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1# Pin
4## Overview
6### Pin
7The pin, also called pin controller, manages pin resources of system on a chip (SoC) vendors and provides the pin multiplexing function.
9### Basic Concepts
11Pin, as a software concept, provides APIs for uniformly managing the pins from different SoC vendors, providing the pin multiplexing function, and configuring the electrical features of pins.
13- SoC
15  An SOC is a chip that integrates microprocessors, analog IP cores, digital IP cores, and memory for specific purposes.
17- Pin multiplexing
19  When the number of pins of a chip cannot handle the increasing connection requests, you can set the software registers to make the pins to work in different states.
21### Working Principles
23In the HDF, the pin module does not support the user mode and therefore does not need to publish services. It uses the service-free mode in interface adaptation. The service-free mode applies to the devices that do not provide user-mode APIs or the OS that does not distinguish the user mode and the kernel mode. The **DevHandle**, a void pointer, directly points to the kernel mode address of the device object.
25The pin module is divided into the following layers:
27- Interface layer: provides APIs for obtaining a pin, setting or obtaining the pull type, pull strength, and functions of a pin, and releasing a pin.
28- Core layer: provides the capabilities of matching pin resources and adding, removing, and managing pin controllers. The core layer interacts with the adaptation layer by using hooks.
29- Adaptation layer: instantiates hooks to implement specific functions.
31**Figure 1** Service-free mode
35### Constraints
37Currently, the pin module supports only the kernels (LiteOS) of mini and small systems.
39## Development Guidelines
41### When to Use
43The pin module is used to manage pin resources. When the devices from SoC vendors interconnect with the HDF, the pin driver needs to be adapted.
45### Available APIs
47The **PinCntlrMethod** APIs are used to call the functions of the pin driver.
48**PinCntlrMethod** definition:
51struct PinCntlrMethod {
52    int32_t (*SetPinPull)(struct PinCntlr *cntlr, uint32_t index, enum PinPullType pullType);
53    int32_t (*GetPinPull)(struct PinCntlr *cntlr, uint32_t index, enum PinPullType *pullType);
54    int32_t (*SetPinStrength)(struct PinCntlr *cntlr, uint32_t index, uint32_t strength);
55    int32_t (*GetPinStrength)(struct PinCntlr *cntlr, uint32_t index, uint32_t *strength);
56    int32_t (*SetPinFunc)(struct PinCntlr *cntlr, uint32_t index, const char *funcName);
57    int32_t (*GetPinFunc)(struct PinCntlr *cntlr, uint32_t index, const char **funcName);
61**Table 1** APIs for the members in the PinCntlrMethod structure
63| API    | Input Parameter                                       | Output Parameter                                  | Return Value| Description|
64| ------------ | ------------------------------------------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
65| SetPinPull | **cntlr**: structure pointer to the pin controller at the core layer.<br>**index**: pin index, which is a uint32_t variable.<br>**pullType**: pull type of the pin. It is an enum constant.| -|HDF_STATUS|Sets the pull type of a pin.|
66| GetPinPull | **cntlr**: structure pointer to the pin controller at the core layer.<br>**index**: pin index, which is a uint32_t variable.| **pullType**: pointer to the pull type of the pin.| HDF_STATUS| Obtains the pull type of a pin.|
67| SetPinStrength | **cntlr**: structure pointer to the pin controller at the core layer.<br>**index**: pin index, which is a uint32_t variable.<br>**strength**: pull strength of the pin. It is a uint32_t variable.| -| HDF_STATUS| Sets the pull strength of a pin.|
68| GetPinStrength | **cntlr**: structure pointer to the pin controller at the core layer.<br>**index**: pin index, which is a uint32_t variable.| **strength**: pointer to the pull strength of the pin.| HDF_STATUS| Obtains the pull strength of a pin.|
69| SetPinFunc | **cntlr**: structure pointer to the pin controller at the core layer.<br>**index**: pin index, which is a uint32_t variable.<br>**funcName**: char pointer to the pin function.| -| HDF_STATUS| Sets the pin function.|
70| GetPinFunc | **cntlr**: structure pointer to the pin controller at the core layer.<br>**index**: pin index, which is a uint32_t variable.| **funcName**: char double pointer to the pin function.| HDF_STATUS| Obtains the pin function.|
72### How to Develop
74The pin module adaptation procedure is as follows:
76- Instantiate the driver entry.
