same amount
367   // as the second/relocated image produced by dex2oat.
368   ScratchFile patchoat_scratch;
369   patchoat_scratch.Unlink();
370   std::string patchoat_dir = patchoat_scratch.GetFilename();
371   ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir(patchoat_dir.c_str(), 0700));
372   std::string dex2oat_orig_with_arch_dir =
373       dex2oat_orig_dir + "/" + GetInstructionSetString(kRuntimeISA);
374   // The arch-including symlink is needed by patchoat
375   ASSERT_EQ(0, symlink(dex2oat_orig_dir.c_str(), dex2oat_orig_with_arch_dir.c_str()));
376   if (!RelocateBootImage(
377       dex2oat_orig_dir + "/boot.art",
378       patchoat_dir,
379       base_addr_delta,
380       &error_msg)) {
381     FAIL() << "RelocateBootImage failed: " << error_msg;
382   }
384   // Assert that patchoat created the same set of .art files as dex2oat
385   std::vector<std::string> dex2oat_image_basenames;
386   std::vector<std::string> patchoat_image_basenames;
387   if (!ListDirFilesEndingWith(dex2oat_reloc_dir, ".art", &dex2oat_image_basenames, &error_msg)) {
388     FAIL() << "Failed to list *.art files in " << dex2oat_reloc_dir << ": " << error_msg;
389   }
390   if (!ListDirFilesEndingWith(patchoat_dir, ".art", &patchoat_image_basenames, &error_msg)) {
391     FAIL() << "Failed to list *.art files in " << patchoat_dir << ": " << error_msg;
392   }
393   std::sort(dex2oat_image_basenames.begin(), dex2oat_image_basenames.end());
394   std::sort(patchoat_image_basenames.begin(), patchoat_image_basenames.end());
395   // .art file names output by patchoat look like tmp@art-data-<random>-<random>@boot*.art. To
396   // compare these with .art file names output by dex2oat we retain only the part of the file name
397   // after the last @.
398   std::vector<std::string> patchoat_image_shortened_basenames(patchoat_image_basenames.size());
399   for (size_t i = 0; i < patchoat_image_basenames.size(); i++) {
400     patchoat_image_shortened_basenames[i] =
401         patchoat_image_basenames[i].substr(patchoat_image_basenames[i].find_last_of("@") + 1);
402   }
403   ASSERT_EQ(dex2oat_image_basenames, patchoat_image_shortened_basenames);
405   // Patch up the dex2oat-relocated image files so that it looks as though they were relocated by
406   // patchoat. patchoat preserves the OAT checksum header field and sets patch delta header field.
407   for (const std::string& image_basename : dex2oat_image_basenames) {
408     if (!CopyImageChecksumAndSetPatchDelta(
409         dex2oat_orig_dir + "/" + image_basename,
410         dex2oat_reloc_dir + "/" + image_basename,
411         base_addr_delta,
412         &error_msg)) {
413       FAIL() << "Unable to patch up " << image_basename << ": " << error_msg;
414     }
415   }
417   // Assert that the patchoat-relocated images are identical to the dex2oat-relocated images
418   for (size_t i = 0; i < dex2oat_image_basenames.size(); i++) {
419     const std::string& dex2oat_image_basename = dex2oat_image_basenames[i];
420     const std::string& dex2oat_image_filename = dex2oat_reloc_dir + "/" + dex2oat_image_basename;
421     const std::string& patchoat_image_filename = patchoat_dir + "/" + patchoat_image_basenames[i];
422     if (BinaryDiff(dex2oat_image_filename, patchoat_image_filename, &error_msg)) {
423       FAIL() << "patchoat- and dex2oat-relocated variants of " << dex2oat_image_basename
424           << " differ: " << error_msg;
425     }
426   }
428   ClearDirectory(dex2oat_orig_dir.c_str(), /*recursive*/ true);
429   ClearDirectory(dex2oat_reloc_dir.c_str(), /*recursive*/ true);
430   ClearDirectory(patchoat_dir.c_str(), /*recursive*/ true);
431   rmdir(dex2oat_orig_dir.c_str());
432   rmdir(dex2oat_reloc_dir.c_str());
433   rmdir(patchoat_dir.c_str());
434 #else
435   LOG(INFO) << "Skipping PatchoatRelocationSameAsDex2oatRelocation";
436   // Force-print to std::cout so it's also outside the logcat.
