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1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
5"""Wrapper script to help run clang tools across Chromium code.
7How to use run_tool.py:
8If you want to run a clang tool across all Chromium code:
9run_tool.py <tool> <path/to/compiledb>
11If you want to include all files mentioned in the compilation database
12(this will also include generated files, unlike the previous command):
13run_tool.py <tool> <path/to/compiledb> --all
15If you want to run the clang tool across only chrome/browser and
17run_tool.py <tool> <path/to/compiledb> chrome/browser content/browser
19Please see docs/clang_tool_refactoring.md for more information, which documents
20the entire automated refactoring flow in Chromium.
22Why use run_tool.py (instead of running a clang tool directly):
23The clang tool implementation doesn't take advantage of multiple cores, and if
24it fails mysteriously in the middle, all the generated replacements will be
25lost. Additionally, if the work is simply sharded across multiple cores by
26running multiple RefactoringTools, problems arise when they attempt to rewrite a
27file at the same time.
29run_tool.py will
301) run multiple instances of clang tool in parallel
312) gather stdout from clang tool invocations
323) "atomically" forward #2 to stdout
34Output of run_tool.py can be piped into extract_edits.py and then into
35apply_edits.py. These tools will extract individual edits and apply them to the
36source files. These tools assume the clang tool emits the edits in the
37following format:
38    ...
39    ==== BEGIN EDITS ====
40    r:::<file path>:::<offset>:::<length>:::<replacement text>
41    r:::<file path>:::<offset>:::<length>:::<replacement text>
42    ...etc...
43    ==== END EDITS ====
44    ...
46extract_edits.py extracts only lines between BEGIN/END EDITS markers
47apply_edits.py reads edit lines from stdin and applies the edits
50import argparse
51import functools
52import multiprocessing
53import os
54import os.path
55import re
56import subprocess
57import sys
59script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
60tool_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_dir, '../pylib'))
61sys.path.insert(0, tool_dir)
63from clang import compile_db
66def _GetFilesFromGit(paths=None):
67  """Gets the list of files in the git repository.
69  Args:
70    paths: Prefix filter for the returned paths. May contain multiple entries.
71  """
72  args = []
73  if sys.platform == 'win32':
74    args.append('git.bat')
75  else:
76    args.append('git')
77  args.append('ls-files')
78  if paths:
79    args.extend(paths)
80  command = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
81  output, _ = command.communicate()
82  return [os.path.realpath(p) for p in output.splitlines()]
85def _GetFilesFromCompileDB(build_directory):
86  """ Gets the list of files mentioned in the compilation database.
88  Args:
89    build_directory: Directory that contains the compile database.
90  """
91  return [os.path.join(entry['directory'], entry['file'])
92          for entry in compile_db.Read(build_directory)]
95def _ExecuteTool(toolname, tool_args, build_directory, filename):
96  """Executes the clang tool.
98  This is defined outside the class so it can be pickled for the multiprocessing
99  module.
101  Args:
102    toolname: Name of the clang tool to execute.
103    tool_args: Arguments to be passed to the clang tool. Can be None.
104    build_directory: Directory that contains the compile database.
105    filename: The file to run the clang tool over.
107  Returns:
108    A dictionary that must contain the key "status" and a boolean value
109    associated with it.
111    If status is True, then the generated output is stored with the key
112    "stdout_text" in the dictionary.
114    Otherwise, the filename and the output from stderr are associated with the
115    keys "filename" and "stderr_text" respectively.
116  """
117  args = [toolname, '-p', build_directory, filename]
118  if (tool_args):
119    args.extend(tool_args)
120  command = subprocess.Popen(
121      args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
122  stdout_text, stderr_text = command.communicate()
123  stderr_text = re.sub(
124      r"^warning: .*'linker' input unused \[-Wunused-command-line-argument\]\n",
125      "", stderr_text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
126  if command.returncode != 0:
127    return {'status': False, 'filename': filename, 'stderr_text': stderr_text}
128  else:
129    return {'status': True, 'filename': filename, 'stdout_text': stdout_text,
130            'stderr_text': stderr_text}
133class _CompilerDispatcher(object):
134  """Multiprocessing controller for running clang tools in parallel."""
136  def __init__(self, toolname, tool_args, build_directory, filenames):
137    """Initializer method.
139    Args:
140      toolname: Path to the tool to execute.
141      tool_args: Arguments to be passed to the tool. Can be None.
142      build_directory: Directory that contains the compile database.
143      filenames: The files to run the tool over.
144    """
145    self.__toolname = toolname
146    self.__tool_args = tool_args
147    self.__build_directory = build_directory
148    self.__filenames = filenames
149    self.__success_count = 0
150    self.__failed_count = 0
152  @property
153  def failed_count(self):
154    return self.__failed_count
156  def Run(self):
157    """Does the grunt work."""
158    pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
159    result_iterator = pool.imap_unordered(
160        functools.partial(_ExecuteTool, self.__toolname, self.__tool_args,
161                          self.__build_directory),
162                          self.__filenames)
163    for result in result_iterator:
164      self.__ProcessResult(result)
165    sys.stderr.write('\n')
167  def __ProcessResult(self, result):
168    """Handles result processing.
170    Args:
171      result: The result dictionary returned by _ExecuteTool.
172    """
173    if result['status']:
174      self.__success_count += 1
175      sys.stdout.write(result['stdout_text'])
176      sys.stderr.write(result['stderr_text'])
177    else:
178      self.__failed_count += 1
179      sys.stderr.write('\nFailed to process %s\n' % result['filename'])
180      sys.stderr.write(result['stderr_text'])
181      sys.stderr.write('\n')
182    done_count = self.__success_count + self.__failed_count
183    percentage = (float(done_count) / len(self.__filenames)) * 100
184    sys.stderr.write(
185        'Processed %d files with %s tool (%d failures) [%.2f%%]\r' %
186        (done_count, self.__toolname, self.__failed_count, percentage))
189def main():
190  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
191  parser.add_argument('tool', help='clang tool to run')
192  parser.add_argument('--all', action='store_true')
193  parser.add_argument(
194      '--generate-compdb',
195      action='store_true',
196      help='regenerate the compile database before running the tool')
197  parser.add_argument(
198      'compile_database',
199      help='path to the directory that contains the compile database')
200  parser.add_argument(
201      'path_filter',
202      nargs='*',
203      help='optional paths to filter what files the tool is run on')
204  parser.add_argument(
205      '--tool-args', nargs='*',
206      help='optional arguments passed to the tool')
207  args = parser.parse_args()
209  os.environ['PATH'] = '%s%s%s' % (
210      os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
211          os.path.dirname(__file__),
212          '../../../third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/bin')),
213      os.pathsep,
214      os.environ['PATH'])
216  if args.generate_compdb:
217    compile_db.GenerateWithNinja(args.compile_database)
219  if args.all:
220    source_filenames = set(_GetFilesFromCompileDB(args.compile_database))
221  else:
222    git_filenames = set(_GetFilesFromGit(args.path_filter))
223    # Filter out files that aren't C/C++/Obj-C/Obj-C++.
224    extensions = frozenset(('.c', '.cc', '.cpp', '.m', '.mm'))
225    source_filenames = [f
226                        for f in git_filenames
227                        if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in extensions]
229  dispatcher = _CompilerDispatcher(args.tool, args.tool_args,
230                                   args.compile_database,
231                                   source_filenames)
232  dispatcher.Run()
233  return -dispatcher.failed_count
236if __name__ == '__main__':
237  sys.exit(main())