77- Configure attribute files.
78- Instantiate the core layer APIs.
79- Debug the driver.
811. Instantiate the driver entry.
83   - Instantiate the **HdfDriverEntry** structure.
84     Instantiate the driver entry. The driver entry must be a global variable of the **HdfDriverEntry** type (defined in **hdf_device_desc.h**), and the value of **moduleName** must be the same as that in **device_info.hcs**.
86   - Call **HDF_INIT** to register the **HdfDriverEntry** instance with the HDF.
87     Generally, the HDF calls the **Init()** function to load the driver. If **Init()** fails to be called, the HDF calls **Release()** to release driver resources and exit.
89        ```c
90        static struct HdfDriverEntry g_hi35xxPinDriverEntry = {
91            .moduleVersion = 1,
92            .Bind = Hi35xxPinBind,
93            .Init = Hi35xxPinInit,
94            .Release = Hi35xxPinRelease,
95            .moduleName = "hi35xx_pin_driver",// (Mandatory) The value must be the same as that of moduleName in the .hcs file.
96        };
97        HDF_INIT(g_hi35xxPinDriverEntry);// Call HDF_INIT to register the driver entry with the HDF.
98        ```
1002. Configure attribute files.
101   - Add the device node description to the **vendor/hisilicon/hispark_taurus/hdf_config/device_info/device_info.hcs** file.
102        ```c
103        root {
104            device_info {
105                platform :: host {
106                    hostName = "platform_host";
107                    priority = 50;
108                    device_pin :: device {
109                        device0:: deviceNode {   // Set an HDF device node for each pin controller.
110                            policy = 0;			  // 2: visible in user mode; 1: visible in kernel mode; 0: no service required.
111                            priority = 10;        // Driver startup priority.
112                            permission = 0644;    // Permission to create device nodes for the driver.
113                            /* (Mandatory) Driver name, which must be the same as the moduleName in the driver entry. */
114                            moduleName = "hi35xx_pin_driver";
115                            /* (Mandatory) Set the controller private data, which must be same as that in pin_config.hcs. */
116                            deviceMatchAttr = "hisilicon_hi35xx_pin_0";
117                        }
118                        device1 :: deviceNode {
119                            policy = 0;
120                            priority = 10;
121                            permission = 0644;
122                            moduleName = "hi35xx_pin_driver";
123                            deviceMatchAttr = "hisilicon_hi35xx_pin_1";
124                        }
125                        ......
126                    }
127                }
128            }
129        }
130        ```
131   - Add the **pin_config.hcs** file.
132     Configure the device attributes in the **device/soc/hisilicon/hi3516dv300/sdk_liteos/hdf_config/pin/pin_config.hcs** file. The parameters are set as follows:
133        ```c
134        root {
135            platform {
136                pin_config_hi35xx {
137                    template pin_controller {    // (Mandatory) Template configuration. In the template, you can configure the common parameters shared by device nodes.
138                        number = 0;              // (Mandatory) Controller ID.
139                        regStartBasePhy = 0;     // (Mandatory) Start physical base address of the register.
140                        regSize = 0;           // (Mandatory) Register bit width.
141                        PinCount = 0;            // (Mandatory) Number of pins.
142                        match_attr = "";
143                        template pin_desc {
144                            pinName = "";        // (Mandatory) Name of the pin.
145                            init = 0;           // (Mandatory) Default value of the register.