437   std::cout << "Skipping PatchoatRelocationSameAsDex2oatRelocation" << std::endl;
438 #endif
439 }
441 // These tests check that a boot image relocated using patchoat can be unrelocated
442 // using the .rel file created by patchoat.
443 //
444 // The tests don't work when heap poisoning is enabled because some of the
445 // references are negated. b/72117833 is tracking the effort to have patchoat
446 // and its tests support heap poisoning.
447 class PatchoatVerificationTest : public PatchoatTest {
448  protected:
CreateRelocatedBootImage()449   void CreateRelocatedBootImage() {
450     // Compile boot image into a random directory using dex2oat
451     ScratchFile dex2oat_orig_scratch;
452     dex2oat_orig_scratch.Unlink();
453     dex2oat_orig_dir_ = dex2oat_orig_scratch.GetFilename();
454     ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir(dex2oat_orig_dir_.c_str(), 0700));
455     const uint32_t orig_base_addr = 0x60000000;
456     std::vector<std::string> dex2oat_extra_args;
457     std::string error_msg;
458     if (!CompileBootImageToDir(dex2oat_orig_dir_, dex2oat_extra_args, orig_base_addr, &error_msg)) {
459       FAIL() << "CompileBootImage1 failed: " << error_msg;
460     }
462     // Generate image relocation file for the original boot image
463     std::string dex2oat_orig_with_arch_dir =
464         dex2oat_orig_dir_ + "/" + GetInstructionSetString(kRuntimeISA);
465     // The arch-including symlink is needed by patchoat
466     ASSERT_EQ(0, symlink(dex2oat_orig_dir_.c_str(), dex2oat_orig_with_arch_dir.c_str()));
467     base_addr_delta_ = 0x100000;
468     if (!GenerateBootImageRelFile(
469         dex2oat_orig_dir_ + "/boot.art",
470         dex2oat_orig_dir_,
471         base_addr_delta_,
472         &error_msg)) {
473       FAIL() << "RelocateBootImage failed: " << error_msg;
474     }
476     // Relocate the original boot image using patchoat
477     ScratchFile relocated_scratch;
478     relocated_scratch.Unlink();
479     relocated_dir_ = relocated_scratch.GetFilename();
480     ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir(relocated_dir_.c_str(), 0700));
481     // Use a different relocation delta from the one used when generating .rel files above. This is
482     // to make sure .rel files are not specific to a particular relocation delta.
483     base_addr_delta_ -= 0x10000;
484     if (!RelocateBootImage(
485         dex2oat_orig_dir_ + "/boot.art",
486         relocated_dir_,
487         base_addr_delta_,
488         &error_msg)) {
489       FAIL() << "RelocateBootImage failed: " << error_msg;
490     }
492     // Assert that patchoat created the same set of .art and .art.rel files
493     std::vector<std::string> rel_basenames;
494     std::vector<std::string> relocated_image_basenames;
495     if (!ListDirFilesEndingWith(dex2oat_orig_dir_, ".rel", &rel_basenames, &error_msg)) {
496       FAIL() << "Failed to list *.art.rel files in " << dex2oat_orig_dir_ << ": " << error_msg;
497     }
498     if (!ListDirFilesEndingWith(relocated_dir_, ".art", &relocated_image_basenames, &error_msg)) {
499       FAIL() << "Failed to list *.art files in " << relocated_dir_ << ": " << error_msg;
500     }
501     std::sort(rel_basenames.begin(), rel_basenames.end());
502     std::sort(relocated_image_basenames.begin(), relocated_image_basenames.end());
504     // .art and .art.rel file names output by patchoat look like
505     // tmp@art-data-<random>-<random>@boot*.art, encoding the name of the directory in their name.
506     // To compare these with each other, we retain only the part of the file name after the last @,
507     // and we also drop the extension.
