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1 /* $Id: isdnif.h,v 2004/01/12 23:08:35 keil Exp $
2  *
3  * Linux ISDN subsystem
4  * Definition of the interface between the subsystem and its low-level drivers.
5  *
6  * Copyright 1994,95,96 by Fritz Elfert (fritz@isdn4linux.de)
7  * Copyright 1995,96    Thinking Objects Software GmbH Wuerzburg
8  *
9  * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
10  * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
11  *
12  */
14 #ifndef __ISDNIF_H__
15 #define __ISDNIF_H__
18 /*
19  * Values for general protocol-selection
20  */
21 #define ISDN_PTYPE_UNKNOWN   0   /* Protocol undefined   */
22 #define ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6      1   /* german 1TR6-protocol */
23 #define ISDN_PTYPE_EURO      2   /* EDSS1-protocol       */
24 #define ISDN_PTYPE_LEASED    3   /* for leased lines     */
25 #define ISDN_PTYPE_NI1       4   /* US NI-1 protocol     */
26 #define ISDN_PTYPE_MAX       7   /* Max. 8 Protocols     */
28 /*
29  * Values for Layer-2-protocol-selection
30  */
31 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I   0   /* X75/LAPB with I-Frames            */
32 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75UI  1   /* X75/LAPB with UI-Frames           */
33 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75BUI 2   /* X75/LAPB with UI-Frames           */
34 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC   3   /* HDLC                              */
35 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS  4   /* Transparent (Voice)               */
36 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DTE 5   /* X25/LAPB DTE mode                 */
37 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DCE 6   /* X25/LAPB DCE mode                 */
38 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096 7   /* V.110 bitrate adaption 9600 Baud  */
39 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019 8   /* V.110 bitrate adaption 19200 Baud */
40 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038 9   /* V.110 bitrate adaption 38400 Baud */
41 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM  10  /* Analog Modem on Board */
42 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX    11  /* Fax Group 2/3         */
43 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC_56K 12   /* HDLC 56k                          */
44 #define ISDN_PROTO_L2_MAX    15  /* Max. 16 Protocols                 */
46 /*
47  * Values for Layer-3-protocol-selection
48  */
49 #define ISDN_PROTO_L3_TRANS	0	/* Transparent */
50 #define ISDN_PROTO_L3_TRANSDSP	1	/* Transparent with DSP */
51 #define ISDN_PROTO_L3_FCLASS2	2	/* Fax Group 2/3 CLASS 2 */
52 #define ISDN_PROTO_L3_FCLASS1	3	/* Fax Group 2/3 CLASS 1 */
53 #define ISDN_PROTO_L3_MAX	7	/* Max. 8 Protocols */
55 #ifdef __KERNEL__
57 #include <linux/skbuff.h>
59 /***************************************************************************/
60 /* Extensions made by Werner Cornelius (werner@ikt.de)                     */
61 /*                                                                         */
62 /* The proceed command holds a incoming call in a state to leave processes */
63 /* enough time to check whether ist should be accepted.                    */
64 /* The PROT_IO Command extends the interface to make protocol dependent    */
65 /* features available (call diversion, call waiting...).                   */
66 /*                                                                         */
67 /* The PROT_IO Command is executed with the desired driver id and the arg  */
68 /* parameter coded as follows:                                             */
69 /* The lower 8 bits of arg contain the desired protocol from ISDN_PTYPE    */
70 /* definitions. The upper 24 bits represent the protocol specific cmd/stat.*/
71 /* Any additional data is protocol and command specific.                   */
72 /* This mechanism also applies to the statcallb callback STAT_PROT.        */
73 /*                                                                         */
74 /* This suggested extension permits an easy expansion of protocol specific */
75 /* handling. Extensions may be added at any time without changing the HL   */
76 /* driver code and not getting conflicts without certifications.           */
77 /* The well known CAPI 2.0 interface handles such extensions in a similar  */
78 /* way. Perhaps a protocol specific module may be added and separately     */
79 /* loaded and linked to the basic isdn module for handling.                */