146                            F0 = "";             // (Mandatory) Function 0.
147                            F1 = "";             // Function 1.
148                            F2 = "";             // Function 2.
149                            F3 = "";             // Function 3.
150                            F4 = "";             // Function 4.
151                            F5 = "";             // Function 5.
152                        }
153                    }
154                    controller_0 :: pin_controller {
155                        number = 0;
156                        regStartBasePhy = 0x10FF0000;
157                        regSize = 0x48;
158                        pinCount = 18;
159                        match_attr = "hisilicon_hi35xx_pin_0";
160                        T1 :: pin_desc {
161                            pinName = "T1";
162                            init = 0x0600;
163                            F0 = "EMMC_CLK";
164                            F1 = "SFC_CLK";
165                            F2 = "SFC_BOOT_MODE";
166                        }
167                        ...... // Correspond to the pins of the pin controller. Add pins according to actual situation.
168                    }
169                    ...// Each pin controller corresponds to a controller node. If there are multiple pin controllers, add the corresponding controller nodes one by one.
170                }
171            }
172        }
173        ```
1753. Instantiate the pin controller object.
176   - Initialize the **PinCntlr** object.
177     Call **Hi35xxPinCntlrInit** to initialize the **PinCntlr** members.
179        ```c
180        struct Hi35xxPinDesc {
181            // Pin name.
182            const char *pinName;
183            // Initial value.
184            uint32_t init;
185            // Index of the pin.
186            uint32_t index;
187            // Pull type of the pin.
188            int32_t pullType;
189            // Pull strength of the pin.
190            int32_t strength;
191            // Array of pin function names.
192            const char *func[HI35XX_PIN_FUNC_MAX];
193        };
195        struct Hi35xxPinCntlr {
196            // Pin controller.
197            struct PinCntlr cntlr;
198            // Pointer to the pin description structure.
199            struct Hi35xxPinDesc *desc;
200            // Register mapping address.
201            volatile unsigned char *regBase;
202            // ID of the pin controller.
203            uint16_t number;
204            // Start address of the register physical base addresses.
205            uint32_t regStartBasePhy;
206            // Register bit width.
207            uint32_t regSize;
208            // Number of pins.
209            uint32_t pinCount;
210        };
212        // PinCntlr is the controller structure at the core layer. Its members are assigned with values by using the Init() function.
213        struct PinCntlr {
214            struct IDeviceIoService service;
215            struct HdfDeviceObject *device;
216            struct PinCntlrMethod *method;
217            struct DListHead node; // Node in the linked list.
218            OsalSpinlock spin;      // Spinlock.
219            uint16_t number;       // ID of the pin controller.
220            uint16_t pinCount;      // Number of pins.
221            struct PinDesc *pins;
222            void *priv;             // Private data.
223        };
225        // Initialize PinCntlr.
226        static int32_t Hi35xxPinCntlrInit(struct HdfDeviceObject *device, struct Hi35xxPinCntlr *hi35xx)
227        {
228            struct DeviceResourceIface *drsOps = NULL;
229            int32_t ret;
230            // Read the pin controller attributes from the .hcs file.
231            drsOps = DeviceResourceGetIfaceInstance(HDF_CONFIG_SOURCE);
232            if (drsOps == NULL || drsOps->GetUint32 == NULL || drsOps->GetUint16 == NULL) {
233                HDF_LOGE("%s: invalid drs ops fail!", __func__);
234                return HDF_FAILURE;
235            }
236            ret = drsOps->GetUint16(device->property, "number", &hi35xx->number, 0);
237            if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) {
238                HDF_LOGE("%s: read number failed", __func__);
239                return ret;
240            }
242            ret = drsOps->GetUint32(device->property, "regStartBasePhy", &hi35xx->regStartBasePhy, 0);
243            if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) {
244                HDF_LOGE("%s: read regStartBasePhy failed", __func__);
245                return ret;
246            }
247            ret = drsOps->GetUint32(device->property, "regSize", &hi35xx->regSize, 0);
248            if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) {
249                HDF_LOGE("%s: read regSize failed", __func__);
250                return ret;
251            }
252            ret = drsOps->GetUint32(device->property, "pinCount", &hi35xx->pinCount, 0);
253            if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) {
254                HDF_LOGE("%s: read pinCount failed", __func__);
255                return ret;
256            }
257            // Assign the values read to the members of the pin controller to initialize the pin controller.