508     std::vector<std::string> rel_shortened_basenames(rel_basenames.size());
509     std::vector<std::string> relocated_image_shortened_basenames(relocated_image_basenames.size());
510     for (size_t i = 0; i < rel_basenames.size(); i++) {
511       rel_shortened_basenames[i] = rel_basenames[i].substr(rel_basenames[i].find_last_of("@") + 1);
512       rel_shortened_basenames[i] =
513           rel_shortened_basenames[i].substr(0, rel_shortened_basenames[i].find("."));
514     }
515     for (size_t i = 0; i < relocated_image_basenames.size(); i++) {
516       relocated_image_shortened_basenames[i] =
517           relocated_image_basenames[i].substr(relocated_image_basenames[i].find_last_of("@") + 1);
518       relocated_image_shortened_basenames[i] =
519           relocated_image_shortened_basenames[i].substr(
520               0, relocated_image_shortened_basenames[i].find("."));
521     }
522     ASSERT_EQ(rel_shortened_basenames, relocated_image_shortened_basenames);
523   }
TearDown()525   virtual void TearDown() {
526     if (!dex2oat_orig_dir_.empty()) {
527       ClearDirectory(dex2oat_orig_dir_.c_str(), /*recursive*/ true);
528       rmdir(dex2oat_orig_dir_.c_str());
529     }
530     if (!relocated_dir_.empty()) {
531       ClearDirectory(relocated_dir_.c_str(), /*recursive*/ true);
532       rmdir(relocated_dir_.c_str());
533     }
534     PatchoatTest::TearDown();
535   }
537   std::string dex2oat_orig_dir_;
538   std::string relocated_dir_;
539   off_t base_addr_delta_;
540 };
542 // Assert that verification works with the .rel files.
TEST_F(PatchoatVerificationTest,Sucessful)543 TEST_F(PatchoatVerificationTest, Sucessful) {
545   CreateRelocatedBootImage();
547   std::string error_msg;
548   if (!VerifyBootImage(
549       dex2oat_orig_dir_ + "/boot.art",
550       relocated_dir_,
551       base_addr_delta_,
552       &error_msg)) {
553     FAIL() << "VerifyBootImage failed: " << error_msg;
554   }
555 }
557 // Corrupt the image file and check that the verification fails gracefully.
TEST_F(PatchoatVerificationTest,CorruptedImage)558 TEST_F(PatchoatVerificationTest, CorruptedImage) {
560   CreateRelocatedBootImage();
562   std::string error_msg;
563   std::string relocated_image_filename;
564   if (!GetDalvikCacheFilename((dex2oat_orig_dir_ + "/boot.art").c_str(),
565                                relocated_dir_.c_str(),
566                                &relocated_image_filename,
567                                &error_msg)) {
568     FAIL() << "Failed to find relocated image file name: " << error_msg;
569   }
570   ASSERT_EQ(truncate(relocated_image_filename.c_str(), sizeof(ImageHeader)), 0)
571     << relocated_image_filename;
573   if (VerifyBootImage(
574       dex2oat_orig_dir_ + "/boot.art",
575       relocated_dir_,
576       base_addr_delta_,
577       &error_msg)) {
578     FAIL() << "VerifyBootImage should have failed since the image was intentionally corrupted";
579   }
580 }
582 // Corrupt the relocation file and check that the verification fails gracefully.
TEST_F(PatchoatVerificationTest,CorruptedRelFile)583 TEST_F(PatchoatVerificationTest, CorruptedRelFile) {
585   CreateRelocatedBootImage();
587   std::string error_msg;
588   std::string art_filename = dex2oat_orig_dir_ + "/boot.art";
589   std::string rel_filename = dex2oat_orig_dir_ + "/boot.art.rel";
590   std::unique_ptr<File> art_file(OS::OpenFileForReading(art_filename.c_str()));
591   std::unique_ptr<File> rel_file(OS::OpenFileReadWrite(rel_filename.c_str()));
592   rel_file->ClearContent();
593   uint8_t buffer[64] = {};
594   ASSERT_TRUE(rel_file->WriteFully(&buffer, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH));
595   // Encode single relocation which is just past the end of the image file.
596   size_t leb_size = EncodeUnsignedLeb128(buffer, art_file->GetLength()) - buffer;
597   ASSERT_TRUE(rel_file->WriteFully(&buffer, leb_size));
598   ASSERT_EQ(rel_file->FlushClose(), 0);
599   ASSERT_EQ(art_file->Close(), 0);
601   if (VerifyBootImage(
602       dex2oat_orig_dir_ + "/boot.art",
603       relocated_dir_,
604       base_addr_delta_,
605       &error_msg)) {
606     FAIL() << "VerifyBootImage should have failed since the rel file was intentionally corrupted";
607   }
608 }
610 }  // namespace art