80 /***************************************************************************/
82 /*****************/
83 /* DSS1 commands */
84 /*****************/
85 #define DSS1_CMD_INVOKE       ((0x00 << 8) | ISDN_PTYPE_EURO)   /* invoke a supplementary service */
86 #define DSS1_CMD_INVOKE_ABORT ((0x01 << 8) | ISDN_PTYPE_EURO)   /* abort a invoke cmd */
88 /*******************************/
89 /* DSS1 Status callback values */
90 /*******************************/
91 #define DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_RES  ((0x80 << 8) | ISDN_PTYPE_EURO)   /* Result for invocation */
92 #define DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_ERR  ((0x81 << 8) | ISDN_PTYPE_EURO)   /* Error Return for invocation */
93 #define DSS1_STAT_INVOKE_BRD  ((0x82 << 8) | ISDN_PTYPE_EURO)   /* Deliver invoke broadcast info */
96 /*********************************************************************/
97 /* structures for DSS1 commands and callback                         */
98 /*                                                                   */
99 /* An action is invoked by sending a DSS1_CMD_INVOKE. The ll_id, proc*/
100 /* timeout, datalen and data fields must be set before calling.      */
101 /*                                                                   */
102 /* The return value is a positive hl_id value also delivered in the  */
103 /* hl_id field. A value of zero signals no more left hl_id capacitys.*/
104 /* A negative return value signals errors in LL. So if the return    */
105 /* value is <= 0 no action in LL will be taken -> request ignored    */
106 /*                                                                   */
107 /* The timeout field must be filled with a positive value specifying */
108 /* the amount of time the INVOKED process waits for a reaction from  */
109 /* the network.                                                      */
110 /* If a response (either error or result) is received during this    */
111 /* intervall, a reporting callback is initiated and the process will */
112 /* be deleted, the hl identifier will be freed.                      */
113 /* If no response is received during the specified intervall, a error*/
114 /* callback is initiated with timeout set to -1 and a datalen set    */
115 /* to 0.                                                             */
116 /* If timeout is set to a value <= 0 during INVOCATION the process is*/
117 /* immediately deleted after sending the data. No callback occurs !  */
118 /*                                                                   */
119 /* A currently waiting process may be aborted with INVOKE_ABORT. No  */
120 /* callback will occur when a process has been aborted.              */
121 /*                                                                   */
122 /* Broadcast invoke frames from the network are reported via the     */
123 /* STAT_INVOKE_BRD callback. The ll_id is set to 0, the other fields */
124 /* are supplied by the network and not by the HL.                    */
125 /*********************************************************************/
127 /*****************/
128 /* NI1 commands */
129 /*****************/
130 #define NI1_CMD_INVOKE       ((0x00 << 8) | ISDN_PTYPE_NI1)   /* invoke a supplementary service */
131 #define NI1_CMD_INVOKE_ABORT ((0x01 << 8) | ISDN_PTYPE_NI1)   /* abort a invoke cmd */
133 /*******************************/
134 /* NI1 Status callback values */
135 /*******************************/
136 #define NI1_STAT_INVOKE_RES  ((0x80 << 8) | ISDN_PTYPE_NI1)   /* Result for invocation */
137 #define NI1_STAT_INVOKE_ERR  ((0x81 << 8) | ISDN_PTYPE_NI1)   /* Error Return for invocation */
138 #define NI1_STAT_INVOKE_BRD  ((0x82 << 8) | ISDN_PTYPE_NI1)   /* Deliver invoke broadcast info */
140 typedef struct
141   { ulong ll_id; /* ID supplied by LL when executing    */
142 		 /* a command and returned by HL for    */
143                  /* INVOKE_RES and INVOKE_ERR           */
144     int hl_id;   /* ID supplied by HL when called       */
145                  /* for executing a cmd and delivered   */
146                  /* for results and errors              */
147                  /* must be supplied by LL when aborting*/
148     int proc;    /* invoke procedure used by CMD_INVOKE */
149                  /* returned by callback and broadcast  */
150     int timeout; /* timeout for INVOKE CMD in ms        */
151                  /* -1  in stat callback when timed out */
152                  /* error value when error callback     */
153     int datalen; /* length of cmd or stat data          */