258            hi35xx->cntlr.pinCount = hi35xx->pinCount;
259            hi35xx->cntlr.number = hi35xx->number;
260            hi35xx->regBase = OsalIoRemap(hi35xx->regStartBasePhy, hi35xx->regSize); // Pin controller mapping.
261            if (hi35xx->regBase == NULL) {
262                HDF_LOGE("%s: remap Pin base failed", __func__);
263                return HDF_ERR_IO;
264            }
265            hi35xx->desc = (struct Hi35xxPinDesc *)OsalMemCalloc(sizeof(struct Hi35xxPinDesc) * hi35xx->pinCount);
266            hi35xx->cntlr.pins = (struct PinDesc *)OsalMemCalloc(sizeof(struct PinDesc) * hi35xx->pinCount);
267            return HDF_SUCCESS;
268        }
269        ```
271   - Instantiate the callback structure **PinCntlrMethod** in **PinCntlr**. Other members are initialized by using the **Init()** function.
273        ```c
274        // The members of the PinCntlrMethod structure are all callbacks. Vendors need to implement the corresponding functions according to Table 1.
275        static struct PinCntlrMethod g_method = {
276            .SetPinPull = Hi35xxPinSetPull,              // Set the pull type.
277            .GetPinPull = Hi35xxPinGetPull,             // Obtains the pull type.
278            .SetPinStrength = Hi35xxPinSetStrength,      // Set the pull strength.
279            .GetPinStrength = Hi35xxPinGetStrength,      // Obtains the pull strength.
280            .SetPinFunc = Hi35xxPinSetFunc,              // Set the pin functions.
281            .GetPinFunc = Hi35xxPinGetFunc,              // Obtain the pin functions.
282        };
283        ```
285   - **Init()** function
287        Input parameters:
288        **HdfDeviceObject**, an interface parameter exposed by the driver, contains the .hcs information.
290        Return value:
291        **HDF\_STATUS** (The following table lists some states. For more details, see **HDF\_STATUS** in **/drivers/framework/include/utils/hdf\_base.h**.)
293        | **State**          | **Description**  |
294        | ---------------------- | -------------- |
295        | HDF_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT | Invalid controller object.|
296        | HDF_ERR_MALLOC_FAIL    | Failed to allocate memory.  |
297        | HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM  | Invalid parameter.      |
298        | HDF_ERR_IO             | I/O error.      |
299        | HDF_SUCCESS            | Initialization successful.    |
300        | HDF_FAILURE            | Initialization failed.    |
302        Function description:
303        Initializes the custom structure object and **PinCntlr** members, and connects to the pin controller by calling the **PinCntlrAdd()** function.
305        ```c
306        static int32_t Hi35xxPinReadFunc(struct Hi35xxPinDesc *desc, const struct DeviceResourceNode *node, struct DeviceResourceIface *drsOps)
307        {
308            int32_t ret;
309            uint32_t funcNum = 0;
310            // Read the pin function names of the pin controller child nodes from the .hcs file.
311            ret = drsOps->GetString(node, "F0", &desc->func[funcNum], "NULL");
312            if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) {
313                HDF_LOGE("%s: read F0 failed", __func__);
314                return ret;
315            }
317            funcNum++;
318            ret = drsOps->GetString(node, "F1", &desc->func[funcNum], "NULL");
319            if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) {
320                HDF_LOGE("%s: read F1 failed", __func__);
321                return ret;
322            }
324            funcNum++;
325            ......
326            return HDF_SUCCESS;
327        }
329        static int32_t Hi35xxPinParsePinNode(const struct DeviceResourceNode *node, struct Hi35xxPinCntlr *hi35xx, int32_t index)
330        {
331            int32_t ret;
332            struct DeviceResourceIface *drsOps = NULL;
333            // Read the pin attributes of the pin controller child nodes from the .hcs file.
