/development/tools/logblame/ |
D | connectivity_log_test | 9 adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard 10 adb logcat -P "" 12 airplane_mode_was_on=$(adb shell settings get global airplane_mode_on) 14 adb shell settings put global airplane_mode_on 0 > /dev/null 15 adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE > /dev/null 26 adb shell settings put global airplane_mode_on 1 > /dev/null 27 adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE > /dev/null 32 adb shell settings put global airplane_mode_on 0 > /dev/null 33 adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE > /dev/null 38 adb shell svc wifi disable [all …]
D | app_switch_test | 25 adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard 26 adb logcat -P "" 29 airplane_mode_was_on=$(adb shell settings get global airplane_mode_on) 31 adb shell settings put global airplane_mode_on 1 > /dev/null 32 adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE > /dev/null 45 adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN $intent 50 adb shell input keyevent 26 51 adb shell input keyevent 26 52 adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard 58 adb kill-server [all …]
D | power_toggle_test | 10 adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard 11 adb logcat -P "" 20 adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_POWER 22 adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_POWER 24 adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard 29 adb kill-server
D | short_idle_test | 9 adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard
D | medium_idle_test | 9 adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard
/development/python-packages/adb/ |
D | test.py | 20 import adb 38 device = adb.get_device('foo') 45 device = adb.get_device() 52 device = adb.get_device('foo') 58 self.assertRaises(adb.DeviceNotFoundError, adb.get_device, ['baz']) 61 self.assertRaises(adb.DeviceNotFoundError, adb.get_device) 66 device = adb.get_device() 72 self.assertRaises(adb.NoUniqueDeviceError, adb.get_device)
/development/tools/winscope/ |
D | capture_sf_trace.sh | 53 adb shell su root service call SurfaceFlinger 1025 i32 1 >/dev/null 59 adb shell su root service call SurfaceFlinger 1025 i32 0 >/dev/null 64 which adb >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || { echo "ERROR: ADB not found."; exit 1; } 65 adb get-state 2>/dev/null | grep -q device || { echo "ERROR: No device connected or device is unaut… 68 adb shell su root setenforce 0 2>/dev/null >/dev/null 75 adb exec-out su root cat /data/misc/trace/layerstrace.pb >"$outfile"
/development/scripts/ |
D | gdbclient | 20 local candidate=`adb shell getprop ro.hardware | tr -d '\r\n'` 23 candidate=`adb shell getprop ro.product.device | tr -d '\r\n'` 30 …echo `adb shell cat /proc/$1/status | grep -e "^TracerPid:" | sed "s/^TracerPid:[[:blank:]]//" | t… 104 local ID=`adb shell id -u` 110 local EXE=`adb shell readlink /proc/$PID/exe | tr -d '\r\n'` 120 adb pull $EXE $LOCAL_EXE_PATH 135 adb pull /system/bin/linker$USE64BIT $SYMBOLS_DIR/system/bin/linker$USE64BIT 154 local CPU_ABI=`adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abilist | tr -d '\r\n'` 163 adb forward tcp:$PORT tcp:$PORT 165 adb shell gdbserver$USE64BIT :$PORT --attach $PID & [all …]
D | acov | 71 adb pull /data/local/tmp/gcov
/development/tools/privapp_permissions/ |
D | privapp_permissions.py | 140 self.adb = Resources._resolve_adb(adb_path) 148 self.adb.serial = self._resolve_serial(use_device, serial) 150 if self.adb.serial: 151 self.adb.call('root') 152 self.adb.call('wait-for-device') 154 if self.adb.serial is None and not self._is_android_env: 178 adb = adb_path 184 adb = get_output('which adb').strip() 194 get_output('%s start-server' % adb) 195 return Adb(adb) [all …]
