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2 /*
3  *
4  Copyright (c) Eicon Networks, 2002.
5  *
6  This source file is supplied for the use with
7  Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters.
8  *
9  Eicon File Revision :    2.1
10  *
11  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
14  any later version.
15  *
16  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
20  *
21  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
24  *
25  */
26 #ifndef _DI_DEFS_
27 #define _DI_DEFS_
28 /* typedefs for our data structures                         */
29 typedef struct get_name_s GET_NAME;
30 /*  The entity_s structure is used to pass all
31     parameters between application and IDI   */
32 typedef struct entity_s ENTITY;
33 typedef struct buffers_s BUFFERS;
34 typedef struct postcall_s POSTCALL;
35 typedef struct get_para_s GET_PARA;
36 #define BOARD_NAME_LENGTH 9
37 #define IDI_CALL_LINK_T
38 #define IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T
39 /* typedef void ( * IDI_CALL)(ENTITY *); */
40 /* --------------------------------------------------------
41    IDI_CALL
42    -------------------------------------------------------- */
44 typedef struct {
45 	word length;          /* length of data/parameter field           */
46 	byte P[270];          /* data/parameter field                     */
48 struct get_name_s {
49 	word command;         /* command = 0x0100 */
50 	byte name[BOARD_NAME_LENGTH];
51 };
52 struct postcall_s {
53 	word      command;                           /* command = 0x0300 */
54 	word      dummy;                             /* not used */
55 	void      (*callback)(void *);      /* call back */
56 	void      *context;                          /* context pointer */
57 };
58 #define REQ_PARA            0x0600   /* request command line parameters */
59 #define REQ_PARA_LEN             1   /* number of data bytes */
60 #define L1_STARTUP_DOWN_POS      0   /* '-y' command line parameter in......*/
61 #define L1_STARTUP_DOWN_MSK   0x01   /* first byte position (index 0) with value 0x01 */
62 struct get_para_s {
63 	word  command;            /* command = 0x0600 */
64 	byte  len;                /* max length of para field in bytes */
65 	byte  para[REQ_PARA_LEN]; /* parameter field */
66 };
67 struct buffers_s {
68 	word PLength;
69 	byte *P;
70 };
71 struct entity_s {
72 	byte                  Req;            /* pending request          */
73 	byte                  Rc;             /* return code received     */
74 	byte                  Ind;            /* indication received      */
75 	byte                  ReqCh;          /* channel of current Req   */
76 	byte                  RcCh;           /* channel of current Rc    */
77 	byte                  IndCh;          /* channel of current Ind   */
78 	byte                  Id;             /* ID used by this entity   */
79 	byte                  GlobalId;       /* reserved field           */
80 	byte                  XNum;           /* number of X-buffers      */
81 	byte                  RNum;           /* number of R-buffers      */
82 	BUFFERS               *X;             /* pointer to X-buffer list */
83 	BUFFERS               *R;             /* pointer to R-buffer list */
84 	word                  RLength;        /* length of current R-data */
85 	DBUFFER               *RBuffer;       /* buffer of current R-data */
86 	byte                  RNR;            /* receive not ready flag   */
87 	byte                  complete;       /* receive complete status  */
88 	IDI_CALL              callback;
89 	word                  user[2];
90 	/* fields used by the driver internally                     */
91 	byte                  No;             /* entity number            */
92 	byte                  reserved2;      /* reserved field           */
93 	byte                  More;           /* R/X More flags           */
94 	byte                  MInd;           /* MDATA coding for this ID */
95 	byte                  XCurrent;       /* current transmit buffer  */
96 	byte                  RCurrent;       /* current receive buffer   */