334            drsOps = DeviceResourceGetIfaceInstance(HDF_CONFIG_SOURCE);
335            if (drsOps == NULL || drsOps->GetUint32 == NULL || drsOps->GetString == NULL) {
336                HDF_LOGE("%s: invalid drs ops fail!", __func__);
337                return HDF_FAILURE;
338            }
339            ret = drsOps->GetString(node, "pinName", &hi35xx->desc[index].pinName, "NULL");
340            if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) {
341                HDF_LOGE("%s: read pinName failed", __func__);
342                return ret;
343            }
344            ......
345            ret = Hi35xxPinReadFunc(&hi35xx->desc[index], node, drsOps);
346            if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) {
347                HDF_LOGE("%s:Pin read Func failed", __func__);
348                return ret;
349            }
350            hi35xx->cntlr.pins[index].pinName = hi35xx->desc[index].pinName;
351            hi35xx->cntlr.pins[index].priv = (void *)node;
352            ......
353            return HDF_SUCCESS;
354        }
356        static int32_t Hi35xxPinInit(struct HdfDeviceObject *device)
357        {
358            ......
359            struct Hi35xxPinCntlr *hi35xx = NULL;
360            ......
361            ret = Hi35xxPinCntlrInit(device, hi35xx);    // Initialize the pin controller.
362            ......
363            DEV_RES_NODE_FOR_EACH_CHILD_NODE(device->property, childNode) { // Traverses each child node of the pin controller.
364                ret = Hi35xxPinParsePinNode(childNode, hi35xx, index); // Parsing the child nodes.
365                ......
366            }
368            hi35xx->cntlr.method = &g_method;   // Instantiate method.
369            ret = PinCntlrAdd(&hi35xx->cntlr);   // Connect to the controller.
370            if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) {
371                HDF_LOGE("%s: add Pin cntlr: failed", __func__);
372                ret = HDF_FAILURE;
373            }
374            return HDF_SUCCESS;
375        }
376        ```
378   - **Release()** function
380        Input parameters:
382        **HdfDeviceObject**, an interface parameter exposed by the driver, contains the .hcs information.
384        Return value:
388        Function description:
390        Releases memory and deletes the controller. This function assigns a value to the **Release** API in the driver entry structure. If the HDF fails to call the **Init()** function to initialize the driver, the **Release()** function can be called to release driver resources.
392        ```c
393        static void Hi35xxPinRelease(struct HdfDeviceObject *device)
394        {
395            int32_t ret;
396            uint16_t number;
397            struct PinCntlr *cntlr = NULL;
398            struct Hi35xxPinCntlr *hi35xx = NULL;
399            struct DeviceResourceIface *drsOps = NULL;
401            if (device == NULL || device->property == NULL) {
402                HDF_LOGE("%s: device or property is null", __func__);
403                return;
404            }
405            // Read the pin controller ID from the .hcs file.
406            drsOps = DeviceResourceGetIfaceInstance(HDF_CONFIG_SOURCE);
407            if (drsOps == NULL || drsOps->GetUint32 == NULL || drsOps->GetString == NULL) {
408                HDF_LOGE("%s: invalid drs ops", __func__);
409                return;
410            }
411            ret = drsOps->GetUint16(device->property, "number", &number, 0);
412            if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) {
413                HDF_LOGE("%s: read cntlr number failed", __func__);
414                return;
415            }
417            cntlr = PinCntlrGetByNumber(number);   // Obtain the pin controller based on the controller ID.
418            PinCntlrRemove(cntlr);
419            hi35xx = (struct Hi35xxPinCntlr *)cntlr;
420            if (hi35xx != NULL) {
421                if (hi35xx->regBase != NULL) {
422                    OsalIoUnmap((void *)hi35xx->regBase);
423                }
424                OsalMemFree(hi35xx);
425            }
426        }
427        ```
4284. Debug the driver.
429   (Optional) Verify basic functionalities of new drivers. For example, verify the information returned when the driver is loaded and whether data is successfully transmitted.