/development/python-packages/gdbrunner/ |
D | __init__.py | 19 import adb 68 result.device = adb.get_device(adb_path=adb_path) 70 result.device = adb.get_usb_device(adb_path=adb_path) 72 result.device = adb.get_emulator_device(adb_path=adb_path) 74 result.device = adb.get_device(result.serial, adb_path=adb_path) 75 except (adb.DeviceNotFoundError, adb.NoUniqueDeviceError, RuntimeError): 119 output = adb.split_lines(output.replace("\r", "")) 227 except adb.ShellError: 241 except adb.ShellError: 275 return adb.split_lines(output)[0] [all …]
/development/samples/UiAutomator/ |
D | README | 9 # adb push uiautomator.samples.jar /data/local/tmp 10 …# adb shell uiautomator runtest uiautomator.samples.jar -c com.android.test.uiautomator.demos.Laun… 21 # adb push uiautomator.samples.jar /data/local/tmp 22 …# adb shell uiautomator runtest uiautomator.samples.jar -c com.android.test.uiautomator.demos.LogB… 30 # adb push uiautomator.samples.jar /data/local/tmp 31 …# adb shell uiautomator runtest uiautomator.samples.jar -c com.android.test.uiautomator.demos.SetT…
/development/tools/ |
D | monkey | 237 adb = Adb() variable 249 adb.Run(["root"]) 251 adb.WaitForDevice() 252 adb.Run(["remount"]) 254 adb.WaitForDevice() 255 adb.Shell(["echo ro.audio.silent=1 > /data/local.prop"]) 256 adb.Shell(["chmod 644 /data/local.prop"]) 277 adb.Reboot() 286 level = adb.GetBatteryLevel() 304 adb.Shell(["logcat", "-c", "-b", "main,system,events,crash"]) [all …]
/development/samples/USB/AdbTest/ |
D | README.txt | 1 AdbTest is a sample program that implements a subset of the adb USB protocol. 2 Currently it only implements the "adb logcat" command and displays the log 5 connecting to multiple devices and running multiple adb commands simultaneously.
/development/testrunner/test_defs/ |
D | instrumentation_test.py | 91 def Run(self, options, adb): argument 137 adb_cmd = adb.PreviewInstrumentationCommand( 144 coverage_gen = coverage.CoverageGenerator(adb) 149 self._CheckInstrumentationInstalled(adb) 153 (test_results, status_map) = adb.StartInstrumentationForPackage( 174 self._CheckInstrumentationInstalled(adb) 175 adb.StartInstrumentationNoResults(package_name=self.GetPackageName(), 182 def _CheckInstrumentationInstalled(self, adb): argument 183 if not adb.IsInstrumentationInstalled(self.GetPackageName(),
D | native_test.py | 34 def Run(self, options, adb): argument 88 output = adb.SendShellCommand("'%s 2>&1;echo -n exit code:$?'" % 100 adb.SendShellCommand("rm %s" % full_path)
D | gtest.py | 45 def Run(self, options, adb): argument 63 shell_cmd = adb.PreviewShellCommand(
/development/samples/DeviceAdminWhitelistedAccount/ |
D | README.md | 10 adb install -r -g $OUT/data/app/DeviceAdminWhitelistedAccount/DeviceAdminWhitelistedAccount.apk 23 adb uninstall com.example.android.app.admin.whitelistedaccount
/development/build/ |
D | product_sdk.mk | 32 adb \
/development/tools/templates/ |
D | java_tests_file.template | 11 * adb shell am instrument -w \
/development/samples/USB/AdbTest/src/com/android/adb/ |
D | AdbSocket.java | 17 package com.android.adb;
/development/samples/browseable/WearSpeakerSample/ |
D | _index.jd | 12 on your watch (using "adb").
/development/build/tools/ |
D | patch_windows_sdk.sh | 89 for i in fastboot.exe adb.exe; do
/development/samples/browseable/AutoBackupForApps/ |
D | _index.jd | 13 Executing "adb shell bmgr restore com.example.android.autobackup" from a terminal will cause the
/development/python-packages/ |
D | Android.bp | 18 "adb/*.py",