154     u_char *data;/* pointer to data delivered or send   */
155   } isdn_cmd_stat;
157 /*
158  * Commands from linklevel to lowlevel
159  *
160  */
161 #define ISDN_CMD_IOCTL    0       /* Perform ioctl                         */
162 #define ISDN_CMD_DIAL     1       /* Dial out                              */
163 #define ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTD  2       /* Accept an incoming call on D-Chan.    */
164 #define ISDN_CMD_ACCEPTB  3       /* Request B-Channel connect.            */
165 #define ISDN_CMD_HANGUP   4       /* Hangup                                */
166 #define ISDN_CMD_CLREAZ   5       /* Clear EAZ(s) of channel               */
167 #define ISDN_CMD_SETEAZ   6       /* Set EAZ(s) of channel                 */
168 #define ISDN_CMD_GETEAZ   7       /* Get EAZ(s) of channel                 */
169 #define ISDN_CMD_SETSIL   8       /* Set Service-Indicator-List of channel */
170 #define ISDN_CMD_GETSIL   9       /* Get Service-Indicator-List of channel */
171 #define ISDN_CMD_SETL2   10       /* Set B-Chan. Layer2-Parameter          */
172 #define ISDN_CMD_GETL2   11       /* Get B-Chan. Layer2-Parameter          */
173 #define ISDN_CMD_SETL3   12       /* Set B-Chan. Layer3-Parameter          */
174 #define ISDN_CMD_GETL3   13       /* Get B-Chan. Layer3-Parameter          */
175 // #define ISDN_CMD_LOCK    14       /* Signal usage by upper levels          */
176 // #define ISDN_CMD_UNLOCK  15       /* Release usage-lock                    */
177 #define ISDN_CMD_SUSPEND 16       /* Suspend connection                    */
178 #define ISDN_CMD_RESUME  17       /* Resume connection                     */
179 #define ISDN_CMD_PROCEED 18       /* Proceed with call establishment       */
180 #define ISDN_CMD_ALERT   19       /* Alert after Proceeding                */
181 #define ISDN_CMD_REDIR   20       /* Redir a incoming call                 */
182 #define ISDN_CMD_PROT_IO 21       /* Protocol specific commands            */
183 #define CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE 22       /* CAPI message send down or up          */
184 #define ISDN_CMD_FAXCMD  23       /* FAX commands to HL-driver             */
185 #define ISDN_CMD_AUDIO   24       /* DSP, DTMF, ... settings               */
187 /*
188  * Status-Values delivered from lowlevel to linklevel via
189  * statcallb().
190  *
191  */
192 #define ISDN_STAT_STAVAIL 256    /* Raw status-data available             */
193 #define ISDN_STAT_ICALL   257    /* Incoming call detected                */
194 #define ISDN_STAT_RUN     258    /* Signal protocol-code is running       */
195 #define ISDN_STAT_STOP    259    /* Signal halt of protocol-code          */
196 #define ISDN_STAT_DCONN   260    /* Signal D-Channel connect              */
197 #define ISDN_STAT_BCONN   261    /* Signal B-Channel connect              */
198 #define ISDN_STAT_DHUP    262    /* Signal D-Channel disconnect           */
199 #define ISDN_STAT_BHUP    263    /* Signal B-Channel disconnect           */
200 #define ISDN_STAT_CINF    264    /* Charge-Info                           */
201 #define ISDN_STAT_LOAD    265    /* Signal new lowlevel-driver is loaded  */
202 #define ISDN_STAT_UNLOAD  266    /* Signal unload of lowlevel-driver      */
203 #define ISDN_STAT_BSENT   267    /* Signal packet sent                    */
204 #define ISDN_STAT_NODCH   268    /* Signal no D-Channel                   */
205 #define ISDN_STAT_ADDCH   269    /* Add more Channels                     */
206 #define ISDN_STAT_CAUSE   270    /* Cause-Message                         */
207 #define ISDN_STAT_ICALLW  271    /* Incoming call without B-chan waiting  */
208 #define ISDN_STAT_REDIR   272    /* Redir result                          */
209 #define ISDN_STAT_PROT    273    /* protocol IO specific callback         */
210 #define ISDN_STAT_DISPLAY 274    /* deliver a received display message    */
211 #define ISDN_STAT_L1ERR   275    /* Signal Layer-1 Error                  */
212 #define ISDN_STAT_FAXIND  276    /* FAX indications from HL-driver        */
213 #define ISDN_STAT_AUDIO   277    /* DTMF, DSP indications                 */
214 #define ISDN_STAT_DISCH   278    /* Disable/Enable channel usage          */
216 /*
217  * Audio commands
218  */
219 #define ISDN_AUDIO_SETDD	0	/* Set DTMF detection           */
220 #define ISDN_AUDIO_DTMF		1	/* Rx/Tx DTMF                   */
222 /*
223  * Values for errcode field
224  */
225 #define ISDN_STAT_L1ERR_SEND 1
226 #define ISDN_STAT_L1ERR_RECV 2
228 /*
229  * Values for feature-field of interface-struct.
