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1# Telephony Core Service<a name="EN-US_TOPIC_0000001152064913"></a>
3-   [Introduction](#section117mcpsimp)
4-   [Directory Structure](#section129mcpsimp)
5-   [Constraints](#section133mcpsimp)
6-   [Available APIs](#section139mcpsimp)
7    -   [APIs for the SIM Card Service](#section142mcpsimp)
8    -   [APIs for the Network Search Service](#section198mcpsimp)
10-   [Usage Guidelines](#section370mcpsimp)
11    -   [Network Search](#section393mcpsimp)
12    -   [SIM Card](#section402mcpsimp)
14-   [Repositories Involved](#section409mcpsimp)
16## Introduction<a name="section117mcpsimp"></a>
18The telephony core service initializes the RIL Manager, SIM card module, and network search module, and provides access to the RIL Adapter service.
20You can implement communication with the RIL Adapter by registering the callback service and implement communication between modules by subscribing to callbacks.
22**Figure  1**  Architecture of the telephony core service<a name="fig5700192716219"></a>
25 ![](figures/en-us_architecture-of-the-core_service-module.png)
27As shown in the preceding figure, the telephony core service consists of the SIM card service, network search service, and RIL Manager service.
29-   SIM card service: Provides services including SIM card initialization, file read/write, loading status notification, and single-SIM/dual-SIM control. These services implement functions such as SIM card status query, SIM card management, SIM card control, STK, contact storage, and SMS storage.
30-   Network search service: Provides services including network registration and network status acquisition. These services offer functions such as network registration, network mode query, radio status query, network search management, signal strength query, cell management, registration status management, and time and time zone setting.
31-   RIL Manager service: Provides the proactive callback service and query result callback service.
33## Directory Structure<a name="section129mcpsimp"></a>
37├── figures                # Resource of Readme
38├── frameworks             # Framework Level Directory
39│   ├── js
40│   └── native
41├── interfaces             # APIs
42│   ├── innerkits          # Internal APIs
43│   └── kits               # External APIs (such as JS APIs)
44├── sa_profile             # Core service startup file directory
45├── services               # Implementation of the telephony core service
46│   ├── etc                # Driver script directory for core services
47│   ├── include
48│   ├── network_search     # Search Network Service Code Directory
49│   ├── sim                # SIM card service code directory
50│   ├── src
51│   └── tel_ril            # Core service and RIL Adapter communication code directory
52├── test                   # Unit test related code
53│   └── unittest
54└── utils
55    ├── common             # Core service log print directory
56    ├── log
57    └── preferences
60## Constraints<a name="section133mcpsimp"></a>
62-   Programming language: C++、JavaScript
63-   In terms of software, this module needs to work with the RIL adapter service \(ril\_adapter\) and status registration service \(state\_registry\).
64-   In terms of hardware, the accommodating device must be equipped with a modem and a SIM card capable of independent cellular communication.
66## Available APIs<a name="section139mcpsimp"></a>
68The telephony core service module needs to provide APIs for related modules, including the SIM card, network search modules.
70### APIs for the SIM Card Service<a name="section142mcpsimp"></a>
72| Interface name                                                     | Interface description                                                    | Required permissions                            |
73| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
74| function getSimState(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<SimState>): void; | Get the SIM card status of the specified slot                                     | None                                  |
75| function getSimGid1(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void; | Get the GID1 of the SIM card in the specified slot (Group Identifier Level 1)           | ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE |
76| function getSimIccId(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void; | Get the ICCID (Integrate Circuit Card Identity) of the SIM card in the specified slot | ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE |
77| function getISOCountryCodeForSim(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void; | Get the ISO country code of the SIM card in the specified slot                                | None                                  |
78| function getSimOperatorNumeric(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void; | Get the PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network) number of the SIM card in the specified slot | None                                  |
79| function getSimSpn(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void; | Get the SPN (Service Provider Name) of the SIM card of the specified slot       | None                                  |
80| function getDefaultVoiceSlotId(callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void; | Get the default card slot of the voice service                                    | None                                  |
81| function isSimActive(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void | Check whether the SIM card in the specified slot is activated                           | None                                  |
82| function hasSimCard(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void  | Check whether the SIM card is inserted into the specified card slot                             | None                                  |
83| function getSimTelephoneNumber(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void | Get the MSISDN (Mobile Station Integrated Services Digital Network) of the SIM card in the specified slot|ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE |
84| function getVoiceMailIdentifier(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void | Get the voicemail identification of the SIM card in the specified slot | ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE | ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE |
85| function getVoiceMailNumber(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void | Get the voice mailbox number of the SIM card in the specified slot | ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE |
86| function getCardType(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<CardType>): void | Check whether the application (caller) has been granted operator privileges | None |
87| function hasOperatorPrivileges(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void | Get the type of SIM card in the specified slot | None |
88| function getMaxSimCount(): number | Get the maximum number of SIM cards that can be used simultaneously on the device, that is, the maximum number of SIM card slots. | None |
89| function getPrimarySlotId(callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void | Get the default primary slot ID | None |