97 	word                  XOffset;        /* offset in x-buffer       */
98 	word                  ROffset;        /* offset in r-buffer       */
99 };
100 typedef struct {
101 	byte                  type;
102 	byte                  channels;
103 	word                  features;
104 	IDI_CALL              request;
106 /* descriptor type field coding */
107 #define IDI_ADAPTER_S           1
108 #define IDI_ADAPTER_PR          2
109 #define IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA        3
110 #define IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA     4
111 #define IDI_VADAPTER            0x40
112 #define IDI_DRIVER              0x80
113 #define IDI_DADAPTER            0xfd
114 #define IDI_DIDDPNP             0xfe
115 #define IDI_DIMAINT             0xff
116 /* Hardware IDs ISA PNP */
117 #define HW_ID_DIVA_PRO     3    /* same as IDI_ADAPTER_DIVA    */
118 #define HW_ID_MAESTRA      4    /* same as IDI_ADAPTER_MAESTRA */
119 #define HW_ID_PICCOLA      5
120 #define HW_ID_DIVA_PRO20   6
121 #define HW_ID_DIVA20       7
122 #define HW_ID_DIVA_PRO20_U 8
123 #define HW_ID_DIVA20_U     9
124 #define HW_ID_DIVA30       10
125 #define HW_ID_DIVA30_U     11
126 /* Hardware IDs PCI */
127 #define HW_ID_EICON_PCI              0x1133
128 #define HW_ID_SIEMENS_PCI            0x8001 /* unused SubVendor ID for Siemens Cornet-N cards */
129 #define HW_ID_PROTTYPE_CORNETN       0x0014 /* SubDevice ID for Siemens Cornet-N cards */
130 #define HW_ID_FUJITSU_SIEMENS_PCI    0x110A /* SubVendor ID for Fujitsu Siemens */
131 #define HW_ID_GS03_PCI               0x0021 /* SubDevice ID for Fujitsu Siemens ISDN S0 card */
132 #define HW_ID_DIVA_PRO20_PCI         0xe001
133 #define HW_ID_DIVA20_PCI             0xe002
134 #define HW_ID_DIVA_PRO20_PCI_U       0xe003
135 #define HW_ID_DIVA20_PCI_U           0xe004
136 #define HW_ID_DIVA201_PCI            0xe005
137 #define HW_ID_DIVA_CT_ST             0xe006
138 #define HW_ID_DIVA_CT_U              0xe007
139 #define HW_ID_DIVA_CTL_ST            0xe008
140 #define HW_ID_DIVA_CTL_U             0xe009
141 #define HW_ID_DIVA_ISDN_V90_PCI      0xe00a
142 #define HW_ID_DIVA202_PCI_ST         0xe00b
143 #define HW_ID_DIVA202_PCI_U          0xe00c
144 #define HW_ID_DIVA_PRO30_PCI         0xe00d
145 #define HW_ID_MAESTRA_PCI            0xe010
146 #define HW_ID_MAESTRAQ_PCI           0xe012
147 #define HW_ID_DSRV_Q8M_V2_PCI        0xe013
148 #define HW_ID_MAESTRAP_PCI           0xe014
149 #define HW_ID_DSRV_P30M_V2_PCI       0xe015
150 #define HW_ID_DSRV_VOICE_Q8M_PCI     0xe016
151 #define HW_ID_DSRV_VOICE_Q8M_V2_PCI  0xe017
152 #define HW_ID_DSRV_B2M_V2_PCI        0xe018
153 #define HW_ID_DSRV_VOICE_P30M_V2_PCI 0xe019
154 #define HW_ID_DSRV_B2F_PCI           0xe01a
155 #define HW_ID_DSRV_VOICE_B2M_V2_PCI  0xe01b
156 /* Hardware IDs USB */
157 #define EICON_USB_VENDOR_ID          0x071D
158 #define HW_ID_DIVA_USB_REV1          0x1000
159 #define HW_ID_DIVA_USB_REV2          0x1003
160 #define HW_ID_TELEDAT_SURF_USB_REV2  0x1004
161 #define HW_ID_TELEDAT_SURF_USB_REV1  0x2000
162 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
163    Adapter array change notification framework
164    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
165 typedef void (IDI_CALL_LINK_T *didd_adapter_change_callback_t)(void IDI_CALL_ENTITY_T *context, DESCRIPTOR *adapter, int removal);
166 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
167 #define DI_VOICE          0x0 /* obsolete define */
168 #define DI_FAX3           0x1
169 #define DI_MODEM          0x2
170 #define DI_POST           0x4
171 #define DI_V110           0x8
172 #define DI_V120           0x10
173 #define DI_POTS           0x20
174 #define DI_CODEC          0x40
175 #define DI_MANAGE         0x80
176 #define DI_V_42           0x0100
177 #define DI_EXTD_FAX       0x0200 /* Extended FAX (ECM, 2D, T.6, Polling) */
178 #define DI_AT_PARSER      0x0400 /* Build-in AT Parser in the L2 */
179 #define DI_VOICE_OVER_IP  0x0800 /* Voice over IP support */
180 typedef void (IDI_CALL_LINK_T *_IDI_CALL)(void *, ENTITY *);
181 #endif