230  */
231 /* Layer 2 */
232 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X75I    (0x0001 << ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75I)
233 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X75UI   (0x0001 << ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75UI)
234 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X75BUI  (0x0001 << ISDN_PROTO_L2_X75BUI)
235 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_HDLC    (0x0001 << ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC)
236 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_TRANS   (0x0001 << ISDN_PROTO_L2_TRANS)
237 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X25DTE  (0x0001 << ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DTE)
238 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_X25DCE  (0x0001 << ISDN_PROTO_L2_X25DCE)
239 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11096  (0x0001 << ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11096)
240 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11019  (0x0001 << ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11019)
241 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_V11038  (0x0001 << ISDN_PROTO_L2_V11038)
242 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_MODEM   (0x0001 << ISDN_PROTO_L2_MODEM)
243 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_FAX	(0x0001 << ISDN_PROTO_L2_FAX)
244 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_HDLC_56K (0x0001 << ISDN_PROTO_L2_HDLC_56K)
246 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_MASK    (0x0FFFF) /* Max. 16 protocols */
247 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L2_SHIFT   (0)
249 /* Layer 3 */
250 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L3_TRANS   (0x10000 << ISDN_PROTO_L3_TRANS)
252 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L3_FCLASS2	(0x10000 << ISDN_PROTO_L3_FCLASS2)
253 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L3_FCLASS1	(0x10000 << ISDN_PROTO_L3_FCLASS1)
255 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L3_MASK    (0x0FF0000) /* Max. 8 Protocols */
256 #define ISDN_FEATURE_L3_SHIFT   (16)
258 /* Signaling */
260 #define ISDN_FEATURE_P_1TR6     (0x1000000 << ISDN_PTYPE_1TR6)
261 #define ISDN_FEATURE_P_EURO     (0x1000000 << ISDN_PTYPE_EURO)
262 #define ISDN_FEATURE_P_NI1      (0x1000000 << ISDN_PTYPE_NI1)
264 #define ISDN_FEATURE_P_MASK     (0x0FF000000) /* Max. 8 Protocols */
265 #define ISDN_FEATURE_P_SHIFT    (24)
267 typedef struct setup_parm {
268     unsigned char phone[32];	/* Remote Phone-Number */
269     unsigned char eazmsn[32];	/* Local EAZ or MSN    */
270     unsigned char si1;      /* Service Indicator 1 */
271     unsigned char si2;      /* Service Indicator 2 */
272     unsigned char plan;     /* Numbering plan      */
273     unsigned char screen;   /* Screening info      */
274 } setup_parm;
278 /* T.30 Fax G3 */
280 #define FAXIDLEN 21
282 typedef struct T30_s {
283 	/* session parameters */
284 	__u8 resolution;
285 	__u8 rate;
286 	__u8 width;
287 	__u8 length;
288 	__u8 compression;
289 	__u8 ecm;
290 	__u8 binary;
291 	__u8 scantime;
292 	__u8 id[FAXIDLEN];
293 	/* additional parameters */
294 	__u8 phase;
295 	__u8 direction;
296 	__u8 code;
297 	__u8 badlin;
298 	__u8 badmul;
299 	__u8 bor;
300 	__u8 fet;
301 	__u8 pollid[FAXIDLEN];
302 	__u8 cq;
303 	__u8 cr;
304 	__u8 ctcrty;
305 	__u8 minsp;
306 	__u8 phcto;
307 	__u8 rel;
308 	__u8 nbc;
309 	/* remote station parameters */
310 	__u8 r_resolution;
311 	__u8 r_rate;
312 	__u8 r_width;
313 	__u8 r_length;
314 	__u8 r_compression;
315 	__u8 r_ecm;
316 	__u8 r_binary;
317 	__u8 r_scantime;
318 	__u8 r_id[FAXIDLEN];
319 	__u8 r_code;
320 } __packed T30_s;
322 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_CONN_IN	0
323 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_CONN_OUT	1
325 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_FCON	0