92### APIs for the Network Search Service<a name="section198mcpsimp"></a>
94| Interface name                                                     | Interface description                                                    | Required permissions                            |
95| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
96| function getRadioTech(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<{psRadioTech: RadioTechnology, csRadioTech: RadioTechnology}>): void; | Get the current access technology of the specified card slot | ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO    |
97| function getSignalInformation(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<Array\<SignalInformation>>): void; | Get the signal list of the specified card slot     | None                                  |
98| function getNetworkState(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<NetworkState>): void; | Get the network status of the specified card slot     | ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO    |
99| function getISOCountryCodeForNetwork(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void; | Get the network country code of the specified card slot   | None                                  |
100| function getNetworkSearchInformation(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<NetworkSearchResult>): void; | Get the manual search results of the specified card slot | ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE |
101| function getNetworkSelectionMode(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<NetworkSelectionMode>): void; | Get the network selection mode of the specified card slot     | None                                  |
102| function setNetworkSelectionMode(options: NetworkSelectionModeOptions, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void; | Set the network selection mode of the specified card slot     | ohos.permission.SET_TELEPHONY_STATE |
103| function isRadioOn(callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void; | Determine whether Radio is turned on          | ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO    |
104| function turnOnRadio(callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;  | Turn on Radio                  | ohos.permission.SET_TELEPHONY_STATE |
105| function turnOffRadio(callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void; | Turn off Radio                  | ohos.permission.SET_TELEPHONY_STATE |
106| function getOperatorName(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>): void; | Get the operator name of the specified card slot   | None                                  |
107| function setPreferredNetwork(slotId: number, networkMode: PreferredNetworkMode, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void; | Set the preferred network mode of the specified card slot | None                                  |
108| function getPreferredNetwork(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<PreferredNetworkMode>): void; | Get the preferred network mode of the specified card slot | None                                  |
109| function getCellInformation(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<Array\<CellInformation>>) | Get cell information list           | ohos.permission.LOCATION            |
110| function sendUpdateCellLocationRequest(callback: AsyncCallback\<void>) | Request cell location               | ohos.permission.LOCATION            |
111| function getIMEI(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>) | Get Imei                   | ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE |
112| function getMeId(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>) | Get Meid                   | ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE |
113| function getUniqueDeviceId(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<string>) | Get the unique identification code of the device         | ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE |
114| function getNrOptionMode(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<NrOptionMode>) | Get 5G mode                 | ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE |
115| function isNrSupported: boolean;                             | Whether to support 5g network             | None                                  |
118>The RIL Manager does not provide external APIs and can only be called by modules of the Telephony subsystem.
120## Usage Guidelines<a name="section370mcpsimp"></a>
122### Network Search<a name="section393mcpsimp"></a>
124The function of obtaining the network status is used as an example. The process is as follows:
1261.  Query the SIM card in the slot specified by  **slotId**. If  **slotId**  is not set, information about the primary card is queried by default.
1272.  Call the  **GetNetworkStatus**  method in callback or Promise mode.
1283.  Obtain the network status information. The  **GetNetworkStatus**  method works in asynchronous mode. The execution result is returned through the callback.
130    ```js
131    import radio from "@ohos.telephony.radio";
133    // Set the value of slotId.
134    let slotId = 0;
136    // Call the API in callback mode.
137    radio.GetNetworkStatus(slotId, (err, value) => {
138      if (err) {
139        // If the API call failed, err is not empty.
140        console.error(`failed to GetNetworkStatus because ${err.message}`);
141        return;
142      }
143      // If the API call succeeded, err is empty.
144      console.log(`success to GetNetworkStatus: ${value}`);
145    });
147    // Call the API in Promise mode.
148    let promise = radio.GetNetworkStatus(slotId);
149    promise.then((value) => {
150      // The API call succeeded.
151      console.log(`success to GetNetworkStatus: ${value}`);
152    }).catch((err) => {
153      // The API call failed.
154      console.error(`failed to GetNetworkStatus because ${err.message}`);
155    });
156    ```
159### SIM Card<a name="section402mcpsimp"></a>
161The function of querying the status of a specified SIM card is used as an example. The process is as follows:
1631.  Set the value of  **slotId**.
1642.  Call the  **getSimState**  method in callback or Promise mode to obtain the SIM card status information.
1653.  This method works in asynchronous mode. The execution result is returned through the callback.
167    ```js
168    import sim from "@ohos.telephony.sim";
170    // Set the value of slotId.
171    let slotId = 0;
173    // Call the API in callback mode.
174    sim.getSimState(slotId, (err, value) => {
175      if (err) {
176        // If the API call failed, err is not empty.
177        console.error(`failed to getSimState because ${err.message}`);
178        return;
179      }
180      // If the API call succeeded, err is empty.
181      console.log(`success to getSimState: ${value}`);
182    });
184    // Call the API in Promise mode.
185    let promise = sim.getSimState(slotId);
186    promise.then((value) => {
187      // The API call succeeded.
188      console.log(`success to getSimState: ${value}`);
189    }).catch((err) => {
190      // The API call failed.
191      console.error(`failed to getSimState because ${err.message}`);
192    });
193    ```
196## Repositories Involved<a name="section409mcpsimp"></a>