1"Dialog to specify or edit the parameters for a user configured help source." 2 3import os 4import sys 5 6from Tkinter import * 7import tkMessageBox 8import tkFileDialog 9 10class GetHelpSourceDialog(Toplevel): 11 def __init__(self, parent, title, menuItem='', filePath='', _htest=False): 12 """Get menu entry and url/ local file location for Additional Help 13 14 User selects a name for the Help resource and provides a web url 15 or a local file as its source. The user can enter a url or browse 16 for the file. 17 18 _htest - bool, change box location when running htest 19 """ 20 Toplevel.__init__(self, parent) 21 self.configure(borderwidth=5) 22 self.resizable(height=FALSE, width=FALSE) 23 self.title(title) 24 self.transient(parent) 25 self.grab_set() 26 self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.Cancel) 27 self.parent = parent 28 self.result = None 29 self.CreateWidgets() 30 self.menu.set(menuItem) 31 self.path.set(filePath) 32 self.withdraw() #hide while setting geometry 33 #needs to be done here so that the winfo_reqwidth is valid 34 self.update_idletasks() 35 #centre dialog over parent. below parent if running htest. 36 self.geometry( 37 "+%d+%d" % ( 38 parent.winfo_rootx() + 39 (parent.winfo_width()/2 - self.winfo_reqwidth()/2), 40 parent.winfo_rooty() + 41 ((parent.winfo_height()/2 - self.winfo_reqheight()/2) 42 if not _htest else 150))) 43 self.deiconify() #geometry set, unhide 44 self.bind('<Return>', self.Ok) 45 self.wait_window() 46 47 def CreateWidgets(self): 48 self.menu = StringVar(self) 49 self.path = StringVar(self) 50 self.fontSize = StringVar(self) 51 self.frameMain = Frame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE) 52 self.frameMain.pack(side=TOP, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH) 53 labelMenu = Label(self.frameMain, anchor=W, justify=LEFT, 54 text='Menu Item:') 55 self.entryMenu = Entry(self.frameMain, textvariable=self.menu, 56 width=30) 57 self.entryMenu.focus_set() 58 labelPath = Label(self.frameMain, anchor=W, justify=LEFT, 59 text='Help File Path: Enter URL or browse for file') 60 self.entryPath = Entry(self.frameMain, textvariable=self.path, 61 width=40) 62 self.entryMenu.focus_set() 63 labelMenu.pack(anchor=W, padx=5, pady=3) 64 self.entryMenu.pack(anchor=W, padx=5, pady=3) 65 labelPath.pack(anchor=W, padx=5, pady=3) 66 self.entryPath.pack(anchor=W, padx=5, pady=3) 67 browseButton = Button(self.frameMain, text='Browse', width=8, 68 command=self.browseFile) 69 browseButton.pack(pady=3) 70 frameButtons = Frame(self) 71 frameButtons.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) 72 self.buttonOk = Button(frameButtons, text='OK', 73 width=8, default=ACTIVE, command=self.Ok) 74 self.buttonOk.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5,pady=5) 75 self.buttonCancel = Button(frameButtons, text='Cancel', 76 width=8, command=self.Cancel) 77 self.buttonCancel.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) 78 79 def browseFile(self): 80 filetypes = [ 81 ("HTML Files", "*.htm *.html", "TEXT"), 82 ("PDF Files", "*.pdf", "TEXT"), 83 ("Windows Help Files", "*.chm"), 84 ("Text Files", "*.txt", "TEXT"), 85 ("All Files", "*")] 86 path = self.path.get() 87 if path: 88 dir, base = os.path.split(path) 89 else: 90 base = None 91 if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': 92 dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'Doc') 93 if not os.path.isdir(dir): 94 dir = os.getcwd() 95 else: 96 dir = os.getcwd() 97 opendialog = tkFileDialog.Open(parent=self, filetypes=filetypes) 98 file = opendialog.show(initialdir=dir, initialfile=base) 99 if file: 100 self.path.set(file) 101 102 def MenuOk(self): 103 "Simple validity check for a sensible menu item name" 104 menuOk = True 105 menu = self.menu.get() 106 menu.strip() 107 if not menu: 108 tkMessageBox.showerror(title='Menu Item Error', 109 message='No menu item specified', 110 parent=self) 111 self.entryMenu.focus_set() 112 menuOk = False 113 elif len(menu) > 30: 114 tkMessageBox.showerror(title='Menu Item Error', 115 message='Menu item too long:' 116 '\nLimit 30 characters.', 117 parent=self) 118 self.entryMenu.focus_set() 119 menuOk = False 120 return menuOk 121 122 def PathOk(self): 123 "Simple validity check for menu file path" 124 pathOk = True 125 path = self.path.get() 126 path.strip() 127 if not path: #no path specified 128 tkMessageBox.showerror(title='File Path Error', 129 message='No help file path specified.', 130 parent=self) 131 self.entryPath.focus_set() 132 pathOk = False 133 elif path.startswith(('www.', 'http')): 134 pass 135 else: 136 if path[:5] == 'file:': 137 path = path[5:] 138 if not os.path.exists(path): 139 tkMessageBox.showerror(title='File Path Error', 140 message='Help file path does not exist.', 141 parent=self) 142 self.entryPath.focus_set() 143 pathOk = False 144 return pathOk 145 146 def Ok(self, event=None): 147 if self.MenuOk() and self.PathOk(): 148 self.result = (self.menu.get().strip(), 149 self.path.get().strip()) 150 if sys.platform == 'darwin': 151 path = self.result[1] 152 if path.startswith(('www', 'file:', 'http:')): 153 pass 154 else: 155 # Mac Safari insists on using the URI form for local files 156 self.result = list(self.result) 157 self.result[1] = "file://" + path 158 self.destroy() 159 160 def Cancel(self, event=None): 161 self.result = None 162 self.destroy() 163 164if __name__ == '__main__': 165 from idlelib.idle_test.htest import run 166 run(GetHelpSourceDialog) 167