326 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_DIS 	1
327 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_FTT 	2
328 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_MCF 	3
329 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_DCS 	4
330 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_TRAIN_OK	5
331 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_EOP 	6
332 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_EOM 	7
333 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_MPS 	8
334 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_DTC 	9
335 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_RID 	10
336 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_HNG 	11
337 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_DT  	12
338 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_FCON_I	13
339 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_DR  	14
340 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_ET  	15
341 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_CFR 	16
342 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_PTS 	17
343 #define ISDN_TTY_FAX_SENT	18
345 #define ISDN_FAX_PHASE_IDLE	0
346 #define ISDN_FAX_PHASE_A	1
347 #define ISDN_FAX_PHASE_B   	2
348 #define ISDN_FAX_PHASE_C   	3
349 #define ISDN_FAX_PHASE_D   	4
350 #define ISDN_FAX_PHASE_E   	5
352 #endif /* TTY_FAX */
354 #define ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FAE	0
355 #define ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTS	1
356 #define ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FRS	2
357 #define ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTM	3
358 #define ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FRM	4
359 #define ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FTH	5
360 #define ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_FRH	6
361 #define ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_CTRL	7
363 #define ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_OK	0
365 #define ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_NOCARR	2
366 #define ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_ERROR	3
368 #define ISDN_FAX_CLASS1_QUERY	5
370 typedef struct {
371 	__u8	cmd;
372 	__u8	subcmd;
373 	__u8	para[50];
374 } aux_s;
376 #define AT_COMMAND	0
377 #define AT_EQ_VALUE	1
378 #define AT_QUERY	2
379 #define AT_EQ_QUERY	3
381 /* CAPI structs */
383 /* this is compatible to the old union size */
384 #define MAX_CAPI_PARA_LEN 50
386 typedef struct {
387 	/* Header */
388 	__u16 Length;
389 	__u16 ApplId;
390 	__u8 Command;
391 	__u8 Subcommand;
392 	__u16 Messagenumber;
394 	/* Parameter */
395 	union {
396 		__u32 Controller;
397 		__u32 PLCI;
398 		__u32 NCCI;
399 	} adr;
400 	__u8 para[MAX_CAPI_PARA_LEN];
401 } capi_msg;
403 /*
404  * Structure for exchanging above infos
405  *
406  */
407 typedef struct {
408 	int   driver;		/* Lowlevel-Driver-ID            */
409 	int   command;		/* Command or Status (see above) */
410 	ulong arg;		/* Additional Data               */
411 	union {
412 		ulong errcode;	/* Type of error with STAT_L1ERR	*/
413 		int length;	/* Amount of bytes sent with STAT_BSENT	*/
414 		u_char num[50];	/* Additional Data			*/
415 		setup_parm setup;/* For SETUP msg			*/
416 		capi_msg cmsg;	/* For CAPI like messages		*/
417 		char display[85];/* display message data		*/
418 		isdn_cmd_stat isdn_io; /* ISDN IO-parameter/result	*/
419 		aux_s aux;	/* for modem commands/indications	*/
421 		T30_s	*fax;	/* Pointer to ttys fax struct		*/
422 #endif
423 		ulong userdata;	/* User Data */
424 	} parm;
425 } isdn_ctrl;
427 #define dss1_io    isdn_io
428 #define ni1_io     isdn_io
430 /*
431  * The interface-struct itself (initialized at load-time of lowlevel-driver)
432  *
433  * See Documentation/isdn/INTERFACE for a description, how the communication
434  * between the ISDN subsystem and its drivers is done.
435  *
436  */
437 typedef struct {
438   struct module *owner;
440   /* Number of channels supported by this driver
441    */
442   int channels;
444   /*
445    * Maximum Size of transmit/receive-buffer this driver supports.
446    */
447   int maxbufsize;
449   /* Feature-Flags for this driver.
450    * See defines ISDN_FEATURE_... for Values
451    */
452   unsigned long features;
454   /*
455    * Needed for calculating
456    * dev->hard_header_len = linklayer header + hl_hdrlen;
457    * Drivers, not supporting sk_buff's should set this to 0.
458    */
459   unsigned short hl_hdrlen;
461   /*
462    * Receive-Callback using sk_buff's
463    * Parameters:
464    *             int                    Driver-ID
465    *             int                    local channel-number (0 ...)
466    *             struct sk_buff *skb    received Data
467    */
468   void (*rcvcallb_skb)(int, int, struct sk_buff *);
470   /* Status-Callback
471    * Parameters:
472    *             isdn_ctrl*
473    *                   driver  = Driver ID.
474    *                   command = One of above ISDN_STAT_... constants.
475    *                   arg     = depending on status-type.
476    *                   num     = depending on status-type.
477    */
478   int (*statcallb)(isdn_ctrl*);
480   /* Send command
481    * Parameters:
482    *             isdn_ctrl*
483    *                   driver  = Driver ID.
484    *                   command = One of above ISDN_CMD_... constants.
485    *                   arg     = depending on command.
486    *                   num     = depending on command.
487    */
488   int (*command)(isdn_ctrl*);
490   /*
491    * Send data using sk_buff's
492    * Parameters:
493    *             int                    driverId
494    *             int                    local channel-number (0...)
495    *             int                    Flag: Need ACK for this packet.
496    *             struct sk_buff *skb    Data to send
497    */
498   int (*writebuf_skb) (int, int, int, struct sk_buff *);
500   /* Send raw D-Channel-Commands
501    * Parameters:
502    *             u_char pointer data
503    *             int    length of data
504    *             int    driverId
505    *             int    local channel-number (0 ...)
506    */
507   int (*writecmd)(const u_char __user *, int, int, int);
509   /* Read raw Status replies
510    *             u_char pointer data (volatile)
511    *             int    length of buffer
512    *             int    driverId
513    *             int    local channel-number (0 ...)
514    */
515   int (*readstat)(u_char __user *, int, int, int);
517   char id[20];
518 } isdn_if;
520 /*
521  * Function which must be called by lowlevel-driver at loadtime with
522  * the following fields of above struct set:
523  *
524  * channels     Number of channels that will be supported.
525  * hl_hdrlen    Space to preserve in sk_buff's when sending. Drivers, not
526  *              supporting sk_buff's should set this to 0.
527  * command      Address of Command-Handler.
528  * features     Bitwise coded Features of this driver. (use ISDN_FEATURE_...)
529  * writebuf_skb Address of Skbuff-Send-Handler.
530  * writecmd        "    "  D-Channel  " which accepts raw D-Ch-Commands.
531  * readstat        "    "  D-Channel  " which delivers raw Status-Data.
532  *
533  * The linklevel-driver fills the following fields:
534  *
535  * channels      Driver-ID assigned to this driver. (Must be used on all
536  *               subsequent callbacks.
537  * rcvcallb_skb  Address of handler for received Skbuff's.
538  * statcallb        "    "     "    for status-changes.
539  *
540  */
541 extern int register_isdn(isdn_if*);
542 #include <asm/uaccess.h>
544 #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
546 #endif /* __ISDNIF_H__ */